Lesson 079

This section introduces the Christian Greek Scriptures.
Abọ na keghi guan kaan Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn Na Ya Urhuẹvbo e Grik Gbẹn.

Jesus was born into a humble family who lived in a small town.
Ẹgbẹe ọkpa nọ ma fe, ni ghaa rre ẹvbo ọkpa nọ ma kpọlọ gbe, ẹre a biẹ Jesu yi.

He worked with his father, a carpenter.
Jesu kegha winna lele erhae ne ekabita.

Jesus was the one who would save mankind.
Jesu ọre ọmwa nọ khian miẹn emwa nagbọn fan.

Jehovah had selected him as King of the Kingdom of the heavens.
Irẹn ẹre Jehova vbe zẹ nọ gha re Ọba ọghe Arriọba nọ rre ẹrinmwi.

If you are a parent, help your child to appreciate how carefully Jehovah selected the family and environment in which Jesus would grow up.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ne ọ ya rẹn vbene Jehova ya gbarokotọ gualọ ẹgbẹe ne a khian biẹ Jesu yi kevbe ẹdogbo na khian na koko ẹre waan.

Consider how Jehovah protected Jesus from being murdered by Herod and how nothing can stop Jehovah’s purpose.
U ghi vbe guan kaan vbene Jehova ya gbogba ga e Jesu hẹ, vbe ẹghẹ ne Hẹrọd khian na te gbe ẹre rua; vbe rhan otọre wẹẹ emwi rhọkpa i rrọọ nọ khian mu idobo ye emwamwa ọghe Jehova nẹ ghẹ mwẹ amusẹ.

Learn how Jehovah assigned John to prepare the way for Jesus.
U gha vbe ruẹ vbekpa vbene Jehova ya gie Jọn hẹ, nọ ru emwamwa khẹ Jesu.

Emphasize how Jesus demonstrated that even from a young age, he loved Jehovah’s wisdom.
Niania vbene Jesu ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ irẹn gbọyẹmwẹ ye ẹwaẹn ọghe Jehova uhiẹn vbe ọ rre ọvbokhan.

Always be loyal to Jehovah’s arrangement
Gha ku obọ gbe ba emwamwa ọghe Jehova vbe ẹghẹ hia

Jesus, the powerful Son of God, was willing to be born on earth as a human baby
Jesu ne Ovbi Osanobua keghi ya ekhọe hia kueyọ, na biẹ irẹn vbe agbọn na zẹvbe ọmọmọ, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ irẹn mwẹ ẹtin

John the Baptist humbly helped people to be ready for the arrival of the Messiah
Jọn ne Baptist keghi yae wewe urremwẹ ọghe Mezaia