The Watchtower—Study Edition  |  February 2018

Move Forward as a Spiritual Person!

Move Forward as a Spiritual Person!

“Keep walking by spirit.”​—GAL. 5:16.

SONGS: 22, 75

1, 2. What did one brother find lacking with regard to his spiritual condition, and what did he do about it?

ROBERT got baptized as a teenager, but he did not really take the truth seriously. He says: “I never did anything wrong, but I was just going through the motions. I looked spiritually strong, being at all the meetings and serving as an auxiliary pioneer a few times a year. But something was missing.”

2 Robert himself did not perceive what was wrong until later when he got married. He and his wife began passing time by quizzing each other on Bible subjects. His wife, a spiritually strong person, had no problem answering the questions, but Robert found himself constantly embarrassed, not knowing what to say. He says: “It was as if I knew nothing. I thought to myself, ‘If I am going to be my wife’s spiritual head, I have to do something.’” And Robert did. He says: “I studied the Bible and studied and studied some more, and the pieces started to fit together. I got understanding and, most important, developed a close relationship with Jehovah.”

3. (a) What can we learn from Robert’s experience? (b) What key points will we now discuss?

3 We can learn important lessons from Robert’s experience. We may have some Bible knowledge and may regularly  associate with the Christian congregation, but these things in themselves do not necessarily make us into a spiritual person. Or we may have already made progress, but when we examine ourselves further, we find that we can still improve our spirituality. (Phil. 3:16) To help us to continue progressing, we will answer three key questions in this article: (1) What will help us to analyze the true state of our spirituality? (2) How can we cultivate spirituality and keep growing as a spiritual person? (3) How can strong spirituality help us in our daily life?


4. To whom does the counsel found at Ephesians 4:23, 24 apply?

4 When we became servants of God, we made a transformation. This change affected every area of our life. And it was not over when we got baptized. We are told to “continue to be made new in [our] dominant mental attitude.” (Eph. 4:23, 24) Since we are not perfect, we all need to continue making changes. Even longtime servants of Jehovah need to maintain their spirituality.​—Phil. 3:12, 13.

5. What questions can help us analyze ourselves?

5 To improve and maintain our spirituality, we need to analyze ourselves honestly. Whether we are young or old, we can ask ourselves these questions: ‘Do I notice changes in myself that indicate that I am moving toward becoming a spiritually-minded person? Is my personality becoming Christlike? What do my disposition and conduct at Christian meetings reveal about the depth of my spirituality? What do my conversations show about my desires? What do my study habits, dress and grooming, or reaction to counsel reveal about me? How do I react when faced with temptations? Have I progressed beyond basics to maturity, becoming full-grown as a Christian?’ (Eph. 4:13) Thinking about our answers to these questions can help us measure our spiritual progress.

6. To analyze the state of our spirituality, what else may be needed?

6 To analyze the state of our spirituality, we may at times need help from others. The apostle Paul pointed out that the fleshly person cannot see the wrongness of his position before God. On the other hand, the spiritual person understands God’s viewpoint as well as the erroneous course of the physical man. (1 Cor. 2:14-16; 3:1-3) Elders who have the mind of Christ often see early warning signs of fleshly thinking. If they bring these to our attention, do we accept and apply their counsel? By doing so, we give evidence of our desire to develop our spirituality.​—Eccl. 7:5, 9.


7. Why is having Bible knowledge not enough to become a spiritually-minded person?

7 Keep in mind that having knowledge of the Bible is not enough to become a spiritually-minded person. Ancient King Solomon had a lot of knowledge about Jehovah’s ways. His sayings later became part of the Bible. But in the end, he failed to stay faithful to Jehovah as a spiritual man. (1 Ki. 4:29, 30; 11:4-6) So in addition to Bible knowledge, what is needed? We need to continue to make spiritual progress. (Col. 2:6, 7) But how do we do so?

8, 9. (a) What will help us to develop spiritual stability? (b) What is our goal when we study and meditate? (See opening picture.)

8 Paul urged first-century Christians  to “press on to maturity.” (Heb. 6:1) In order to apply Paul’s counsel today, what steps can we take? One important step is to study the publication Keep Yourselves in God’s Love.” Completing your study of that book will help you to see how to apply Bible principles in your life. If you have already finished studying that book, can you move on to other study materials that can help you to stabilize your faith? (Col. 1:23) Do you prayerfully meditate on how you can apply in your life what you are studying?

9 Keep in mind that as we study and meditate, we should do so with the goal of developing a heartfelt desire to please Jehovah and obey his laws. (Ps. 40:8; 119:97) At the same time, we work to reject things that will hinder our spiritual growth.​—Titus 2:11, 12.

10. What can young people do to cultivate spirituality?

10 If you are a youth, do you have clear spiritual goals? When attending circuit assemblies, a brother who serves at Bethel has made it his custom to speak with baptism candidates before the program. Many candidates are youths. The brother asks them what spiritual goals they have. Many give answers that reveal that they have a clear vision of what they want to do to serve Jehovah​—perhaps by entering some form of full-time service or by serving where there is a greater need for Kingdom proclaimers. Occasionally, however, there are youths who do not seem to have an answer. Might that indicate that they have not yet resolved in their heart that they should have clear spiritual goals? As a youth, ask yourself: ‘Am I participating in spiritual activities just because my parents expect me to? Am I drawing closer to God by nurturing a personal relationship with him?’ Of course, the counsel to have spiritual goals applies not just to youths. Having such goals will help all of us as Jehovah’s servants to deepen our spirituality.​—Eccl. 12:1, 13.

11. (a) To make real spiritual progress, what do we need to do? (b) What Bible example can we imitate?

11 Once we have identified areas for improvement, we need to take positive steps that will help us move forward. Becoming a spiritual person is very important. In fact, it is a life-and-death matter. (Rom. 8:6-8) However, for us to be spiritually mature does not mean to be perfect. Jehovah’s spirit can help us to make the needed progress. Still, we do need to put forth effort. In commenting on Luke 13:24, John Barr, who served as a member of the Governing Body, pointed out some years ago, “Many fail because they are not diligent enough to grow mighty.” We need to be like Jacob, who did not give up wrestling with an angel until he got a blessing. (Gen. 32:26-28) Although Bible study can be enjoyable, we should not expect the Bible to read like a novel that is written just to entertain. We need to work at finding spiritual gems that will help us.

12, 13. (a) What will help us to apply Romans 15:5? (b) How can the apostle Peter’s example and counsel help us? (c) What can you do to cultivate spirituality? (See the box “ Steps You Can Take to Progress Spiritually.”)

12 As we work at cultivating spirituality, holy spirit will give us the power to transform our mind. With the spirit’s help, we can gradually begin to think more and more as Christ did. (Rom. 15:5) Additionally, it will help us root out fleshly desires and cultivate qualities pleasing to God. (Gal. 5:16, 22, 23) If we  find that our mind pushes us toward materialistic thinking or fleshly desires, we should not give up. Keep asking for the spirit, and Jehovah will help you to redirect your mental attitude to focus on proper things. (Luke 11:13) Remember the apostle Peter. Several times in his life, he did not respond as a spiritual man should. (Matt. 16:22, 23; Luke 22:34, 54-62; Gal. 2:11-14) But he did not give up. Gradually, with Jehovah’s help, Peter developed Christlike thinking. We can do the same.

13 Peter, in fact, later spelled out specific things we can work on. (Read 2 Peter 1:5-8.) As we “put forth all earnest effort” to develop such qualities as self-control, endurance, and brotherly affection, we will be helped to continue to move ahead as spiritually-minded individuals. Each day, why not ask yourself, ‛What can I work on today to progress spiritually?’


14. How will being spiritually-minded affect our life?

14 Our Christlike thinking will influence our speech, our conduct at work or in school, and the decisions we make each day. Those decisions will reveal that we strive to be followers of Christ. As spiritual people, we want nothing to jeopardize our relationship with our heavenly Father. When we are confronted with temptations, our Christlike attitude will move us to push them away. When making decisions, we will stop and ponder over these questions: ‛What Bible principles will help me decide? What would Christ do in this situation? What decision will please Jehovah?’ To train ourselves to think this way, let us take a look at a few sample situations. In each example, we will identify a Scriptural principle that can help us make a wise decision.

15, 16. Give examples of how Christlike thinking helps us when making decisions about (a) selecting a marriage mate. (b) choosing our associations.

15 Selecting a marriage mate. The Scriptural principle is found at 2 Corinthians 6:14, 15. (Read.) Paul’s words clearly state that a spiritual person cannot enjoy complete harmony with a physical person. How can this be applied to choosing a marriage mate?

16 Associations. Note the Scriptural principle found at 1 Corinthians 15:33. (Read.) A godly person will not mix with those who could endanger his spirituality. What questions could help you to make practical application? For example, how does this apply to social networking? Or what should you do if invited to play online games with strangers?

Will my decisions help me to grow spiritually? (See paragraph 17)

17-19. How will having a spiritual viewpoint help you (a) to avoid vain pursuits? (b) to set goals in life? (c) to deal with disputes?

17 Activities that hinder spiritual growth. Paul’s words to fellow Christians contain  a warning. (Read Hebrews 6:1.) What are the “dead works” that we should avoid? Any pursuits that are spiritually dead, vain, or fruitless. This principle can help us with many questions that could arise in our life, such as: ‘Does this activity fall in the category of fleshly works? Should I get involved in this money-making proposal? Why should I not join worldly reform movements?’

Will my decisions help me to set spiritual goals? (See paragraph 18)

18 Spiritual goals. Jesus’ words spoken in the Sermon on the Mount give us clear guidance about setting goals. (Matt. 6:33) A spiritual person pursues spiritually oriented goals. Keeping this principle in mind helps us answer such questions as: ‘Should I pursue plans for an advanced education? Should I accept a certain job offer?’

Will my decisions help me to “be peaceable”? (See paragraph 19)

19 Disputes. How does Paul’s counsel to the congregation in Rome help us in dealing with disputes? (Rom. 12:18) As followers of Christ, we work to “be peaceable with all men.” When disputes arise, how do we react? Do we find it difficult to yield, or are we known as those who are “making peace”?​—Jas. 3:18.

20. Why do you want to move forward spiritually?

20 These are just a few examples to show how reflecting on godly principles can help us make decisions that harmonize with what is expected of a spiritual person. Being spiritually-minded can help us to make our daily life happier and more satisfying. Robert, whose experience was considered at the beginning of this article, says: “After I developed a real relationship with Jehovah, I was a better husband and a better father. I was content and happy.” We can enjoy similar blessings if we make spiritual progress our priority. As spiritual people, we will enjoy a more satisfying life now and “the real life” to come.​—1 Tim. 6:19.

Owa Ọkhẹ (Na Ruẹ Vbe Iko)  |  February 2018

Gha Mwẹ Alaghodaro Vbe Odẹ Ọghe Orhiọn!

Gha Mwẹ Alaghodaro Vbe Odẹ Ọghe Orhiọn!

“Wa gi orhiọn nọ huanrẹn gha dia ẹdẹ agbọn uwa.”—GAL 5:16.

IHUAN: 22, 75

1, 2. De ako ne ọtẹn nokpia ọkpa na gha vburriẹ? De emwi ne ọtẹn na ghi ru?

EHỌNRRE ẹre Robert ghaa khin vbe ọ dinmwiamẹ, sokpan ọ ma rhiegba ye ugamwẹ ẹmwata. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Ẹghẹ ọkpa i rrọọ ne I ya ru orukhọ vbe ẹkhokho, Ii gbe ẹdẹ iko re, I vbe zẹdia gha rhie obọ ye iwinna arọndẹ ọghe ovbi ẹghẹ kherhe, te I yevbe ọmwa ne ọ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Sokpan, ọ mwẹ ako ne I ma na gha musọe.”

2 E Robert rhie okhuo nẹ, ọ ke do rẹn ako ne irẹn na vburriẹ. Irẹn vbe ọvbokhan rẹn ghaa ku, iran ghi gha nọ egbe ọta vbuwe Baibol. Avbe inọta nii ma zẹdẹ gha lọghọ ọvbokhan rẹn na zẹ ewanniẹn yi rhunmwuda, ọ mwẹ irẹnmwi nọ dinmwi ọghe Baibol sokpan, e Robert ma sẹtin gha zẹ ewanniẹn ye inọta ọghe amwẹ ọnrẹn. Ọna keghi ya ekhue gha mu e Robert. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “I na yevbe ọmwa ne ọ ma rẹn emwi rhọkpa. I na ghi ya ekhọe yan rẹn wẹẹ, ‘Deghẹ I gele hoo ne I gha re uhunmwuta ọghe ọvbokhan mwẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, I gha zẹ emwi ru.’” Ọ gele ru vberriọ. Ọ na ghi kha wẹẹ: “I na do rhiegba ye Baibol ne a tie vbe ẹghẹ hia, I na vbe gha ru ezanzan. Kherhe kherhe, I na do gha rẹn otọ emwi ne ima te rẹn. Sẹ ehia, I na do sikẹ e Jehova sayọ.”

3. (a) De emwi ne ima miẹn ruẹ vbe okha ọghe Robert? (b) De olika ẹmwẹ ne ima khian ghi ziro yan nia?

3 Ma gha miẹn emwi kpataki ruẹ vbe okha ọghe Robert. Ma sẹtin gha mwẹ irẹnmwi ọghe Baibol, ma sẹtin vbe gha yo iko kevbe ikporhu  vbe ẹghẹ hia, sokpan ena ma wa sẹ ni gha ya ima deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. A sẹtin vbe miẹn wẹẹ, ima mwẹ alaghodaro eso nẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, sokpan ẹi mwẹ ima ma miẹn ako ne ima gha winna yan vbe ima gha zanzan egbe ima ghee. (Fil 3:16) Ne ima mieke na ye gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, ma gha zẹ ewanniẹn ye inọta eha ne kpataki vbe ako iruẹmwi na: (1) Vbọ khian ya ima rẹn vbene ima wegbe sẹ hẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn? (2) De emwi nọ khẹke ne ima ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn? (3) De afiangbe nọ kẹrikian deghẹ ima ma na gha re emwa ni deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn?


4. De emwa ne ibude nọ rre Ẹfisọs 4:23, 24 kaan rẹn?

4 A te miẹn wẹẹ ima dinmwiamẹ, ma keghi ru afiwerriẹ ne gẹdẹgbẹẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe ima. Afiwerriẹ na, ma sẹ ufomwẹ vbe ima ghi dinmwiamẹ nẹ. E Baibol khare wẹẹ, “ọ kere ne orhiọn kevbe ekhọe” ima gha ru ọghe ọgbọn vbe ẹghẹ hia. (Ẹfis 4:23, 24) Rhunmwunda ima ma gba, te ima khian gha ru afiwerriẹ khian. Ọna yevbe kaẹn emwa ni kpẹre nẹ vbe otu e Jehova. Te iran khian gha begbe ne iran ghẹ do khian emwa ni ghi vburriẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn.—Fil 3:12, 13.

5. De inọta eso ni gha ya ima rẹn vbene ima wẹro sẹ hẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn?

5 Ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, te ọ khẹke ne ima gele zanzan egbe ima ghee. Deghẹ igbama ma khin ra ma khian enọwanrẹn nẹ, te ọ khẹke ne ima nọ egbe ima ọta vbenian: ‘I bẹghe afiwerriẹ eso vbe arrọọ ọghomwẹ ne ọ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ I gele mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ra? Uyinmwẹ ọghe imẹ fẹko khọ ọghe Kristi ra? Uyinmwẹ ne I yin vbe iko rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ọmwa ne ọ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ẹre I khin ra? De emwi ne I mobọ guan kaẹn? Odẹ ne I ya tie Baibol, egbe ne I mu kevbe uyinmwẹ ne I yin vbe a gha ra rhie adia mẹ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ọmwa ne ọ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ẹre I khin ra? I gha werriẹ aro daa edanmwẹ, de emwi ne I ru ne I mieke na sẹtin lae gberra? Ọmwa nọ wẹro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ẹre imẹ ghi khin ra?’ (Ẹfis 4:13) Ewanniẹn ọghe avbe inọta na gha ya ima rẹn vbene ima ghi mwẹ alaghodaro sẹ hẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn.

6. Ne ima mieke na rẹn vbene ima digiẹ sẹ hẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, de emwi ọvbehe ne ọ gha ru iyobọ ne ima?

6 Ne ima mieke na rẹn vbene ima digiẹ sẹ hẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, emwa ọvbehe sẹtin vbe ru iyobọ ne ima. E Pọl keghi gi ima rẹn wẹẹ, emwa ni rhie aro tua emwi ikpakpa ma rẹn deghẹ emwi ne iran ru i ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua. Sokpan emwa ni deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn rẹnrẹn, aro ne Osanobua ya ghee emwi, iran vbe rẹn wẹẹ ẹko i rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua ye uyinmwẹ ọghe emwa ni rhie aro tua emwi ikpakpa. (1 Kọr 2:14-16; 3:1-3) Ediọn ni mwẹ ekhọe Kristi keghi rherhe bẹghe ẹre vbe ọmwa gha suẹn gha zẹ owẹ ihan. Ediọn gha rhie adia vbenian ne ima, ma miẹn ọnrẹn yi ra? Ma gha miẹn ọnrẹn yi, ọni rhiema wẹẹ, ma hoo ne ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn.—Asan 7:5, 9.


7. Vbọzẹe ne irẹnmwi ọghe Baibol ma na sẹ ne ọ gha ya ima gbọzinia vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn?

7 Ọ khẹke ne ima rẹn wẹẹ, irẹnmwi ọghe Baibol ma wa sẹ nọ gha ya ima khian emwa ni deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Ọba e Solomọn wa gha mwẹ irẹnmwi nọ dinmwi vbekpae Jehova, sẹrriọ wẹẹ ọkpa vbe usun ebe ni rre Baibol keghi re itan ne Solomọn tobọre gbẹn. Sokpan ẹdẹ ghi rhie ẹdẹ, e Solomọn na fi iyeke gbe Jehova. (1 Ọba 4:29, 30; 11:4-6) Te ọ ghi vẹẹ na rẹn nia wẹẹ, ma ghaa mwẹ irẹnmwi ọghe Baibol, ọ vbe khẹke ne ima gbọzinia vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. (Kọl 2:6, 7) Vbe ima khian ya ru ọna hẹ?

8, 9. (a) De emwi nọ gha ya ima gbọzinia vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn? (b) Vbọ khẹke ne ima kọ ye orhiọn vbe ima gha ra tie Baibol kevbe vbe ima gha ra ru erria yan rẹn? (Ghee efoto nọ rre omuhẹn.)

8 E Pọl keghi rhie igiọdu ne Ivbiotu e Kristi  vbe orre nokaro ne iran “nana sikẹ odaro” vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. (Hib 6:1) Vbe ima khian ya sẹtin lele adia na hẹ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ? Odẹ okpa kpataki ne ima gha ya sẹtin ru ọna ọre ne ima ya tie Keep Yourselves in God’s Love.” Ebe na gha ya ima rẹn odẹ ughughan ne ima gha ya sẹtin lele ilele ni rre Baibol. Adeghẹ u tie ebe na fo nẹ, u sẹtin vbe ya tie ebe ọvbehe nọ gha ya amuẹtinyan ruẹ wegbe sayọ. (Kọl 1:23) Te ọ khẹke ne ima gha ru erria yan emwi ne ima tie, ma ghi vbe gha na erhunmwu ne Jehova ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha rhiẹre ye uyinmwẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe ima.

9 Ọ khẹke ne ima kọe ye orhiọn wẹẹ, evbọzẹe ne ima na tie Baibol kevbe ne ima na ru erria yan rẹn ọre ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova. (Psm 40:8; 119:97) Ọ vbe khẹke ne ima gha gbaẹngbe ne emwi ke emwi nọ gha si ima ghe iyeke vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn.—Taitọs 2:11, 12.

10.De emwi nọ gha ya igbama gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn?

10 Adeghẹ igbama ẹre u khin, ọ mwẹ okhuo ne u fian ne egbuẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ra? Ọ mwẹ ọtẹn nokpia ọkpa nọ ga vbe Abotu nọ mobọ rhie igiọdu ne etẹn ni khian dinmwiamẹ vbe asikoko ọghe otako. Etẹn nibun ni dinmwiamẹ keghi re igbama. Ọtẹn nokpia na keghi nọ iran okhuo ne iran fian ne egbe iran vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Ewanniẹn ne nibun zẹ keghi rhiẹre ma wẹẹ iran mwẹ okhuo ne iran fian ne egbe iran vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Eso mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe orhiọn wẹẹ iran gha rhiegbe ye ugamwẹ ẹghẹ hia kevbe ako ne a na gualọ iyobọ etẹn. Ugbẹnso, eso vbọ i miẹn ewanniẹn zẹ ye inọta ọghe ọtẹn nokpia na. Ẹi re te ọna ghi rhiema wẹẹ iran i mwẹ okhuo ne iran fian ne egbe iran vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn? Deghẹ igbama ẹre u khin, nọ egbuẹ: ‘Rhunmwuda evbibiẹ mwẹ ẹre I na yo iko kevbe ikporhu ra? Mẹ gu Osanobua mwẹ asikẹgbe ne khuankhuankhuan?’ Vbene ẹmwata, ẹi re igbama ọkpa ẹre ọ khẹke ni gha mwẹ evbakọnrẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Ma hia ghaa mwẹ okhuo ne ima fian ne egbe ima vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, ọ ghi ya ima deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn.—Asan 12:1, 13.

11. (a) Vbọ khẹke ne ima ru ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn? (b) De ọmwa nọ khẹke ne ima ya egbe ta?

11 Ma gha rẹn ako ne ima na vburriẹ, te ọ khẹke ne ima hia ne ima winna yan rẹn. Adeghẹ ima hoo ne ima miẹn uhunmwu, te ọ wa ru ekpataki ne ima gha re emwa ni deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. (Rom 8:6-8) Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, ne ima do gha re emwa ni wẹro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ma rhiema wẹẹ, ma ghi wa khian emwa ni gbae. Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghe Jehova gha sẹtin ya ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro nọ khẹke. Ọrheyerriọ, te ima gha ru vbene ẹtin ima sẹ. Ukpo eso nọ gberra vbe John Barr, nọ ghaa re ọkpa vbe Ẹbu Nọ Su rhan otọ evbọ rre ebe Luk 13:24, ọ keghi kha wẹẹ, “Emwa nibun ma sẹtin musọe rhunmwuda iran ma hia vbe odẹ ke odẹ ne iran mieke na gbọzinia vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn.” Ọ khẹke ne ima ya egbe tae Jekọb nọ ma gi egbe wọọ re vbe ọ gu odibo vẹn vbe asọn ohoho rhunmwuda afiangbe. (Gẹn 32:26-28) Ẹmwata nọ wẹẹ, a sọyẹnmwẹ e Baibol vbe a ghaa tie ẹre sokpan, ọ lughaẹn ne ebe okha ne emwa nagbọn gbẹnnẹ. A ghaa tie Baibol, te a gbarokotọ gualọ emwi ewe ọghe orhiọn ni gha ru iyobọ ne ima.

12, 13. (a) De emwi nọ gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya lele ẹmwẹ adia nọ rre ebe Rom 15:5? (b) De vbene igiemwi esi ọghe ukọ e Pita kevbe ẹmwẹ ibude ọghẹe gha ya ru iyobo ne ima hẹ? (c) De emwi ne ọ khẹke ne u ru, nọ gha ya ruẹ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn? (Ghee ne ẹkpẹtin “Emwi Eso Nọ Khẹke Ne U Ru Ne U Mieke Na Gha Mwẹ Alaghodaro Vbe Odẹ Ọghe Orhiọn.”)

12 Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya fiwerriẹ fo fẹẹrẹ zẹ vbene ima ya hia ne ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Kherhe kherhe, ma ghi do gha mwẹ egbe iziro ekhọe ọghe Kristi. (Rom 15:5) Yevbesọni, ọ ghi vbe ru iyobọ ne ima ya gbe ukhu ẹre rua ighẹ ahoo ọghe ikpakpa, ne ima mieke na sẹtin do gha mwẹ avbe akpa ni ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova. (Gal 5:16, 22, 23) Ma gha ye bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, ekhọe ima ye winna ghee  emwi ikpakpa, ma ghẹ gi ẹtin fu ima. Gi ima ye gha nọ e Jehova nọ ya orhiọn nọhuanrẹn dia iziro ekhọe ọghe ima. (Luk 11:13) Igiemwi ọghe Pita gha ru iyobọ ne ima. Ẹghẹ nibun ẹre ọ ya yin uyinmwẹ nọ ma gba. (Mat 16:22, 23; Luk 22:34, 54-62; Gal 2:11-14) Sokpan, ọ ma gi orhiọn gbe yọ re iwu. Zẹ vbene ẹghẹ ya gha khian, e Jehova keghi dia iziro ọghe Pita. Ma gha vbe sẹtin ya egbe tae Pita.

13 E Pita ya unu kaẹn tara akpa eso nọ khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ. (Tie 2 Pita 1:5-8.) Usun avbe akpa na ọre, amuegbe ye ọghọ, izinegbe kevbe ahoẹmwọmwa. Ma ghaa hia vbene ẹtin ima sẹ, ne ima mieke na gha mwẹ avbe akpa na, e Jehova gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Te ọ khẹke ne ima gha nọ egbe ima ọta vbenian vbe ẹghẹ hia, ‘De ako nọ khẹke ne I winna yan, ne I mieke na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn?’


14. Ma ghaa re emwa ni deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, vbe ọ khian ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe ima?

14 Ma ghaa mwẹ egbe iziro ekhọe ọghe Kristi, ẹmwẹ ne ọ maan ẹre ọ khian gha ke ima unu ladian. Ọ gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha yin ẹse vbe isiwinna kevbe owebe. Yevbesọni, ọ ghi ya ima gha ru azẹ nọ khẹke vbe ẹdẹgbegbe. Azẹ ne ọ maan ne ima ru ghi gha rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ma hia vbe odẹ ke odẹ ne ima gha ya egbe tae Kristi. Zẹvbe emwa ni rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn, ọ ma khẹke ne ima gi emwi rhọkpa mu idobo ye asikẹgbe ne ima gu e Jehova mwẹ. Ma gha gele deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, ọ gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya sẹtin la edanmwẹ ne ima rhirhi werrie aro da gberra. Vbene ima te ru azẹ rhọkpa, te ọ khẹke ne ima nọ egbe ima ọta vbenian: ‘De ilele ọghe Baibol nọ gha ru iyobọ mẹ ya ru azẹ nọ khẹke? De emwi ne Kristi gha ru deghẹ irẹn ọ rre ihe vbenian? De azẹ nọ gha ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova?’ Nia ma gha guan kaẹn igiemwi eso. Vbe dọmwadẹ igiemwi na, ma gha guan kaẹn ilele nọ rre Baibol nọ gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha ru azẹ nọ khẹke.

15, 16. Ma ghaa mwẹ egbe iziro ekhọe ọghe Kristi, vbe ọ khian ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ ya gha ru azẹ nọ khẹke vbe nọ dekaẹn (a) orọnmwẹ. (b) emwa ne ima gu muobọ.

15 Deghẹ u khian rhie okhuo ra u khian rọnmwẹ ọdọ. Ilele nọ gha ru iyobọ ne ima rre ebe 2 Kọrinti 6:14, 15. (Tie ẹre.) Ẹmwẹ ne ukọ e Pọl tae vbe ako na rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ọmwa ne ọ rhie aro tua emwi orhiọn kevbe ọmwa ne ọ rhie aro tua emwi ikpakpa i khian sẹtin gua egbe ro. De vbene ilele na khian ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ deghẹ ima khian ru orọnmwẹ?

16 Emwa ne ima gu muobọ. Ilele nọ gha ru iyobọ ne ima rre ebe 1 Kọrinti 15:33. (Tie ẹre.) Ọ ma khẹke ne ọmwa nọ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn gha gu emwa ni gha sẹtin si ẹre ghee iyeke vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn mu obọ. Inọta eso ni gha ru iyobọ nuẹn ọre; De vbene ilele na ya dekaẹn avbe ọse ne a zẹ vbe intanẹt? De emwi nọ khẹke ne I ru, deghẹ emwa ne I ma rẹn ẹdẹ na gie na tie mwẹ ne I do gu irangbe game vbe intanẹt?

Te ọ khẹke ne azẹ ne I ru ya mwẹ gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn? (Ghee okhuẹn 17)

17-19. Deghẹ u na gha re ọmwa ne ọ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, vbọ khian ya ru iyobọ nuẹn hẹ (a) ya gha gbaẹngbe ne emwi ke emwi ne ẹi mwẹ esa? (b) ya fian okhuo ne egbuẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn? (c) vbe ẹzọ gha de rre?

17 Emwi eso ni si ọmwa ghee iyeke vbe odẹ  ọghe orhiọn. Ukọ e Pọl keghi ya obọ sekhae ne ima, vbọ guan kaẹn emwi eso ni gha sẹtin si ọmwa ghee iyeke vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. (Tie Hibru 6:1.) De “iwinna ne ẹi mwẹ esa” nọ khẹke ne ima gbaẹngbe na? Ọni ọre, emwi ke emwi ne ẹi khian sẹtin ya ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Ilele na gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya rẹn ewanniẹn ọghe avbe inọta na: Emwi ne I khian ru na mwẹ esa nọ ye ra? Iwinna vbenian khẹke Ovbiotu e Kristi ra? Vbọzẹe nọ ma na khẹke ne I ya egbe ba otu ni roro wẹẹ iran gha sẹtin fi agbọn na werriẹ?

Te ọ khẹke ne azẹ ne I ru ya mwẹ gha fian okhuo ne egbe mwẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn? (Ghee okhuẹn 18)

18 Evbakọnrẹn ọghe orhiọn. Ẹmwẹ ibude ọghe Jesu vbe ọ kporhu vbe uhunmwu oke gha sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima ya fian okhuo nọ khẹke ne egbe ima vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. (Mat 6:33) Ọmwa ne ọ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn keghi mu ugamwẹ e Jehova ye okaro vbe arrọọ ọghẹe. Ilele na gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya zẹ ewanniẹn nọ khẹke ye avbe inọta na: Ọ khẹke ne I yo owebe nọ yo ra? Ọ mwẹ iwinna eso nọ ma khẹke ne I ru ra?

Te ọ khẹke ne azẹ ne I ru ya mwẹ gha re ọmwa nọ gualọ “ọfunmwegbe”? (Ghee okhuẹn 19)

19 Ẹzọ gha de rre. De vbene ẹmwẹ ibude ọghe Pọl gha ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ, vbe ẹzọ gha de rre? (Rom 12:18) Zẹvbe emwa ni ya egbe tae Kristi, te ọ khẹke ne ima gha hia vbe odẹ ke odẹ ne ima vbe “emwa hia gba gha ma ẹko egbe.” De vbene ima ya yin hẹ deghẹ ẹzọ na de rre? Ma rherhe mu fua ra? A rẹn ima ye emwa ni gualọ “ọfunmwegbe” ra?—Jems 3:18.

20. Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne u gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn?

20 Avbe igiemwi na rhiẹre ma vbene ilele ni rre Baibol gha ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha ru azẹ zẹvbe emwa ni gbegba vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Ma ghaa re emwa ni deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, ma ghi gele gha mwẹ ọyẹnmwẹ nọ sẹ otọ ẹko, arrọọ ọghe ima ghi gha mwẹ evbọ demu. E Robert na guan kaẹn ban vbe omuhẹn keghi kha wẹẹ: “I ghi khian ọsie Jehova nẹ, I na do gha re erha kevbe ọdọ esi nọ rẹn enegbe. Te ọyẹnmwẹ ghi sẹ mwẹ nia.” Osanobua gha vbe fiangbe ima vbenian deghẹ ima rhie ẹrhiọn yọ ne ima gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Afiangbe nibun rrọọ nia kevbe afiangbe ne wọrhọ wọrhọ vbe “arrọọ ọghe ẹmwata” nọ dee vbe odaro.—1 Tim 6:19.