Faithful Worshippers Support Theocratic Arrangements
God’s people willingly supported true worship in various ways
10:28-30, 32-39; 11:1, 2
The nation prepared for and celebrated the Festival of Booths in the correct way
Each day the people gathered to listen to the reading of God’s Law, which made them rejoice
The people confessed their sins, prayed, and asked Jehovah to bless them
The people agreed to continue supporting all theocratic arrangements
Continued support of theocratic arrangements included:
Marrying only those who worshipped Jehovah
Making monetary contributions
Observing the Sabbath
Supplying wood for the altar
Giving the firstfruits of the harvest and the firstborn of the flocks to Jehovah
Emwa Ni Mwẹ Amuẹtinyan Keghi Lele Emwamwa Ukhamwosa
Emwa ọghe Osanobua ya ekhọe hia lele emwamwa ukhamwosa vbe odẹ ughughan
10:28-30, 32-39; 11:1, 2
Ne agbẹnvbo keghi muegbe khẹ Ugie Irhu kevbe iran na vbe do ẹre vbe odẹ nọ khẹke
Ẹdẹgbegbe ẹre emwa hia ya gha si egbe koko ne iran danmwehọ Uhi Ọghe Osanobua nọ ya iran gha sẹ ọyẹnmwẹ
Iran keghi miẹn orukhọ ọghe iran kue, iran na na erhunmwu, iran na vbe rinmwian e Jehova nọ fiangbe iran
Iran keghi kueyọ wẹẹ iran gha lele emwamwa hia ọghe ukhamwosa vbe ẹghẹ hia
Usun odẹ ne iran khian ya gha lele emwamwa ukhamwosa vbe ẹghẹ hia ọre:
Ne iran gha gu emwa ni ga e Jehova ọkpa ru orọnmwẹ
Ne iran gha ru iyobọ igho
Ne iran gha lele uhi Ẹdikẹtin
Ne iran gha viọre rre, ighẹ erhan na khian gha loo vbe aka izọese
Ne iran ya enokaro vbe emwi okọ kevbe emwi irhi ọghe iran ru izọhẹ gie Jehova