Olokun, sea ; the god Olokun ; west.

Ololame, water pipe.

Olue͉de, day reckoner.

O͉lueme, my mate (one wife of another).

Olugbulubu, stone in bladder (of animal).

Olulikpe͉de, day reckoner.

Olulu, cotton.

O͉lumosa, creditor.

O͉luze͉geze͉ge, flexible.

O͉ma, (its) good.

O͉ma, pl. ema, man, person.

O͉maxe, potter.

O͉mada, a bad man ; ada bearer.

O͉ma̯i, old man.

O͉mo̯iho, women’s ebo͉ (lit., I want a son).

O͉ma̯ikoma, everyone.

O͉ma̯iroͅ, nobody.

O͉ma̯isi, a good man.

Omalemiro͉kp̠a, ignorant.

Omama̯i, thick.

O͉marhuale, unhappy.

O͉mase, not enough.

O͉manodeni, that man who is coming.

O͉mano͉ma, a good man.

O͉mawu, he is not dead.

Ome, fringe of palm leaf before shrine.

O͉męme, madman.

O͉meto, hair in plaits. §EDO DICTIONARY. 239

O͉męto, hairy.

O͉miamezi, iguana.

O͉mie͉mie, sweet (like sugar).

O͉mio͉goͅ, rough.

Omirha, fruit.

O͉miwu, son.

O͉moͅ, king ; son.

O͉moberha, father’s step child.

O͉mo͉boͅ, baby (lit. arm-child); step child.

O͉moͅga̯i, warm.

O͉moͅgę, whose.

O͉mo͉moͅ, iron.

O͉momo̯i, he borrows.

O͉mo͉noxera̯i, child that favours the father.

O͉mo͉se, fine, handsome.

O͉mo͉sexo͉la, handsome.

O͉mo͉segbe, fine body.

O͉mo͉to͉ñ, rusty.

Omoto͉me, it burns me.

Omú, mahogany (?).

O͉mu, sour.

O͉mwada, ada bearer.

O͉mubo͉bu, moist.

Omwe, sun.

Omwihi, carrier.

Ona, decorative marks.

O͉na, pl. ena, this.

One, crocodile.

Oṅwa, bee.

O͉ṅwale, adult male.

Oṅwale, light (colour).

Oṅwame, adultery.

Oṅwoͅ, honey.

O͉ni, pl. eni, that.

O͉nià, bright (of fire).

Oniga, prisoner

Oni͉sa, anus. §240 EDO DICTIONARY.

O͉no, heaven, future world.

O͉no͉liwo, harsh.

Onwota, sunset.

Onurhieyekowa, door leading to back of the house.

Onurhogbole, door leading from ogbole to house.

Onurhole, door from second forecourt to house.

Onurhole, gate of the town.

Onu͉rhu, doorway, gate.

Onurode͉rie, door leading to oderie.

Onuse, a white yam.

O͉nuta, slow.

Onyẹmẹ, I am glad.

O͉nyo͉mokpa, in one place, direction.

O͉nyomo͉kpa, square.

O͉pe͉ke͉re, palm oil chop.

O͉pia, machet.

O͉ranikbili, a fool.

Ore, entrance to house (from street).

O͉re, far.

O͉ré, he is here.

O͉re͉do, he is in Edo.

O͉re̽dolá, is he in Edo ?

Orhierhie, sweet like banana.

O͉rho, mud.

Orho͉, wet season.

O͉rhomi, guinea fowl; star.

O͉rho͉ñ, widow.

O͉rhu, yam heap.

O͉rhuale, happy.

O͉rhuawe, obstacle, stone, etc., in the way.

Orhuawe, ankle.

O͉rhúe, chalk.

O͉rhumotoͅ, snake.

Oriala, gall ; bitter.

Orialale, gall bladder.

Oriasolome, lance.

O͉rie, (its) flat. §EDO DICTIONARY. 241

Orie͉ma, crocus.

Orie͉ve, kola dish.

O͉riosa, debtor.

Oroxwa, stick.

Orua, relative by marriage.

O͉sa, gorilla (?).

O͉sama, bronzeworker.

O͉sé, enough. Osenagaxia, it is time to go.

Ose͉, witness.

Ose, friend ; mistress.

O͉se͉ba, loin cloth (woman’s).

Ose͉le, beetle.

O͉siele, it’s black.

Osielegbe, suitor for a widow.

Osi̽kpalo, lizard.

Osilo͉ka, corn stack.

Osiotu, comet (?).

O͉sirhurhu, mould (parasitic).

Osisi, gun.

O͉so, (its) dark.

O͉so, he should.

O͉so͉le, I am sorry for.

O͉sú, slow.

Osue, tooth pick.

Osukoko, comet.

Osumai, red stone said to be vomited by the rainbow ; used
for Exwai.

O͉sunu, it has come true ; it has happened.

Osu͉ruwe, porcupine.

Osusu, round patch of hair.

Ota̽, evening.

O͉ta̯i, tall, long.

O͉tawa, jealous (?).

Oteriuruhe, he is dead (of king).

O͉ti, it boils ; it flies.

O͉tihi, sneeze.

O͉tiṅberowa, it flew over the house. §242 EDO DICTIONARY.

O͉to, sharp like pepper.

Otoͅ, earth ; ground ; bottom of river ; under.

Otoli, difficult.

Otoͅlime, dregs.

O͉to͉ñ, burial shrine.

O͉tò͉n, burning hot.

O͉ta͉ñ, squirrel.

Otoͅte͉rha, under the tree.

Otoͅte͉ze, down stream.

Ototoͅli, bottom; dregs.

Otowa, floor.

Otu, fungus.

Otu, company.

Otuwe, pl. etuwe, your brother, relative.

Ova̯i, sick.

Ova̯ima, it pleases us.

O͉ve͉gbe, broad.

Ovewaima, it will please us.

O̽via, small.

Ovia, Ovia.

Oviabe, knife.

Oviaxe, mould ; small pot.

Oviakota, dog.

Ovialu, pupil of the eye.

Oviaxowe, calf (of leg).

Ovie, small.

O͉vie, he sleeps.

O͉víẹ, slave ; ripe.

O͉̽viè, he cries, weeps.

Ovie͉de͉xere, a short time.

Ovie͉gboxere, a short way.

Ovie͉mila, calf (animal).

Oviewu, side mark.

Oviñ, sunlight.

Oviñdelu, sun behind cloud.

Oviñyare, sunrise.

Oviodo, pestle. §EDO DICTIONARY. 243

Oviogoiamotoͅ, middle of foot.

Oviokokugugawe, patella.

Ovio͉ma, free man ; small man (not chief).

Oviugwe, poor man.

Oviukmo͉ñ, loin cloth (man’s).

Ovi͉vie, grass snake.

Ovu̽a, full.

O͉vwon, plenty.

O͉wa, yours.

Owá, house.

O͉wa, castrated animal (goat or ox).

O͉wa, booth.

O͉waise, pl. iwaise, learned men.

Owala, straight.

Owa̽lame, track, spoor of an animal.

Owamegbime, I am thirsty.

O͉wanędo, people of Edo.

Owe, your own.

O͉wé͉, farmer.

O͉wę̀, he says.

Owé, broom.

Owe, sleep.

Owe͉, leg.

O͉wę, shape.

Owe͉bo, temple.

Owe͉xi, I am a farmer.

Owegbi, hard, strong.

Owehe, menstruation room.

Owe͉ke, mud house.

Owemwami, house of palm leaves.

Owerioto͉, peeled rods on shrine of Ebo.

Ǫwe͉wo, thine.

Ǫwia, putrid.

Ǫwia, bottom of a hole.

Ǫwia̯ixa, it’s sour.

Owialame, fraenum of the tongue.

Owiamwemwe, an unusual smell. §244 EDO DICTIONARY.

Owie, morning; owiena, this morning.

Owiewiemo͉kpa, morning twilight.

Owiewiliwili, morning mist.

Owigo, safe (for money).

Owili, old man ; elder.

Owiolue, stepson (woman speaking).

Owirha, brother by same father.

Owirhowiye, brother by same father and mother.

Owiwowo, log hut.

Owiwu, left armpit.

Owiye, brother by same mother.

Owo, one (in counting).

Owoxia, ant’s nest.

O͉woxo, flexible.

Owohe, a kind of wood.

Owo̯iiperepere, flat-footed person.

Owo͉roͅ, eleven.

Owu, death.

Owuxo, hegoat.

Owulá, is he dead ?

Owuresa, mahogany (?).

Ǫya̯iyumomi, square.

O͉yegidigbii, very big.

Ǫyeleroͅ, man appointed to cook or provide food for strangers.

Oyi, theft.

Oyo, bamboo.

O͉yuo, loose.

Oze͉, lead.

O͉zé, hard.

O͉ze͉do, interpreter (for Bini).

O͉zigo, milk teeth.

Ozila, wind (in the farm).

Oziohami, a fasting man.

O͉ziwirhu, small, soft voice.

Oži, crab : mantis. §EDO DICTIONARY. 245

Re, neg. particle ; aixue, drive it ; arexue, do not drive it.

Rhia̯i, bad, spoilt.

Rhili, still, yet.