How to Conduct a Study Using the Good News Brochure

How to Conduct a Study Using the Good News Brochure
  1. Read the numbered question in bold print to help the householder focus on the main point.

  2. Read the paragraph that follows.

  3. Read the italicized scriptures, and use tactful questions to help the householder see how the scriptures answer the numbered question.

  4. If there is another paragraph under the question, repeat steps 2 and 3. If there is a video on that corresponds with the numbered question, play it at some point during your discussion.

  5. To make sure that the householder understands the main point, ask him to answer the numbered question.


Vbene A Ya Loo e ne Ebe Ẹmu Iyẹn Nọma Ya Gu Ọmwa Ruẹ Emwi Hẹ

Vbene A Ya Loo e ne Ebe Ẹmu Iyẹn Nọma Ya Gu Ọmwa Ruẹ Emwi Hẹ
  1. Tie inọta na gbẹnnẹ gbodoo nọ mwẹ enọmba, ne ọ yan owa mieke na sẹtin rhie aro tua olika ẹmwẹ nọ rre okhuẹn nii.

  2. Tie okhuẹn nọ lelẹe.

  3. Tie ako ọghe evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn na ya ikpẹmwẹ ni bilogọ gbẹnnẹ, kevbe nu loo ẹwaẹn ya nọ ọta eso nọ gha ye ne ọ yan owa bẹghe vbene evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn ya rhie ewanniẹ ye inọta ọghe okhuẹn nii hẹ.

  4. Adeghẹ okhuẹn ọvbehe ye rre ototọ inọta nii, u sẹtin werriegbe lele obẹlẹ 2 kevbe 3. Deghẹ vidio nọ rre rrọọ nọ guaẹro ighẹ inọta ne u nọ rẹn, u sẹtin kpee ẹre, vbe ẹghẹ ne u ya gu ẹre ziro.

  5. U ghi wẹẹ ne ọ yan owa zẹ ewanniẹ ye inọta nọ rre omuhẹn ọghe okhuẹn nii, nu ya rẹn deghẹ ọ rẹn ototọ re.