Rhiokato͉, roast corn.

Sá, shoo.

Sa, give, of liquids ; sameme, give me water ; samenerha,
give water to your father; soviamexereme, give me
a little water.

Sekeniye, come to my place.

Sęle, on, on, on.

Se͉luwe, more than you (past you).

Sike͉, near; sike͉mi, near me ; sikoli, near him, it.

Sikeye͉ki, go further back.

Sikyo͉mo, go further away.

Siko͉do, go further away.

Sokma, except.

Sokwo, unless; sokwo̯iya, unless you go.

Ta, they.

Tá͉, shut up.

Ta͉, guess !

Ti, I.

Twabe͉vai, twafia, walk fast.

U, you; especially used before g; ugbe̽, you killed him;
ugama, you are good; ugare, will, shall, you come?
úma, you are no good: uwoxa, you speak.

Ubele, sand.

Ubido͉ñ, bush cat, hyena (?).

Ubo, rubber vine.

Ubozo͉, fish poison.

Uxiuxi, round.

Uxo͉ñ, navel.

Uxo͉roͅ, squirrel (large).

Uxu, property. §246 EDO DICTIONARY.

U̽xwire, sugar cane.

Uxwire, chair.

Uxu͉mufi, famine.

Uxu͉re, carved pole representing ancestors or Ebọ.

Uxuro͉xo͉, uncarved uxure.

Ude͉, nut oil.

Udi, oil palm.

Udia, fly.

Udini, big fly.

Udonehogogo, lungs (?).

Udu, liver.

Ufe͉ko, careless.

Ufile, whistle.

Uga, a rope of yams (22 or 23).

Ugana, axe.

Ugbadi, sword.

Ugbe, syphilitic eruption round the waist.

Ugbena, when.

Ugbo, farm.

Ugbo͉doko, bone.

Ugbogie͉limi, the black hat of Ovia’s mother; a fabulous

Uge, broad road leading into a village or quarter.

Ughavã, stone axe.

Ugia, five shillings.

Ugiwonaise, one hundred and twenty.

Ugme͉so, seldom.

Ugo, bush yam.

Ugoga, woman’s bedroom in oderie.

Ugolo, satirical verses.

Ugu̽, vulture.

Uguga, room in a house.

Uguga, different.

Ugugaboͅ, elbow.

Ugyama, present to king from his children.

Ugye, worship of king’s father.

Ugye, twenty. §EDO DICTIONARY. 247

Ugye͉ki, next market.

Uha̯i, well.

Uhalu, forehead.

Uhe, vulva.

Uhe͉le͉kugbe, junction.

Uhi, law.

Uholu, pawpaw.

Uhume͉le, top (lit. its head).

Uhume͉ze, up stream.

Uhumila̯u, mask.

Uhumoke, up hill.

Uhumoli͉mi, skull.

Uhumova, fever.

U̽humu, head.

Uka͉de, hook.

Uka͉se, rattle (calabash).

Ukata, hat.

Ukbo, road.

Ukbo, bed.

Uke, small drum.

Uke͉, foundation for hair; lame.

Uke, frizzly.

Uke͉gbe, tortoise shell ornament.

Uke͉gbo, calabash with open mouth, fowl calabash.

Uke͉ke, peg.

Uki, moon ; month.

Ukidelu, moon behind clouds.

Ukihe͉mota, ukiota, ukio͉gmoͅ, o̲viagbe͉de̲, new moon.

Ukihuyi, moon comes out.

Ukima̯ihi, no moon.

Ukino͉beluane, half moon.

Ukio͉gmo, new (lit. raw) moon.

Ukinoba, moonlight.

Ukivewe, full moon.

Uki, before ; ukigaxia, before you go.

Ukó, calabash.

Ukoͅ, messenger. §248 EDO DICTIONARY.

Uko͉ba, king’s messenger.

Uko̽humu, pillow.

Ukoki, pad (for load).

Uko͉kodie͉ke, spine.

Ukokowe, malleolus.

Uko͉koͅwo͉, calabash for medicine.

Ukoni, kitchen.

Ukoti, pin for dressing hair.

Ukpa, tip ; ukpa͉lame, tip of the tongue.

Ukpafọgbole, second forecourt.

Ukpa̯ihiame, beak.

Ukpe, mouth, beak.

Ukpehoͅ, lobe.

Ukpe͉we͉, left nipple.

Ukpo, year.

Ukpobie, squirrel.

Ukpogieva, second in age.

Ukpoguzo, foreign body in the eye.

Ukpoguzo, lozenge pattern (?).

Ukwe͉be͉, ebe holder.

Ukwomobie, kind of small kingfisher.

Ulakp̠a, red earth.

Uleha, hair dressing in eighth month of pregnancy.

Ule͉kọ, medicine worn by pregnant woman.

Ule͉mo͉, basin.

Uli, two hundred.

Ulo, in a straight line (?).

Ulo͉ka, balls of corn mixed with oil.

Ulo͉ma, rope barring road during Ovia ceremonies.

Uma, conference of parties to palaver.

Umala̯ie͉kpe, all the people of a country.

Umalemedewu, finis ! (story falls down dead).

Ume͉, salt.

Ume͉mwe͉gbi, salty.

Umo͉boͅ, illegitimate.

Umo͉dia, straight (road).

Umo͉me͉no͉megbe̽hia, cube. §EDO DICTIONARY. 249

Umo͉mi, the same person.

Umo͉moͅ, hammer.

Umozo, broad sword.

Umu, heavy.

Umwadiye, serval.

Umweriotoͅ, small stick, peeled wands.

Umwo͉me, soup.

U͉ṅwe, for thee.

Uṅwe, cow.

Unie͉le, in three days

Unu, month.

U͉nwe, mosquito.

Unwewoke͉ke, idle.

Unuya, gate of city.

Unye, soup.

Unye͉gẹ, rat (? striped).

Unyumu, dry season.

Urhowá, street in market.

Úrhu, neck; voice, language.

Urhue͉do̲, Bini language; —igabale, Hausa; —isa, Ishan ;
—obo, Sobo ; —ora, Ora ; —šekri, Jekri.

Urhuaboͅ, wrist.

Urobo, gate.

Use, week.

Usé, I am poor.

Use̽kino͉de, next market.

Usie, marks on house.

Usie͉le, in four days.

Usúgbe, mortar (for fufu).

Usume, line of workers ; suite.

Ususe, every week.

Uteyá, till.

Uto, arrow point.

Utu, fern ; long stick ; agricultural eboͅ.

Uvalame, upper chest.

Uvinyeke, depression in middle of back.

Uvú, hole. §250 EDO DICTIONARY.

Uvun, burial shrine.

Uvuge͉gbe, place of the mirror.

Uvwehoͅ, earhole.

Uvwihwe, nostril.

Uwawa, cooking pot.

Uwawe, knee.

Uwele, inside it.

Uwerhie, whip.

Uyi, tank or pool in centre of room.

Uzama, king’s council.

Uze͉bi, guilty.

Uzo, Maxwell’s duiker.

Vé, and; together; ekita vé egwi, dog and tortoise ; vedialu,
may we stay and do (it).

Vedio, so.

Wa, brown.

Wa, why ? what ? where ?

Wa̯iyi, where do you live ? Wame͉, what did you get ?
Wamie͉, what did you see ? Wariei, where are you
going ?

Wa, you ; your ; Wale, know (ye) ; Warhie, take all !

Wabo͉doko, bone, skeleton.

Watobuwa, yourselves.

We, thou, thee, thy ; Wé͉le, dost thou know ?

We, in.

We-elume, you not me.

Wela̯ime, you or I.

We͉le, welcome !

Wenia, so.

We͉to͉bowe, thyself.

Wiaga, what.

Wo, where. §EDO DICTIONARY. 251

Wuwowa, in the house.

Wuvu, in a hole.

Woͅ, what.

Xire xire, very small.

Zaboͅ, quick.

Zo͉lo͉bo͉, leave it!