Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Laying the Groundwork for a Return Visit
Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Laying the Groundwork for a Return Visit
We want to water the seeds of truth that we plant. (1Co 3:6) When we find someone who shows interest, it is good to leave a question that we can discuss when we return. This will build his anticipation and simplify our preparation for the return visit. When we return, we can tell him that we are there to answer the question we raised the last time we visited.
When preparing your house-to-house presentation, include a follow-up question to be answered on the next visit. It could be something that is answered in the literature you are offering. Or it could be a question that is answered in one of our study publications that you plan to introduce when you return.
When concluding your conversation with someone who shows interest, let him know of your desire to talk to him again and then share the follow-up question you prepared. Obtain contact information if possible.
If you tell him that you will return at a specific time, keep your appointment.—Mt 5:37.
Vbene A Ya Guẹ Sayọ vbe Iwinna Ikporhu—Vbene A Ya Gbe Ẹyotọ Ọghe Atuẹ Werriegbe Hẹ
Ọ khẹke ne ima gha gbe amẹ khakha ikpẹ ọghe ẹmwata ne ima kọ. (1 Kọr 3:6) Ma gha miẹn ọmwa nọ mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ, ima sẹtin fi inọta eso fua ne ima gha sẹtin ziro yan vbe ima gha werriegbe rre. Ọna gha ya ọ yan owa gha kpẹho khẹ emwi na khian ta kevbe ọ ghi vbe yae khuẹrhẹ ne ima vbe a gha muegbe atuẹ werriegbe yotọ. Vbe ima gha werriegbe rre, ima sẹtin wa tama rẹn wẹẹ te ima do rhie ewanniẹ ye inọta ne ima nọ rẹn vbe ẹghẹ ne ima ka ya sẹ evba.
Vbe u gha muegbe ikporhu ọghe owa ya sẹ owa, u sẹtin mwamwa inọta ne u gha nọ ọ yan owa re, ne u hoo ne u rhie ewanniẹ yi vbe u gha werriegbe rre. Ewanniẹ ọghẹe sẹtin gha rre ebe ne u khian ya winna vbe ẹdẹrriọ. Ọ sẹtin vbe gha rre ọkpa vbe usun ebe ne ima loo ya gu emwa ruẹ emwi, ne u hoo ne u loo vbe u gha werriegbe rre.
U gha ghi kporhu ma ọmwa nọ mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ fo nẹ, khama rẹn u ke kpa wẹẹ, u hoo ne uwa ye guan vbe ẹdẹ ọvbehe. Vbe iyeke ọni, u ghi fiẹ fua ighẹ inọta nu muegbe ẹre ne u hoo ne uwa werriegbe guan yan. U sẹtin miẹn ọnrẹn enọmba efoni ra adrrẹsi ọghẹe, deghẹ ọ na gia ru.
Adeghẹ u bu ẹdẹ ne u khian ya werriegbe rre, u ghi mu ẹmwẹ ne u tae sẹ.—Mat 5:37.