Lesson 077

It had been about 70 years since most of the Israelites had gone back to Jerusalem, but some were still living in different parts of the Persian Empire.
Ọ gberra ukpo 70 nẹ, ne Ivbi Izrẹl nibun ya werriegbe gha rrie Jerusalẹm, vbene eso na ye gha rre otọ e Pẹsia.

One of them was a priest named Ezra, who taught Jehovah’s Law.
Ọkpa vbe iran na, kegha re Ẹzra ne ohẹn nọ ghaa maa emwa Uhi ọghe Jehova.

Ezra learned that the people in Jerusalem were not following the Law, and he wanted to go and help them.
Vbe Ẹzra ghi họn wẹẹ, Ivbi e Jerusalẹm i lele Uhi ọghe Jehova, ọ na gha hoo ne ọ ya ru iyobọ ne iran.

Persian King Artaxerxes told him:
E Zakzis ne ọba ọghe Pẹsia keghi tama Ẹzra wẹẹ:

‘God made you wise so that you can teach his Law.
‘Osanobua ẹre ọ rhie ẹwaẹn nuẹ, ne u ya gha maa emwa Uhi ọghẹe.

Go, and take any who want to go with you.’
Viọ emwa lele egbe ne u gha khian.’

Ezra met with all who wanted to return to Jerusalem.
Ẹzra keghi si emwa hia ni khian lelẹe gha rrie Jerusalẹm koko.

They prayed to Jehovah to keep them safe on the long journey, and then they set off.
Iran ke kpa, iran keghi na erhunmwu ne Jehova su iran sẹ evba.

Four months later, they arrived at Jerusalem.
Vbe ọ ghi rre uki enẹ, iran keghi sẹ e Jerusalẹm.

The princes there told Ezra:
Avbe okoro ni rre Jerusalẹm keghi tama Ẹzra wẹẹ:

‘The Israelites have disobeyed Jehovah and married women who worship false gods.’
‘Ivbi Izrẹl i ghi họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova, iran ya viọ ikhuo ni ga ẹbọ.’

What did Ezra do?
De emwi ne Ẹzra ghi ru?

In front of the people, Ezra got down on his knees and prayed:
Ẹzra keghi fan fi iguẹ vbe odaro emwa hia, ọ keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah, you have done so much for us, but we have sinned against you.’
‘Eo Jehova, emwi bun ne u he ru ne ima, sokpan ma ru orukhọ daa ruẹ nẹ.’

The people repented, but they were still doing things that were not right.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Ivbi Izrẹl te fiwerriẹ, iran ye gha ru emwi eso nọ ma gba.

Ezra chose elders and judges to look into these matters.
Ẹzra keghi zẹ ediọn kevbe avbe ọbuohiẹn, ne iran mu ukpa mu uwerhẹn ghee ẹmwẹ na.

Over the next three months, those who did not worship Jehovah were sent away.
Ọ ke sẹ uki eha, iran keghi khulo emwa nẹi ga e Jehova fua vbe ẹvbo nii.

Twelve years went by. In the meantime, the walls around Jerusalem were rebuilt. So Ezra gathered the people in the public square to read God’s Law to them.
Ukpo iweva ghi gberra nẹ, Ẹzra keghi si emwa hia koko vbe azagba ne ọ mieke na tie Uhi ọghe Osanobua ma iran. Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, a dọlegbe bọ ogba ekẹn ọghe Jerusalẹm nẹ.

When Ezra opened the book, the people stood up. He praised Jehovah, and they raised their hands in agreement.
Ẹzra ghi wee ebe uhi nii, emwa hia na kpaegbe, iran keghi deba Ẹzra rhie urhomwẹ gie Jehova.

Then Ezra read and explained the Law, and the people listened carefully.
Iyeke ọni, Ẹzra na tie nene ebe Uhi ma iran, ọ na vbe rhan otọre, vbene emwa hia na gbehọ kotọ gha danmwehọ.

They admitted that they had strayed from Jehovah again, and they wept.
Iran keghi viẹ egbe rua, iran na kha wẹẹ, iran te wa khian rree ne Jehova.

The next day, Ezra read more of the Law to them.
Vbe ẹdẹ ghi gbe, Ẹzra keghi tie nene ebe Uhi ma iran sayọ.

They learned that soon they should celebrate the Festival of Booths. Right away, they began to prepare for the festival.
Vbe iran ghi họn wẹẹ, te ọ khẹke ne iran gha do Ugie Irhu, iran na suẹn gha muegbe khẹ ugie na vbobọvbobọ.

For the seven days of the festival, the people rejoiced and thanked Jehovah for a good harvest.
Vbe ọwara ikpẹdẹ ihinrọn ne iran ya do ugie na, iran kegha rho e Jehova, iran na gha kpọnmwẹ ọnrẹn, ne ọ na fiangbe emwi okọ ọghe iran.

There had not been a Festival of Booths like it since the days of Joshua.
Ke ne Ivbi Izrẹl ke do Ugie Irhu ke ẹghẹ Jọsua gha dee, ne iran do na, ẹre ọ ghi titi sẹ.

After the festival, the people gathered and prayed:
Vbe iran ghi do ugie na fo nẹ, iran keghi si egbe koko, iran keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah, you saved us from slavery, fed us in the desert, and gave us this beautiful land.
‘Eo Jehova, uwẹ ẹre ọ miẹn ima fan hin eviẹn rre, uwẹ ẹre ọ gbaroghe ima vbuwe ato, u na vbe mu otọ na, nọ maan emwi okọ ne ima.

But over and over, we disobeyed you.
Sokpan ẹghẹ hia ẹre ima ya he ẹmwẹ yọ ruẹ obọ.

You sent prophets to warn us, but we did not listen.
U te gie avbe akhasẹ ne iran gha ya obọ sekhae ma ima, sokpan ima i họn.

Still, you were patient.
Ọrheyerriọ, te u ye mwẹ itohan ghee ima.

You kept your promise to Abraham.
U ma mianmian eyan ne u ru ma Ebraham.

Now we promise that we will obey you.’
Nia, ma yan rẹn nẹ wẹẹ ima gha họn ẹmwẹ nuẹ.’

They wrote down their promise, and the princes, Levites, and priests put their seal on it.
Iran keghi gbẹnnẹ eyan na yotọ. Avbe okoro, Ivbi e Livai kevbe avbe ohẹn keghi mu obọ ye ebe na.

“Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!”—Luke 11:28
“U miẹn egie ne iran ye ighẹ iran ni họn ẹmwẹ Osanobua, iran na vbe yae ru emwi!”—Luk 11:28


What did Ezra teach the Israelites who were gathered in Jerusalem?
De emwi ne Ẹzra maa iran re ighẹ Ivbi Izrẹl ni si egbe koko vbe Jerusalẹm?

What did the people promise to do?
De eyan ne Ivbi Izrẹl ghi ru?