00 ENG - 60 | EDO TEXTS.

01 AGH - ọ ke do sẹ eke ne (?).
01 EDO - o͉ke͉dosekenowabodi.

02 ENG - he reached place for making palm wine.

03 AGH - Ọ na do ga(?) uko àyọn vbe otọ ; | ọ na de fi uwú ẹre.
03 EDO - O͉nadogaka̯inyǫwotǫ ; | o͉nade͉fiuwe͉le.

04 ENG - He came meet calabash of palm wine for ground ; | he jumped went

05 ENG - inside.

06 AGH - Erhamwonsa ọ na wẹ ọkpema ayọn (?) uko rre ;
06 EDO - E͉hramoiso͉nawo͉kpema̯inyǫ ihi uko͉re ;

07 ENG - Osa said "palm wine man take palm wine out of calabash ;

08 AGH - ne u mu otọ (?). | Ọre ọkpema mu ayọn ; | ọ na mu uko rre ;
08 EDO - numotǫlune. | O͉lo͉kpenamwa̯inyo͉ ; | o͉namukare ;

09 ENG - you give me dregs." | The man took palm wine ; | he brought calabash ;

10 AGH - ọ kẹẹ otọ re ; | ọ ke mu vbe erhamwonsa. | Erhamwonsa
10 EDO - o͉ke͉kotǫle ; | o͉ke͉muwęhramoisa. | E͉hramoisa

11 ENG - there remained dregs ; | he gave it to Osa. | Osa

12 AGH - ọ ke mu uko, | ọ we iren la mu da ; | ọ ghi mu rẹn rhie unu.
12 EDO - o͉ke͉muko, | o͉winelamuda ; | o͉gimwe͉riunu.

13 ENG - took calabash, | said he wanted to drink it ; | when he took it put to

14 ENG - mouth.

15 AGH - Ovbi àwa ne ọ (?) | (?) àro ; | ọ na re ovbi-aro.
15 EDO - O͉viawano͉kbizo | a͉safiolalo ; | o͉nalovialo.

16 ENG - Pup, | jumped go into his eye ; | that is the pupil.

17 ENG - XXIV.

18 AGH - Ẹzọmo agbọn ; | ọ ke gha khọọn ; | ọ ghi khọọn (?) ;
18 EDO - E͉zo͉mo agmo͉ñ : | o͉kwegaxo͉ñ ; | o͉giko͉xi͉li ;

19 ENG - Ezomo world ; | he was at war ; | he was continually at war ;

20 AGH - ọ na wẹ irẹn gha khọọ iso ; | ọ mu ibiẹka ;
20 EDO - o͉nawine gaxo̯iiso ; | o͉mibie͉ka ;

21 ENG - he said he was going to make war on sky ; | he got boys ;

22 AGH - ọ na rie iran ; | ọ na wẹ (?) gia erhan rre ; | iran na wẹ hẹẹ ;
22 EDO - o͉natina ; | o͉nawinigierhare ; | inanawę̀hé ;

23 ENG - he called them ; | he said go cut sticks and bring them ; | they said all

24 ENG - right ;

25 AGH - iran na gha khian ; | iran na gia erhan ; | iran na viọ ẹre ;
25 EDO - inana . axia ; | inanagierha ; | inanavio͉lere ;

26 ENG - they went ; | they cut sticks ; | they took them and brought them ;

27 AGH - iran ghi sẹ owa ; | ọ na wẹ iran ; | u gba egbalaka ;
27 EDO - inagisowa ; | o͉nawina ; | ugba̯i e͉gbalaka ;

28 ENG - when they got home ; | he said to them ; | tie ladder ;

29 AGH - ke otọ ya sẹ iso ; | ẹre gba ; | iran ghi sẹ adesẹ
29 EDO - koto͉ yasiso ; | e͉lagba̯i ; | i͉nagise

30 ENG - from earth to go to heaven ; | so they tied it ; | when they were

31 AGH - adesẹneva, | egbalaka ọ buun ; | iran hia kevbe egbalaka
31 EDO - ade͉se͉leva, | e͉gbalaka o͉buñ ; | i͉na̽hiake͉ve͉gbalaka

32 ENG - midway, | ladder broke ; | they all with the ladder