00 ENG - EDO TEXTS. | 29

01 AGH - ọfiontọ na rhie ọ ; | ọ na (?) ; | egui na kpa ; | ọ na gha die
01 EDO - o͉fiotǫnariǫ ; | o͉na̯irio͉lowo ; | e͉gwinakba ; | o͉nagadie

02 ENG - rat took it ; | he took the meat ; | tortoise got up ; | he went

03 AGH - ọ ghi sẹ owa | ọ na do ghe rri ema nii ; | ọ na ghe re emiowo ;
03 EDO - o͉gisowa | o͉nadogariemani ; | o͉ngareminowo ;

04 ENG - he reached home ; | he went and ate the fufu ; | he ate the meat ;

05 AGH - ọ na die ne ore ; | ọ na wẹ vbe ore ẹ re ukọ oisa
05 EDO - o͉nadinole ; | o͉nawe͉wone͉lukoisa

06 ENG - he went to town ; | he said to town he was not Oisa's messenger

07 AGH - ohoghe ẹre ta ; | ọ la lẹẹ | fi vbe oha ; | a ma ghi miọẹ.
07 EDO - ohoge͉leta ; | o͉lale | fiwoha ; | amagi͉mioi.

08 ENG - he lied ; | he ran | inside bush ; | they did not see him.

09 ENG - VIII.

10 AGH - Osa ọ biẹ ọmọ eha ; | Ọ mwẹẹn okhuo eha ; | Osa arhuaro ;
10 EDO - Osao͉bio͉meá ; | O͉me͉̽xwehá ; | Osarhualu ;

11 ENG - Osa begat three children ; | he married three wives ; | Osa shut his eyes

12 ENG - [became blind]

13 AGH - Ọ de eve; | ẹdẹ ọkpa | Ugbogiulimi | ohamwẹn gbe ;
13 EDO - O͉de͉ve; | e͉do͉kp̠a | Ugbogiulimi | ohame͉gbe̽ ;

14 ENG - he got big scrotum ; | one day | Ugbogiulimi | was hungry

15 AGH - ọ na khu osikpalọ ; | osikpalọ na lẹẹ | Osalobua | mudia
15 EDO - o͉naxwosi͉kpa͉lo ; | osi͉kpalonale | Osalobwa | mudia

16 ENG - he ran after a lizard ; | lizard ran | Osalobua | was standing

17 AGH - vbe ore ; | Osikpalọ na (?) ; | ọ na wẹ laho ;
17 EDO - wole ; | O͉si͉kpalonale͉gbe͉nę ; | o͉nawe͉láhǫ ;

18 ENG - in the town ; | the lizard stayed with him ; | he said "I beg" ;

19 AGH - ọ wẹ (?) ugbogiulimi i gbe irẹn re ; | ne i rhaan vbe aro ;
19 EDO - o͉we͉gyughbogiulimi͉gbine͉le ; | nihranwalo ;

20 ENG - he said if Ugbogiulimi does not kill and eat him ; | let me open eyes

21 ENG - [of Osa] ;

22 AGH - Osa na wẹ | Osa na mu rẹn yi vbe ukpọn ; | Osa na mudia
22 EDO - Osanawęhe | Osanameyiwukpo͉ñ ; | Osanamudia

23 ENG - Osalobua said all right | Osalobua put it in his cloth ; | Osalobua stood

24 AGH - Ugbogiulimi ke were(?) ; | ọ na we osa | lahọ ; | ya osikpalọ
24 EDO - Ugbogiulimikewere ; | o͉nawosa | lahǫ ; | io͉sikpalo

25 ENG - Ugbogiulimi came ; | he said to Osa | "I beg" ; | let him take

26 AGH - ne rhie re | ne (?) eve ; | Osa na wẹ hẹẹ ;
26 EDO - nirihi͉le | ni͉le͉sie͉leve ; | Osanawęhé ;

27 ENG - lizard to eat (?) ; | let him dry scrotum ; | Osa said all right ;

28 AGH - Osa na rrie owo(?) ; | ọ na tie ivbi ẹre ; | ọ na tie amwẹn ọre ;
28 EDO - Osana riowo ; | o͉nativie͉le͉ ; | o͉natiamo͉le ;

29 ENG - Osa went away ; | he called his sons ; | he called his wives ;

30 AGH - wa ghee ne ọkpa ; | Osikpalọ lẹẹ ; | ne ugbogiulimi | ghẹ gbe irẹn ;
30 EDO - wage͉no͉kp̠a ; | O͉sikpalo lęre ; | nugbogiulimi | ge͉gbino ;

31 ENG - look at one word ; | lizard ran came ; | let Ugbogiulimi | not kill him ;