The Resurrection—Made Possible by the Ransom
The Resurrection—Made Possible by the Ransom
The Memorial gives us a good opportunity to reflect on future blessings that are made possible by the ransom, such as the resurrection. Jehovah never intended for humans to die. That is why one of the most painful emotions we experience is grief over the death of a loved one. (1Co 15:26) Jesus was pained to see his disciples mourn the loss of Lazarus. (Joh 11:33-35) Since Jesus is a perfect reflection of his Father, we can be sure that Jehovah is also pained to see us grieve over the loss of our loved ones. (Joh 14:7) Jehovah eagerly anticipates the time when he will bring his servants back from the dead, and we should too.—Job 14:14, 15.
Since Jehovah is a God of order, it is reasonable to believe that the resurrection will take place in an orderly way. (1Co 14:33, 40) Instead of funerals, there may be welcoming sessions for the resurrected. Do you meditate on the resurrection, especially during times of grief? (2Co 4:17, 18) Do you thank Jehovah for providing the ransom and for revealing in the Scriptures that the dead will live again?—Col 3:15.
Adẹwerriegbe Ẹre Ọ Zẹ Ighẹ Arriọkpaegbe Rrọọ
Ugie Ayere keghi ya ima muẹn roro ighẹ avbe afiangbe ne ima khian miẹn vbe odaro rhunmwuda adẹwerriegbe. Usun avbe afiangbe na keghi re arriọkpaegbe. Ẹi ahoo ọghe Jehova te nọ, ne ima gha wu. Ọni ẹre ọ siẹ ne ọ na da ọmwa sẹ ugboloko deghẹ ọmwa nọ sikẹ ọmwa na wu. (1 Kọr 15:26) Ọ wa balọ e Jesu vbe ọ bẹghe emwa viẹ vbe Lazarọs wu. (Jọn 11:33-35) Ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ Jesu ọre ọmwa nọ wa rhiẹre ma aro ọmwa ne Erhae khin, ma gha sẹtin gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, ọ wa balọ e Jehova vbe irẹn gha dẹghe ima, vbe ima gha khiẹ rhunmwuda emwa ni sikẹ ima ni wu. (Jọn 14:7) E Jehova wa khẹ nọ rre ighẹ ẹdẹnẹdẹrriọ, ne irẹn khian ya huẹn eguọmwadia irẹn ni wulo kpaegbe, ọ vbe khẹke ne ima yaro yọ.—Job 14:14, 15.
Ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ Osa ọghe emwamwa ẹre Jehova khin, iziro nọ gbae nọ deghẹ ima na yayi wẹẹ ọkade ọkade ẹre emwa ni wulo khian ya gha rriọkpaegbe. (1 Kọr 14:33, 40) Na gha te ya miẹn wẹẹ orinmwi ẹre ima ghi ree, ọbokhian ẹre ima khian ghi gha gbe ne emwa ni wulo. Uwẹ muẹn roro ighẹ arriọkpaegbe na ra, katekate vbe u gha rre uwu akhiẹ ra? (2 Kọr 4:17, 18) Uwẹ kpọnmwẹ Jehova ye ikpemehe ọghe adẹwerriegbe kevbe ne ọ na gima rẹn vbuwe Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn wẹẹ emwa ni wulo gha rriọkpaegbe ra?—Kọl 3:15.