
Friday, May 1

Wa gha hoẹmwẹ avbe erhunmwuyẹn.—Diut 10:19.

Vbọ ma he kpẹ gbe na, ọlọghọmwa ra okuo keghi ya emwa nibun lẹ hin otọ ẹvbo iran rre gha rrie otọ ẹvbo ọvbehe. Ma sẹtin ka ruẹ vbene emwa vbenian ya tuẹ hẹ. Ma sẹtin vbe ruẹ ifiẹmwẹ eso vbe urhuẹvbo iran nọ gha ya iran gha mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ ye ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba. Ma sẹtin vbe gi iran rẹn wẹẹ, iran gha miẹn ebe kevbe vidio ọghomwa vbe urhuẹvbo iran vbe E Jehova ẹre ọ kpemehe iko ọghe Uyinmwẹ Kevbe Iwinna Ọghe Ima. Iko na, keghi ya ima kporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbe odẹ nọ dagbẹn. Emwi ne ima ruẹ vbe iko na keghi ya ima mwẹ udinmwẹ vbe nọ dekaẹn iwinna atuẹ werriegbe kevbe Baibol na gu emwa tie. Evbibiẹ emọ, wa gha maa ivbi uwa re vbene a ya ya ẹmwẹ obọ ọmwa zẹ ewanniẹn hẹ vbe iko. Ewanniẹn vberriọ ne ibiẹka eso zẹ vbe iko, ẹre ọ ya emwa eso miẹn odẹ ẹmwata yi.—1 Kọr 14:25. w18.06 22 ¶7-9


Friday, May 1

Love the foreign resident.​—Deut. 10:19.

In recent years, many countries have experienced an influx of refugees. Why not learn a greeting in the languages commonly spoken by newcomers in your area? Additionally, why not learn a few phrases that may capture their interest? You might then be able to direct them to and show them the variety of videos and publications available in their language. Jehovah lovingly provides the Life and Ministry Meeting so that we can become more effective in the field ministry. The practical instruction we receive at this meeting helps many of us feel more confident about making return visits and conducting Bible studies. Parents, help your children to let their light shine by teaching them to comment in their own words. Their simple, heartfelt expressions have sometimes prompted newly interested ones to recognize the ring of truth.​—1 Cor. 14:25. w18.06 22-23 ¶7-9

Saturday, May 2

Wa gha rhan obọ miẹn egbe, . . . zẹ vbene Kristi rhan obọ miẹn uwa.—Rom 15:7.

Ọ khẹke ne ima gha yerre wẹẹ, ọ mwẹ ẹghẹ ne ima hia ya khian rree ne Osanobua. (Ẹfis 2:12) E Jehova keghi ya ahoẹmwọmwa kevbe ẹnina si ima kẹ egbe. (Hoz 11:4; Jọn 6:44) Jesu Kristi keghi miẹn ima yi. Ọ na kie ẹkpotọ yọ ne ima do gha re eguọmwadia Osanobua. Nọnaghiyerriọ, ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha ya aro gbe ọmwa rhọkpa re rhunmwuda Jesu kevbe Erhae ma ya aro gbe ima re. Zẹ vbene ima ya sikẹ ufomwẹ ọghe agbọn Esu na, te uyinmwẹ ighaegbe, aro ne a ya gbe emwa ọvbehe re kevbe igbinnoguo khian gha muan yọ. (Gal 5:19-21; 2 Tim 3:13) Zẹvbe eguọmwadia Osanobua ne ima khin, ọ khẹke ne ima gha nọ Osanobua nọ rhie ẹwaẹn ne ima. Ma ghaa mwẹ ẹwaẹn na, ma i ghi gbe ewanmwẹ ghee obọ ọkpa, ọ vbe ya ima gu emwa ọvbehe gha rrọọ vbuwe ọfunmwegbe. (Jems 3:17, 18) Ma mwẹ ọse vbe otọ ẹvbo ughughan, ma i ya aro gbe iran re rhunmwuda ima i re ivbi ẹvbo ọkpa, ma vbe ruẹ urhuẹvbo ọghe iran. Ena hia keghi sẹ ima ọyẹnmwẹ, ọ vbe ya ima mwẹ ọfunmwegbe nọ ye vbe “ẹzẹ ne ẹi ka” kevbe ibuohiẹn ata nọ ye vbe “ẹzẹ nọ lẹ sẹ oke.”—Aiz 48:17, 18. w18.06 12 ¶18-19

Saturday, May 2

Welcome one another, just as the Christ also welcomed you.​—Rom. 15:7.

It is good to remember that at one time we were all “strangers,” or foreigners, not close to God. (Eph. 2:12) But Jehovah drew us to him “with the cords of love.” (Hos. 11:4; John 6:44) And Christ welcomed us. He opened the door, as it were, so that we could become part of God’s family. Since Jesus has kindly accepted us, as imperfect as we are, it should be unthinkable for us to reject anyone else! Divisions, prejudice, and hostility will doubtless increase in the world as we approach the end of this wicked system. (Gal. 5:19-21; 2 Tim. 3:13) As servants of Jehovah, though, we seek the wisdom from above, which is impartial and promotes peace. (Jas. 3:17, 18) We rejoice as we forge friendships with people from other lands, accepting cultural differences and possibly even learning the languages of others. When we do this, peace flows just like a river, and justice like the waves of the sea.​—Isa. 48:17, 18. w18.06 12 ¶18-19

Sunday, May 3

Ru ibata hẹ ye owẹ, ne u muegbe ne u ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe ọfunmwegbe.—Ẹfis 6:15, NW.

Ovbiyokuo e Rom nọ ma gba ibata i sẹtin yo odaro okuo. Ibata ohian ne iran gba, keghi re nọ mwẹ ipapa eha ne a rhilo ginna egbe. Ọ wegbe, ẹi khuo, ẹi balọ owẹ, ẹi vbe logho. Ibata okuo na, ẹre ivbiyokuo e Rom gba lae odaro okuo. Erriọ Ivbiotu e Kristi vbe ya mwẹ ibata ọghe orhiọn ne iran gba vbe iran gha khian ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe ọfunmwegbe. Ibata orhiọn na, keghi re ne ima na loo ẹkpotọ nọ rhirhi kie ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan. (Aiz 52:7; Rom 10:15) Ọrheyerriọ, ọmwa nọ ma din i sẹtin kporhu vbe ẹkpotọ gha kie. Ọtẹn nokpia Bo nọ rre ukpo 20 keghi kha wẹẹ: “Ohan i ka gu mwẹ kporhu ma ihua mwẹ vbe klas. Ekhue ghi wa gha mu mwẹ. I ma rẹn emwi nọ ya ohan gha mu mwẹ vbe ẹghẹ nii. Nia, oghọghọ ẹre I ghi ya kporhu ma ihua mwẹ.” Igbama nibun keghi do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, iran gha gele mu egbe ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan yotọ, ẹre iran na sẹtin ya udinmwẹ kporhu. w18.05 29 ¶9-11

Sunday, May 3

[Have] your feet shod in readiness to declare the good news of peace.​—Eph. 6:15.

A Roman soldier who was not wearing his boots was not ready to march into battle. His sandallike boots were made of three layers of leather fastened together that gave him an excellent foothold. The design made the footwear both durable and comfortable. While the literal boots worn by Roman soldiers carried them into war, the symbolic footwear worn by Christians helps them deliver a message of peace. (Isa. 52:7; Rom. 10:15) Even so, it takes courage to speak up when the opportunity arises. “I was afraid to witness to my classmates,” says 20-year-old Bo. “I think I was embarrassed. Looking back, I don’t know why I should have been. Now I’m happy to witness to my peers.” Many young ones have found that if they are well-prepared to declare the good news, they feel more comfortable doing it. w18.05 29 ¶9-11

Monday, May 4

Wa gha mọ ọmọ erhan.—Jọn 15:8, NW.

Jesu keghi tama erhuanegbe ẹre wẹẹ: “Ọfunmwegbe mwẹ ọre I ya we uwa.” (Jọn 14:27) De iyobọ ne ọfunmwegbe ọghe Kristi ye ne ima vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan? Zẹ vbene ima ya ya izinegbe kporhu iyẹn nọ maan, ma keghi mwẹ ọyẹnmwẹ nọ sẹ otọ ẹko rhunmwuda ne ima na rẹn wẹẹ, ima ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova kevbe Jesu. (Psm 149:4; Rom 5:3, 4; Kọl 3:15) Jesu ghi tama erhuanegbe ẹre nẹ wẹẹ, irẹn hoo ne ọyẹnmwẹ nọ sẹ iran “gha re nọ sẹ otọ ẹko,” ọ keghi gi iran rẹn evbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne iran gha mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa ne ẹi re ọghe ọkẹnrẹn. (Jọn 15:11-13) Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu na vbe khama iran wẹẹ: “Ọse mwẹ ọre I ghi tie uwa ẹre.” Vbene ẹmwata, na do gha re ọsie Jesu keghi re ẹse ọhẹ nọ hiunsi! Sokpan, vbọ khẹke ne avbe ukọ e Jesu gha ru, ne iran mieke na ye gha re ọsie ọre? Te ọ khẹke ne iran gha “mọ ọmọ” erhan. (Jọn 15:14-16) Vbe Jesu da suẹn gha kporhu, ọ na tama erhuanegbe ẹre ne iran ya kporhu wẹẹ: “Arriọba ẹrinmwi sẹ otọ foo.” Ukpo eva ghi gberra nẹ, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran gha mọ ọmọ erhan. (Mat 10:7) Ọ ghi rre asọn nokiekie ne ọ gbe vbe agbọn, ọ na ghi tama iran ne iran ya izinegbe gha winna iwinna ne irẹn mu ye iran obọ.—Mat 24:13; Mak 3:14. w18.05 20-21 ¶15-16

Monday, May 4

Keep bearing much fruit.​—John 15:8.

Jesus told his apostles: “I give you my peace.” (John 14:27) How does that gift​—his peace—​help us to bear fruit? As we endure, we experience in our heart a lasting feeling of peace that results from knowing that we have Jehovah’s and Jesus’ approval. (Ps. 149:4; Rom. 5:3, 4; Col. 3:15) After Jesus stated his desire that the joy experienced by the apostles might “be made full,” he explained to them the importance of showing self-sacrificing love. (John 15:11-13) Next, he said: “I have called you friends.” What a precious gift to receive​—friendship with Jesus! What did the apostles have to do to remain his friends? They had to “go and keep bearing fruit.” (John 15:14-16) Some two years earlier, Jesus had instructed his apostles: “As you go, preach, saying: ‘The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’” (Matt. 10:7) So on the last evening before his death, he encouraged them to endure in the work they had started.​—Matt. 24:13; Mark 3:14. w18.05 20-21 ¶15-16

Tuesday, May 5

Emwi ne ọmwa kọe zẹẹ, ẹre ọ gha vbe rhọọ.—Gal 6:7.

Te ọ khẹke ne igbama gha fian okhuo ne egbe iran vbe ugamwẹ e Jehova, iran ghi vbe hia ne iran muẹn sẹ. Ihua sẹtin rhie aro tua irọkhegbe ọghe agbọn na, iran sẹtin vbe gha hoo ne u deba iran. Ọ gha sẹ ẹghẹ, ẹkpotọ gha kie nuẹn, ne u ya gi ihua rẹn wẹẹ, okhuo ne u fian ne egbuẹ vbe ugamwẹ e Jehova i re ne a ya gbe akiyẹyẹ. Ghẹ gi ọmwa rhọkpa fi ruẹ ekhọe werriẹ. Ọ mwẹ ibude eso ni gha ru iyobọ nuẹn vbe u ghaa werriẹ aro daa ukpokpo otu ihegbe. Vbe igiemwi, gban egbe ne emwa ra emwi ni gha sẹtin si ruẹ fi edanmwẹ. (Itan 22:3) Gha muẹn roro evba lae miẹn vbe a gha yin uyinmwẹ dan. Gha mu egbe rriotọ. Akpa na, ẹre ọ khian ya ruẹ gha rhie ibude ọghe evbibiọ kevbe etẹn ọvbehe ni mwẹ irẹnmwi vbe iko ne u ye. (1 Pit 5:5, 6) U ghaa mu egbe rriotọ, ibude i lọghọ ruẹ na rhie. w18.04 28-29 ¶14-16

Tuesday, May 5

Whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap.​—Gal. 6:7.

Youths, make up your mind to focus your life on your desire to serve Jehovah. This means centering your life on spiritual goals. Other youths of your age probably center their lives on having a good time, and they will likely invite you to join them. Sooner or later you will need to show how determined you are to stick to the choices you have made. Do not be distracted by peer pressure. There are a number of ways to combat peer pressure. For instance, avoid situations that are known to be tempting. (Prov. 22:3) And remind yourself of the painful consequences of joining others in bad behavior. A further help is to admit your own need for advice. Humility will allow you to be open to suggestions from your parents and spiritually mature ones in the congregation. (1 Pet. 5:5, 6) Are you humble enough to accept sound advice? w18.04 28-29 ¶14-16

Wednesday, May 6

Wa ghi ya obọ da emwi ne uwa mwẹ na yi gbain vbene I te do rre. Iran ni khọnmiotọ nẹ, . . . I gha rhie asẹ ne iran yan avbe uhunmwu ẹvbo.—Arhie 2:25, 26.

Ẹghẹ ne Jesu na gie uhunmwu gie etẹn ni rre iko ughughan vbe Asia Minor, ọ keghi gbọyẹmwẹ ye iwinna esi ne iran ru. Vbe igiemwi, ọ keghi tama etẹn ni rre iko e Tiatira wẹẹ: ‘I rẹn emwi ne uwa ru. I rẹn ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe uwa, I rẹn vbene uwa mu aro ye iwinna hẹ, ugamwẹ ne uwa ga, kevbe izinegbe ọghe uwa. I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, ẹghẹ na, ọre uwa ya hia sẹ vbene uwa te ka gha ru vbe okaro.’ (Arhie 2:19) Jesu ghi tian iran ye iwinna esi ne iran ghaa ru nẹ, ọ na vbe tian iran ye akpa esiesi ne iran ghaa mwẹ nọ zẹe ighẹ iran sẹtin ru iwinna vberriọ. Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Jesu rhie adia ne etẹn eso vbe iko e Tiatira, ọ na ka tian iran nẹ. Ọ ghi vbe rhie adia ne iran nẹ, ọ na vbe rhie igiọdu ne iran. (Arhie 2:27, 28) Ukpo nọ wa yo ọre Jesu na zẹ rhunmwuda, irẹn ọre uhunmwuta ọghe iko ọghe Ivbiotu e Kristi hia. Nọnaghiyerriọ, ẹi re esalẹbẹ deghẹ ọ ma tian ima ye iwinna esi ne ima ru nẹẹn. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, te ọ ye tian ima. U miẹn igiemwi esi ne Jesu rhie yotọ ne avbe ediọn vbe iko! w19.02 16 ¶10

Wednesday, May 6

Hold fast to what you have until I come. And to the one who conquers and observes my deeds down to the end, I will give authority over the nations.​—Rev. 2:25, 26.

In his messages to certain congregations of Asia Minor, Jesus expressed appreciation for the work his followers did. For example, he began his message to the congregation in Thyatira by saying: “I know your deeds, and your love and faith and ministry and endurance, and that your deeds of late are more than those you did at first.” (Rev. 2:19) Jesus not only mentioned their increased activity but also commended them for the qualities that motivated their good deeds. Although Jesus needed to counsel some in Thyatira, he still began and ended his message with encouragement. (Rev. 2:27, 28) Think of the authority Jesus has as head of all the congregations. He does not have to thank us for the work we do for him. Even so, he makes a point of expressing appreciation. What an excellent example he sets for elders! w19.02 16 ¶10

Thursday, May 7

Judas kevbe Sailas . . . keghi rhie ẹghẹ nọ taẹn ya gu avbe emwa nii guan, iran keghi rhie udinmwẹ kevbe iwegbe ne iran.—Iwinna 15:32.

Vbe orre nokaro, te ẹbu nọ su wa gha rhie igiọdu ne etẹn ni su vbuwe iko kevbe dọmwadẹ Ivbiotu e Kristi. Iran keghi gie Pita kevbe Jọn, ni ghaa ga zẹvbe ẹbu nọ su, ne iran ya na erhunmwu ne etẹn ni da deba iko ọghe Ivbiotu e Kristi, ne iran mieke na miẹn iyobọ ọghe orhiọn nọhuanrẹn. (Iwinna 8:5, 14-17) Vbene ẹmwata, e Filip kevbe etẹn ne Filip ru iyobọ na, wa miẹn igiọdu vbe odẹ ne ẹbu nọ su ya ye iran ike! Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, Ẹbu Nọ Su wa vbe rhie igiọdu ne etẹn ni ga vbe Abotu, etẹn hia ni rre iwinna ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia, kevbe etẹn ni rre uhunmwu otagbọn hia. Te ẹko ima hia wa vbe vuọn ne oghọghọ ye igiọdu ne iran rhie ne ima zẹvbe nọ ghaa ye ne etẹn vbe orre nokaro. Vbe ukpo 2015, Ẹbu Nọ Su keghi gbẹn ebe ẹmu ne a tie ẹre Werriegbe Bu e Jehova Gha Dee ladian. Ebe na wa rhie igiọdu ne etẹn nibun ni ka kpa hin otu e Jehova rre. w18.04 19 ¶18-20

Thursday, May 7

Judas and Silas . . . encouraged the brothers with many talks and strengthened them.​—Acts 15:32.

The first-century governing body proved to be a source of encouragement both to those taking the lead and to Christians in general. They sent two of their number, Peter and John, to pray for the new believers to receive holy spirit. (Acts 8:5, 14-17) How Philip himself as well as those he had converted must have been encouraged by this support from the governing body! Today, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses gives encouragement to Bethel family members, to special full-time field workers, and indeed, to the entire international brotherhood of true Christians. And the result is the same as in the first century​—rejoicing over the encouragement! In addition, in 2015 the Governing Body published the brochure Return to Jehovah, which has proved to be a rich source of encouragement to many throughout the world. w18.04 19 ¶18-20

Friday, May 8

Wa gha rẹn ẹmwata nọ rrọọ, ẹmwata nii, gha ya uwa khian enọyan egbe ẹre.—Jọn 8:32.

Emwa nibun keghi roro ẹre wẹẹ, ọmwa ghaa mwẹ afanvbimu ne ẹi mwẹ okhiẹ oha, ẹre egbe na rọkhọe, sokpan iziro nii ma gba. Ẹmwata nọ wẹẹ, ọmwa nọ mwẹ afanvbimu ọghe ẹmwata keghi sọyẹnmwẹ arrọọ, sokpan de vbene agbọn na gha te gha ye hẹ deghẹ uhi rhọkpa i rrọọ, nọ ya ọmwa rẹn ehe nọ khẹke nọ khian sẹ? Ọna ẹre ọ zẹe ne The World Book Encyclopedia na kha wẹẹ: “Uhi nọ rre otọ ẹvbo ughughan keghi lọghọ ne a rẹn otọ re rhunmwuda te avbe uhi na gbogba gae asẹ ne emwa mwẹ, ẹre ọ vbe ya emwa rẹn ehe nọ khẹke ne iran khian sẹ.” Ẹi re avbiẹ uhi ẹre otọ ẹvbo ughughan mwẹ, erriọ avbe uhi na vbe ya lọghọ na rẹn otọ re. Ọna ẹre ọ zẹe ne avbe omugui kevbe avbe ọbuohiẹn ni rhan otọ re na vbe bun vbe otọ ẹvbo ughughan. Jesu keghi maa ima emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gele gha re emwa na fan vbe imu. Okaro, ma ghi miẹn imamwaemwi ọghe ẹmwata yi; nogieva, ma ghi do gha re erhuanegbe Jesu. Ena ẹre ọ khian ya ima gha re emwa na gele fan vbe imu. Sokpan, de emwi nọ mu ima ye imu? Jesu keghi rhan otọ re vbenian: “Ọmwa ne ọ rhirhi ru orukhọ, ọviẹn orukhọ nọ. Deghẹ Ọmọ ghi fan uwẹ fua, u ghi do khian nọ mwẹ afanvbimu ọghe ẹmwata.”—Jọn 8:34, 36, NW. w18.04 6-7 ¶13-14

Friday, May 8

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.​—John 8:32.

People may think that the more freedom they have, the better off they will be, but the reality is that having unbounded freedom is a two-edged sword. We shudder to imagine what the world would be like if there were no restraints at all. For this reason, The World Book Encyclopedia states: “The laws of every organized society form a complicated pattern of balanced freedoms and restrictions.” “Complicated” is surely the right word. Just think of the volumes and volumes of laws written by man, let alone the armies of lawyers and judges needed to interpret and administer them. Jesus’ direction for gaining true freedom involves two requirements: First, accept the truth that he taught, and second, become his disciple. Doing so will lead to true freedom. But freedom from what? Jesus went on to explain: “Every doer of sin is a slave of sin. . . . If the Son sets you free, you will be truly free.”​—John 8:34, 36. w18.04 6-7 ¶13-14

Saturday, May 9

Wa gha mwẹ itohan ghe egbe.—1 Pit 3:8.

Ma hia keghi sọyẹnmwẹ vbe ima ghaa rre uwu ẹbu emwa ni hoẹmwẹ ima. Emwa ni mwẹ amuroro daa ima vbenian keghi hia ne iran rẹn vbene emwi ye ima hẹ. Iran keghi gbaro kotọ ne iran mieke na rẹn emwi ne ima gualọ. Ugbẹnso, iran ẹre ọ ka ru iyobọ ne ima, ma ke nọ iyobọ. Vbene ẹmwata, aro nọ ghaan ẹre ima ya ghee emwa ni gele mwẹ amuroro daa ima. Zẹvbe Ivbiotu e Kristi, ọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ amuroro daa emwa ọvbehe. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, ọ khẹke ne a rhie ẹrhiọn yọ ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha rhie akpa na ma vbe ẹghẹ hia. Vbọzẹe? Okaro, rhunmwuda, emwa ni ma gba ẹre ima khin. (Rom 3:23) Nọnaghiyerriọ, te ima gha hia ne ima gha mu ọghe emwa ọvbehe ye okaro. Nogieva, vbene a ya koko ima waan kevbe emwi eso ne ima la gberra vbe arrọọ ọghe ima sẹtin vbe ye amuroro na mwẹ daa emwa ọvbehe gha lọghọ ima. Nogieha, uyinmwẹ ọghe emwa ni lẹga ima sẹtin ya ima gha mu ọghe enegbe ima ye okaro. Vbe ẹdẹ okiekie ne ima ye na, emwa nibun i zẹye emwa re, ọghe “enegbe iran ọkpa” ẹre iran rẹnrẹn. (2 Tim 3:1, 2) Ma gha sẹtin gele gha mwẹ amuroro daa emwa ọvbehe deghẹ ima ya egbe tae Jehova kevbe Jesu Kristi. w19.03 14 ¶1-3

Saturday, May 9

All of you have . . . fellow feeling.​—1 Pet. 3:8.

We enjoy being around people who care about our feelings and welfare. They try to put themselves in our place, to discern what we are thinking and feeling. They anticipate our needs and offer help​—sometimes even before we ask for it. We appreciate people who show that they have “fellow feeling” for us. As Christians, we all want to show empathy, or fellow feeling. Realistically, though, we may need to work at it. Why? For one thing, we are imperfect. (Rom. 3:23) So we must fight the inborn tendency to think mainly of ourselves. Also, some of us may struggle to show empathy because of our upbringing or past circumstances. Finally, we could be influenced by the attitude of people around us. In these last days, many do not consider the feelings of others. Rather, they are “lovers of themselves.” (2 Tim. 3:1, 2) However, we can improve in showing fellow feeling by imitating Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ. w19.03 14 ¶1-3

Sunday, May 10

Ye egbe vbekpa iro ne u zẹ.—Itan 4:23.

Vbe uhi nogie igbe ne Jehova yi ne Ivbi Izrẹl, ọ keghi kha wẹẹ ne iran ghẹ gi aro iran viẹn ye emwi ẹrrẹe. (Diut 5:21; Rom 7:7) Te Jehova yi uhi na ne Ivbi Izrẹl, nọ ru iyobọ ne iran ya gha dia iziro ekhọe ọghe iran rhunmwuda, e Jehova rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, ekhọe ẹre ọ ke zọọ rre ighẹ emwi dan nọ ọmwa ru. E Devid ne Ọba de ye edanmwẹ vbenian. Ọmwa esi ẹre Devid ghaa khin sokpan, ọ mwẹ ẹghẹ ne aro ọre ya wu ye okhuo ẹrrẹe. Iziro na ẹre ọ si e Devid fi orukhọ. (Jems 1:14, 15) Ọ ghi gu okhuo nii ru emwi ọdọ vbe amwẹ nẹ, ọ na vbe hia nọ mu arowa re rẹrẹ, ọ ghi miẹn ighẹ ọ ma gba re, ọ na gbẹ rua. (2 Sam 11:2-4; 12:7-11) Ekhọe ẹre Jehova bẹghe, ẹi re ikinnegbe ọghe ọmwa. E Jehova wa rẹn aro ọmwa ne ima khin. (1 Sam 16:7) Emwi ọkpa i rrọọ ne ima gha sẹtin mu lẹre ne Jehova. Asefẹn ne ima na hia ẹre ọ rhie aro tua, ọ vbe rhie igiọdu ne ima, ne ima ya gha ru sayọ. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, e Jehova hoo ne ima gha dia iziro ekhọe ima, ne ẹi ghẹ ya si ima fi orukhọ nọ wegbe.—2 Krọ 16:9; Mat 5:27-30. w19.02 21 ¶9; 22 ¶11

Sunday, May 10

Safeguard your heart.​—Prov. 4:23.

The last of the Ten Commandments prohibited coveting, or developing a wrong desire for what belongs to another. (Deut. 5:21; Rom. 7:7) Jehovah gave this law to teach a valuable lesson​—his people must guard their heart, that is, their thoughts, feelings, and reasonings. He knows that wicked acts begin as wicked thoughts and feelings. King David, for example, fell into that trap. Normally, he was a good man. But on one occasion, he coveted another man’s wife. His desire led to sin. (Jas. 1:14, 15) David committed adultery, tried to deceive the woman’s husband, and then had him killed. (2 Sam. 11:2-4; 12:7-11) Jehovah sees beyond a person’s outward appearance. He sees what we really are inside, in our heart. (1 Sam. 16:7) No thought, no feeling, no action can be kept secret from him. He looks for and encourages the good in us. But he wants us to identify and control wrong thoughts before they become wrong actions.​—2 Chron. 16:9; Matt. 5:27-30. w19.02 21 ¶9; 22 ¶11

Monday, May 11

Wa bu e Jehova gha dee, wa hia ni mwẹ ekhọe ọmẹhẹ vbe uhunmwu otagbọn . . . Wa gha mwẹ ekhọe ọmẹhẹ.—Zẹf 2:3, NW.

E Baibol gi ima rẹn wẹẹ, e Mosis ẹre ọ mwẹ ekhọe ọmẹhẹ sẹ “emwa hia ni rre agbọn na.” (Nọm 12:3) Te ọna ghi rhiema wẹẹ, ọmwa avbiẹrẹ ne ẹi sẹtin zẹ emwi ru kevbe ne ẹi sẹtin sinmwi oseghe ne egbe ẹre vbe emwa ghaa zọe kpokpo ẹre Mosis ghaa khin ra? Aro vbenian ẹre emwa eso ya ghee emwa ọmẹhẹ. Sokpan emwa ọmẹhẹ i zẹdẹ yerriọ. Ọmwa nọ mwẹ udinmwẹ kevbe nọ zẹ emwi ru ẹre Mosis ghaa khin. Vbe ẹtin e Jehova, ọ na ya udinmwẹ mu aro daa ọba ọghe Igipt, irẹn ẹre ọ vbe gha su Ivbi Izrẹl ni rrie odẹ 3,000,000 khian vbuwe ato, ọ na vbe ru iyobọ ne iran ya khọnmiotọ yan eghian iran. Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, ma i khian werriẹ aro daa isievẹn ne Mosis la gberra, sokpan, emwa eso sẹtin ru emwi nọ sọnnọ ima, emwi eso sẹtin vbe sunu nọ gha yae gha lọghọ ne ima sẹtin rhie akpa ọghe ọmẹhẹ ma. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, eyan ne Osanobua ru, sẹ nọ gha ya ima gha re emwa ni mwẹ ekhọe ọmẹhẹ. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ, emwa “ọmẹhẹ ẹre ọ ra yan otọe nii.” (Psm 37:11) Ọmwa ọmẹhẹ ẹre uwẹ khin ra? Emwa ọvbehe rẹn uwẹ zẹvbe ọmwa ọmẹhẹ ra? w19.02 8 ¶1-2

Monday, May 11

Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth . . . Seek meekness.​—Zeph. 2:3.

The Bible describes Moses as being “by far the meekest of all the men on the face of the earth.” (Num. 12:3) Does this mean that he was weak, indecisive, and afraid of confrontations? That is how some might describe a meek person. But such an idea is far from the truth. Moses was a strong, decisive, and courageous servant of God. With Jehovah’s help, he confronted the mighty ruler of Egypt, led perhaps 3,000,000 people through a desert, and helped the nation of Israel conquer their enemies. We do not face the challenges that Moses overcame, but each day we must deal with people or situations that make it difficult to be meek. However, we have a powerful incentive to develop this quality. Jehovah promises that “the meek will possess the earth.” (Ps. 37:11) Would you describe yourself as being meek? Would others describe you that way? w19.02 8 ¶1-2

Tuesday, May 12

Ọghe uwa fo nẹ! Wa ni tie emwi dan emwi esi.—Aiz 5:20.

Ke obọ ne Osanobua ya yi emwa nagbọn ẹre ọ ya ya ekhọe ọguọmwaziro wee iran. Vbe Adam kevbe Ivi rraa uhi e Jehova, ekhọe ọguọmwaziro ọghe iran na gha fi iran uwẹnrhiẹn, rhunmwuda ọni, iran na ya lẹre. Ọna rhiema wẹẹ, vbe Osanobua yi Adam ẹre ọ na yi ekhọe ọguọmwaziro ye uwu Adam. Te emwa ne ekhọe ọguọmwaziro ọghe iran i winna ẹse ye vbe na ghee okọ ẹzẹ ne emadogua ne a ya dia re (kọmpas) i winna ẹse. Ọ sẹtin zẹ ẹbe deghẹ emadogua ne a ya dia okọ ẹzẹ i winna ẹse. Ẹhoho kevbe ulẹmwẹ amẹ ọghe okun sẹtin bi okọ nii ghee ihan. E kọmpasi nọ winna ẹse keghi ru iyobọ ne oziguẹ ya dia okọ ẹzẹ ye uviẹn. Te ekhọe ọguọmwaziro ọghọmwa ye vbe emadogua nọ dia uyinmwẹ ima. Ọ keghi re ẹwaẹn ne ima ya rẹn emwi nọ maan kevbe ne ẹi maan. Ọ sẹtin dia ọmwa ye uviẹn nọ khẹke. Sokpan, ne ekhọe ọguọmwaziro ọghomwa mieke na gha dia ima ẹse, ọ khẹke ne a ye Baibol dia re. Deghẹ ekhọe ọguọmwaziro ọghe ima i winna ẹse, ẹi ya obọ sekhae ne ima vbe ima ghaa ziro dan. (1 Tim 4:1, 2) Ekhọe ọguọmwaziro vberriọ keghi mu ọmwa rẹrẹ. Ọ ghi gha “tie emwi dan emwi esi.” w18.06 16-17 ¶1-3

Tuesday, May 12

Woe to those who say that . . . bad is good.​—Isa. 5:20.

Humans have had a conscience ever since man has been on the earth. After Adam and Eve broke Jehovah’s law, they hid themselves. This indicates that their conscience was bothering them. Those with a poorly trained conscience can be likened to a ship that is navigating with a defective compass. Setting off on a journey without an accurate compass can be treacherous. The winds and currents of the ocean can easily throw a ship off course. A properly calibrated compass can help the captain to keep the ship on course. Our conscience can be likened to a moral compass. It is an inner sense of right or wrong that can guide us in the right direction. But in order for our conscience to be an effective guide, it must be properly adjusted, or calibrated. When a person’s conscience is not properly trained, it does not act as a restraint from wrongdoing. (1 Tim. 4:1, 2) Such a conscience might even convince us that “bad is good.” w18.06 16 ¶1-3

Wednesday, May 13

Wa ghẹ ya egbe ba emwi ne agbọn na ru.—Rom 12:2.

Ugbẹnso, odẹ ne ẹi rherhe vẹẹ na rẹn, ẹre iziro emwa nagbọn ya rhiegbe ma. Ne ima mieke na sẹtin hẹe yotọ, te ọ khẹke ne ima yẹrẹro wẹẹ, iziro dan nọ. Vbe igiemwi, iyẹn eso vbe ẹkpẹtin ughe sẹtin ya ima gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, otu azẹ ọkpa ẹre ọ maan sẹ nikẹre. Ọkha eso vbe kọe ye emwa orhiọn wẹẹ, emwi nọ ghi ru ekpataki sẹ vbe arrọọ, ọre nọ ọmwa fe kevbe na gha họn usi ẹre rre. Ikueta kevbe ebe eso keghi kọe ye emwa orhiọn wẹẹ, ọ ma de emwi nọ rhiae na gha mu ọghe “enegbe ọmwa” kevbe ọghe “ẹgbẹe ọmwa” ye okaro. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, iziro vbenian ma gua ilele ọghe Baibol ro hiehie, rhunmwuda, e Baibol khare wẹẹ, ma gha mu Jehova ye okaro vbe arrọọ ọghe ima, ẹre ima kevbe ẹgbẹe ima khian na gele gha mwẹ oghọghọ. (Mat 22:36-39) Ọna ma rhiema wẹẹ, ọ ma zẹdẹ khẹke ne ima gha sọyẹnmwẹ egbe. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, te ọ khẹke ne ima nọ egbe ima ọta eso vbenian: ‘Iziro nọ ma gba gha rhiegbe ma vbe odẹ ne ẹi rherhe vẹẹ na rẹn, mẹ rherhe yẹrẹro ra? Mẹ vbe ivbi mwẹ hannọ aro ughe ne ima ghee kevbe aro ebe ne ima tie ra? Ne ivbi mwẹ mieke na sẹtin gha hee iziro nọ ma gba yotọ, mẹ ru iyobọ ne iran ya gha mwẹ iziro ekhọe ọghe Jehova ra?’ w18.11 22 ¶18-19

Wednesday, May 13

Stop being molded by this system of things.​—Rom. 12:2.

We do well to recognize and reject worldly thinking when it is presented in less obvious ways. For example, a news report might be angled in such a way so as to favor certain political opinions. A human interest story might advance the world’s view of human goals and achievements. Some movies and books promote the “me first” and “family first” philosophies, making them seem reasonable, appealing, even right. Such viewpoints overlook the Scriptural view that our families and self-worth thrive when we love Jehovah above all. (Matt. 22:36-39) This does not mean that it is wrong to enjoy wholesome entertainment. Still, we do well to ask ourselves these questions: ‘Do we recognize the world’s teachings even when they are promoted indirectly? Do we limit our children’s exposure​—and even our own—​to certain programs or reading material? Do we counteract worldly ideas heard or seen by our children with Jehovah’s view of matters?’ w18.11 22 ¶18-19

Thursday, May 14

Wa ghẹ fian afianma, I gu uwa rrọọ.—Aiz 41:10.

Eyan na rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, e Jehova rre ima iyeke kevbe wẹẹ, ọ hoẹmwẹ ima. Emwi ọvbehe ne Jehova tae nọ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ọ mwẹ agiẹngiẹn daa ima ọre wẹẹ: ‘Ighobioye ọre uwa khin mwẹ re, rhunmwuda ighẹ I hoẹmwẹ uwa, I vbe rhie ọghọ ne uwa.’ (Aiz 43:4) Emwi rhọkpa i rrọọ, nọ gha sẹtin mu idobo ye ahoẹmwọmwa ne Jehova mwẹ daa ima. Ẹghẹ ọkpa i vbe rrọọ ne Jehova khian ya fi iyeke gbe ima. (Aiz 54:10) E Jehova ma kha wẹẹ, ima i khian zẹdẹ werriẹ aro daa ọlọghọmwa vbe arrọọ ọghe ima, sokpan e Jehova yan rẹn wẹẹ irẹn gha yi ima obọ vbe ima gha werriẹ aro daa ọlọghọmwa nọ yevbe “ẹzẹ ne ọ dinmwi” ra nọ yevbe “erhẹn.” Ọ gha mu ima orhiọn sotọ, ne ima mieke na sẹtin mudia gbain vbuwe edanmwẹ, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ, edanmwẹ vberriọ mu arrọọ ọghe ima ye ikpadede. (Aiz 41:13; 43:2) Ma ghaa mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ e Jehova gele ‘gu ima rrọọ,’ zẹ vbe nọ yan rẹn, ma gha mudia gbain vbuwe ọlọghọmwa ne ima rhirhi gha ye. w19.01 3 ¶4-6

Thursday, May 14

Do not be afraid, for I am with you.​—Isa. 41:10.

Jehovah shows that he is with us by giving us his full attention and his warm affection. Note how he expresses his tender and deep feelings for us. “You became precious in my eyes,” says Jehovah. “You were honored, and I have loved you.” (Isa. 43:4) No force in the universe can make Jehovah abandon his love for those who serve him; his loyalty to us is unshakable. (Isa. 54:10) Jehovah does not promise to remove the challenges that make life difficult, but he will not allow “the rivers” of problems to drown us or “the flame” of trials to do us any permanent damage. He guarantees that he will be with us, helping us to “pass through” those challenges. What will Jehovah do? He will help quiet our fears so that we can maintain our integrity to him, even if we face death. (Isa. 41:13; 43:2) When we trust in God’s promise “I will be with you,” we too will be courageous and strong as we endure trials. w19.01 3 ¶4-6

Friday, May 15

Emwa sẹtin mwamwa emwi gbe erhan gbe irri, sokpan, nọ yẹẹ e Nọyaẹnmwa ẹre a gha ru.—Itan 19:21.

Adeghẹ igbama ẹre u khin, ẹi mwẹ emwa ma he bu ruẹ ude vbekpae vbene u khian ya loo ẹdagbọn ruẹ hẹ. Avbe ọmamwaemwi ruẹ, emwa ni rhie ibude ne emọ ni yo owebe kevbe emwa ọvbehe, sẹtin gha tama ruẹ ne u yo owebe nọ yo, ne u mieke na miẹn iwinna ne a na miẹn usugi igho. Sokpan, e Jehova ma hoo ne u lele uviẹn vberriọ. Ọrheyerriọ, ọ hoo ne u mu aro ye ebe vbe owebe, ne u miẹn ehe na miẹn iwinna ne u khian ya gha gaga egbe vbe u gha ghi ladian. (Kọl 3:23) Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, ọ khẹke ne ilele ọghe Jehova gha dia ima vbe ima gha khian ru azẹ nọ dekaẹn vbene ima khian ya loo arrọọ ọghe ima hẹ. (Mat 24:14) U ghi vbe yerre wẹẹ, ai miẹn emwi ne Jehova ma rẹn. Ọ rẹn emwi nọ khian sunu vbe odaro kevbe ẹghẹ ne agbọn na khian ya sẹ ufomwẹ. (Aiz 46:10; Mat 24:3, 36) E Jehova rẹn ima sẹ otọ ibiẹ. Ọ rẹn emwi nọ khian ya ima gha mwẹ ọyẹnmwẹ nọ sẹ otọ ẹko kevbe emwi ne ẹi khian ya ima gha sọyẹnmwẹ. Ma sẹtin gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, ibude nọ maan ẹre emwa rhie ne ima, sokpan, ọ ma na gu ilele ọghe Baibol ro, ẹi mwẹ esa nọ ye. w18.12 19 ¶1-2

Friday, May 15

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but the counsel of Jehovah is what will prevail.​—Prov. 19:21.

If you are a young person, you may have been encouraged by teachers, guidance counselors, or others to pursue higher education and a lucrative career. Jehovah, however, advises you to take a different course. To be sure, he wants you to work hard while you are at school so that you are able to earn a living after you graduate. (Col. 3:23) But when you are deciding on your priorities in life, he encourages you to be guided by sound principles that take into account his purpose and his will for us during this time of the end. (Matt. 24:14) Jehovah knows what lies ahead for the present world, and he knows how soon its end will come. (Isa. 46:10; Matt. 24:3, 36) He also knows us​—what gives us true satisfaction and happiness as well as what leads us to disappointment and unhappiness. So no matter how reasonable human advice may seem, if it does not take God’s Word into account, it is not wisdom at all. w18.12 19 ¶1-2

Saturday, May 16

A gha hoo emwa dan bẹkun.—Psm 37:10.

Sokpan, “avbe ọmẹhẹ ẹre ọ ra yan otọe nii, iran ghi vbe gha ye ọfunmwegbe zọmọ vbe uwu ẹre.” E Devid ye vbe kha wẹẹ: ‘Emwa ata ẹre ọ ra yan otọe nii, iran ghi vbe yin ẹnrẹn vbe etẹbitẹ.’ (Psm 37:11, 29; 2 Sam 23:2) De vbene eyan na ya rhie igiọdu ne emwa ni hoo ne iran ru ahoo ọghe Osanobua vbe ẹghẹ nii? Ọ keghi kọe ye iran orhiọn wẹẹ, ọ gha sẹ ẹghẹ, agbọn na gha werriegbe khian e paradais, vbe ọ gha ghi kẹ emwa esi ọkpa vbe uhunmwu otagbọn. Ẹdẹ ghi rrie ẹdẹ, Ivbi Izrẹl nibun ni wẹẹ iran ga Osanobua, keghi fi iyeke gbe ẹre. Rhunmwuda ọni, Osanobua keghi gi Ivbi e Babilọn khọn agbẹnvbo Izrẹl muotọ, iran na vbe viọ Ivbi Izrẹl nibun gha rrie imu vbe Babilọn. (2 Krọ 36:15-21; Jer 4:22-27) Sokpan, avbe akhasẹ ọghe Osanobua keghi tae yotọ wẹẹ, Ivbi Izrẹl gha werriegbe gha die ẹvbo iran vbe iyeke ukpo 70. Avbe ẹmwẹ akhasẹ na, wa gele mwẹ amusẹ, ọ vbe kaẹn ima vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. w18.12 4-5 ¶9-10

Saturday, May 16

The wicked will be no more.​—Ps. 37:10.

Instead, “the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” David was also inspired to predict: “The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.” (Ps. 37:11, 29; 2 Sam. 23:2) What effect do you think those assurances had on people who wanted to do God’s will? They would have a basis for expecting that if only righteous people were living on earth, in time a paradise like the garden of Eden would be restored. Over time, most Israelites claiming to serve Jehovah turned their backs on him and on true worship. So God let the Babylonians conquer his people, ruin their land, and carry many of them into exile. (2 Chron. 36:15-21; Jer. 4:22-27) Still, God’s prophets foretold that after 70 years, his people would return to their homeland. Those prophecies were fulfilled. But they also have meaning for us​—a coming paradise on earth. w18.12 4 ¶9-10

Sunday, May 17

Zẹ vbene iso yo sẹ otọ, erriọ uyinmwẹ mwẹ kevbe iziro mwẹ yo sẹ ọwua.—Aiz 55:9.

Ibude ughughan ẹre a miẹn vbe agbọn Esu, sokpan nibun vbọ keghi gbodan ye ilele ni rre Baibol. Avbe ibude na mwẹ esa ne iran ye vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ ra? Jesu khare wẹẹ, uyinmwẹ ne ọmwa yin, ẹre a ya rẹn deghẹ umẹwaẹn nọ. (Mat 11:19) Avbe umẹwaẹn wa runagban vbe nọ dekaẹn emwi ughughan ne iran he ru ladian, sokpan, iran ma sẹtin sọfurre ye ọlọghọmwa ne emwa werriẹ aro daa, vbe na ghee okuo, uyinmwẹ ọkhọ kevbe ne ivbi ẹvbo ọkpa na khẹko ivbi ẹvbo ọvbehe. Nọ ne emwa ni rre agbọn Esu, uyinmwẹ alama oghẹ ma de emwi nọ rhia. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, emwa nibun kue yọ wẹẹ, te uyinmwẹ vbenian zagha ẹgbẹe, ọ si emianmwẹ kevbe ọlọghọmwa nibun ọvbehe. Sokpan, Ivbiotu e Kristi ọghe ata i mwẹ obọ vbe uyinmwẹ alama oghẹ, ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne iran na mwẹ oghọghọ vbuwe ẹgbẹe, iran i mu emianmwẹ ne emwa mu vbe oghẹ kevbe wẹẹ, ọfunmwegbe ẹre iran ya ga e Jehova vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia. (Aiz 2:4; Iwinna 10:34, 35; 1 Kọr 6:9-11) Ọna ma rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, aro ne Jehova ya ghee emwi ẹre ọ gele maan sẹ ọghe emwa nagbọn ra? w18.11 20 ¶8-10

Sunday, May 17

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.​—Isa. 55:9.

Much worldly advice is in conflict with the Scriptures. Still, might some of it be more suited to our times? “Wisdom is proved righteous by its works,” said Jesus. (Matt. 11:19) The world has made considerable advancement in technology; however, it has been unable to solve the major problems that stand in the way of happiness, such as war, racism, and crime. And what of its lenient view of morality? Many people acknowledge that this is, not solving, but contributing to family breakdown, illness, and other troubles. On the other hand, Christians who adopt God’s viewpoint are enjoying improved family relationships, the healthful benefits of moral cleanness, and peace among fellow believers on a worldwide scale. (Isa. 2:4; Acts 10:34, 35; 1 Cor. 6:9-11) Does this not show that Jehovah’s thinking is superior to that of the world? w18.11 20 ¶8-10

Monday, May 18

Otu dan ẹre ọ mu uyinmwẹ esi rhia.—1 Kọr 15:33.

Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ te ọ khẹke ne ima gu emwa vbuwe ẹgbẹe gha rrọọ vbuwe ọfunmwegbe, ọ ma khẹke ne ima rhie owẹ gberra ilele ọghe Baibol rhunmwuda iran. Emwa ni hoẹmwẹ Jehova ẹre ọ khẹke ne ima gha gu mu obọ. Ọ khẹke ne emwa ni rre odẹ ọghe ẹmwata gha re emwa ni huanrẹn. (Aiz 35:8; 1 Pit 1:14-16) Vbe ima suẹn gha ruẹ vbekpae Jehova, ma keghi ru afiwerriẹ eso ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha lele ilele ni rre Baibol. Afiwerriẹ ne gẹdẹgbẹẹ ẹre eso vbuwe ima ru. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, ọ khẹke ne ima gha begbe ne ọyasin ọghe uyinmwẹ dan ne emwa ni lẹga ima yin ghẹ sin ima. Ne emwi vbenian ghẹ mieke na sunu daa ima, te ọ khẹke ne ima gha yerre emwamwa ne Jehova ru ya kpe ima huan, ọni ọre izọese adẹwerriegbe ọghe Jesu Kristi. (1 Pit 1:18, 19) Ma ghaa ye ọna rre vbe ẹghẹ hia, ma i khian ru emwi rhọkpa, nọ gha ya ima khian emwa ni ma huan vbe odaro e Jehova. w18.11 11 ¶10-11

Monday, May 18

Bad associations spoil useful habits.​—1 Cor. 15:33.

Although we endeavor to have good relations with family members and treat them kindly, we must be careful not to compromise the truth to please them. While we will continue to try to get along well with family members, we will have close friendships only with those who love Jehovah. All who walk in the truth must be holy. (Isa. 35:8; 1 Pet. 1:14-16) When coming into the truth, all of us had to make adjustments to conform to the Bible’s righteous standards. Some had to undergo major changes. Whichever the case, we must never trade our pure, holy condition for the immoral filth of this world. How can we avoid succumbing to immoral conduct? Reflect on the high price that Jehovah paid in order for us to be holy​—the precious blood of his Son, Jesus Christ. (1 Pet. 1:18, 19) To maintain our clean standing before Jehovah, we need to keep the value of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice foremost in our mind and heart. w18.11 11 ¶10-11

Tuesday, May 19

I gha ya izinegbe diakhẹ Osanobua, ọmwa nọ gha miẹn mwẹ fan. Osanobua mwẹ gha họn ọghomwẹ.—Mai 7:7.

Etẹn nibun ni rre ugamwẹ ọghe ẹghẹ hia khare wẹẹ, iwinna ikporhu ne iran rhiegba yi ẹre ọ ya iran sẹtin mudia gbain vbe emwi fiwerriẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe iran. Zẹ vbene igiemwi iran rhiẹre ma, ihe ke ihe ne ima na vba egbe ima, ma gha sẹtin gha mwẹ ọfunmwegbe nọ sẹ otọ ẹko, deghẹ ima mu ẹtin yan e Jehova. Ma sẹtin do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, te ima ghi sikẹ e Jehova sayọ rhunmwuda afiwerriẹ nọ rhiegbe ma vbe arrọọ ọghe ima. Vbe agbọn Esu ne ima ye na, emwi sẹtin ye udemwurri fiwerriẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe ima. Otu sẹtin fi iwinna ima werriẹ, ọlọghọmwa ọghe emianmwẹ kevbe ọghe ẹgbẹe sẹtin de rre. Ọ ghaa yerriọ, gi ima gha mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, e Jehova gha ru iyobọ ne ima vbe ẹghẹ nọ khẹke. (Hib 4:16; 1 Pit 5:6, 7) Deghẹ ọ mwẹ isievẹn ne u werriẹ aro daa nia, ghẹ gi ẹtin fuẹ. Gha na erhunmwu vbe ẹghẹ hia. Sẹ emwi hia rae ye obọ e Jehova. U gha lele adia na, u gha sẹtin gha mwẹ ọfunmwegbe nọ sẹ otọ ẹko vbe ihe ke ihe ne u na vba egbuẹ. w18.10 30 ¶17; 31 ¶19, 22

Tuesday, May 19

I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.​—Mic. 7:7.

Many full-time servants can testify that focusing on the ministry helped them to maintain their balance despite changing circumstances. As their examples show, if we make the best of our circumstances and wait confidently on Jehovah, we will maintain our inner peace. We may even realize that we have derived much spiritual benefit from adjusting to a new set of circumstances. If life takes an unexpected turn​—whether as a result of a change in our theocratic assignments, health problems, or new family responsibilities—​be assured that Jehovah cares for you and will help you at the right time. (Heb. 4:16; 1 Pet. 5:6, 7) In the meantime, try to make the best of your situation. Draw close to your heavenly Father through prayer, and learn to leave yourself in his caring hands. In this way, you too will maintain inner peace despite changing circumstances. w18.10 30 ¶17; 31 ¶19, 22

Wednesday, May 20

[Jehova] rẹn emwi na ya yi mwa, ọ yerre wẹẹ, ekẹn ma khin.—Psm 103:14.

E Baibol guan kaẹn odẹ ughughan ne Jehova ya mwẹ amuroro daa eguọmwadia ẹre. Vbe igiemwi, odẹ ne Osanobua ya ru iyobọ ne Samuẹl, ne ọ na sẹtin tama Elai ne Ogiohẹn emwi ne ọ khian sunu daa igiowa ẹre, zẹvbe nọ rre ebe 1 Samuẹl 3:1-18. Uhi e Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ ne ibiẹka gha ya ọghọ ne eniwanrẹn, katekate iran ni khaevbisẹ. (Ẹks 22:28; Lẹv 19:32) Rhunmwuda ọni, e Samuẹl ne ọvbokhan i ghẹ sẹtin ya tama Elai vbe owiowiẹ ọkpa, emwi ọhanabe ne Osanobua wẹẹ ọ gha rruan igiowa re. Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Baibol na kha wẹẹ, “ohan ma gi ẹre ta umian nii ma Elai.” Sokpan, e Jehova keghi gi Elai rẹn wẹẹ, irẹn ẹre ọ tie Samuẹl. Ọna ẹre ọ ghi ya Elai ya tama e Samuẹl, nọ tama irẹn emwi hia ne Osanobua tama rẹn. E Samuẹl keghi ya imuegberriotọ ta emwi hia ma Elai. Emwi ne Samuẹl tama Elai ma ghi kpa re odin rhunmwuda, “akhasẹ” ọvbehe ọghe Osanobua ka vbe ta emwi vberriọ ma rẹn nẹ. (1 Sam 2:27-36) Okha na ya ima rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova ọre ẹzi ọghe ẹwaẹn kevbe Osa nọ mwẹ amuroro. w18.09 23 ¶2; 24 ¶4-5

Wednesday, May 20

[Jehovah] well knows how we are formed, remembering that we are dust.​—Ps. 103:14.

The Bible provides many examples of the considerate way in which Jehovah deals with his servants. For instance, note the thoughtful way that God helped young Samuel to deliver a judgment message to High Priest Eli as recorded at 1 Samuel 3:1-18. Jehovah’s Law commanded children to respect the aged, especially a chieftain. (Ex. 22:28; Lev. 19:32) Can you imagine Samuel going up to Eli in the morning and boldly telling him God’s stinging judgment message? Of course not! Indeed, the account tells us that Samuel “was afraid to tell Eli of the vision.” However, God made clear to Eli that He was calling Samuel. As a result, Eli took charge of the situation and told Samuel to speak and not to hide “a single word.” Samuel obediently “told him everything,” and his words harmonized with an earlier message. (1 Sam. 2:27-36) The account involving Samuel and Eli shows us how considerate and wise Jehovah is. w18.09 23 ¶2; 24 ¶4-5

Thursday, May 21

Nọyaẹnmwa, de ọmwa nọ gha la uwu Ọgua Osa ruẹ? . . . Ọmwa . . . ne ẹmwẹ unu ẹnrẹn re ẹmwata kevbe nọ sẹ otọ ẹko.—Psm 15:1, 2.

Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, te emwa ghi ghee ẹre wẹẹ, ohoghe ne a ta ma zẹdẹ de emwi nọ rhia. Ebe ọkpa ne okpia ọkpa ne a tie ẹre Y. Bhattacharjee gbẹn, vbe uhunmwuta ọkpa nọ khare wẹẹ, “Why We Lie,” ọ keghi kha wẹẹ, “Ohoghe keghi re akpa nọ gbọzinian vbe ekhọe ivbi agbọn.” Emwa nibun keghi ta ohoghe ne iran ya sinmwi oseghe ne egbe iran. Eso ya ohoghe gbe gue abakuru ne iran ru. Emwa nibun vbe ta ohoghe ya miẹn emwa igho. Ebe ne a ka ya unu kaẹn ban vbe kha wẹẹ: “Emwa nibun i lele emwa ne iran ta ohoghe ma, te iran ta ohoghe ma emwa ne iran ma rẹn, emwa ne iran gba winna, avbe ọse, ya sẹ egbe etẹn vbuwe ẹgbẹẹ.” De ọlọghọmwa ne ohoghe si? Te a ghi ghee egbe vbirhi vbirhi, a ma ghi gba ẹko egbe, ọse nibun khian oghian egbe ba ẹmwẹ ohoghe ne a ta. Vbe ọsian ighẹ Devid na erhunmwu gie Jehova, ọ na kha wẹẹ: “Ekhọe ne ọ diae kevbe ẹmwata” ẹre ọ ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua. (Psm 51:6) E Devid rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, ọmwa ne ọ mwẹ ekhọe esi ẹre ọ ta ẹmwata. Nọnaghiyerriọ, te ọ khẹke ne Ivbiotu e Kristi “gha ta ẹmwata ma egbe” vbe emwi hia ne iran rhirhi gha ru.—Zẹk 8:16. w18.10 7 ¶4; 8 ¶9-10; 10 ¶19

Thursday, May 21

O Jehovah, who may be a guest in your tent? . . . The one who is . . . speaking the truth in his heart.​—Ps. 15:1, 2.

Spreading lies has become commonplace in today’s society. As stated in the article “Why We Lie” by Y. Bhattacharjee, “lying has come to be recognized as a deeply ingrained human trait.” People often resort to lying either to protect themselves or to promote themselves. They lie to cover up their mistakes and misdeeds or to gain economic and personal advantages. As the article states, there are people who “lie with ease, in ways big and small, to strangers, co-workers, friends, and loved ones.” What is the result of all this lying? Trust is lost and relationships can be ruined. The psalmist David prayed to Jehovah: “You find pleasure in truth in the inner person.” (Ps. 51:6) David knew that our being truthful comes from the inside, from our heart. In every aspect of life, true Christians “speak the truth with one another.”​—Zech. 8:16. w18.10 7 ¶4; 8 ¶9-10; 10 ¶19

Friday, May 22

Ọ su iran vbe ne ai na mwẹ ẹbe, ohan ma vbe mu iran.—Psm 78:53.

Ughaghe, Ivbi Izrẹl gberra ẹbo eha vbe iran kpa hin Igipti rre vbe ukpo 1513 B.C.E. Eniwanrẹn, ibiẹka, ọ gha kẹ, emwa ni khuọnmwi ra ne egbe ma gba na vbe gha rre uwu ẹbu iran. Vbene iran bun sẹ nii, ọ khẹke na miẹn wẹẹ, ọmwa nọ mwẹ amuroro kevbe azamemwi ẹre ọ su iran khian. Odẹ ne Jehova ya loo e Mosis rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ọmwa nọ gele mwẹ amuroro ẹre Jehova khin. Ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Ivbi Izrẹl na gha mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ, vbe iran kpa hin Igipt rre. Ohan ma mu iran, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, iran ma rẹn ẹvbo ọvbehe gberra Igipt. (Psm 78:52) De emwi ne Jehova ru nọ ya Ivbi Izrẹl gha mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ? Ọ keghi mwamwa iran vbe na ghee ivbiyokuo ni rrie odaro okuo. (Ẹks 13:18) Odẹ ne Jehova ya mwamwa iran keghi ya iran gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, Osanobua rre iran iyeke. Odẹ ọvbehe ne Jehova ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, irẹn rre iran iyeke, ọre ne ọ na ya “okuku” gha su iran vbe ẹghẹ avan, ọ na gha ya ‘orrẹ ọghe erhẹn’ su iran vbe asọn. (Psm 78:14) Emwi ne Jehova ghaa tama iran vbe emwa na ọre wẹẹ: “Wa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa. I rre uwa iyeke, I gha gbogba ga uwa.” w18.09 26 ¶11-12

Friday, May 22

He led them in security, and they felt no fear.​—Ps. 78:53.

When the Israelites left Egypt in 1513 B.C.E., they may have numbered more than three million. Spanning three or even four generations, there were children, elderly ones, and no doubt some who were infirm or disabled. To lead such a vast crowd out of Egypt certainly called for an understanding and thoughtful Leader. Jehovah, by means of Moses, proved to be such. As a result, the Israelites felt safe as they left the only home they had ever known. (Ps. 78:52) How did Jehovah make his people feel safe and secure? For one thing, he led them out of Egypt in well-organized “battle formation.” (Ex. 13:18) Such organization surely reassured the Israelites that their God was in control. Also, Jehovah made his presence visibly manifest by means of “a cloud by day and . . . the light of a fire” at night. (Ps. 78:14) In effect, Jehovah was saying: “Do not be afraid. I am with you to guide and protect you.” w18.09 26 ¶11-12

Saturday, May 23

Akpawẹ u gha ya rhie mwẹ lẹre ye idin, . . . ne u vbe rhie ẹghẹ ne u gha na ye mwẹ rre ye otọ.—Job 14:13.

Vbe ẹghẹ nẹdẹ, eguọmwadia e Jehova wa vbe werriẹ aro daa ọlọghọmwa nọ wegbe sẹrriọ wẹẹ, iran na gha hoo ne iran wu. Vbe igiemwi, e Job nọ ghaa rre obalọ ọghe ọhanabe keghi kha wẹẹ: “I zobọ vbọ, agbọn khan mwẹ nẹ.” (Job 7:16) Nọ ne Jona, rhunmwuda ne emwi ma na sunu vbe ne ọ te yaro yi, orhiọn keghi gbe yọ re iwu. Ọ na ghi kha wẹẹ: “Osanobua, gu mwẹ wa wu, rhunmwuda, I wa wu ọre ọ maan sẹ agbọn ne I ye na.” (Jona 4:3) Erriọ iro vbe ya han akhasẹ ighẹ Elaija vbe asẹ ọkpa. Ọ na vbe kha wẹẹ: “Ọ sẹ mwẹ abọ nẹ Nọyaẹnmwa .  . . I wu ẹre ọ ghi maan sẹ!” (1 Ọba 19:4) Aro nọ ghaan ẹre Jehova ya gha ghee eguọmwadia re na ya unu kaẹn na, rhunmwuda ọni, ọ na mu iran orhiọn sotọ. Ohu ma mu e Jehova ye ekhọe iziro ne iran ghaa mwẹ. Ọ keghi ru iyobọ ne iran, iran na gele fi ekhọe werriẹ do gha ya ẹkoata gae. w18.09 13 ¶4

Saturday, May 23

O that in the Grave you would conceal me, . . . that you would set a time limit for me and remember me.​—Job 14:13.

Back in Bible times, some of God’s faithful servants were so overwhelmed by their circumstances that they felt that they wanted to die. For example, pain-ridden Job lamented: “I loathe my life; I do not want to go on living.” (Job 7:16) Jonah was so disappointed with the way things had turned out in his assignment that he said: “Now, O Jehovah, please take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.” (Jonah 4:3) Also, at one point the faithful prophet Elijah felt so affected by his situation that he asked that he might die. He said: “It is enough! Now, O Jehovah, take my life away.” (1 Ki. 19:4) However, Jehovah valued those devoted servants and wanted them to live. Instead of condemning how they felt, he helped them to overcome their desire to die and built them up in love so that they could continue serving him faithfully. w18.09 13 ¶4

Sunday, May 24

Emwa ni gu Osanobua winna ẹre ima khin.—1 Kọr 3:9, NW.

Ọghọ ne a mu ye erhunmwuyẹn egbe keghi re akpa na ya rẹn eguọmwadia Osanobua. Vbe abọ ọghe Baibol ne a ye Grik gbẹn, ẹmwẹ Grik na ke zedu ẹmwẹ na ladian ọre obọ esi ne a ya mu erhunmwuyẹn. (Hib 13:2) Okha eso ni rre Baibol ẹre ọ ya ima rẹn wẹẹ, te ọ gele khẹke ne ima gha mu ọghọ ye erhunmwuyẹn egbe. (Gẹn 18:1-5) Ọ wa khẹke ne ima gha loo ẹkpotọ nọ rhirhi kie ya ru iyobọ ne emwa hia, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ iran i re etẹn ne ima gba ga. (Gal 6:10) Te ima ku obọ gbe ba emwamwa ọghe Osanobua vbe ima ghaa mu ọghọ ye etẹn ni rre ugamwẹ ẹghẹ hia egbe. Iran gha mu otuẹ gha die iko ne ima ye, ma sẹtin mu owa ne iran dia. (3 Jọn 5, 8) Ẹkpotọ ne a ya rhie igiọdu ne egbe keghi kie vbe ẹghẹ vbenian. (Rom 1:11, 12) E Baibol rhie igiọdu ne ikpia vbe iko, ne iran hia, ne iran do khian enọ gbegba nọ gha ga zẹvbe ẹdiọn kevbe eguọmwadia iwinna. (1 Tim 3:1, 8, 9; 1 Pit 5:2, 3) Etẹn ni rhiegbe ladian vbenian keghi ru iyobọ nọ khẹke ne emwa ọvbehe vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn kevbe odẹ ọghe ikpakpa. (Iwinna 6:1-4) Etẹn ni mwẹ obọ vbe iwinna vbenian keghi mwẹ ọyẹnmwẹ nọ sẹ otọ ẹko. w18.08 24 ¶6; 25 ¶7, 10

Sunday, May 24

We are God’s fellow workers.​—1 Cor. 3:9.

God’s fellow workers are noted for practicing hospitality. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the term translated “hospitality” means “kindness to strangers.” (Heb. 13:2; ftn.) God’s Word recounts events that teach us to show such love. (Gen. 18:1-5) We can and should seize opportunities to help others regularly, whether they are “related to us in the faith” or not. (Gal. 6:10) Can you work with God by showing hospitality to visiting full-time servants? (3 John 5, 8) Such occasions often provide an opportunity for “an interchange of encouragement.” (Rom. 1:11, 12) God’s Word encourages men in the congregation to work with Jehovah by reaching out for privileges of service and oversight. (1 Tim. 3:1, 8, 9; 1 Pet. 5:2, 3) Those who do so want to assist others in both practical and spiritual matters. (Acts 6:1-4) And those who care for necessary congregation duties will tell you that it is most enjoyable to assist others. w18.08 24 ¶6-7; 25 ¶10

Monday, May 25

Ghẹ gu ọmwa nọ wan sẹ ruẹ gui, sokpan hẹko guẹ guan, vbene a miẹn wẹẹ erhaa nọ.—1 Tim 5:1.

Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Timoti ghaa siẹnro iko ne eniwanrẹn ye, te ọ ye khẹke nọ gha mwẹ ẹnina daa iran, ọ vbe gha ya ọghọ nọ khẹke ne iran. Ọmwa nọ khian enọwanrẹn nẹ ghaa ru emwi ne ẹi ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova vbo? E Jehova i ghee ikpanro bu ohiẹn ọmwa. Ọmwa nọ khian enọwanrẹn gha ru orukhọ, oya nọ khẹke ẹre Jehova khian rhie nẹẹn. Ebe Aizaia 65:20, NW khare wẹẹ: “A gha rri ọmwa nọ ru orukhọ oya, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ ọ sẹ ukpo iyisẹn nẹ.” Ilele vbenian ẹre ọ vbe rre umian ne Ẹzikiẹl miẹn. (Ẹzik 9:5-7) Ọna rhiẹma wẹẹ, e Jehova ẹre ọ khẹke ne ima gha rhie ọghọ na vbe ẹghẹ hia rhunmwuda irẹn ẹre ọ rrọọ vbe etẹbitẹ. (Dan 7:9, 10, 13, 14) Ma ghaa ru vberriọ, ohan i khian gha mu ima vbe ọ gha khẹke ne ima rhie adia ne ọmwa nọ khian enọwanrẹn nẹ.—Gal 6:1. w18.08 11 ¶13-14

Monday, May 25

Do not severely criticize an older man. On the contrary, appeal to him as a father.​—1 Tim. 5:1.

Although Timothy had a measure of authority over such older brothers, he was to treat them with compassion and respect. However, how far would we take that principle? For example, should we feel obligated to defer to someone older if he is willfully sinning or is advocating something displeasing to Jehovah? Jehovah will not judge by the outward appearance and will not excuse a willful sinner simply because he is older. Note the principle found at Isaiah 65:20: “The sinner will be cursed, even though he is a hundred years of age.” A similar principle is demonstrated in Ezekiel’s vision. (Ezek. 9:5-7) Thus, our main concern must always be to show respect for the Ancient of Days, Jehovah God. (Dan. 7:9, 10, 13, 14) If we do so, we will not be afraid to correct a person needing counsel, regardless of his age.​—Gal. 6:1. w18.08 11 ¶13-14

Tuesday, May 26

Ai miẹn ẹmwẹ ne akpa i yayi, avbe umẹwaẹn, te iran ghee owẹ zẹ vbe otọ.—Itan 14:15.

Ọ khẹke ne ima rẹn vbene a ya mu ukpa mu uwerhẹn ghee ẹmwẹ hẹ, ne ima mieke na gele rẹn ehe ne ẹmwẹ rrie. (Itan 3:21-23; 8:4, 5) Vbe ẹi erriọ, Esu kevbe agbọn Esu ne ima ye sẹtin bibi ima odẹ. (Ẹfis 5:6; Kọl 2:8) Ma gha gele rẹn ẹmwata nọ rre ẹmwẹ, ẹre ima khian na sẹtin ru azẹ nọ khẹke. Te ayahọmwaehọ wa gba ehe hia vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. A keghi miẹn avbe ayahọmwaehọ na vbe Itanẹt, ẹkpẹti ughe kevbe ebe iyẹn ughughan. Erriọ avbe ọse vbe ye kọmputa kevbe efoni gie uhunmwu nibun gie ima. Te emwa nibun wa ya avbe obẹlẹ na ghae iyẹn ohoghe, ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha begbe. w18.08 3 ¶1, 3

Tuesday, May 26

The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step.​—Prov. 14:15.

As true Christians, we need to develop the ability to evaluate information and reach accurate conclusions. (Prov. 3:21-23; 8:4, 5) If we do not cultivate this ability, we will be far more vulnerable to the efforts of Satan and his world to distort our thinking. (Eph. 5:6; Col. 2:8) Of course, only if we have the facts can we reach right conclusions. Today, people are bombarded with information. Internet websites, television, and other mass media present a seemingly unending array of ideas. Many people are also flooded with e-mails, text messages, and reports from well-meaning friends and acquaintances. Since the deliberate spreading of wrong information and the distorting of facts are common, we have good reason to be cautious and to evaluate carefully what we hear. w18.08 3 ¶1, 3

Wednesday, May 27

Osanobua ru ruẹ ẹse nẹ.—Luk 1:30.

Vbe ọ ghi bu ẹghẹ ne a khian ya biẹ Jesu vbe agbọn, uvbi ne ọ ma he rẹn okpia ne a tie ẹre Meri, ẹre Jehova hannọ zẹ. Ovbi ẹvbo ne a tie ẹre Nazarẹt ẹre Meri ghaa ye. E Nazarẹt ma zẹdẹ sikẹ Jerusalẹm ne Ọgua Osa ne mose mose ghaa ye. (Luk 1:26-33) Emwi ne Meri tama Elizabẹt vbe ọ ya tuẹ ọre keghi rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ọmwa nọ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ẹre Meri ghaa khin. (Luk 1:46-55) Ena hia ya ima rẹn wẹẹ, aro e Jehova wa ghaa sẹ otọ vbe egbe Meri. Rhunmwuda ne Meri na gha ya ẹkoata ga e Jehova, ọ keghi mu uyi ye Meri egbe vbe odẹ nọ ma te ya aro yi. E Meri ghi biẹ Jesu nẹ, e Jehova keghi mu uyi yọ re egbe. De odẹ nọ khin? Ọ keghi gie avbe odibo, ne iran ya tama avbe ọsuohuan ni su ohuan vbe olega ọghe Jerusalẹm vbekpae ubiẹmwẹ ọghe Jesu. Ọ ma mu uyi na ye avbe ọkaolotu ọghe Ivbi e Ju egbe, avbe ọsuohuan ne emwa ma ka yọ ẹre Jehova mu uyi na yọ re egbe. (Luk 2:8-14) Vbe iyeke ọni, avbe ọsuohuan nii keghi mu otuẹ gie Jesu. (Luk 2:15-17) Ẹi mwẹ ọ ma kpa e Meri kevbe Josẹfi odin, odẹ ne Jehova ya mu uyi ye Jesu egbe. w18.07 9-10 ¶11-12

Wednesday, May 27

You have found favor with God.​—Luke 1:30.

When it came time for God’s Son to be born as a human, Jehovah selected a humble virgin girl, Mary, to be the mother of this special child. Mary lived in the insignificant city of Nazareth, far from Jerusalem and its magnificent temple. (Luke 1:26-33) Mary revealed her deep spirituality when she later spoke to her relative Elizabeth. (Luke 1:46-55) Yes, Jehovah had been observing Mary, and he granted her this unexpected privilege because of her faithfulness. When Mary eventually gave birth to Jesus, Jehovah did not honor any of the prominent officials or rulers in Jerusalem and Bethlehem by letting them know what had happened. Angels appeared to lowly shepherds who were caring for sheep in the fields outside Bethlehem. (Luke 2:8-14) These shepherds then visited the newborn baby. (Luke 2:15-17) How pleasantly surprised Mary and Joseph must have been to see Jesus honored in such a manner! w18.07 9-10 ¶11-12

Thursday, May 28

Ohu e Solomọn keghi mu e Jehova.—1 Ọba 11:9, NW.

Vbọzẹe ne ohu e Solomọn na mu e Jehova? E Baibol keghi kha wẹẹ: “Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, igba eva ẹre Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua Izrẹl rhiegbe ma e Solomọn, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ, nẹ ghẹ gho ẹbọ eghọẹn, e Solomọn ma họn ẹmwẹ e Nọyaẹnmwa, sokpan ọ keghi fi iyeke gbẹe, rhunmwuda ọnii, ohu e Solomọn keghi mu e Nọyaẹnmwa.” Vbọ ghi sunu? E Jehova na vbe fi iyeke gbe Solomọn. Ẹkpotọ ma ghi vbe kie ne uniẹn e Solomọn ya kha yan otọ Izrẹl hia, ukpo nibun ẹre iran vbe ya werriẹ aro daa ọlọghọmwa nọ wegbe. (1 Ọba 11:9-13) Ma ghaa gu emwa ne ẹi ga e Jehova mu obọ, iran sẹtin ye ima khian emwa ni worua vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Emwi vbenian ẹre ọ sunu dae Solomọn. Emwa eso ni rre iko ọghomwa sẹtin gha re emwa ni vburriẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. A sẹtin vbe miẹn wẹẹ etẹn ima vbuwe ẹgbẹe, emwa ni rre ẹdogbo ne ima ye, emwa ne ima gba winna ra ne ima gba yo owebe sẹtin gha re emwa ne ẹi ga e Jehova. Ọ ma zẹdẹ khẹke ne ima gha gu emwa vbenian mu obọ hiehie rhunmwuda iran sẹtin si ima digiẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. w18.07 19 ¶9-10

Thursday, May 28

Jehovah became furious at Solomon.​—1 Ki. 11:9.

Why was Jehovah’s anger raised against Solomon? The Bible reports: “Because his heart had inclined away from Jehovah . . . , who had appeared to him twice and had warned him about this very thing, that he should not go after other gods. But he did not obey what Jehovah had commanded.” As a result, God withdrew his approval and support. Solomon’s heirs lost the unified kingdom of Israel and suffered many calamities for generations to come. (1 Ki. 11:9-13) As in Solomon’s case, one of the greatest threats to spirituality is friendship with those who do not understand or respect Jehovah’s standards. Some may be associated with the congregation but may be spiritually weak. Others could be relatives, neighbors, coworkers, or schoolmates who are not worshippers of Jehovah. In any case, if our close associates do not show a high regard for Jehovah’s standards, they can in time destroy our good standing with God. w18.07 19 ¶9-10

Friday, May 29

Ọmwa dan nii ẹre ọ kha yan agbọn na hia.—1 Jọn 5:19.

Esu loo ikueta kevbe ẹkpẹti ughe ya mu emwa rẹrẹ. Avbe ikueta na keghi re okha ne emwa gbẹnnẹ. Ẹi re te ima sọyẹnmwẹ avbe ikueta na kẹkan, Esu rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, te avbe ikueta na dia iziro ekhọe ima kevbe uyinmwẹ ima. Jesu wa vbe gha loo okha na ta ya maa emwa emwi. Vbe igiemwi, ọ keghi ya okha ọghe ovbi e Sameria nọ mwẹ ekhọe esi kevbe ọghe ọmọ nọ fuẹn ukhu ya maa emwa emwi. (Mat 13:34; Luk 10:29-37; 15:11-32) Sokpan, emwa ne Esu mu ẹre ekhọe rhia nẹ, sẹtin ya okha, ikueta kevbe ẹkpẹti ughe mu ima ekhọe rhia. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, ọ mwẹ ikueta eso ne ima sọyẹnmwẹ ọnrẹn, ma ghi vbe miẹn emwi ruẹ vbọ vbe ne ẹi na mu ima ekhọe rhia. Ọrheyerriọ, ọ khẹke ne ima gha begbe. Ọta eso nọ khẹke ne ima nọ egbe ima re vbe nọ dekaẹn ikueta ne ima ghee ọre, ‘De emwi ne ikueta ne I ghee na maa mwẹ re vbekpae ahoo ọghe ikpakpa? Emwi esi nọ ra, ra emwi dan?’ (Gal 5:19-21; Ẹfis 2:1-3) De emwi nọ khẹke ne ima ru deghẹ ima bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, ughe ne ima ghee keghi re odẹ ọkpa ne Esu ya mu emwa ekhọe rhia? Zẹ emwi ru vbobọvbobọ nii! Lẹ ne ughe vberriọ zẹ vbene u gha ya lẹ ne okpe emianmwẹ nọ vẹwae khian! w19.01 15-16 ¶6-7

Friday, May 29

The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.​—1 John 5:19.

Satan uses movies and television shows to spread his way of thinking. He understands that storytelling does much more than entertain us; it teaches us how to think, feel, and act. Jesus made good use of this method of teaching. Take, for example, his parables of the neighborly Samaritan and of the son who left home and wasted his inheritance. (Matt. 13:34; Luke 10:29-37; 15:11-32) However, those who are infected with Satan’s thinking can use storytelling to corrupt us. We need to be balanced. Movies and TV shows can entertain and educate us without contaminating our thinking. But we must be cautious. When choosing entertainment, we do well to ask ourselves, ‘Is this movie or TV show teaching me that it is all right to give in to my fleshly desires?’ (Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 2:1-3) What should you do if you detect that a program is promoting satanic thinking? Avoid it as you would a contagious disease! w19.01 15-16 ¶6-7

Saturday, May 30

Rhan obọ miẹn imiẹnfan ya ru ẹrhu ematọn.—Ẹfis 6:17.

Zẹvbe ne ẹrhu ematọn ya gbogba gae ẹrherhe ọghe ovbiyokuo, erriọ ayayẹro ọghe imiẹnfan ne ima mwẹ vbe ya gbogba gae ekhọe iziro ọghe ima. (1 Tẹs 5:8; Itan 3:21) Esu sẹtin ya ima mu ẹrhu ematọn hin uhunmwu rre. De odẹ nọ khin? Muẹn roro vbene Esu ya danmwẹ Jesu hẹ. Esu rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, Jesu yaro ye ẹghẹ nọ khian ya kha yan emwa nagbọn. Sokpan te Jesu gha mwẹ izinegbe khẹ ẹghẹ ne Jehova khian ya ma re Ọba. Vbe nọ te sẹ ẹghẹ nii, Jesu gha rri oya ọhanabe ọ ke wu. Vbe Esu a ghi ru? Ọ keghi tama e Jesu wẹẹ, ọ gha gbe uhunmwu kotọ ne irẹn, irẹn gha mu arriọba otagbọn hia nẹẹn. Emwi ne Esu ya ọna kha ọre wẹẹ, esa i rrọọ ne Jesu gha muẹn ẹghẹ rhia khẹ Erhae. (Luk 4:5-7) Esu vbe rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova gha fiangbe ima vbe odẹ ọghe ikpakpa vbe agbọn ọgbọn nọ dee. Sokpan te ima gha mwẹ izinegbe. Ma sẹtin vbe rri oya nọ wegbe vbene agbọn ọgbọn te rre. Ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Esu na vbe hoo ne ọ kọe ye ima orhiọn wẹẹ, esa i rrọọ ne ima gha diakhẹ Arriọba Osanobua. Ọ hoo ne ima mu ẹmwẹ irọkhegbe ye okaro vbe arrọọ ọghe ima, ẹghẹ nii, iwinna Arriọba ghi do gha rre iyeke.—Mat 6:31-33. w18.05 30-31 ¶15-17

Saturday, May 30

Accept the helmet of salvation.​—Eph. 6:17.

Just as a helmet protects a soldier’s brain, our “hope of salvation” protects our mind, our thinking ability. (1 Thess. 5:8; Prov. 3:21) How could Satan induce us to remove our helmet? Consider the way he dealt with Jesus. Satan surely knew that Jesus had the hope of eventually ruling mankind. But Jesus would have to wait until Jehovah’s appointed time. And before then, he would have to suffer and die. So Satan offered Jesus the chance to fulfill his hope sooner. Satan suggested that if Jesus would do one act of worship, he could have it all and have it right then. (Luke 4:5-7) Similarly, Satan knows that Jehovah offers us material benefits in the new system. But we have to wait, and we might have to suffer hardships in the meantime. So Satan offers us tempting opportunities to enjoy such a life now. He wants us to seek material benefits first​—to have it all and have it now. Satan urges us to seek the Kingdom second.​—Matt. 6:31-33. w18.05 30-31 ¶15-17

Sunday, May 31

Wa ne igbama, wa gha zọmọ igbama uwa. Gi ẹko gha sẹ uwa ọyẹnmwẹ.—Asan 11:9.

E Jehova gele hoo ne uwa ne igbama gha sọyẹnmwẹ. Okhuo ne a fian ne egbe ọmwa vbe ugamwẹ e Jehova keghi re emwi nọ khian gele ya uwa gha sọyẹnmwẹ. U gha rherhe fian okhuo ne egbuẹ, u ghi vbe rherhe miẹn vbene Jehova ya gbaroghe ruẹ hẹ kevbe afiangbe nọ ke obọ re rre. Gha ya adia ni rre Ẹmwẹ Osanobua ru emwi. Hia ne u kọ ọna ye orhiọn: “Ye Ayi nọ yi ruẹ rre, vbe ne u na ye re ọvbokhan.” (Asan 12:1) Ọ khẹke ne ima gha tian igbama ni rre otu e Jehova rhunmwuda, iran rhiegba ye ugamwẹ e Jehova agharhemiẹn wẹẹ iran werriẹ aro daa isievẹn ughughan. Iran nibun fian okhuo ne egbe iran vbe ugamwẹ e Jehova, iran vbe hia ne iran muẹn sẹ. Iran mu ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ye okaro vbe arrọọ ọghe iran. Iran ma kue ne emwi fi iran ekhọe werriẹ. Avbe igbama, e Jehova gha san uwa ẹse ye iwinna esi ne uwa ru. Etẹn nibun wa vbe rrọọ ni mu egbe, ne iran ya ru iyobọ nọ khẹke ne uwa. Wa ghaa ya egbe kọ e Jehova, emwamwa ọghe uwa hia ghi dinnodẹ. w18.04 29 ¶17, 19

Sunday, May 31

Let your heart be glad in the days of your youth.​—Eccl. 11:9.

Yes, Jehovah wants you as a young person to have a joyful heart. Keep yourself focused on theocratic goals, including Jehovah in all your plans. The earlier you start to do this, the sooner you will sense Jehovah’s guidance, protection, and blessing. Think of all the sound counsel you find in God’s Word, and take to heart the advice: “Remember, then, your Grand Creator in the days of your youth.” (Eccl. 12:1) Young people in the congregation deserve warm commendation for being determined to focus their lives on serving Jehovah. Youths do this by reaching out for spiritual goals and by giving the preaching work high priority. Moreover, they make up their mind not to be distracted by this world. Adolescents can be sure that their hard work is not in vain. They have the loving support of their brothers and sisters, and when they commit themselves to Jehovah, their plans in life will succeed. w18.04 29 ¶17, 19