Erhuivie, neckbeads.

E͉rhumoyi, crow pheasant.

E͉rhumuḍiaḍia, butterfly.

E͉rhumunie, stranger.

Erhu̽rhumu, tail.

Erialue, once upon a time (lit. so they did).

Eri̽aria, sandfly (?).

Erie, house.

E͉ro͉xe, yellow.

Erowabiriowa, you were not at home, when I came.

Erú, yam stack (foundation).

E͉ruhan, king’s cloth skirt.

Erurunowa, roof.

E͉sagye, blood.

E͉sa͉lebo, plant from which seeds are taken to make a rattle.

E͉se, property.

Esi, pig; e͉si͉n, horse.

Esioha, bush pig.

Eso, some.

E͉soñ, poor, poverty.

E͉ṣuṣu̽, owl. §204 EDO DICTIONARY.

E͉tekia, pubic hair (male).

E͉tasoñ, hair standing straight up.

E͉ti, strong.

E͉tifome, I tire.

E͉tio͉, brother.

E͉tò, breath.

E͉tó͉, fire for cooking food.

E͉toni͉moͅ, straight hair.

E͉tonoki͉ri, frizzly hair.

E͉tu, hair ; beard ; moustache.

E͉tualu, eyebrows.

E͉tuhe, pubic hair (female).

Eva, these.

E͉vaxwe, soap.

Evase, finis ! that’s the end.

E͉ve̲, elephantiasis of scrotum.

E͉vé, tears.

Eve͉, what; evilu, what I do; evomalu, what a man does.

E͉vi, cooked palm oil.

E͉vie͉, anvil.

Evisoka, dog.

Evwato, badger.

Evwe, badger.

E͉vwon, scarcity.

Ewá, sleeping mat.

Ewadiselo, chest mark.

E͉wa̯i, a tree.

Ewái, family.

E͉wale, food.

Ewame, she-goat.

E͉we͉, kola.

E͉wé͉, chest; breasts.

E͉wé, goat.

Ewi, kind of fish.

Ewifi, small pox.

E͉wivie, bead coat.

E͉wo, place ; town ; district. §EDO DICTIONARY. 205

Ewogiewo͉loͅ, twentieth.

Ewo͉roͅ, swamp.

Ewowu, bush crocodile.

E͉wu, funnel.

E͉wú, he is not dying.

E͉wugbe͉fe, side mark.

E͉ze, river.

Ezena̽wale, bridge.

E͉zike͉, calabash flute.

E͉zirha, trunk of tree.

E͉zoͅ, case (law) ; palaver.

Fe͉ko, careful.

Fe͉le fe͉le, thin.

Fi, and.

Fi, inside; fioha, inside the bush.

Fiaxwe, game of marbles (?)

Fialameto͉, roast meat.

Fiirha, into the tree.

Fumuda, but.

Fwa, suffix meaning away; mufwa, throw (it) away.

Gaxia, go; go on.

Gafekoxia, walk slowly.

Galue, go on.

Ga͉rhao̲, salutation for a chief.

Gáde, who is coming?

Ga̯inyale, whose is it?

Gano, who.

Gba, correct ; iko dogba, the assembly was complete.

Gbẹ, very.

Ge, neg. prefix; gege, don’t look; gęyo̲, don’t go; gere,
don’t come; giaha̯ime, silence ! (don’t let me hear word.)

Gi, if; wagixia, if you go.

Givoͅ, full.

Giaheme, speak. §206 EDO DICTIONARY.

Gu, for; gume, for me.

Gume, let me.

Gwedia, wait (with him, her).

Hé͉, no.

I, I.

Ibá, I put, I loose.

Iba, mud seat.

Ibafi, I go hunting.

Iba̯iku, I miss (something).

Iba̯irie, seat under eaves in oderie.

Ibe͉kbe͉, middle, bekwiye͉ke, in the middle of the back.

Ibi, charcoal.

Ibiaxe, soot.

Ibi͉bi, dark (of day).

I͉bie, I bear (a child).

I͉bie͉, intestines.

Ibiedo, son of a slave (may be sold).

Ibiegbe, I shut (a door).

Ibieka, boy; ibiekeha, ibiekaneha, three boys. Ibie͉kada
enaxi, these are bad boys.

Ibiluha, I lose myself.

Ibiroga, an Ibiwe, Iwegwa or Iwe̲bo, who attended the
palace daily.

Ibiro, I guess.

Iboͅ, I divine.

Ibobehę, scale (fish).

Ibohie, I settle a case.

Ibowa, I build a house.

Ibie͉le, I prick, pierce.

Ibú, I break.

Ibue, I put.

Ibuluku, small cloth reaching to the knees.

Ibwé, I cut.

Ibwe, I go.

Ibwe, I break. §EDO DICTIONARY. 207

Ibwefe, I break a bone.

Ixa, I say.

Ixaime, I curse, abuse.

Ixa̯imi, I help (in a caso).

Ixale, I say it.

Ixalo, man’s forehead marks.

Ixamale, I tell ; Iyaxamale, I [go] tell.

Ixa͉riesoye̲ma, I am waiting for some one here.

Ixe͉, I wait.

Ixi, I am.

Ixia, I go.

Ixialele, I go with him, her.

Ixié, I wash ; rub.

Ixie, I sell.

Ixiegbe, I dry myself.

Ixiele, I twist.

Ixieno͉wale, I am a big man.

Iximi, Ichimi tree.

Ixiomi, half.

Ixo, forehead marks, man’s.

Ixo͉de, I lie in ambush.

Ixo͉le, I wait for.

Ixo͉ñ, I fight.

Ixu, farmer’s knife.

Ixwe, I wash ; I swim.

Ixwé, I drive.

Ixwexwe, palm wine (from tree cut down).

Ixwefwa, I drive away.

Ixweime, I answer.

Ixwerie, king’s women’s house.

Ixwewowa, I bath ; wash at home.

Ixwie͉le, I lock.

Ixwoi, I pick.

Ixwo͉roͅ, mud.

Ida, bad.

Ida, hour glass drum with strings.

Idá͜i, I drink (wine) ; Ida̯inyoͅ, I drink palm wine. §208 EDO DICTIONARY.

Ida̯iho͉, I listen ; give ear.

Idamihǫ, I understand.

Idamǫ,I taste.

Idatie, I shout for ; call.

Ide, I tie ; Imáde, I don’t tie.

Idé͉, I fall; Imade͉, I don’t fall.

Idè͉, I buy; Imadè͉, I don’t buy.

Idé, I come ; íde, I am not coming.

Idege͉le, I see.

Ide͉ṅwe, I come for you; I buy for you.

I͉di, grave (for corpse).

Idià, I stay.

Idia, I menstruate.

Idyogbo, idion of the farm.

Idigie, I squat.

Idinai, I reach.

Ido, riddle.

Ido, flying ant.

Idobo̯ii, I rest ; I hold my hand.

Idoxwai, I make baskets.

Idogwa, I whisper.

Idói, I get a dry skin.

Ido̯ii, I buy (it).

Idoleyi, I make better ; I mend.

Idolegbelue, I do it again.

Idóloͅ, I sew ; I rub.

Idoͅloͅ, I sacrifice (to Otǫ).

Idolo̯i, I look after.

Idu, brown dove.

Iduakp̠akp̠a, spider’s web.

Idue͉bo, ringdove.

Idumo, quarter.

Idumoͅ, I make.

Idzo, I send.

Ie͉rio, I turn (yams on the fire).

Ifa͉magbe, ribs.

Ife, I am safe. §EDO DICTIONARY. 209

Ifé, I reach.

Ife͉me, arrow.

I͉fi, trap (big).

Ifia̯i, I cut.

Ifiaile, I bite.

Ifiamo̯i, I knock.

Ifìe, I flog.

Ifie͉do, I mistake.

Ifie͉limi, I flog, I strike.

Ifieto, hair in thrums.

Ifięzera, I cross a river.

Ifiha, I foretell, I throw ifa.

Ifiiguhumu, I shake my head.

Ifiyo, I swear.

Ifio͉ka, I reap (cut) corn.

I͉fio͉koko, I hop.

I͉fwalu, eyelashes.

I͉fwe, wing.

I͉fwihę, fin.

Iga, prison.

I͉ga, feather.

I͉gá, I divide; Igale, I divide it.

Igagye͉furi, I cool.

Igadioͅ, I bite.

Igayi, I send (my daughter to her husband).

Iga̯iyo, I am going.

Igale, I am going to eat.

Igano͉me, I marry; inome, I don’t marry.

Igariemi, I want food; iriemi, I don’t want food.

Igawę, I shall say.

Igba, authority to speak to king’s wives.

Igbá, I bandage, tie.

Igba̯imwe, I attach.

Igbahá, thrice.

Igbane, four times.

Igbava, twice.

Igbé, I kill, I beat, I dance. §210 EDO DICTIONARY

Igbẹ, ten.

Igbehe, fish spine.

Igbehio͉li, I take and rub it.

Igbe͉loze͉lo, sickness.

Igbelua, I kill.

Igbe͉ra, I pass.

Igbẹrha, I tie wood.

Igbimine͉limi, I sacrifice.

Igbina, I fight.

I͉gbo, top (toy).

I͉gbo, igbukmo͉ñ, cover cloth (man’s).

Igboͅ, I cut.

Igbu, piece of cloth.

Igé͉, igie, I laugh.

Ige̽, I look.