TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD | PSALMS 52-59 “Throw Your Burden on Jehovah”David experienced many devastating trials during his life. By the time Psalm 55 was composed, he had suffered such things as . . .
Even when his burdens seemed unbearable, David found a way to cope with them. For any who might feel the same way, David gives this inspired advice: “Throw your burden on Jehovah.” How can we apply this verse today?
EMWI EWE NI RRE UWU ẸMWẸ ỌGHE OSANOBUA | PSALMS 52-59 ‘Zẹ Ọlọghọmwa Ruẹ Obọ Ne Jehova’E Devid wa miẹn edanmwẹ ni wegbe nibun vbọ rre agbọn. Oya ne irẹn re a te miẹn wẹẹ a gbẹn Psalm 55 ọre wẹẹ . . .
Uhiẹn vbe avbe ọlọghọmwa na ye lẹlẹlẹ vbe uhunmwu ẹnrẹn, e Devid na ye sẹtin lae gberra. Ibude ne Osanobua ghi loo e Devid ya rhie ne emwa ni ghi rre egbe ọlọghọmwa vberriọ ọre: ‘Zẹ ọlọghọmwa ruẹ obọ ne Jehova.’ De vbene ako na khian ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ?55:22