July 25-31
Song 111
Does God Have a Name?: (15 min.) Start by playing the jw.org video Does God Have a Name? (Look under PUBLICATIONS > BOOKS & BROCHURES. Then locate the Good News brochure. The video is found under the lesson entitled “Who Is God?”) Then consider the following questions: How can this video be used when witnessing informally, publicly, and from house to house? What good experiences have you had using this video?
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 20 ¶14-26 and the chapter review
Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
Song 143 and Prayer
Reminder: Play the music through once, and then ask the congregation to sing the new song.
July 25-31
“De Ọmwa Nọ Ghi Hiunsi Sẹ Vbe Arrọọ Ọghuẹ?”: (Ifuanro 10)
Psm 83:1-5—Evbọ hiunsi sẹ vbe arrọọ ọghomwa keghi re nọ dekaan eni ọghe Jehova kevbe ọdakha ọghẹe nọ yo sẹ (w08 10/15 13 okhuẹn 7-8)
Psm 83:16—Imudiase kevbe iziengbe ọghe ima keghi rhie uyi ye eni e Jehova (w08 10/15 15 okhuẹn 16)
Psm 83:17, 18—E Jehova ẹre ọ ghi hiunsi sẹ vbe agbọn kevbe ẹrinmwi (w11 5/15 16 okhuẹn 1-2; w08 10/15 15-16 okhuẹn 17-18)
Gualọ Emwi Ewe Ọghe Orhiọn: (Ifuanro 8)
Psm 79:9—De emwi ne ako na ma ima re vbekpae erhunmwu ne ima na? (w06 7/15 12 okhuẹn 5)
Psm 86:5—De vbene Jehova ya re ọmwa nọ ‘muegbe nọ ya yabọ’ hẹ? (w06 7/15 12 okhuẹn 9)
De emwi ne Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na, ma imẹ re vbekpae Jehova?
De uhunmwu ẹmwẹ eso ni rre Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na, ne I gha sẹtin loo vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọma?
E Baibol Na Tie: (Ifuanro 4 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) Psm 85:8–86:17
Otuẹ Nokaro: (Ifuanro 2 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) fg iruẹmwi 7 okhuẹn 1
Atuẹ Werriegbe: (Ifuanro 4 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) fg iruẹmwi 7 okhuẹn 3
E Baibol Na Gu Ọmwa Ruẹ: (Ifuanro 6 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) fg iruẹmwi 7 okhuẹn 7-8
Ihuan 111
Osanobua Mwẹ Eni Ra?: (Ifuanro 15) A ghi ka kpee ne vidio nọ rre jw.org. (Ghee ototo AVBE EBE KEVBE EVBA KPEE > AVBE EBE KEVBE EBE UGHUGHAN. Iyeke ọni, u ghi gualọ ne ebe ẹmu Iyẹn Nọma. E vidio na rre ototọ ne uhunmwuta “De Ọmwa ne Osanobua Khin”) Vbe iyeke ọni, a ghi ziro yan avbe inọta na: De vbene ima khian ya loo e vidio na hẹ vbe ikporhu ọghe ẹkpotọ nọ rhirhi kie, ra vbe ima gha rre ikporhu ọghe adesẹ orere kevbe ọghe owa yasẹ owa? De emwi ẹwaẹn eso ne u he miẹn ke obọ ne u ke loo e vidio na?
Iruẹmwi E Baibol Ọghe Iko: (Ifuanro 30) ia uhunmwu ebe 20 okhuẹn 14-26, ogbewerriẹ nọ rre ipapa 179
Ogbewerriẹ Ọghe Uzọla Na Kevbe Evba Yaro Yi vbe Uzọla Nọ Dee (Ifuanro 3)
Ihuan 143 Kevbe Erhunmwu
Ayere: Lahọ kpee ne ẹgiọn uhukpa ke omuhẹn ya sẹ ufomwẹ, vbe iyeke ọni, u ghi tama emwa hia ni rre iko ne iran so ne ihuan ọgbọn.