The Watchtower—Study Edition  |  February 2018


Public Talks Spread the Good News in Ireland

Public Talks Spread the Good News in Ireland

AS THE boat steamed up the Belfast Lough, a sea inlet, the little cluster of passengers standing on deck caught sight of green hills bathed in early morning light. It was May 1910. For one man in their midst, Charles T. Russell, this was the fifth trip to Ireland. Looming before Brother Russell were two massive ocean liners under construction, the ill-fated Titanic and her sister ship Olympic. * Beyond the shipyard, a dozen Bible Students stood on the quay, awaiting his arrival.

Some 20 years earlier, seeking the best way to spread the good news worldwide, Brother Russell had decided to make a series of tours outside of America. His first tour started with Ireland, in July 1891. Aboard the City of Chicago, he viewed the sunset over the approaching coastline at Queenstown and may well have remembered his parents’ description of their homeland. As Brother Russell and his traveling companions passed through tidy towns and beautiful countryside, they realized that here was a field “ready and waiting to be harvested.”

Brother Russell visited Ireland seven times in all. The interest stirred on the first trip evidently led to hundreds, sometimes thousands, turning out to hear him speak on later visits. By his second trip, in May 1903, public meetings in Belfast and Dublin were being advertised in local newspapers. Russell recounted that the “audiences were very attentive” to the subject “The Oath-Bound Promise” about Abraham’s faith and the future blessings for mankind.

Because of the considerable interest found there, Ireland was also included in Russell’s third European trip. Five brothers greeted him as he stepped onto the dock at Belfast one April morning in 1908. The advertised public talk, “The Overthrow of Satan’s Empire,” drew an “intelligent audience of about 300” later that evening. One objector in their midst was swiftly handled by skillful use of the Scriptures. In Dublin a more determined opposer​—Mr. O’Connor, secretary of the YMCA​—attempted to turn the audience of more than 1,000 against the Bible Students. What happened?

Let us go back in time and reconstruct in our minds what could well have happened at that event. A man interested in finding Bible truth decides to attend a public talk advertised in The Irish Times. He barely manages to find a seat in the packed auditorium. The man pays rapt attention to the white-haired, bearded speaker wearing a long black coat. As the speaker delivers his lecture, he moves across the platform, gesturing  freely, methodically building one scripture on another and opening up the man’s ears of understanding to Bible truths. Even without the use of sound equipment, the speaker’s voice carries to every part of the hall, holding the audience’s attention for one and a half hours. Then, in a question-and-answer session, he is challenged by O’Connor and friends but ably defends the message with the Bible. The audience applaud their approval. When the dust settles, the interested man approaches the brothers to learn more. According to eyewitness accounts, many learned the truth in this way.

Leaving New York in May 1909 on the Mauretania for his fourth visit, Brother Russell took along a stenographer, Brother Huntsinger, so that the time traveling across the ocean could be used to dictate Watch Tower articles. Brother Russell’s public talk in Belfast drew 450 locals, about 100 of whom had to stand because of a lack of room.

Brother C. T. Russell aboard the Lusitania

The fifth trip, mentioned at the outset, followed the same pattern. After the public talk in Dublin, a renowned theologian brought along by O’Connor received Scriptural answers to his questions, much to the audience’s enjoyment. On the next day, the travelers caught the fast mail boat to Liverpool and boarded the famed Lusitania for New York. *

Public talk advertised in The Irish Times, May 20, 1910

Advertised public talks were also featured during Brother Russell’s sixth and seventh trips, in 1911. In the spring, 20 Bible Students in Belfast hosted 2,000, who heard the talk “Hereafter.” O’Connor showed up in Dublin with yet another minister asking questions, but the audience applauded the Scriptural replies. Autumn of the same year saw other towns visited, with good attendances. O’Connor plus 100 rowdies attempted to disrupt the Dublin meeting once more, but the audience enthusiastically supported the speaker.

Although Brother Russell took the lead in presenting public talks at that time, he recognized that “no man is indispensable,” since “this is not man’s work; it’s God’s work.” Advertised public talks​—forerunner of the Public Meeting—​provided excellent opportunities to present Scriptural truths. The result? Public talks helped spread the good news, and congregations sprang up in numerous cities throughout Ireland.​—From our archives in Britain.

^ par. 3 Within two years the Titanic sank.

^ par. 9 The Lusitania was torpedoed off the southern coast of Ireland in May 1915.

Owa Ọkhẹ (Na Ruẹ Vbe Iko)  |  February 2018


Ọta Azagba Keghi Ru Iyobọ Ne Emwa Nibun Ya Họn Ikporhu Iyẹn Nọ Maan Vbe Ireland

Ọta Azagba Keghi Ru Iyobọ Ne Emwa Nibun Ya Họn Ikporhu Iyẹn Nọ Maan Vbe Ireland

VBE uki e May 1910, Charles T. Russell kevbe etẹn eso keghi mu okhian gha rrie Ireland. Iran ghi sikẹ asefẹn ne wẹnrẹn vbe okun ne iran la dee, vbe ọkpẹn eghute ọghe ẹvbo ne a tie ẹre Belfast, iran keghi ya bẹghe vbene awanwan ọghe ovẹn owiẹ ya gha rhie muẹn emwi okọ ughughan vbe oke ne emwi okọ ughughan ne a waan vbe umọdia. Ọna ẹre ọ ya gba vbe igba isẹn ne ọtẹn nokpia Russell he rrie ẹvbo na. Okọ ẹzẹ eva ne ghete ne a ma he bọ fo kegha rre odaro Ọtẹn nokpia Russell vbe ọkpẹn ehe ne okọ ẹzẹ na kun sie. Ọkpa vbọ kegha re Titanic nọ ghi ni ye okun, nọ kẹre na gha re Olympic. * Ako na, ẹre etẹn iweva na gha diakhẹ e Russell.

Ọ ghi rre odẹ ukpo 1890, Ọtẹn Nokpia Russell keghi mu otuẹ gha rrie otọ ẹvbo ughughan rhunmwuda ahoo nọ mwẹ ne ọ ya ya ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan vẹwae la ehe hia vbe uhunmwu otagbọn. Ireland ọre otọ ẹvbo nọ ka mu otuẹ gha rrie vbe July 1891. Vbe Ọtẹn Nokpia Russell rre okọ ẹzẹ vbe iran la ẹvbo ne a tie ẹre Chicago gberra, ọ kegha ghee eghute ọghe okun nọ rre Queenstown, zẹ vbene awanwan owẹn nọ khian ghi defua ya gha rhie muẹn. Ẹi mwẹ ọ ma yerre vbene evbibiẹ ọre ya gie Queenstown nọ re ẹvbo ne a na biẹ ọre. Zẹ vbene Ọtẹn nokpia Russell kevbe etẹn ni lelẹe ya gha gberra ẹvbo ne mose mose vbe otọ ẹvbo Ireland, iran keghi rẹn wẹẹ “emwi orhọ wo nẹ ne a khian rhọ” vbe otọ ẹvbo nii.

Igba ihinrọn ẹre Ọtẹn Nokpia Russell mu otuẹ gha rrie Ireland. Emwa nibun wa rri orhiẹnrhiẹn ọta re vbe ẹghẹ okaro ne ọ ya mu otuẹ sẹ Ireland, rhunmwuda ọni, ẹghẹ ọvbehe nọ ghi ya werriegbe sẹ evba, te emwa nibun wa gha danmwehọ re. May 1903 ẹre ọ ya gba vbe igbava ne ọ mu otuẹ gha rrie Ireland. Vbe ẹghẹ na, ebe iyẹn ẹre a ghi ya gha wewe ọta azagba vbe Belfast kevbe Dublin. E Russell keghi kha wẹẹ, te “emwa ni gbẹbu wa gbẹdọ gha danmwehọ” ọta nọ mwẹ uhunmwuta nọ khare wẹẹ “Eyan Ne A Vẹn Ihẹn Yi,” (“The Oath-Bound Promise”)nọ guan kaẹn amuẹtinyan ọghe Ebraham kevbe afiangbe nọ khẹ emwa nagbọn vbe odaro.

Rhunmwuda ne emwa nibun na gha gbọyẹmwẹ ye odẹ ọghe ẹmwata vbe Ireland, vbe Ọtẹn Nokpia Russell ghi mu otuẹ lẹga Europe vbe ukpogieha, Ireland deba ehe ne ọ mu otuẹ sẹ. Ẹghẹ owiẹ ghaa nọ vbe uki April 1908, etẹn nikpia isẹn ẹre ọ gbe ọbokhian ne Russell vbe ehe ne okọ ẹzẹ na kun sie vbe Belfast. Ọta azagba ne a ka ya wewe nọ mwẹ uhunmwuta nọ khare wẹẹ, “Vbene A Khian Ya Khọnmiotọ Yan Arriọba Esu” keghi re ne “orhunmwu 300 ni mwẹ ekhọe ne a ya miẹn ẹmwata yi” danmwehọ re vbe ota nii. Okpia ọkpa na te gha gbodan, sokpan, a keghi ya Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn ru iyobọ nẹẹn. Vbe Dublin, okpia ọkpa ne a tie ẹre O’Connor, nọ ghaa re akọwe ọghe sọs ne a tie ẹre YMCA, na wa gha gbe olighi. Ọ na te wa gha hoo ne ọ fi emwa ni gbẹbu ekhọe werriẹ, ne iran werriẹ aro ne ọkhọ daa etẹn. Vbọ ghi sunu?

Gi ima ya ekhọe ima zẹ omwa rẹn ighẹ emwi nọ gele sunu vbe ẹdẹrriọ. Okpia ọkpa ne ọ gele hoo ne ọ rẹn imamwaemwi ọghe ẹmwata ni rre Baibol keghi mu egbe gha die ehe ne a khian na yae guan ighẹ ọta azagba ne a ka ya wewe vbe ebe iyẹn ne a tie ẹre The Irish Times. Ọ lọghọe ọ ke miẹn aga tota yi rhunmwuda ẹi avbiẹ emwa ẹre ọ rre dọ danmwehọ ọta nii. Okpia na keghi gbehọ kotọ gha danmwehọ ọta ọghe enọwanrẹn ne ọ bẹtu nọfua, ọ vbe yọ e coat nọ tuo. Zẹvbe nọ ya rhan otọ e Baibol, ọ na gha  khian yo khian rree vbe ogiukpo, erriọ vbe ya gha gbe ekhakha. Ẹmwẹ ne ọ taa, na gha mu ekhọe ọghe okpia ne a guan kaẹn na. Enọwanrẹn nọ ghaa ya ọta guan na, ma loo amigbo sokpan te emwa hia wa họn ẹmwẹ ne ọ tae vbe ughaẹdẹ ọkpa vbe ukhiọnmwẹ ne ọ ya guan. Ọ ghi sẹ ẹghẹ ne ẹkpotọ ya kie ne emwa nọ ọta, okpia ne a tie ẹre O’Connor kevbe esiọre na te suẹn gha gbodan, sokpan e Russell keghi ye Baibol gia iran igan. Emwa ni gbẹbu na kpe obọ ne Russell, nọ rhiema wẹẹ ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn iran ye odẹ ne ọ ya zẹ ewanniẹn. Owogho ni ghi rhie otọ nẹ, okpia nii ne ọ do danmwehọ, keghi nọ etẹn eso ọta rhunmwuda ọ hoo ne ọ rẹn sayọ. Odẹ vbenian ẹre emwa nibun ya rẹn odẹ ọghe ẹmwata.

Vbe Ọtẹn Nokpia Russell ghi ke New York rrie okhian ne ukpogienẹ vbe May 1909, okọ ẹzẹ ne a tie ẹre Mauretania ẹre ọ la re. Ọ keghi rhie Ọtẹn Nokpia Huntsinger ba egbe nọ gu irẹn gha gbẹnnẹ ako eso vbe Watch Tower zẹvbe ne iran ya khian vbe odẹ. Ọtẹn na mwẹ ifuẹro ọghe vbe ne a ya zẹgiẹ gbẹnnẹ emwi yotọ hẹ. Iran ghi sẹ Ireland, ẹvbo ne a tie ẹre Belfast ẹre Ọtẹn Nokpia Russell ne a ya ọta guan. Orhunmwu 450 ẹre ọ rre do danmwehọ. Emwa ni mudia rhunmwuda iran ma miẹn ehe tota yi sẹ 100.

Vbe Ọtẹn Nokpia C. T. Russell rre okọ ẹzẹ ne a tie ẹre Lusitania

Okhian ne ukpogisẹn ne Russell mu gha rrie Ireland ẹre a ya unu kaẹn vbe omuhẹn ban. Ọtẹn Nokpia Russell ghi vbe ya ọta guan fo nẹ, okpia ọkpa ne ọ ya tie Baibol vbe owebe nọ yo ne okpia nii ne a tie ẹre O’Connor vbe rhie gha de, na suẹn gha nọ ọta. Sokpan, e Rusell keghi ya Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn zẹ ewanniẹn nọ khẹke ye inọta hia ne ọ nọ rẹn. Ọna keghi wa ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn emwa ni gbẹbu. Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Russell vbe etẹn ni lelẹe na la okọ nọ rrie Liverpool, ẹvbo nii ẹre iran ghi ke lae okọ ẹzẹ ne a tie ẹre Lusitania gha rrie New York. *

Ọta azagba ne a ya ebe iyẹn ne a tiẹ ẹre The Irish Times wewe, vbe uki e May 20, 1910

Ukpo 1911 ẹre Ọtẹn Nọkpia Russell ghi mu otuẹ ne ukpogiehan kevbe ne ukpogihirọn gha rrie Ireland. Te a ka vbe yae wewe ighẹ ọta azagba ne ọ ya guan vba. Vbe uki e April, etẹn 20 ni ghaa rre Belfast ẹre ọ ru emwamwa ne orhunmwu 2,000 ya danmwehọ ọta ne uhunmwuta khare wẹẹ: “Arrọọ Vbe Iyeke A Gha Wu Nẹ.” O’Connor na vbe mu okaolotu ọghe sọsi ọkpa gha die ehe ne emwa na vbe gbẹbu gha danmwehọ ọta e Russell vbe Dublin. Ewanniẹn nọ khẹke ẹre Russell wa vbe zẹ ye inọta nibun ne ọ nọ rẹn. Te emwa ni gbẹbu vbe gha kpe obọ ye odẹ ne e Russell ya zẹ ewanniẹn. Ọtẹn Nokpia Russell na vbe mu otuẹ sẹ ihe ọvbehe vbe Ireland vbe uki October kevbe November. Emwa nibun wa vbe rree do danmwehọ. Ọtẹn nokpia Russell khian ghi vbe werriegbe ya ọta guan vbe Dublin, O’Connor nọ gbe olighi na viọ ikpia 100 rre ne iran do zagha emwamwa nii, sokpan emwa ni gbẹbu ma kue yọ, iran na sinmwi oseghe ne ọtẹn ima ighẹ e Russell.

Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Ọtẹn Nokpia Russell ẹre ọ wa mobọ gha ya ọta azagba guan vbe ẹghẹ nii, ọ rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, “ọmwa rhọkpa i rrọọ nọ re amamiẹn ai ru” vbe otu e Jehova rhunmwuda “iwinna Osanobua nọ, ẹi re ọghe ọmwa nagbọn.” Ọ wa biẹ ọmọ esi ighẹ Ọta azagba ne a ka ya ebe iyẹn gha wewe yotọ vbe ẹghẹ nẹdẹ. Ọ kie ẹkpotọ ne emwa nibun ya do rẹn odẹ ọghe ẹmwata vbe Ireland. Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, iko ni rre okpẹvbo nibun vbe otọ ẹvbo Ireland i re avbiẹ.​—⁠Nọ Ke Aza Ima Nẹdẹ Rre Vbe Britain.

^ okhuẹn 3 Ukpo eva ghi gberra nẹ, vbe 1912, Titanic keghi ni ye okun.

^ okhuẹn 9 Uki e May 1915 ẹre okọ ẹzẹ ne a tie ẹre Lusitania ni vbe okun nọ rre odẹ ahọ ọghe Ireland. Emadogua ne a tie ẹre “torpedo” ẹre emwa ya guọghọe.