Lesson 105
After Jesus died, a wealthy man named Joseph asked Pilate to let him take Jesus’ body down from the stake.
Vbe Jesu ghi wu nẹ, okpia ọkpa nọ fe na tie ẹre Josẹf, keghi ya rinmwian e Pailet, ne ọ gi irẹn mu ikun Jesu tuorre vbe uhunmwu erhan.
Joseph wrapped the body in fine linen and spices and laid it in a new tomb.
E Josẹf keghi ya ukpọn vbuọ ikun Jesu, ọ na vbe ya ori nọ winhin wuo ẹre egbe. Vbe iyeke ọni, ọ na ree Jesu ye idin ne a da fian ye uwu okuta.
He had a heavy stone rolled in front of the entrance.
Ọ na vbe werriẹ okuta nọkhua gue unu idin nii.
The chief priests told Pilate:
Avbe ogie ohẹn keghi tama e Pailet wẹẹ:
‘We are afraid that some of Jesus’ disciples will take his body and say that he has come back to life.’
‘Erhuanegbe Jesu sẹtin ya do ikun ẹnrẹn mu, iran ghi do gha tama emwa wẹẹ Jesu rhiọkpaegbe nẹ.’
So Pilate told them:
E Pailet na ghi tama iran wẹẹ:
‘Seal the tomb and guard it.’
‘Wa gie emwa eso ne iran ya gbogba ga idin nii.’
Three days later, early in the morning, some women went to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ikpẹdẹ eha, ikhuo eso kegha rrie eke na ree Jesu yi. Owiẹwiẹ ọkpa ẹre iran ya sẹ evba. Iran keghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, a werriẹ okuta na ya gue unu idin nii hin odẹ rre.
Inside the tomb, an angel told the women:
Iran na vbe miẹn odibosa ọkpa vbuwe ẹre. Nene odibosa keghi tama iran wẹẹ:
‘Don’t be afraid.
‘Wa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa.
Jesus has been raised up.
Jesu rhiọkpaegbe nẹ.
Go and tell his disciples to meet him in Galilee.’
Wa ya tama erhuanegbe ẹre ne iran ya vba Jesu vbe Galili.’
Mary Magdalene hurried to find Peter and John.
Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, e Meri Magdalen keghi rhulẹ ya gualọ e Pita vbe Jọn.
She told them:
Ọ ghi miẹn iran, ọ na tama iran wẹẹ:
‘Someone has taken Jesus’ body!’
‘Iran mu ikun Jesu kpa!’
Peter and John ran back to the tomb.
Ẹre Pita vbe Jọn na ya ulẹ vbe okhian gha rrie eke na ree Jesu yi.
When they saw that it was empty, they went back to their homes.
Iran ghi sẹ evba, iran ma miẹn ikun Jesu. Ẹre iran na werriegbe gha rrie owa.
When Mary returned to the tomb, she saw two angels inside and said to them:
E Meri ghi werriegbe sẹ eke na ree Jesu yi, ọ na miẹn odibosa eva vbuwe uvun okuta nii. E Meri keghi tama iran wẹẹ:
‘I don’t know where they have taken my Lord.’
‘I ma rẹn eke ne iran mu ikun Jesu yi.’
Then she saw a man, and thinking that he was the gardener, she said:
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Meri keghi bẹghe okpia ọkpa, ọ na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ ọmwa ne ọ gbaroghe evba ẹre nọ. E Meri keghi tama nene okpia wẹẹ:
‘Sir, please tell me where you have taken him.’
‘Enọwanrẹn, lahọ de eke ne u mu ikun ẹnrẹn yi?’
But when the man said, “Mary!” she knew that he was Jesus.
Vbe nene okpia ghi sunu ye eni ẹnrẹn wẹẹ, “E Meri!” e Meri na wa rẹn wẹẹ Jesu ẹre ọ gu iran guan.
She cried out: “Teacher!” and held onto him.
Ẹre Meri na ghi tie ẹre: “Ọmamwaemwi!” Vbe iyeke ọni, ọ keghi mu Jesu dede.
Jesus told her:
Jesu na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:
‘Go and tell my brothers that you have seen me.’
‘Gha khian, ne u ya tama etẹn mwẹ wẹẹ, u miẹn mwẹ.’
Right away, Mary ran to the disciples and told them that she had seen Jesus.
Vbobọvbobọ, e Meri keghi rhulẹ bu erhuanegbe Jesu, ya tama iran wẹẹ irẹn miẹn Jesu.
Later in the day, two disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus.
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, erhuanegbe Jesu eva keghi mu okhian ke Jerusalẹm gha rrie Emaọs.
A man joined them on the road and asked what they were talking about.
Okpia ọkpa keghi vba iran vbe odẹ. Nene okpia keghi nọ iran emwi ne iran guan kaan.
They said:
Iran keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:
‘Haven’t you heard?
‘Uwẹ ma he họn emwi nọ sunu ra?
Three days ago, the chief priests put Jesus to death.
Nẹghẹdia ẹre avbe ogie ohẹn gbe Jesu rua.
Now some women are saying that he is alive!’
Nia, ikhuo eso tae khian wẹẹ Jesu rhiọkpaegbe nẹ!’
The man asked:
Ẹre ọ na ghi nọ iran wẹẹ:
‘Don’t you believe the prophets?
‘Wa ma ya ẹmwẹ ne avbe akhasẹ ta yi ra?
They said that the Christ would die and then be raised up.’
Avbe akhasẹ tae yotọ wẹẹ Kristi gha wu, ọ gha vbe rhiọkpaegbe.’
He continued to explain the Scriptures to them.
Nene okpia keghi rhan otọ Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn ma iran sayọ.
When they reached Emmaus, the disciples asked the man to come with them.
Vbe iran ghi sẹ Emaọs, erhuanegbe eva nii, keghi tama nene okpia nọ lele iran.
At supper after he prayed over the bread, they realized that he was Jesus.
Vbe iran khian ghi rri evbare, nene okpia keghi na erhunmwu. Ẹghẹ nii, ẹre ọ ghi ya vẹ ne iran rẹn wẹẹ Jesu ẹre ọ gu iran guan sin.
Then he disappeared.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi ru gbẹnnẹ.
The two disciples hurried to the house in Jerusalem where the apostles were gathered and told them what had happened.
Iran eva keghi werriegbe gha rrie Jerusalẹm ya na iyẹn emwi nọ sunu ma avbe ukọ, vbe owa ne iran na si egbe koko.
While they were there, inside the house, Jesus appeared to all of them.
Vbene iran na ye guan, Jesu na wa rhiegbe ma iran hia.
At first, the apostles couldn’t believe that it was Jesus.
Vbe okaro, avbe ukọ ma te yayi wẹẹ Jesu nọ.
Then he said:
Jesu na ghi tama iran wẹẹ:
‘Look at my hands; touch me.
‘Wa ghee obọ mwẹ; wa vbe ya obọ kaan mwẹ.
It was written that the Christ would rise from the dead.’
A tae yotọ wẹẹ Kristi gha wu, ọ gha vbe rhiọkpaegbe.’
“I am the way and the truth and the life.
“Mẹ ọre odẹ, mẹ ọre ẹmwata, mẹ ọre arrọọ.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”—John 14:6
Ọmwa nọ gha sẹtin sẹ ehe ne Evbavba ye, ẹi rrọọ vbe ẹi re wẹ, te ọ la obọ mwẹ.”—Jọn 14:6
What happened when the women went to Jesus’ tomb?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe ikhuo eso sẹ eke na ree Jesu yi?
What happened on the way to Emmaus?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe erhuanegbe eva rrie Emaọs?