00 ENG - EDO TEXTS. | 21

01 AGH - i (?) gia emwin ye eva ; | u ma sai
01 EDO - igweyagmeyeva ; | u̽masa̯i

02 ENG - I follow you divide things in two ; | if you don't hit

03 AGH - i gbe wa ne ọ biẹ erha, | i gbe wa ne ọ biẹ iye.
03 EDO - i͉gbewano͉bira, | i͉gbewano͉biye.

04 ENG - kill you whom your father bore, | I kill you whom your mother bore.

05 AGH - Ọ na wẹ : ẹre họn. | Ọ na mu uhanbọ ; | ọ na fi ifẹnmwẹn uri ;
05 EDO - Onawęlehoi. | O͉namuhabǫ ; o͉nagafi ; | o͉nafifemuli ;

06 ENG - He said : he heard. He took his bow; he shot ; he shot two hundred

07 ENG - arrows ;

08 AGH - ọkpa (?) yan uri. | ọ na rhie ẹre ; | ọ na (?), | ọ na fie ;
08 EDO - o͉kp̠adonyo͉li. | o͉narhie͉le ; | o͉nako͉le, | o͉nafie ;

09 ENG - one over two hundred | he took it ; | he aimed, | he shot ;

10 AGH - ọ ke ya (?) ahianmwẹn (?). | Irẹn vbe ifẹnmwẹn | iran ghe de otọ | iran wa so ;
10 EDO - o͉keyavahiame͉wę̀. | I͉nawife͉me | i͉nagadeotǫ | i͉nawaso ;

11 ENG - he hit bird's breast. | He and arrow | fell down ; | they shouted ;

12 AGH - iran wilikpiiiiiiiii(?). | Erha ẹre | vbe iye | a họn vbe owa.
12 EDO - i͉nawilikpiiiiiiiii. | E͉rha̯i | wiye | ahowowa.

13 ENG - they answer : e e e e. | His father | and mother | hear at home.

14 AGH - Ọre iye na de fi oha(?) ; | erha ẹre | ọ wẹ ne wu ; | okpia
14 EDO - Oliyenade͉foha̯i ; | ęrha̯i | o͉winewu ; | okp̠ia

15 ENG - So mother fell into pond ; | his father | said he would die ; | a man

16 AGH - ọ ma miẹ emwin gbe ẹre | Erha ẹre ke mudia ; | (?)
16 EDO - o͉mamiwi͉gbe͉le | E͉rha̯ike͉mudia ; | oyanamwe ;

17 ENG -

18 ENG - does not see what kills him. | His father stood ; | so they took him ;

19 AGH - erha ẹre | ọ ke ya ghee | ovbi ẹre vbe uhunmwun. | Iran na do (?) sẹ owa ;
19 EDO - ęrha̯i | o͉keiage | ovie͉lewuhumu. | I͉nanadomesowa ;

20 ENG - his father | went and saw | his son on head. | They bring him reach

21 ENG - house ;

22 AGH - ọ na wẹ iye mwẹn vbo ; | iran na wẹ iye de fi oha(?) ;
22 EDO - o͉nawiyeme͉wǫ ; | i͉nawiyede͉fiohai ;

23 ENG - be said : where is my mother ; | they say mother is fallen in pond ;

24 AGH - ọ na wẹ | iran ne ya zẹ iye (?) ; | ọre Ogiso ke (?) ye eva ;
24 EDO - o͉nawę̀ | i͉niaziyino ; | o͉l' Ogiso kegwewa̯iyeva ;

25 ENG - he said, | they must go take mother out ; | so Ogiso shared his property ;

26 AGH - ọ na ya ẹre (?) ogie (?).
26 EDO - o͉na̯ie͉mogwesęma.

27 ENG - he made him a new chief.

28 ENG - V.

29 AGH - Boẹbose | ọ wẹ i+ re ne ọmọ ọdọ | sokpa+n ọgene
29 EDO - Boe͉bo̽se | o͉wile͉no͉mo͉do͉ | sokmǫ̽ge͉ne

30 ENG - Boebose | said she did not marry husband | except Ogene

31 AGH - ọ na ya tue ; | ọ na ku ; | ọ ke do le ema
31 EDO - o͉na̯iyatua ; | o͉naku ; | o͉ke͉dolema

32 ENG - he went saluted her ; | he played ; | she began to cook fafu

33 AGH - ọ ke le ema ibiẹka ẹre | ọ ke viọ ẹvbẹe enẹ. | Boẹbose iye
33 EDO - o͉kwe͉le͉mi͉bie͉kale | o͉kwe͉vie͉we͉ne. | Boe͉bo̽siye

34 ENG - she cooked fofu for Ogene's boys | she gave four kola | Boe+bose's

35 ENG - mother