Ivie͉wio̯i, I warm.

Ivíoͅ, I keep.

Ivio͉kwa, I scatter ; throw away (things).

Ivio̯i, I put it.

Ivioludo, short marks on cheek.

Iviove, butterfly.

Ivirha, I cut wood.

Ivirunu, toothache.

Ivwe̽, I dig up.

I͉wa͉̽, I don’t eat ; I forbid.

Iwale, I meet.

Iwaimi, I divide.

Iwẹlẹ, fish poison.

Iwé͉le, I answer (a shout).

Iwé͉, I open.

Iwé, I order.

Iwe, I plant.

Iwę̀, I say.

Iwe, I stay.

Iwe͉do, I summon ; Iwedorierinia, I call to turn

Iwela, thirteen.

Iwele, I roll.

I͉wene, fourteen.

Iwe͉re͉gbe, I turn back.

Iwetie, I shout.

Iweva, twins.

Iwie, I take.

Iwili, baboon.

Iwili, I am lost.

Iwina, I work.

Iwofiagbe, woman’s mark above navel.

I͉wo̯i, I take sticks from the ground.

Iwo̯i, I jump.

Iwoloi, I pluck. §EDO DICTIONARY. 225

Iwo͉mado, I compliment, say “do” to a man.

Iwu, loins, abdomen (of man).

Iwu, chest marks.

Iwu, I die.

Iya, ditch.

Iyá, I take ; ma̯iya, we take.

Iya, I go.

Iyadè͉, I go to buy.

Iya̯iyi, I believe.

Iya̯i o͉mo, I adopt a child.

Iyaka, I touch.

I̽yalema, I (go) cook fufu.

Iya̽lema, go and cook fufu.

Iyaluegbe, the servant of Ovia.

Iyamale, I forgive.

Iyamwere, I fetch.

Iyane͉, I go to stool.

Iyane, I give.

Iyanexweli, I forgive.

Iyatua, I salute.

Iyè, he lives, he is.

Iye, mother.

Iyé̽, I make ; I go to it.

Iye̽, I remember.

Iye͉do, I live in Edo.

Iye͉do, in Edo.

Iyehá, sixty.

Iyeha, one hundred and twenty.

Iye͉ke, back, beyond.

Iye͉kikpoba, beyond the Ikpoba.

Iye͉kobo͉, back of the hand.

Iyekogbe, young men’s quarter of house.

Iye͉kowa, back of the house.

Iye͉kowe, top of the foot.

Iyele, I remember (it).

Iyemodede, mother’s mother.

Iyenagmo͉ñ, mother for this world; i.e., female “ friend,”
mistress. §226 EDO DICTIONARY.

Iyenobiye, mother’s mother.

Iye͉re, I set fire to.

Iyerha, father’s mother.

Iyene, eighty.

Iyigbena̯ise, one hundred and ten.

Iyeva, forty.

Iyiye, mother’s mother.

Iyo͉ba, king’s mother.

Iyobo͉tie͉le, I beckon, call with the hand.

Iyoxo, koko yam.

Iyode, assistance in childbirth.

Iyomone, I give in marriage.

Iyo͉lo͉bo͉, I help, assist.

Iyoha, pawn, pledge.

Iyo͉boiyoͅ, I obey, put hand.

Iyowa, mother of the house, mother of the owner of a

Iyowę, I take a broom.

Iyowo͉kpamudia, I stand on one leg.

Iyude͉wo, I oil myself.

Iyuhi, I make a law.

Izaba, hair dressing in fifth month of pregnancy.

Izaduma, chief’s drum.

Izagigwa, I spend, waste money.

Iza͉ke, kind of fish.

Ižakpe͉ide̲, dance.

Ize, I take.

Ize͉, native rice.

Ize, I speak (a language).

Izéyoͅ, I care for, mind.

Ize͉dize͉di, abscess, fistula.

Izie, I hold.

Iziga, murderer.

Izigala, I fly (of butterfly).

Izigo, I spend, waste money.

Izoͅ, I grow (trees).

Izobo͉, shoulder. §EDO DICTIONARY. 227

Izó͉bo, I let fall.

Izoí, I share (pair).

Izo̯i, I send; inakegioma, inakezoma, they send a man,

Izo͉ka, I shout.

Izo͉ligo, I fine.

Izuno, I spoil the edge.

Kalaka, glass.

Ke, particle meaning then, or indicating past time ;
egwikere, the tortoise came.

Ke, particle meaning with; itotake, I sit down with;
diake, stay with me, him, etc.

Ke͉ti, stop.

Kewime, with me ; kedo, from Edo.

Kevagalai, from that time on.

Ki͉no kino kino, chevron pattern.

Ko̯iko̯i, sound of beating fufu.

Ko̯iyo, the ordinary salutation (lit. luck (?)).

Ko͉maikoma, no one.

Ko͉ma̯iko͉mano͉ree͉rǫ, no one came.

Kpe͉kpe͉, duck.

Kwegbi, together.

La, or.

Lagalogo, bell.

Láho, lit. go, hear; I beg you.

Lamogu, the royal salutation.

Lare, come !

Le, e͉, him, his, it, its; ilegbé, I killed it; igbe̽, I killed (it).

Le, if ; lematu e hie, if he does not draw breath for pepper.

Legelege, loud.

Lo͉kpa, alone.

Lolúe, he doesn’t mind.

Mm, no. §228 EDO DICTIONARY.

Ma, o͉ma, good; ewo nama, the town is good = ewoiama;
o͉mase, better.

Ma, we, us, our.

Ma, not; o͉mabie, she bore no children.

Mala = ma̯iia, we go; maladoto̯i (for madoto̯i), we go
and salute him.

Matobo͉ma, ourselves.

Maveva, we two.

Mętobo͉me, myself.

Me͉, I, me, my.

Memo, I.

Moxwome, who is sick ?

Na, before.

Na, now.

Nakunere, calabash on forked stick.

Nalo oleso̲zi, exophthalmos.

Ne͉, suffix indicating completion; inagileline͉, when they
finish burial ; iluene͉, I have made it.

Ne͉, not; o͉ne͉bie, she bore no children.

Ne, particle meaning give ; irhiene, I take and give.

Ne, prefix meaning let; newole, let the town know;
nihasa, let him, us, etc., pay.

Ne, for him.

Ne, who (rel. pronoun); o͉mano͉gbe, the man whom he
killed ; o͉mano͉gbe̽, the man who killed him.

Ne͉̽xere, small.

Ne͉de͉so, last time.

Ne͉ge͉dea̽, two days ago.

Ne͉ge͉dene, three days ago.

Ne͉ko͉zuwu, stomach ache.

Netobo͉li, himself.

Ne͉vede̽ha, five days ago.

Ne͉vedehino, six days ago.

Ne͉vedelwane, seven days ago.

Nevuse, four days ago. §EDO DICTIONARY. 229

Ni, prefix meaning let; nunalue, let us do it.

Nia, now, with.

Nima, for us.

Nina, for them.

Nime, for me.

Noa loa, suffix indic. death ; igbọma, I kill a man ; Igbọma-
noa, I kill a man dead.

No͉balegelege, brown.

Nobo͉ri, landholder.

No͉xoͅneri, anyone.

Node, yesterday.

Node͉kisori, name for a stone axe.

Nogbese, one who gives big dashes.

Nogbete, sore.

Nogbigbelua, a suicide.

Nogie͉ne, fourth.

Nogise, fifth.

Nogihino, seventh.

Nogiyelele, eighth.

Nogyeha, sixth.

Nogihini, ninth.

Nohamu, coward.

No̯iadigbe, substitute for pawn or condemned man.

No̯iyẹmẹ, it is good for me.

Noyiṅwele, narrow.

No͉le͉mi, intelligent man.

Nome͉ti, a strong, industrious man.

No͉rhuele, recently circumcised boy (?).

Noria̯isi, innocent.

No͉ri͉digaxi, any one.

Noriri, whoever.

No͉ro͉̽, of them (lit., who was); no͉dio͉no͉ro͉, the eldest of

Nosivieva, triplets.

No͉biẹwẹzo͉, defendant.

No͉tiezo͉, plaintiff.

No͉we͉se, broad. §230 EDO DICTIONARY.

No͉ze͉le͉le nozelele, in order.

No̲zoxialo̲, brave man (strong for eye).

Nukpona, this year.

Nuna, you.

Numie, do you see ?

Nuwa, for you.

O͉, or.

Obá, a pattern (No. 27 in Notes and Queries).

O͉ba, red ; light ; flame ; he hides.

O͉bá͉, king.

O͉bakota, it is towards evening, it becomes evening.

O͉ba͉lo, sharp, hot.

O͉balo͉mi, it hurts me.

Obanu͉li, 200 figure (ornament).

O͉bawe, man who walks on his toes.

O͉bboruokao, early morning, first cock crows.

O͉be͉le͉, half moon.

Obe͉le͉, new road; paddle.

O͉bẹle, he stays.

O͉bero͉mo, right hand.

Obi, poison.

O͉bi aruana, six fingered child.

Obie͉xu, hinge.

O͉biedo, house slave.

O͉bita, diviner who tries ita ordeal.

Oboͅ, hand; arm; ariobiyo͉ma, go to the left; ariobe͉r-
homa, go to the right.

O͉bo, doctor ; pl. e͉bo, doctors.

O͉̽bobo, flour, mashed yam ; mahogany (?).

Obodo, pirouet in dancing.

O͉bo͉kpa, one way (place), one hand.

O͉bú, plenty, much.

O͉bugbi, plenty, too much.

Obwe, funnel (for bellows).

Obwe, potter’s clay. §EDO DICTIONARY. 231

Oxa, story.

O͉xa, white ant.

O͉xa, cotton tree.

O͉xadio̯i, worm eaten, ant eaten.

O͉xaimi, pl. ixaimi, chief.

O͉xa̽me, I tire; o͉xale͉, he, she tires; ẹmaxamẹ, I am
tired of fufu.

Ǫxe, a small fish.

Oxi, circle.

Oxia, road ant.

O͉xia, march.

O͉xiame, it hurts me.

O͉xio͉li, end.

Oxio͉mekia, boy with healed circumcision wound.

Oxiuxi, circular.