00 ENG - EDO TEXTS. | 37

01 AGH - ọ na wẹ erriọ | eve ma sẹtin a guan | eve ke kaka ; | ọ ke khin òko ilakhuẹ
01 EDO - o͉nawe͉riǫ | evemasetiagwa | evekekaka ; | o͉kwexiakilame

02 ENG - he said "so" | Eve can't talk | Eve is dry ; | it is ants nest

03 AGH - (?) evba ; | ọnii ọ ghi re òko ilakhuẹ | ke ẹdẹ ọ gha dee.
03 EDO - iyeva ; | o͉niogilokilame | lamiewihra | ke͉dogade.

04 ENG - that was there ; | this is ant's nest | in same tree | from that day.

05 AGH - umaranmwẹn de wu.
05 EDO - umalemedewu.

06 ENG - story falls down dead.

07 ENG - XI.

08 AGH - Ọtan | ọ (?) ne ọ viẹn ; | ọ mu ẹrhunrhunmwun ;
08 EDO - O͉tañ | odie͉di͉novie ; | o͉mwe͉rhurhumu ;

09 ENG - Squirrel | ate palm nut which was ripe ; | he put his tail ;

10 AGH - (?) ọ ma viẹn ; | ne ọ viẹn | ọ (?) ọtan | ne ọ ma viẹn
10 EDO - inya̯imio͉mavie ; | novie͉ | o͉y̯o͉tañ | no͉mavie

11 ENG - he got one that was not ripe ; | the ripe one | squirrel | got the unripe

12 AGH - ọ (?) ọtan | ikpẹdẹ ọkpa ne igue ulọmọro= ; | ọtan
12 EDO - o͉yo͉tañ | i͉kpe͉dio͉kp̠a nig[ue] ulo͉mo͉rǫ̽ ; | o͉tañ

13 ENG - one squirrel got ; | one palm nut [lived] in Ulomoro ; | squirrel

14 AGH - ọ (?) ọkpa ; | ukhọrọ(?) | ọ (?) ọkpa ; | ne ọ kẹẹ ; | iye (?)
14 EDO - o͉diolifo͉kp̠a ; | uxo͉rǫ | o͉dio͉lifo͉kp̠a ; | no͉ke͉li ; | iyeno͉me

15 ENG - ate part one ; | uchoro | ate one part ; | what remained | old woman

16 AGH - ọ ke rhie ẹre ; | ọ do le ; | ọ vuọn uko uri | ọ vuọn uwawa
16 EDO - o͉kwe͉rhie͉li ; | o͉dole ; | o͉vukoli | o͉vuwawa

17 ENG - took it ; | she cooked it ; | she filled two hundred calabashes | fills pots

18 AGH - uri ; | (?) | ọ na ziin ení | ení ke wu ;
18 EDO - uli ; | exe͉ręli | o͉nazieni | e͉nike͉wu ;

19 ENG - two hundred ; | the refuse | held the elephant ; | elefant died ;

20 AGH - ukpa (?) | ọ ke khiẹn ọre ; | ọ ya dẹ ọviẹn | Oiyamiyoha.
20 EDO - ukpabǫ | o͉ke͉xio̯i ; | o̯iyado͉vie, | Oiyamiyoha.

21 ENG - the lamp oil | she sold ; | took buy slave, | she went took pledge.

22 AGH - umaranmwẹn ọ de wu.
22 EDO - Umale͉me͉o͉dewu.

23 ENG - My story falls down dead.

24 ENG -

25 AGH - Okhuo ọkpa a tie ẹre Ido ; | erha a tie ẹre Omoza
25 EDO - Oxwo͉kp̠a tie͉l Ido ; | ęhra̯i tie͉l Omoza

26 ENG - A woman was called Ido ; | her father was Omoza

27 AGH - ọ wẹ (?) rọmwẹn ọdọ ; | ibiẹ àranmwẹn òha
27 EDO - owune͉lo͉mo͉dǫ ; | i͉vialamoha

28 ENG - she said she did not marry a husband ; | the children of animals