APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY Convention Invitation CampaignEach year, anticipation builds for the spiritual feast that we enjoy at our regional conventions. So that others too may taste Jehovah’s goodness, we will invite as many as possible to attend with us. (Ps 34:8) Each body of elders will determine how to make the best possible use of the invitations. DETAILS TO KEEP IN MIND
WHAT WILL YOU SAY?After giving a customary greeting, you might say: “We are involved in a global campaign to distribute this invitation to a very important event. The date, time, and address are printed on the invitation. We would enjoy having you present with us.” HOW CAN YOU CULTIVATE INTEREST?Although we want to invite as many people as possible to the convention, we should be alert to cultivate any interest shown. On weekends, you may offer the magazine along with the invitation. |
RHIEGBE YE IWINNA IKPORHU IYẸN NỌMA Ebe Itie Ọghe Asikoko Nọkhua Na Khian Ya GhaeUkpo ukpo ẹre ima wa ya kpẹho khẹ evbare orhiọn ne ima re vbe asikoko nọkhua. Ne emwa ọvbehe mieke na vbe deba ima danmwẹ ọnrẹn ghee ighẹ umamwẹ ọghe Jehova, ma gha tie emwa nibun ne iran deba ima do ugie na. (Psm 34:8) Ẹbu ediọn ni rre dọmwadẹ iko ẹre ọ rẹn odẹ nọ maan sẹ ne iran khian ya ghae ebe itie na, vbene ọ gha na sẹ emwa nibun obọ. EMWI NA GHA KỌ YE ORHIỌN
DE ẸMWẸ NE U KHIAN TA?U gha ghi tuẹ otuẹ na tuẹ vbe ẹdogbo nii nẹ, u sẹtin kha wẹẹ: “Te ima ghae ebe itie na ne emwa, ne iran gha die asikoko nọkhua na khian do vbe otagbọn hia. Ehe na khian na do ẹre kevbe ẹghẹ nọ khin rre ebe itie na. Ma gha wa ghọghọ deghẹ u na sẹtin rre.” DE VBENE U KHIAN YA RHIE OBỌ LELE ỌMWA NỌ MWẸ ẸKORHIẸNRHIẸNMWẸ HẸ?Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ emwa nibun ẹre ima hoo ne ima tie gha die asikoko nọkhua na, te ọ khẹke ne ima rhie obọ lele ọmwaikọmwa nọ mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ. Vbe ẹdẹ uzọla, u sẹtin rhie avbe ebe iyẹn ba ebe itie na, ya winna. |