February 8-14
Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the current Awake! by featuring the cover subject. Lay the groundwork for a return visit.
Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to make a return visit on someone who showed interest in the cover subject of the current Awake! Lay the groundwork for the next visit.
Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible study. (bh 28-29 ¶4-5)
Song 62
Are You “Reaching Out”?: (15 min.) Talk by an elder based on the Watchtower of September 15, 2014, pages 3-6. Play the video entitled Brothers—Reach Out for a Fine Work, which appeared on JW Broadcasting in December 2015. Emphasize the proper reasons for reaching out, and explain how a brother can do so. Kindly encourage brothers to reach out to qualify to serve as ministerial servants and elders.
Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 8 ¶17-27 and the chapter review (30 min.)
Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
Song 125 and Prayer
February 8-14
February 8-14
“Ọkalotu Nọ Maan Ẹsẹsẹmwẹse Ẹre Nehimaia Ghaa Khin”: (Ifuanro 10)
Neh 5:1-7—Nehimaia keghi danmwehọ ẹmwẹ ne emwa rẹn tae, ẹre ọ na zẹ emwi ru (w06 2/1 9 okhuẹn 2)
Neh 5:14-19—E Nehimaia keghi yin zẹvbe ọmwa ẹwaẹn, ọmwa imuegberriotọ, kevbe nọ mwẹ ẹghẹ ne emwa ọvbehe (w06 2/1 10 okhuẹn 4)
Neh 8:8-12—E Nehimaia ghaa mwẹ obọ vbe nọ dekaan na rhie adia ne emwa vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn (w06 2/1 11 okhuẹn 4)
Gualọ Emwi Ewe Ọghe Orhiọn: (Ifuanro 8)
Neh 6:5—Vbọzẹ ne Sanbolat na ye “ebe na ma khui” gie uhunmwu gie Nehimaia? (w06 2/1 9 okhuẹn 3)
Neh 6:10-13—Vbọzẹ ne Nehimaia ma na miẹn azẹvbiro ọghe Siemaia yi? (w07 7/1 30 okhuẹn 15)
De emwi ne Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na, ma imẹ re vbekpae Jehova?
De uhunmwu ẹmwẹ eso ni rre Baibol na tiere vbe uzọla na, ne I gha sẹtin loo vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọma?
E Baibol Na Tie: Neh 6:14–7:7a (Ifuanro 4 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ)
Otuẹ Nokaro: (Ifuanro 2 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) Loo uhunmwuta nọ rre odaro Awake nọ da ladian ya ru orhiema. Ọtẹn ghi gbe ẹyotọ ọghe atuẹ werriegbe.
Atuẹ Werriegbe: (Ifuanro 4 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) orhiema ọghe ọtẹn nọ werriegbe mu otuẹ gie ọmwa nọ mwẹ ẹko-rhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ ye uhunmwuta nọ rre odaro Awake nọ da ladian. Ọtẹn ghi gbe ẹyotọ khẹ otuẹ nọ khian werriegbe mu rre.
E Baibol Na Gu Ọmwa Ruẹ: (Ifuanro 6 ra ẹi khian sẹ vberriọ) Ru orhiema ọghe Baibol na gu ọmwa ruẹ. (bh 28-29 okhuẹn 4-5)
Ihuan 62
Uwẹ “Rhie Egbe Ruẹ Ladian” Vbe Iwinna Ra?: (Ifuanro 15) Ọta ọghe ọwara ne ọkpa vbe ediọn khian ya guan nọ hẹnhẹn egbe yan Watchtower ọghe September 15, 2014, ipapa 3-6. Kpee ne vidio, Brothers—Reach Out for a Fine Work, (Etẹn Ni-kpia, Wa Rhie Egbe Ladian vbe Iwinna Nọ Maan) nọ ladian vbe JW Broadcasting ọghe December 2015. Niania evbọzẹ nọ na khẹke na rhie egbe ladian, kevbe vbene a khian ya ruẹ hẹ. Ya odẹ ne khuẹrhẹ rhie igiọdu ne etẹn nikpia ne iran hia, ne iran gbegba zẹvbe eguọmwadia iwinna kevbe ediọn.
Iruẹmwi E Baibol Ọghe Iko: ia uhunmwu ebe 8 okhuẹn 17-27, ogbewerriẹ nọ rre ipapa 75 (Ifuanro 30)
Ogbewerriẹ Ọghe Uzọla Na Kevbe Evba Yaro Yi vbe Uzọla Nọ Dee (Ifuanro 3)
Ihuan 125 Kevbe Erhunmwu