The Watchtower—Study Edition | December 2017
Subject Index for The Watchtower 2017
Subject Index for The Watchtower 2017
Indicating the issue in which each article appears
Another Bit of Evidence (Tattenai existed), No. 3
Elias Hutter and His Hebrew Bibles, No. 4
Get More From Reading the Bible, No. 1
Misunderstandings About, No. 1
Why So Many? No. 6
For Me, God Did Not Exist (A. Golec), No. 5
I Did Not Want to Die! (Y. Quarrie), No. 1
I Loved Baseball More Than Anything! (S. Hamilton), No. 3
Benefits of Giving, No. 2
Is Celibacy a Requirement for Ministers? No. 2
Is Christmas for Christians? No. 6
Love—A Precious Quality, Aug.
Proper View of Mistakes, No. 6
Resolve Conflicts and Promote Peace, June
When Friendship Is in Danger, Mar.
Winning the Battle for Your Mind, July
Adjusting to Your New Congregation, Nov.
“Generous Person Will Be Blessed” (contributions), Nov.
Joy of Leading a Simple Life, May
“No Road Too Rough or Too Long” (Australia), Feb.
Offered Selves in Turkey, July
Offered Selves Willingly (single sisters), Jan.
One Act of Christian Kindness, Oct.
“When Are We Going to Have Another Assembly?” (Mexico), Aug.
‘With More Zeal and Love Than Ever’ (1922 convention), May
Being Deaf Has Not Held Me Back From Teaching Others (W. Markin), May
Blessings Come From Doing What Jehovah Asks (O. Matthews), Oct.
Determined to Be a Soldier of Christ (D. Psarras), Apr.
Endurance Under Trial Results in Blessings (P. Sivulsky), Aug.
I Have Been Blessed to Work With Spiritual Men (D. Sinclair), Sept.
I Have Benefited From Walking With Wise Ones (W. Samuelson), Mar.
Leaving Things Behind to Follow the Master (F. Fajardo), Dec.
We Experienced God’s Undeserved Kindness in Many Ways (D. Guest), Feb.
Angels Real? No. 5
Anxiety, No. 4
Best Gift of All, No. 6
Bible Name on Ancient Jar, Mar.
“Blessed Be Your Good Sense!” (Abigail), June
Escape From Slavery, No. 2
Ever Be Peace on Earth? No. 5
Ever Be True Justice on Earth? No. 3
Four Horsemen, No. 3
God Called Her “Princess” (Sarah), No. 5
Hebrew’s Smallest Letter, No. 4
“He Had Pleased God Well” (Enoch), No. 1
How Gaius Helped His Brothers, May
How Was Fire Transported in Ancient Times? Jan.
Joseph of Arimathea, Oct.
Living in “the Last Days”? No. 2
Look Beyond Outward Appearances, June
Paradise on Earth—Fantasy or Reality? No. 4
Paul’s Counsel to Delay Voyage (Ac 27), No. 5
Suffering, No. 1
Were Merchants Who Sold Animals in Temple “Robbers”? June
“What a Beautiful Woman You Are” (Sarah), No. 3
What Is Armageddon? No. 6
What Jewish Practice Caused Jesus to Condemn the Swearing of Oaths? Oct.
What the Bible Says About Life and Death, No. 4
When a Loved One Is Terminally Ill, No. 4
Jehovah “will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear” (1Co 10:13), Feb.
Keep a firearm for protection from humans? July
Line leading to Messiah tied to right of firstborn? Dec.
Married Christians view IUD as compatible with the Scriptures? Dec.
Why do Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts about Jesus’ early life differ? Aug.
Are You Taking Refuge in Jehovah? Nov.
Are You Willing to Wait Patiently? Aug.
“Be Courageous . . . and Go to Work,” Sept.
Chariots and a Crown Safeguard You, Oct.
Cultivate Self-Control, Sept.
Do Not Let Your Love Grow Cold, May
“Do You Love Me More Than These?” May
Do You Share Jehovah’s Sense of Justice? Apr.
Exercise Faith—Decide Wisely! Mar.
Give Honor to Whom It Is Due, Mar.
Helping “Foreign Residents” to “Serve Jehovah With Rejoicing,” May
Helping the Children of “Foreign Residents,” May
How We Put On and Keep On the New Personality, Aug.
How We Strip Off and Keep Off the Old Personality, Aug.
“I Have Hope Toward God,” Dec.
“I Know He Will Rise,” Dec.
Imitate Jehovah’s Compassion, Sept.
Imitate Jehovah’s Justice and Mercy, Nov.
Jehovah Leads His People, Feb.
Jehovah Provides Comfort in All Our Trials, June
Jehovah’s Purpose Will Be Fulfilled! Feb.
Keep Your Eyes on the Big Issue, June
Let Nothing Deprive You of the Prize, Nov.
“Love . . . in Deed and Truth,” Oct.
Make a Joyful Sound! Nov.
“May He . . . Give Success to All Your Plans,” July
May Your Volunteer Spirit Bring Praise to Jehovah! Apr.
Parents—Help Your Children Become “Wise for Salvation,” Dec.
“Praise Jah!”—Why? July
Reject Worldly Thinking, Nov.
Seeking Riches That Are True, July
Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart! Mar.
Set Your Heart on Spiritual Treasures, June
“The Judge of All the Earth” Always Does What Is Right, Apr.
“The Peace of God . . . Surpasses All Understanding,” Aug.
The Ransom—A “Perfect Present” From the Father, Feb.
“These Things Entrust to Faithful Men,” Jan.
The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword,” Oct.
“The Word of God . . . Exerts Power,” Sept.
“The Word of Our God Endures Forever,” Sept.
Treasure Your Gift of Free Will, Jan.
“Trust in Jehovah and Do What Is Good,” Jan.
Uphold Jehovah’s Sovereignty! June
Visions of Zechariah—How They Affect You, Oct.
“Weep With Those Who Weep,” July
What Will Go When God’s Kingdom Comes? Apr.
“What You Vow, Pay,” Apr.
Who Is Leading God’s People Today? Feb.
Why Modesty Still Matters, Jan.
Will You Apply Your Heart to the Things Written? Mar.
You Can Remain Modest Under Test, Jan.
Young Ones—“Keep Working Out Your Own Salvation,” Dec.
Owa Ọkhẹ (Na Ruẹ Vbe Iko) | December 2017
Uhunmwuta Ne A Hae Ye Ugan Ọghe Owa Ọkhẹ 2017
Uhunmwuta Ne A Hae Ye Ugan Ọghe Owa Ọkhẹ 2017
A gbẹnnẹ uhunmwuta ni rrọọ ladian ọkade ọkade kevbe uki ne iran ya ladian
Ban Akpa Nẹdẹ Mu fua Ne U Fiyekegbẹe, Aug.
E Jehova Ẹre Ọ Rhie Ifuẹko Ne Ima Vbuwe Ọlọghọmwa Hia, June
“Ekpakpasusu Ọre Ẹmwẹ Osanobua Khin,” Sept.
“Ẹmwẹ E Nọyaẹnmwa Rrọọ Ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ,” Sept.
Evbibiẹ Emọ—Ru Iyobọ Ne Ivbi Uwa Ne Iran Gha Mwẹ “Ẹwaẹn Nii Nọ Su Ọmwa Lae Imiẹnfan,” Dec.
Gha Khu Ẹfe Ne Ẹfe Khian, July
Gha Mu Akpa Ọghe Ọgbọn Yọ, Aug.
Gha Mu Egbe Ye Ọghọ, Sept.
Gha Mwẹ Ekhọe Agiẹngiẹn Vbene Jehova Ye, Sept.
‘Gha Mwẹ Udinmwẹ . . . Ne U Ya Suẹn Iwinna Nii,’ Sept.
Gha So Ihuan Oghọghọ! Nov.
Ghẹ Kie Ẹkpotọ Ye Emwi Rhọkpa Nọ Gha Ya Ive Nii La Ruẹ Ban, Nov.
‘Gi Ahoẹmwọmwa Ne U Rhiema Gha Re Ọghe Ẹmwata Kevbe Ne A Lekpae Uyinmwẹ Rẹn,’ Oct.
“Gu Enọ Viẹ Gha Viẹ,” July
He Iziro Nọ Ma Gba Ọghe Emwa Nagbọn Yotọ, Nov.
“Idaehọ Ne Iran Mwẹ Vbe Ehe Ne Osanobua Ye Ọre Imẹ Vbe Mwẹ,” Dec.
Igbama—“Wa Gha Rhiegba Ye Iwinna Ne U Wa Mieke Na Miẹnfan,” Dec.
Ikẹkẹ Okuo Kevbe Ẹrhu Ẹde Keghi Gbogba Ga Ruẹ, Oct.
“Mẹ Rẹnrẹn Ighẹ Ọ Gha Rhiọ Kpaegbe,” Dec.
“Ọ Gha . . . Gie Emwamwa Ruẹn Hia Dinnodẹ,” July
“Ọfunmwegbe Osanobua . . . Gberra Ne Ọmwa Nagbọn Gha Sẹtin Rẹn Otọ Ẹre,” Aug.
Rhie Aro Tua Ẹmwẹ Ne Kpataki Nọ Rre Otọ, June
Rhie Ekhọe Ruẹ Daa Emwi Ewe Ọghe Orhiọn, June
Sinmwi Oseghe Ne Ọdakha Ọghe Jehova! June
U Gha Mwẹ Ẹbo Izinegbe Ra? Aug.
Umozo Ẹre Odẹ Ọghe Ẹmwata Rhie Rre, “Ẹi Re Ọfunmwegbe,” Oct.
Uwẹ Lẹgbinna E Jehova Ra? Nov.
Vbene Umian Ọghe Zẹkaraia Ya Kaan Ruẹ Hẹ, Oct.
Vbọzẹe Ne Ima Gha Na “Rho E Nọyaẹnmwa?” July
Ya Egbe Ta Odẹ Ne Jehova Ya Buohiẹn Ata Kevbe Odẹ Ne Ọ Ya Rhie Itohan Ma, Nov.
Ahoẹmwọmwa Keghi Re Akpa Nọ Hiunsi, Aug.
Gha Ru Adọlọ Rhunmwuda Ọfunmwegbe, June
U Gha Sẹtin Gbogba Ga Ekhọe Ruẹ, July
Afiwerriẹ Eso Ne U Gha Ru Ne U Mieke Na Gu Obọ Etẹn Vbe Iko Ọgbọn Ne U Ghi Ye, Nov.
“De Ẹghẹ Ne Ima Khian Ya Do Asikoko Ọvbehe?” (Mexico), Aug.
Ekhọe Esi Ne Ivbiotu E Kristi Rhiema, Oct.
Iran Rhiegbe Ladian Vbe Turkey, July
“U Ghaa Zẹ Emwi Obọ Te A Ra Fiangbuẹ Yọ” (izọhẹ), Nov.
Ọ khẹke ne Ivbiotu e Kristi ni ru orọnmwẹ nẹ loo IUD ra? Dec.
Ọ khẹke ne Ovbiotu e Kristi gha mwẹ osisi rhunmwuda emwa dan ra? July
Uniẹn ọmọ nọ mwẹ ukpo ọmọ ọdiọn ọkpa, ẹre Mẹzaia la rre ra? Dec.
Vbọzẹe ne okha ọghe Matiu nọ dekaan ẹghẹ ne Jesu ya gha rre ọvbokhan na lughaẹn ne ọghe Luk? Aug.
Afiangbe Nọkhua Ẹre A Lae Miẹn Vbe Ima Gha Ru Iwinna Ne Jehova Waa Ima Re (O. Matthews), Oct.
I Keghi Sẹ Emwi Hia Rae Ne I Mieke Na Lele Arowa Mwa (F. Fajardo), Dec.
I Wa Miẹn Afiangbe Ne I Na Gu Etẹn Ni Deziẹn Vbe Odẹ Ọghe Orhiọn Winna (D. Sinclair), Sept.
Ọ Keghi Biẹ Ọmọ Esi Vbe A Gha Zinegbe Vbuwe Edanmwẹ (P. Sivulsky), Aug.
E Josẹf Ne Ovbi Arimatia, Oct.
Ghẹ Yaro Tila Ọmwa Rhọkpa Rua, June
“Kpọnmwẹ Osanobua Ye Ẹwaẹn Esi Ruẹ!” (Abigẹl), June
“Oyi” Ẹre Avbe Ọduẹki Ni Ghaa Khiẹn Emwi Vbe Ọgua Osa Nọ Rre Jerusalẹm Khin Ra? June
Vbọzẹe ne Jesu na gbodan ye vbene Ivbi e Ju ya gha vẹn ihẹn hẹ? Oct.