00 ENG - EDO TEXTS. | 49

01 AGH - iran na ke do lele ẹre a rrie owa ; | iye (?) ma rhie okhuo ne ẹre ;
01 EDO - i͉nake͉doleli͉lea͉riowa ; | iyenune͉ma̯irhioxwone ;

02 ENG - they ran follow him home ; | his mother said she did not give woman

03 ENG - to him ;

04 AGH - iye ke do la owa ; | ọ ke do viọ ikhuo ihinrọn ; | ọ ke do viọ ne ẹre ;
04 EDO - iyekedolawa ; | o͉ke͉dovikwehino ; | o͉ke͉dovio͉ne ;

05 ENG - mother went inside | she took seven women ; | she gave to him ;

06 AGH - ọ na wẹ iye ọ ma sẹ ; | iye ke do viọ ikhuo igbe ;
06 EDO - o͉nawiyo͉mase ; | iyeke͉doviixwigbe ;

07 ENG - he said to mother not enough ; | mother gave him ten women ;

08 AGH - ọ ke do viọ ne ẹre ; | ọ na wẹ irẹn (?) | ọ na wẹ iye ọ ma sẹ ;
08 EDO - ǫke͉dovio͉ne ; | o͉nawineho̯i | o͉nawiyomase ;

09 ENG - she gave to him ; | he said "all right", | he said to mother not

10 ENG - enough ;

11 AGH - iye na wẹ tobọ-ọre la rhie ; | ugbẹn ọ gha la rhie
11 EDO - iyenawę tobo͉le la̯irhie ; | ugbe͉nogelarhie

12 ENG - mother said he must go take for himself ; | when he wanted to take

13 AGH - ọ na wẹ rẹn ma miẹ okhuo ne ọ (?) ; | ọ na wẹ irẹn (?)
13 EDO - o͉nawe͉le͉mamioxwo no͉yǫle ; | o͉nawine͉lo

14 ENG - he said he did not see woman that he liked ; | he said he thought

15 AGH - (?) iye (?) | (?) gha rhie rọnmwẹn.
15 EDO - giyene | e͉go͉line͉garhielǫme.

16 ENG - his mother, | he would take and marry.

17 AGH - Osalobua | ọ na wẹ irẹn i kue ; | ọ na wẹ ọmọ i hoo iye ;
17 EDO - Osalobwa | o͉nawinekwi ; | o͉nawo͉mo̯ihwiye ;

18 ENG - Osalobua | said he did not agree ; | he said child does not copulate

19 ENG - mother ;

20 AGH - ọ na wẹ osalobua ; | iye rẹn gha we rhie ; | Osalobua-
20 EDO - o͉nawosalobwa ; | iye legawarhie ; | Osalobwa-

21 ENG - he said to Osalobua ; | mother he would take ; | Osalobua

22 AGH - lọ wẹ a tie ẹrinmwin rhie a rre ; | ọ na wẹ iran do (?)
22 EDO - lo͉watie͉limi͉rhia͉re ; | o͉nawina doguṅwuiǫ

23 ENG - said "Call dead people come" ; | he said : "they come look work

24 AGH - ne iran mu ke agbọn rre ; | ọre ke ọ na do gba | ọ na wẹ iran ne (?) ọre ;
24 EDO - niamokagmo͉ñre ; | o͉leko͉nadogba | o͉nawinobohiole ;

25 ENG - which they bring from world" ; | so they met | he said to them settle

26 ENG - the matter ;

27 AGH - ẹrinmwin na wẹ iran họn ; | ọmọ i hoo iye ;
27 EDO - e͉limi nawinaho̯i ; | o͉mo̯ihwiye ;

28 ENG - heaven said they heard ; | child does not copulate mother ;

29 AGH - ọ na wẹ Osalobua ; | ọ na we iye ne ọ gha rhie ;
29 EDO - o͉nawOsalobua ; | o͉nawiyeno͉gharhie ;

30 AGH -
30 EDO -

31 ENG - he said to Osalobua ; | he said, mother which he took ;

32 AGH - ẹrinmwin na wẹ ovbi ẹre | ọ khin ovbukhọ ; | iran na wẹ iye
32 EDO - e͉limi nawovie͉le | o͉xiǫwuxǫ ; | i͉nanawiye

33 ENG - dead people said her son | was he goat ; | they say mother

34 AGH - ọ khin odegbe ; | ọ na wẹ wẹ ovbukhọ | ọre gha mwẹẹn iye ; | ọ ke ẹdẹ ọ gha de
34 EDO - o͉xiode͉gbe ; | o͉nawe͉wo͉woxǫ | oli͉gamwiye ; | o͉ke͉̽dogade

35 ENG - is she goat ; | he said he goat | can copulate mother ; | from that day

36 AGH - (?) ne ọ khin ovbukhọ | ọre iye (?) ne a khin odegbe ; | ọre ovbukhọ (?) iye
36 EDO - o͉lo͉ge͉noxio͉wuxǫ | o͉liye͉ge͉naxiode͉gbe ; | o͉lo boxǫ gina mwiye

37 ENG - he was he goat, | his mother was she goat ; | so he goat copulates

38 ENG - mother ;

39 ENG - II. | E