E͉bo, bag.

Ẹbo͉ minor “power,” demi-god.

Ẹbo, white man ; doctors.

Ebo͉bo͉zi, cassava.

Ebogun, red.

Ebome, bag of salt.

E͉bowa, woman’s latrine.

E͉xaì, sand.

E͉xo͉xo͉, trap (small).

E͉̽xe͉re, small.

E͉xu, door.

E͉xwai, Ebo͉ for taking oath.

E͉xwe͉, tomato.

E͉xwi, black. §EDO DICTIONARY. 197

E͉xwe͉mume͉, I am ashamed; exwemue, thou art ashamed;
exwemwè, he is ashamed.

E͉xwia, bull.

E͉xukxu, sweatfly.

E͉dá, hail.

E͉dagbe, every day.

Éde͉, white hairs.

E͉de, crown (?) of head.

E͉dẹ, day.

E͉de, manatee (?).

Ede, duiker.

E͉dexiota, evening, twilight.

E͉de͉gbede͉gbe, every day.

E͉dẹgigbe, at dawn.

E͉degimu, at nightfall.

E͉de̽haele, in five days.

E͉dehinoele, in six days.

E͉de͉ki, week ; market day.

E͉dele͉nimirie, Ehoͅ, the day when the dead go away.

E͉deluyiyi, early morning.

E͉deṅwamotoͅ, early morning.

E͉de͉ni, then.

E͉de͉nokele, next day.

E͉diebo, pineapple.

E͉di, civet cat (?).

E͉di, uncooked palm oil.

E͉do͉gbota, afternoon.

Edoyi, do you live in Edo ?

E͉doịkẹde, I come from Edo.

E͉do͉ma, various, different.

E͉do͉mado͉go̯i, each man.

E͉fa, priest of Ehinoha.

E͉fẹ, rib, front.

Efé, property.

E͉fiewo, whistle (sound made by mouth).

E͉fu̽, flesh.

E͉fu, buckshot. §198 EDO DICTIONARY.

Egá = oiega, there.

Egabio͉na, son’s son’s son’s son’s son.

E͉ga̯iwo, council of notables.

E͉gba, bangle ; iron coiled round arm.

E͉gbaxia, widow “friend,” mistress.

E͉gbanaka, ladder.

Ẹgbę̽, family.

Ẹgbe, bright; e͉degigbe, at dawn.

Egbẹ́, ready.

E͉gbé͉, the same; e͉gbomana, the same person.

Ęgbe = back (of place).

Ẹgbe͉̽, body (human).

Ęgbę́, widow.

E͉gbe (?); silent.

Egbegwe͉lu, miscarriage.

Egbęke, wall of a house.

Egbema, house of wattles and mud.

Egbemawo͉mi, we are fresh, not tired.

E͉gbo, forest.

E͉gbu, roller.

Egbuwuga, part of house between door and corner.

E͉giasegbe͉li, hereditary post.

E͉giawoxo, rigid.

E͉giroͅ, it’s finished all gone, not there.

E͉gmo, fence.

Egó͉, dinner, feast.

E͉goderie, long court of the Oderie.

E͉godi, hawk.

E͉gwa, I make heaps (for yams).

E͉gwa̯i, king’s house.

Egwe, bat.

E͉gwe͉, hoe.

E͉gwi, tortoise.

Egwobo͉, bead armlets.

Egwowe, bead anklets.

Eguñ, bath room.

E͉gute, a kind of dance. §EDO DICTIONARY. 199

Eha, six ; bush cow.

Ehá, three.

Ehadawugye, seventeen.

E͉hai, forehead.

Eha̯ira͉wugie, seventeen (lit. three is not in twenty).

Ehakǫ̃, gums.

Ehasa, day.

Ehę, fish.

Ehé, away.

E͉hé, yes, all right.

Ehęxwi, green pigeon (Vinago calvus).

Ehenanowa, market stall for silent trade.

Ehęno͉ka̯i, dried fish.

Ehi, soul.

E̽hia, all.

Ehie, nail; claw.

Ęhie, pepper.

Ęhihi, soldier ant.

Ehinaxwoi, back of head.

Ehinehi, good genius {ehi which is ehi).

Ehó, he breathes.

Ehoga̯i, spirit of childless person.

Ehoho, wind.

Ehoi͉ziza, whirlwind.

Eho͉li, end.

Eye͉, son’s son.

Eyeye, person with many children.

Eye͉me, I hate ; don’t love.

Ei͉ko, reply to salutation ; “I hear.”

Eka, four-cornered beads.

Eká, Agbor language.

E͉kahiame, egg.

Ekba̯ihioli, bladder.

Ekbeho, loud.

E͉kbekia, pubes (male).

E͉kbelo͉xwe, glossy starling.

E͉kbiko͉lo, uncircumcised boy. §200 EDO DICTIONARY.

E͉kbiku, dry leaves.

Ękboͅ, time.

E͉kbo, bag; 10 ropes of yams (uga).

Ekbo, Ekbo (boy’s society).

E͉kboͅ, few.

E͉kbofi, sufferer from yaws.

E͉kbohe, pubes (female).

E͉kboki, round box.

Eke, mud, clay for making houses ; wall.

E͉ke, place.

E͉keliye, place where I live.

Ekete, king’s throne.

E͉ki, market.

E͉kia, penis.

E͉kianokwame, penis from which no semen issues.

Ekigbesia, fifty.

Ekigbesiene, seventy.

Ekigbesise, ninety.

E͉̽kita, dog.

E͉ko, abdomen above navel (see Eku).

E͉ko, soon.

E͉koxome, I am vexed.

E͉kogbwe, wall round king’s house.

E͉kohihie͉me͉, I have diarrhœa.

E͉kohiyoi, dysentery.

E͉kokodu, heart.

E͉kokohie, spoon.

E͉kovo͉me, I am content; e͉komavome, I am not content.

E͉kpafe, courtyard.

E͉kpahpeyi, loaf of fufu.

E͉kpe͉ku, small.

E͉kpo, bag (see ekbo).

E͉kpo̽kuru, stomach.

E͉kpona, while.

E͉kpuru, windpipe.

E͉kre, toad.

Ekú, semen. §EDO DICTIONARY. 201

E͉kũ, hip, waist (see eko).

E͉kwaboͅ, upper arm.

E͉kwawe, thigh.

E͉kwe͉, cross belt (of beads).

Ekwè͉, bellows.

E͉kwexami, door.

E͉kwiye, spoon (from Portuguese ?).

E͉kwoxwo, woman’s waist.

Ekwoli, feathers.

Elagbode, last child (of man or woman).

E͉le, to-day.

E͉lele, flute.

E͉le͉le͉, eight.

Elịmi, heaven.

Elimi̽a, I beg.

E͉limidu, king’s ancestors.

E͉lo, knife, bell.

Ęloͅ, it is not finished.

E͉loxi, chameleon.

E͉̽logisi, cruel.

E͉lo͉mebo, bronze.

E͉lo͉mo, brass; bracelet.

E͉lohogeta, I don’t lie.

E͉lo͉ze, lawful.

Elu, sand heap on threshold.

E͉lu, nor.

E͉lulima, knife.

E͉luwe͉ e͉lume͉, neither you nor me.

Ema, brain (?).

Ẹma, fufu.

E͉mata, true.

Ematitai, I tell the truth.

E͉ma͉toñ, iron.

Emawa, stepfather.

Emę̀, monkey.

E͉mé, word.

E͉mẹdo, man’s drum. §202 EDO DICTIONARY.

Eme͉ku, waist ornament.

E͉me͉sakpa̯ide, woman’s drum.

Emi, something.

E͉miuga, dowry.

E̽miame, easy.

Emiameda, disease.

E͉mila, cow; cattle.

E͉milo̲giso̲, caterpillar (?)

E͉milo͉via, bullroarer.

E͉milo͉kpa, nothing.

Emiowo, meat.

E͉miri, animal that is tied with rope.

Emivame, I wound (? I am wounded, thing hits me).

Emo͉, son.

E͉mogo, man’s drum.

E͉mowe, white yam ; morning fufu.

E͉mu, dark (day).

E͉mwe͉, ashes.

E͉munamune, firefly.

Ene, four.

Enelawugie, sixteen.

Eṅwe, breast (woman’s) ; milk.

E͉ni, elephant.

Eni, name.

E͉nia, now.

E͉niame, hippopotamus.

Eniele, his name.

E͉nya̽i, neck.

Enyai, Enyai, market on Jeduma road.

E͉nixuxu, house pigeon.

E͉nye͉, albino.

Enye, snake.

Enye͉, marrow.

Enyeno͉xiunu, snakebite.

E͉papuṅwa, wax.

E͉ra, hartebeest.

E͉rere, crown of the head. §EDO DICTIONARY. 203

Erha, wood ; tree.

E͉rhá, father.

Ęrha̯i, his, her father.

Erhame, ant.

Erhamenagmo͉ñ, lover (woman speaking) ; (lit. father in this

E͉rhamodede, my father’s father.

E͉rhanowu, dead wood.

Ẽ͉rhę, fire.

E͉rhe̲, abdomen.

E͉rhiye, mother’s father.

E͉rhirha, cramp.

E͉rho͉gmoͅ, live wood.

E͉rho͉moͅ, hermaphrodite (?).

E͉rhu, hat.

E͉rhue, bush buck.