Lesson 049

After David killed Goliath, King Saul put him in charge of his army.
Vbe Devid ghi gbe Golaiat rua nẹ, Ọba e Sọl keghi ya e Devid khian ọkaolotu ọghe ivbiyokuo ọghẹe.

David won many battles, and he became very popular.
Ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne Devid ya yo okuo, obọ re kegha ke ukhunmwu.

Whenever David came home from war, the women would come out dancing and singing:
Rhunmwuda ọni, okhekhe ẹre keghi gba ehe ehia. E Devid gha ghi ke okuo rre, ikhuo ni rre ẹvbo nii ghi gha gbe, iran ghi vbe gha sihuan wẹẹ:

‘Saul has struck down thousands, and David has struck down tens of thousands!’
‘E Sọl gbele emwa arriaisẹn sokpan e Devid gbele arriaisẹn vbe ihe igbe igbe!’

Saul became jealous of David and wanted to kill him.
E Sọl keghi suẹn gha gbọvo e Devid. Ọ na gha hoo nọ gbe Devid rua.

David could play the harp very well.
E Devid wa guẹ akpata na kpee.

One day while David was playing the harp for Saul, the king hurled his spear at him.
Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, e Devid ghi kpee akpata, e Sọl keghi fi asoro nọ rre ọre obọ gie Devid ne ọ gbe ẹre rua.

David dodged it just in time, and the spear shot into the wall.
Sokpan e Devid keghi gbaẹngbe nẹ, ẹre nene asoro na ya so egbe ekẹn.

After that, Saul tried many more times to kill David.
Ẹi re avbiẹ inugba Sọl te hia nọ gbe Devid rua sokpan ọ ma gba re.

Eventually, David ran away and hid in the desert.
Ẹre Devid na ghi lẹẹ gha rrie uwu ato.

Saul took an army of 3,000 men and went hunting for David.
E Sọl na viọ ivbiyokuo 3,000 lele egbe gha gualọ e Devid khian.

He happened to enter the very cave where David and his men were hiding.
E Sọl keghi domian la uwu uvun okuta ne Devid vbe ivbiyokuo ẹre lẹre yi.

David’s men whispered:
Ivbiyokuo e Devid keghi tama e Devid wẹẹ:

‘This is your chance to kill Saul.’
‘Wa loo ẹkpotọ na ya gbe Sọl rua.’

David crept toward Saul and cut off a piece of the king’s coat.
E Devid na fẹko do ya fian vbe ehọ ukpọn ne Ọba e Sọl yọ.

Saul did not notice.
E Sọl ma rẹn ẹghẹ ne Devid ya ru ẹre.

Afterward, David felt very bad that he had not shown respect for Jehovah’s anointed king.
Vbe iyeke ọni, ekhọe e Devid na gha bu abe gbe ẹre, rhunmwuda wẹẹ ọ ma rhie ọghọ ne ọba ne Jehova hannọ zẹ.

He did not allow his men to attack Saul.
E Devid ma kue ne ivbiyokuo ẹre gbe Sọl rua.

He even called out to Saul, saying that he could have killed Saul when he had the chance.
E Devid keghi tama e Sọl wẹẹ irẹn gha te sẹtin gbe ẹre rua sokpan irẹn ma ru vberriọ.

Would Saul change his mind about David?
E Sọl gha rhunmwuda ọna, sẹ e Devid rae ra?

Ẹn o.

Saul kept hunting for David.
 E Sọl na ye gha khu e Devid khian.

One night David and his nephew Abishai sneaked into Saul’s camp.
Vbe asọn ọkpa, e Devid vbe Abisiai ne ovbi ọtiọnrẹn keghi do la agọ ọghe Sọl.

Even Abner, Saul’s bodyguard, was sleeping.
E Sọl vbe emwa rẹn na gha vbiẹ uhiẹn ya sẹ egbe Abna ne ọkaokuo ọghe Sọl.

Abishai said:
Abisiai keghi tama e Devid wẹẹ:

‘This is our chance!
‘Ẹkpotọ nọkhua ẹre ọ wa kie ne ima na!

Let me kill him.’
Gu mwẹ wa gbe ẹre rua.’

David replied:
Sokpan e Devid keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah will deal with Saul.
‘E Jehova ẹre ọ khian bu ohiẹn e Sọl.

Let’s just take his spear and his water jug and go.’
Gi ima wa rhie asoro kevbe ọgọ amẹ ọghẹe kpa.’

David climbed a nearby mountain that overlooked Saul’s camp.
E Devid keghi hin oke nọ rre ọkpẹn eke ne Sọl bu agọ yi.

He shouted:
E Devid keghi ke evba datu wẹẹ:

‘Abner, why didn’t you protect your king?
‘Abna, vbọsiẹ ne u ma na gbogba ga ọba?

Where are Saul’s jug and spear?’
Ọgọ amẹ kevbe asoro ọghẹe vbo?’

Saul recognized David’s voice and said:
E Sọl ghi họn urhu na, ọ na rẹn wẹẹ e Devid nọ. Ọ keghi tama e Devid wẹẹ:

‘You could have killed me, but you did not.
‘Ẹkpotọ te kie nuẹ ne u ya gbe mwẹ rua, sokpan u ma ru vberriọ.

I know that you will be the next king of Israel.’
I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, uwẹ ẹre ọ khian rriọba lele mwẹ vbe otọ Izrẹl.’

Saul went back to his palace.
E Sọl na ghi werriegbe gha rrie ẹguaẹ ọghẹe.

But not all in Saul’s family hated David.
Sokpan ẹi wa re emwa hia vbe ẹgbẹe ọghe Sọl ẹre ọ ghaa khẹko e Devid.

“If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men.
“Zẹ vbene ọ kan ruẹn, hia vbe odẹkodẹ ne uwa vbe emwa hia gba gha ma ẹko egbe.

Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath.”—Romans 12:18, 19
Ọse mwẹ, ghẹ rria ikhi, sokpan, gie izohu Osanobua ruẹe.”—Rom 12:18, 19


Why did Saul want to kill David?
Vbọsiẹ ne Sọl na gha hoo ne ọ gbe Devid rua?

Why did David refuse to kill Saul?
Vbọsiẹ ne Devid ma na gbe Sọl rua?