00 ENG - 50 | EDO TEXTS.

01 AGH - ọre Osalobua (?) ; | (?) | vbe iye ;
01 EDO - o͉lOsalobwaginaxa̯imeyǫ ; | i͉gomǫgadole͉gbe | wiye ;

02 ENG - so Osalobua cursed for it ; | children don't copulate | mother ;

03 AGH - ọre ovbukhọ (?) ọre ọ (?) vbe iye.
03 EDO - o͉lǫwoxo͉gina o͉lo͉ginaxwiye.

04 ENG - so he goat copulates mother.

05 ENG - XX.

06 AGH - Ewale, | Osalobua, | ọ na wẹ, | a de agbọn ; | ọ na wẹ ne a do re ọba
06 EDO - Ewale, | Osalobwa, | o͉nawę̀, | adeagmo͉ñ ; | o͉nawę̀nado͉rio͉ba

07 ENG - Ewale, | Osalobua, | he said, | go to the world ; | he said go and

08 ENG - be king

09 AGH - ọ na wẹ irẹn ẹ re ọba ; | ọ wẹ irẹn ọ yi udo ;
09 EDO - o͉nawine͉rio͉ba ; | o͉winǫyudo ;

10 ENG - he said he would not be king ; | he said he made Udo ;

11 AGH - ọ wẹ irẹn yi agbo ; | ọ na wẹ irẹn ẹ ghi la | ọ na wẹ irẹn họn ;
11 EDO - o͉winǫyagbǫ ; | o͉nawine͉gila̯i | o͉nawineho̯i ;

12 ENG - he said he made Agbo ; | he said he would not go | [Osa] said "hear" ;

13 AGH - ọ ke do rhie ivie ; | ọ na do rhie irẹn ne rhie (?) ; | ọ na wẹ ne ọ mu ye urhu ;
13 EDO - o͉ke͉dorhivie ; | o͉nadorhie͉ne͉rhieme ; | o͉nawęnomuyurhu ;

14 ENG - he took beads ; | he gave them to him to hold ; | he said put them on

15 ENG - your neck ;

16 AGH - ọ ke do saa ye urhu ; | ọ na wẹ irẹn gha kie ewa
16 EDO - o͉ke͉dosaiyurhu ; | o͉nawine͉gakiewá

17 ENG - he put them on his neck ; | he said when he brought Ewa' (Otu for Osa)

18 AGH - ọ wẹ rhie gha de | owiowiẹ | iran kie ewa | ọ na wẹ irẹn họn
18 EDO - o͉we͉rhie͉gade | owowiowie͉ | i͉nakiewá | o͉nawineho̯i

19 ENG - he said bring it | every morning | they bring Ewa | he said he heard

20 AGH - Osalobua na zẹ ọmwan ; ọ ke do rhie aba ; | a ghi tie ne akia eha ;
20 EDO - Osalobwanazo͉ma ; | o͉ke͉dorhia͉ba ; | agi͉tie͉nakia ;

21 ENG - Osalobua sent a man ; | he took a nail ; | when he counted three months ;

22 AGH - ọ na rhie aba | ọ na rhie (?) ; | ọ na we te ọ gha vbiẹ
22 EDO - o͉narhia͉ba | o͉narhie͉so ; | o͉nawe͉to͉gavie͉

23 ENG - he took the staple | he put it in ground ; | he said "he will sleep"

24 AGH - ọ ghi vbiẹ nẹ ; | ọ na wẹ a ya mu ẹre ivie rhie gie ẹre
24 EDO - o͉gi͉viene͉ ; | o͉nawaiamie͉li͉vie͉rhiegye͉

25 ENG - when he slept ; | he said (to another) go bring beads for me

26 AGH - iran ke do sẹ evba | iran ke do fian ivie vbe urhu
26 EDO - i͉nakedoseva | i͉nakedofialiviewurhu

27 ENG - when they got there | they cut the beads from his neck

28 AGH - a ke do rhie gie osa ; | ẹdẹ ke do(?) gbe ; | Osalobua na wẹ ya a tie ẹre rre,
28 EDO - akedorhie͉gyosa ; | e͉deke͉do͉gbe ; | Osalobwanawe͉yatie͉lere,

29 ENG - they brought them to Osa ; | daybroke | Osalobua said : go call

30 ENG - him come,

31 AGH - ọ na wẹ rhie ivie rre | ọ rhie obọ rhanmwẹn urhu | ọ ma ghi miẹ ivie
31 EDO - o͉nawe͉rhiviere | o͉riyobǫrhamurhu | o͉magi͉mivie

32 ENG - he said bring beads | he took hand touch his neck | he did not find bead