00 ENG - EDO TEXTS. | 25

01 AGH - ọ na ya | fian ekia ; | k+ ke gia ẹre ye otọ | khere | khere ;
01 EDO - o͉na̯iya | fii͉kia ; | o͉kwegialeyotǫ | xi͉re | xi͉re ;

02 ENG - he went | cut penis ; | he cut it there on ground | small | small ;

03 AGH - ọ na gia uhe | khere | khere ; | ọ na tie ikpia ; | ọ na wẹ do rrie ekia ;
03 EDO - o͉nagi|au|he | xi͉re | xi͉re ; | o͉natii͉nwia ; | o͉nawe͉dorii͉kia ;

04 ENG - he cut the vulva | small | small ; | he called men ; | he said : come take

05 ENG - penis ;

06 AGH - ne ọ ka rhie, | ọ (?) | ọ na ẹ biẹ ;
06 EDO - no͉karhie, | o͉nio͉rogaga | o͉ne͉bie ;

07 ENG - first took it, | he got continual erection | he got no children ;

08 AGH - ikpia na rhie ekia ; | ọ ke (?) khere ; | amẹ ke rhọọ ;
08 EDO - ikwianarii͉kia ; | o͉kwekovie͉xire ; | ame͉ke͉rhǫ ;

09 AGH -
09 EDO -

10 ENG - men took penis ; | then remained a little ; | rain falls then ;

11 AGH - ọ gbe ekia ye ore ; | ne ọ ghi ya rhie | ne (?) ekia ne ọ wu ;
11 EDO - o͉gbekia̯iyole ; | no͉giyarhie | nio͉le͉kiano͉wu ;

12 ENG - it beats penis in the town ; | who goes take | he gets penis which dies ;

13 AGH - ọ na tie ikhuo | a do rhie uhe ; | ne ọ ka rhie
13 EDO - o͉natiixwo | adoriuhe ; | nokarhie

14 ENG - [Osa] called women | "Come and take vulva" ; | first took it

15 AGH - ọ (?) | ọ na ẹ biẹ | ikhuo na gha rhie uhe,
15 EDO - o͉nio͉labosa | o͉ne͉bie͉ | ixwonagariuhe,

16 ENG - she got atresia ; | she bore no children ; | women took the vulva,

17 AGH - ọ ke (?) khere ; | amẹ ke rhọọ ; | ọ gbe ọre ye ore ;
17 EDO - o͉kekovie͉xi͉re ; | ame͉ke͉rhǫ ; | o͉gboheyole ;

18 ENG - there remained a 1ittle ; | rain fell then ; | it beat it in the town ;

19 AGH - ne ọ ghi ya rhie, | (?) itee.
19 EDO - no͉giyarhie, | nio͉gilagbite.

20 ENG - who takes it, | she gets rotten vulva.

21 ENG - VII.

22 AGH - Ibiẹka eha, | erha iran wu ; | iran ke do ree ẹre ; | erha iran
22 EDO - I͉bie͉kehá, | ęrinawu ; | i͉nake͉dole͉le ; | ęrina

23 ENG - Three boys ; their father died ; | they went buried him ; | their father

24 AGH - ẹ (?). | Iran ghi ree ẹre nẹ | iran ke gualọ uvun vbe ekẹn ;
24 EDO - e͉moxu. | I͉nagile͉line | i͉nakegwalowuvweke ;

25 ENG - had no property. | When they finished burial ? they saw hole in the

26 ENG - wall ;

27 AGH - iran na mie ikpigho(?) eha ; | iran ke do ghae ; | ẹdẹ ghi gbe,
27 EDO - i͉na͉namigehá ; | i͉nake͉dogale ; | e͉degi͉gbe,

28 ENG - they saw three cowries ; | they went and shared them ; | when day broke,

29 AGH - ne ọdion nọ rrọọ(?) | ọ ke rhie ọghe ọre ; | ọ gha rrie ẹki ; | ọ na ya dẹ
29 EDO - no͉dio͉no͉rhǫ | okwe͉rio͉go̯i ; | o͉go͉rie͉ki ; | o͉na̯iyade

30 ENG - eldest of them | took his own ; | went to market ; | he went to buy

31 AGH - ẹmiẹki(?) ; | ọ ke rrie dẹ ya owa ; | iran (?) ne ukpogieva,
31 EDO - e͉mie͉ki ; | okweriadeyowa ; | iniavenukpogieva,

32 ENG - agidi ; | he bought and brought home ; | they together, the second,