LIVING AS CHRISTIANS Invite Everyone in Your Territory to the Memorial!
During the campaign that begins on February 27, we will invite as many as possible in our community to observe the Memorial of Christ’s death with us. We should also pay careful attention to any interest shown in order to cultivate it. STEPS TO CONSIDERGIVE YOUR PRESENTATION “We are distributing this invitation to a very important event. On March 23, millions around the world will gather to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ and to hear a free Bible discourse about how his death benefits us. This invitation shows the time and location of the meeting being held in our community. Please come if you can.” If the individual shows interest . . .
When you return, you can . . .
UYINMWẸ ỌGHE IMA NE IVBIOTU E KRISTI Tie Emwa Hia Ni Rre Ẹdogbo Ne U Na Kporhu Gha Die Ugie Ayere!
Vbe ẹghẹ na khian ya gha ghae ebe itie nọ khian suẹn vbe February 27, ma gha tie emwa nibun vbe ẹdogbo ọghe ima ne iran do gu ima do Ugie Ayere ọghe uwu ọghe Kristi. Adeghẹ ima na wa miẹn ọmwa nọ mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ, ma ghi wa rhie obọ lelẹe. VBENE A GHA LAE HẸTA ẸMWẸ NE U KHIAN YA RHIẸRE LADIAN “Te ima ghae ebe na khian, na ya tie emwa gha die ugie ne kpataki. Vbe ikpẹdẹ nogie 23 vbe uki e March, emwa nibun vbe otagbọn hia gha si egbe koko, do ugie ọghe uwu e Jesu, kevbe wẹẹ, iran gha vbe danmwehọ ọta ọghe Baibol ọghọhẹ nọ dekaan vbene uwu ọghe Jesu khian ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ. Ehe na khian na do ugie na vbe ẹdogbo na, kevbe ẹghẹ nọ khin rre ebe na. Lahọ gha dee, deghẹ u gha sẹtin.” Adeghẹ ne ọmwa na gha mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ . . .
Vbe u gha werriegbe rre, u sẹtin . . .