O͉xoͅ (its) bad.

O͉xo͉xo, fowl.

O͉xo͉xovibie, Pleiades.

O͉xo͉gbo, farm hut.

O͉xo̯i, parasitic worm.

O͉xo͉ñ, war.

O͉xo͉rio͉n, not nice.

Oxumu, sky.

Oxumwia̯inye, lightning.

Oxwaxwa, harmattan.

Oxwai, basket.

Oxwa͉lema, woman’s basket.

Oxwe, a fruit.

O͉xwe, parrot.

Oxwe, knot.

Oxwixwi, dark, black.

Oxwo, pl. ixwo, woman.

O͉xwome, I am sick.

Oxwonodafenonyawa, head wife, second husband of

Oxwuhami, pregnant woman.

O͉dafẹmẹ, my husband. §232 EDO DICTIONARY.

O͉dafiye, stepfather.

O͉dafon, husband.

Oda̯iha̯i, beads in line round forehead.

Odalowa, in front of the house.

Odalowe, shin.

Odalu, forwards ; road in front ; in front.

Odame, I am sorry for.

Odene͉re, a short way.

Ode͉rie, woman’s quarter of house.

O͉dẹsuhumu, crown of head.

Ode͉wo, path.

Ode͉no͉ma, right road.

Odene͉ma, wrong road.

Odi, gate.

O͉dí, he is brave.

Odì, dumb.

Odia̯i, straight.

Odịbo, servant.

O͉diegbę̽, head of the family.

Odi͉eke, back ; backwards ; at the back.

Odiekowa, behind the house.

O͉die͉wonaigwa, he is dead (of big man).

Odigba, bead collar.

Odige͉ge͉, door leading to oderie.

Odima, we are sorry for.

O͉dio͉ñ, eldest.

O͉doͅ, husband.

Odo, mortar (for pounding).

Odoxumu, palm wine (from oil palm).

O͉̽dodo, red cloth.

O͉do͉goͅ, caul.

O͉do͉loͅ, back, again.

Oduduowa, doors leading to women’s quarters in big chief’s

Oduelene͉ko, liver.

Oduelenohoga, lungs.

O͉dukmo͉, weaver. §EDO DICTIONARY. 233

Odumha, fabulous animal ; bullroarer.

Oduowa, spare room.

Ofiañpãpãpã, disagreeable (of taste).

O͉fé, well ; rich man ; it has run away (of a dog).

Ofẽ͉, rat.

O͉fi, yaws.

Ofi, (is) plenty.

O͉fiotoͅ, bush rat ; grass cutter.

O͉fiiṅwe, he is weaned.

O͉fo, sweat.

O͉fo̽, it’s finished.

O͉forioͅ, suffocation.

Ofwa, white.

O͉fwegbe, better for me.

O͉ga, net

O͉gá, headman.

O͉ga, throwing spear.

O͉gá̯i̽, is it a present ?

O͉gái, it is done.

O͉y̯ale, dear.

Ogano, whose is it ?

O͉gawu, he is dying.

Oga̽wúla, will he die ?

Ogba, digging stick.

O͉gba, line, row.

O͉gba̯igbe, trap (it ties body).

O͉gba̽liha, he tied it wrong.

Ogbé, next year.

O͉gbę, he broke the egg.

O͉gbehẽ͉, fisherman.

O͉gbo͉do͉, war knife.

Ogbodu, plover.

O͉gbo͉foͅ, wet.

Ogbole, forecourt of house.

O͉ge͉de, plantain.

O͉ge͉de͉bo, banana.

O͉ge̽le, pl. ige̽le, children, young ones. §234 EDO DICTIONARY.

O̽geye, crooked.

O͉ge͉zu, star.

Ogia, pl. i͉gia, enemy.

Ogyame, leopard.

Ogiaso͉ñ, midnight.

Ogiaso͉ñpa, midnight.

Ogia͉vã, noon.

Ogida, a kind of drum.

Ogye, pl. e͉gie, prince.

Ogié, he laughs.

Ogie͉va, mate (one wife of another).

Ogyeviotoͅ, platform; table (lit. king cannot sleep on the

Ogigbe, tenth.

Ogina, theirs.

Ogma, thirty.

Ogiukbo, mud platform for king’s throne.

Ogyuzo, uzatoͅ, blackfronted duiker.

Ogmebe, pencil.

O͉gmo, young, new.

Ogmorhue, it is marked with chalk.

O͉goͅ, bamboo ; palm wine (from bamboo).

Ogo, farm in its second year, or deserted farm.

Ogo, ram.

O͉go͉doͅ, waterhole, pond.

O͉gọgmo͉, (it is) new.

O͉go̯i, his.

O͉go̯i, crooked.

O͉goyi, swastika.

Ogo͉loͅ, tail.

O̽golo, grasshopper.

O͉go͉ma, ours.

Ogo͉ma, plenty of men.

Ogome, my own; iyavio͉gome, I take my own.

O͉gomena, mine.

O͉gewo, his.

O͉gowa, yours. §EDO DICTIONARY. 235

O͉gowe͉wo, thine.

Ogukbo, farm in second year.

Ogumu, prisoner of war.

Oguñ, blacksmith ; planet Jupiter.

Oguname, hippopotamus.

Oy̯ewe, herd of small goats.

Ogu͉zuma, =Yoruba edu.

O͉gwa, woman’s room in o̲derie ; man’s sleeping room.

Ogwago, mahogany (?).

O͉gweme, I get.

O͉gwenayawa, small room in o̲duowa.

Ogwi, mango.

Ogwixi, I am a blacksmith.

Ogwoguñ, forge.

Oha, bush.

Ohabo͉, bow (archer’s).

Ohae͉ku, small of back.

O͉ha̯iso, swallow.

Ohame͉gbeme, I am hungry.

Ǫhe͉, red ant.

Oheñbo, priest.

Ohiá, part of a door.

Ohiã, dressed skin.

Ohia, scraper.

Ohimi, the Niger ; East.

Ohó, line.

Ǫhoa, a suicide (by hanging).

Ohogeta, I lie; tell falsehoods ; elohògeta, I don’t lie.

O̽hoga, empty.

Ohogo, false.

O͉ho͉kboͅ, priest.

Ohua, sheep.

Ǫhwale, clean.

Ohue͉xi, I am a hunter.

Ohukp̠a, once.

Ohumo͉kuta, top of the rock.

Ohumuda, a bad character. §236 EDO DICTIONARY.

Ohumume, I am angry.

o̯ie͉ga, there.

o̯iekwekwe, small.

o̯ie͉me, I love.

o̯ii, store house.

o̯iiya, comb.

Oiyorhuewo, it is marked with chalk.

o̯iyara, poor man.

o̯iyoͅ, comrade (in same Otu).

o̯iyolo, which.

O͉ka, corn, maize.

Oka, nokalo, first.

O͉kahiame, nest.

O͉ka̯i, (its) dry.

Okako, warrior.

O͉kakwo, pl. ekakwo ; captain, officer.

O͉kama, short; small.

Okaminahu, corn grows.

Okba, rope for dripping water from palm trees into a pot.

Okbe, flute (calabash).

Okbè, maker of palm wine.

Okbęluę, it is hard for him.

O͉kbo, tail.

Oke, mountain, hill ; Oke͉do, the hill above the Ikpoba.

O͉ke͉ke, rotten.

Oke͉ke, drum stick.

Okele, uterus.

Okibaba, green.

Okieki, last.

Okilame, ants’ nest.

O͉ke͉ri, a pattern (concentric circles).

Okma, calabash plate.

Okma, sokma, tokma, without ; except.

Oko͉̽, canoe.

Oko, leaf for wrapping; ivory horn.

Okó, “ old fellow ” ; olele oko, welcome, my friend.

Okobizo, bush fowl. §EDO DICTIONARY. 237

Okoki, pad for silencing door.

Okoro, prince.

O͉kp̠a, one (in composition); arhio͉kpa, one man.

O͉kp̠adewugie, nineteen.

O͉kp̠ainyogye, twenty-one.

O͉kp̠amudi, I wonder.

O͉kpa͉lo, big; okpalo͉se, bigger.

Okpatele, bubo.

O͉kpẹle, old.

Okpẹme, big words ; plenty of words.

Okpe͉se, love gift.

Okpigo, plenty of money.

Okwevaxwe, soap balls.

Okwia, pl. i͉kwia, man ; male.

Okukwe̽ha, a style of hair dressing.

Okume͉, without salt.

Okwo, war.

O͉kwoͅle, fainting.

O͉kusuebo͉, chief’s steward.

Okuta, stone.

Ole, street.

Ole, verandah.

Ole͉dohia, all Benin City.

Olegwi, dark side of a cloud.

O͉le͉lá, passage.

O͉le͉le, a bean.

Olele, ground squirrel.

O͉leleme, he tickles me.

Olema, son.

O͉ligbime, I am cold.

O͉ligi, it cannot.

Oliko͉meho, windpipe.

Oli͉ma, file.

O͉limi, pl. elimi,corpse.

O͉ló, pus ; cheap.

Olo, bead hat.

O͉lo͉xoͅ, soft. §238 EDO DICTIONARY.

O͉luxwa͉laxwa͉la, rough.

Olodionogwa, eunuch.

Olodo, socket for lock.

Ologa̯i, pl. i͉loga̯i, youths ; third division of adult males.

Ologbo, cat.

O͉lo͉gion, rattle (cane).

Ologiso, bright side of a cloud.

0loka, ring.

O͉lo͉ko͉meho, Adam’s apple.