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    one’s head, when advised to do
    so by the oracle (ogwɛga [ ˩ \ ˩ ]);
    (gwɛ [ / ] means: to sacrifice to
    one’s head at the igwɛ [ ˩ ˩ ] day).
    ɽu can further be used with the
    name of the particular deity to
    whom one offers the sacrifice,
    e.g. ɽu ɔxwahɛ [ ˩ ˩ / ˩ ] to offer a
    sacrifice to Ɔxwahɛ [ ˩ / ˩ ]; v.
    rhi-eɣo [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ] and mi-eɣo [ ˩ ˥ ˩ ],
    y-eʋ̃i [ ˩ \ ] na [ ˥ ], [ ˥ ] na [ ˥ ],
    wa [ / ] na [ ˥ ], mu [ ˥ ] ze [ ˥ ] na
    [ ˥ ], gwɛ [ / ], rhɔ [ / ]. (3) to be-
    come, be, of a certain quality
    which is indicated by a re-
    duplicated collective noun; cor-
    responds to English construc-
    tions like “to be sandy, watery”,
    etc.; ɔɽu‿exexae (exae [ ˥ ˩ ])
    [ ˩ ˥ ˥ / ˩ ] it is becoming sandy (e.g.
    a path that is frequently used).
    ɔɽu amaamɛ (amɛ [ ˩ ˩ ]) [ ˩ ˩ ˩ \ ˥ ] it
    is becoming watery (of soup);
    ɔɽu‿amaamɛ [ ˩ ˥ ˥ ˦ ˧ ] it is watery.
ɽua [ ˥ ] second part of verbal
    combinations which seems to
    intensify the meaning of the
    first part in some way, or, to
    indicate that the action implied
    by the first part is carried out
    to its utmost limit, e.g. gbe [ ˥ ]
    “to hit”, gbe [ ˥ ] ɽua [ ˥ ] “to
    kill”, z-iɣo [ ˥ ˥ ] and z-iɣo [ ˥ ˥ ]
    ɽua [ ˥ ] “to squander money”,
    rhi-a [ ˥ / ] “to be spoilt (en-
    tirely)”. After nasalised vowels
    the word occurs in a nasalised
    form: ɽ̃uã [ ˥ ], and shortened
    forms are frequent: -ua, -a [ ˥ ]
    (-uã, -ã).
ɽubuɽubu [ ˦ ˦ ˦ ˦ ] entirely round
    (like a ball; used with the verb
    ye [ ˥ ]).
ɽue [ / ] to be jealous (of women).
ɽueɣe [ ˩ ˥ ] to shake; ɔɽueɣ-erhã ni
    [ ˩ ˩ ˥ ˦ / ] he shook that tree; v.