Igé, I send.

Ige͉de, doctor’s drum.

I͉ge͉da, mahogany.

Ige͉ga, bell worn by pregnant woman.

Igegosun, branches of Osun.

Ige͉fe, property.

I͉gehe, molar tooth.

I̽gęle, grown men ; second of the three divisions of men.

Ige̽le, young ones.

Igewale, chop money.

Igeno̲wa, I devastate.

Igeyareodalu, I send on (a person).

Igia, I cut.

Igidoͅ, I am dry.

Igiè, I send. Igigiowe, heel. Igilasǫ, I am near.
Igi͉mie͉koͅ, bell worn by pregnant woman. Igio͉ma-
buele, I sent a man to him.

Igivie͉ko, cord worn round the neck in pregnancy.

Igi͉ze͉lue, I keep on doing.

Igma, small bone, fish bone.

Igmoͅ, parts round the knee.

Igmo, I mark. §EDO DICTIONARY. 211

Igmo̯i, I clean, I carve, I write.

Igo, horn, cowries, money.

Igoͅ, I give food.

Igogo, smoke.

Igoͅgoͅ, I am pleased.

Igogoñ, white feathers.

Igu̽e, I permit.

Igwa, I plant.

Igwaboͅ, elbow.

I̽gwaxa, I don’t know how to say.

Igwa͉̽laxa, I know how to give a message.

Igwalo̯i, I find.

Igwame, I ferry across.

Igwe, I shut.

Igwé, I help.

Igwę, I follow.

Igwe, village.

I͉gwę, I sing.

Igwe, month for sacrifice.

Igwé, I sacrifice (to my head).

Igwe͉de͉, I buy from you.

Igwegbina, I fight.

Igwehò, I help find.

Igwewe, long leaf used in making pots.

Igwi, I make palaver, quarrel.

Igwomo͉ri, king’s servants.

Igwovo̯i, I break.

Igye, corner; igyowa, corner of the house; igyeme, posterior
border of armpit.

Igyè, I laugh.

Igyé, ankle.

Igyoko͉, king’s trader with Europeans.

Igyolowa, water yam.

Igyuhumu, I send a message.

Igyumuyerigbe, I send back.

Iha, divination.

Ĩha, pit for criminal. §212 EDO DICTIONARY.

Ihage͉, dried meat in mats.

Iha̯i, I bore.

Ihame, I become pregnant.

Ihasa, I pay ; ihale, I pay for it.

Ihę, load.

Ihẽ, road “juju.”

Ihé̽, I refuse.

Ihe, I carry.

Ihegilue, I have done it, (gone on) till I am tired

Iheyoͅ, I put.

Ihe͉le, a bean.

Ihelini, I give name.

Ihe͉me͉ku, kidney (?).

Ihewe, I inhale.

Iheweriotoͅ, I exhale.

Ihi, forbidden thing.

Ihí, from.

Ihie, I climb.

Ihiè, I cover.

Ihiehie, son’s son’s son.

Ihiehie, black bean.

Ihie͉zi, I ride.

Ihini, nine.

Ihino, seven.

Ihió, I come.

Ihioͅ, loofah.

Ihioke, I climb a hill.

Ihiulu, worm.

Ihiuhumirha, I climb a tree.

Iho, I find.

Ihoͅ, I hear.

Ihó, I want.

Iho, company ; people of same age.

Iho̯i, I hear it ; I understand.

Ihonimio̯i, I don’t want to die.

Ihráme, I touch.

Ihwã, song. §EDO DICTIONARY. 213

Ihuẹ, nose.

Ihumę́, I wake.

Ihumu, millipede, centipede.

Ihuṅwa, I am silent.

Ihwale, I clean.

Ihwe, I take you, I copulate.

Ikunogole, father’s room.

I̽ile, I don’t eat.

I̽io, I am not going.

Iise, one hundred.

Ika, tie-tie, bush rope.

Ikã̽, I fill.

Ika, I feel.

Ika̯i, I count.

Ikalo, lower part of forehead.

Ikba, I come out, rise, go.

Ikba̯ihiagbede, I leave Agbede ; Ikba̯ihiedo, I leave
Benin city.

Ikba, I vomit.

Ikba̯igbe, I get up.

Ikbame, hail.

Ikbe, I stay (in a house).

Ikbé, I wash.

Ikbe͉si, stick for training yams.

Ikboge, I shake water (in a vessel).

Ikbokbo, I trouble.

Ikboleki, I sweep the market.

Ikbotoͅ, I sweep the ground.

Ikbuko, calabash seed.

Ikę, I remain.

Ike͉be, buttocks.

Ike͉de, day reckoner.

Ike͉dode, I come from Edo.

Ike͉dore, I come from Edo ; I come out from there.

Ikeso͉gma, twenty-five (not used in counting).

Ikesugye, fifteen.

Ikenawie, sleeping place (on march). §214 EDO DICTIONARY.

Ike͉ni, elephant hairs for stringing beads.

Ikewu, pot rest.

Ike͉vare, I come from there.

Ikie, I open, unlock.

Ikiere, I bring (otu).

Ikimualuhumu, master’s room (room of shrine of head).

Iki͉re, I lean my head on his hands.

Ikmalefu, I cause abortion.

Iko, brass armlet.

I͉ko, I plant.

Ikó, meeting.

I̽kó, head band.

Iko͉bo, copper.

Ikodalo, I precede.

Ikodo͉re, I come out from there.

Ikoko, pipe (tobacco).

Ikoͅle, I aim.

Ikoͅle, I wait.

Ikolo, I gather fruit.

Ikoye, I hop.

Ikpogi, or isegegwe, a bean.

Ikpako, obstacle.

Ikpakpa, skin.

Ikpakpalo, a bean.

Ikpakpwegbe, skin (human).

Ikpalakala, a beetle.

Ikpale, I help (with a load).

Ikparemudia, I stand up.

Ikpa̽ruru, wasp.

Ikpawa, I come out from there.

Ikpawe, floor.

Ikpè͉, seed.

Ikpẽ͉, red yam.

Ikpé, I stay.

Ikpevene, four unbroken kola.

Ikpe, boa.

Ikpiame, rainbow (lit. water snake). §EDO DICTIONARY. 215

Ikpixie, a bean.

Ikpihaboͅ, finger.

Ikpihaboͅ logyeloka or no̲walo̲ka, first finger.

Ikpihabo͉ logye, thumb.

Ikpihaboͅ nokadige, second finger.

Ikpihabo͉nexere, little finger.

Ikpihabo͉ nodiake ne͉xe͉re͉, third finger.

Ikpihę, gravel.

Ikpo, lizard (red headed).

Ikpo͉lu, cotton seed.

Ikpomo̯i, I thank.

Ikpowa, gecko.

Iku̽, room in house.

Íku, peelings (of yams, etc.).

Ikù, I dance, I play; I copulate.

Iku, Ekbo (secret society for boys) ; small dirt.

Ikugbe, I mix.

Ikulu, I dance.

Ikunaluiye, mother’s room.

Ikunu, I take.

Ikwale, I kneel.

Ikwé, I permit, agree ; I can.

Íkwe, I can’t, I don’t agree.

Ikwé, I make.

Ikwe, body, corpse.

Ikwe͉kwe͉, palm wine; wrinkles.

Ikwe͉le, ominous bird.

Ikwele, I set a bone, reduce a joint.

Ikwenie, I answer.

Ikwe͉ti, halt, rest.

Ikwixai, I play a game.

Ikwifi, I make a trap.

Ikwihi, I pack, make up loads.

Ikwobo͉yo, I begin.

Ila, I pass, I enter.

Ilá, I want.

Ilaxwe, day after to-morrow. §216 EDO DICTIONARY.

Ilai̽, I go.

Ila̯i, I pass him.

Ila̯iyanovie, I go to sleep.

Ilakbo, I go to bed.

Ilalo̯i, I lick.

Ilame, black ant (with nest in tree).

Ilamebo, house ant.

Ilawa, I go home.

Ilawele, I stay alive.

Ilawowa, I go inside the house.

Ilẹ I bury.

Ílé͉, I know.

Ile͉, I run.

Ilè͉, I eat.

Ile̽, I cook.

Ilé͉, I salute.

Ile͉gí, run.

Ile͉gwá, I do . . . in spite of all.

Ilele, armpit.

Ilele͉, I follow.

Ile͉mi, I cook something.

Ilexe, I trade.

Ilexui, I look.

Ileye, I stay.

Ilo, I lie.

Ílo, I think.

Iló, I go.

Ilole, I go round the town.

Ilolo, I remember.

Iloͅluye, I copulate.

Ilomo͉do͉, ilomoxwo, I marry (husband or wife).

Ilo͉rio, I think so.

Ilovie, I lie down (to sleep).

Iloviesotoͅ, I lie down.

I͉lue, I make.

Ilue, dirty.

Ilue͉fo, I finish. §EDO DICTIONARY. 217

Iluele, I think.

Ilue͉limi, I sacrifice (to my ancestors).

Iluese, I dash you.

Iluhe, I copulate.

Iluigo, I count money

Iluiguhumu, I nod my head (backwards).

Ilukoisa, I am not Oisa’s messenger.

Ilumiesi, kind (adj.).

I̽lumu, grass.

Iluo͉li, I learn it.