The Watchtower—Study Edition | December 2017Do You Remember?Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions: In helping their children spiritually, why should immigrant parents evaluate the matter of language? The children will likely learn the local language at school and in their environment. It can be useful for a child to know more than one language. Parents should consider where the youths will best grasp the truth and progress spiritually, whether in association with a congregation that uses the local language or with one that uses the immigrant’s language. Christian parents put their children’s spiritual well-being ahead of personal preferences.—w17.05, pp. 9-11. When Jesus asked Peter: “Do you love me more than these?” to what did “these” refer? (John 21:15) It seems that Jesus was referring to the fish lying nearby and/or the fishing business. After Jesus’ death, Peter returned to his former occupation—fishing. Christians should weigh the place that secular work has in their heart.—w17.05, pp. 22-23. Why did Abraham ask his wife to say that she was his sister? (Gen. 12:10-13) In fact, Sarah was Abraham’s half sister. If Sarah had said that she was his wife, Abraham might have been killed and thus could not have produced the offspring whom God had promised him.—wp17.3, pp. 14-15. What technique did Elias Hutter introduce to help those wanting to learn Hebrew? He wanted to enable students to distinguish between the root of Hebrew words in the Bible and any associated prefixes or suffixes. To that end, he printed the root in solid letters but the prefixes or suffixes in outline form. A similar approach is found in footnotes in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References.—wp17.4, pp. 11-12. What factors should affect a Christian’s view of keeping a firearm for protection against other humans? Some are: God views life as sacred. Jesus did not urge his followers to get swords for protection. (Luke 22:36, 38) We are to beat our swords into plowshares. Life is more valuable than material things. We respect the conscience of others, and we want to be exemplary. (2 Cor. 4:2)—w17.07, pp. 31-32. Why do Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts differ as to Jesus’ early life? Matthew focuses on Joseph, such as his reaction to Mary’s pregnancy and the divine messages to flee to Egypt and later return. Luke is more focused on Mary; for example, her visit to Elizabeth and her reaction when the boy Jesus remained at the temple.—w17.08, p. 32. What are some things the Bible has had to endure? The meaning of words and expressions used in the Bible have changed over time. Political developments have affected the common language. There has been opposition to the translation of the Bible into common languages.—w17.09, pp. 19-21. Do we have a guardian angel? No. Jesus spoke of his disciples’ angels looking upon the face of God. (Matt. 18:10) He was saying that angels are interested in his disciples, not that angels are miraculously protecting each one of them.—wp17.5, p. 5. What is the highest form of love? When it is based on right principles, a·gaʹpe is the highest form of love. It can include affection and warmth. But it reflects high principles, such as unselfish actions for the good of others.—w17.10, p. 7.
Owa Ọkhẹ (Na Ruẹ Vbe Iko) | December 2017U Yerre Ra?U he tie ebe Owa Ọkhẹ ni da ladian ra? Hia ne u rhie ewanniẹn ye avbe inọta na: Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne evbibiẹ emọ ni kpa gha rrie otọ ẹvbo ọvbehe, ni hoo ne iran ru iyobọ ne ivbi iran vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, ziro yan urhuẹvbo ne ivbi iran zẹ? Ivbi iran sẹtin ruẹ vbe ne a zẹ urhu ẹvbo ne iran kpaa gha rrie vbe owebe kevbe ẹdogbo ne iran ye. Ọ ma de emwi nọ rhia deghẹ emọ gua zẹ urhuẹvbo nọ gberra ọkpa. Sokpan, te ọ khẹke ne evbibiẹ emọ rẹn urhuẹvbo ne ivbi iran ghi họn sẹ. Ọni ẹre ọ khian ghi ya iran rẹn deghẹ iko ne a na zẹ urhuẹvbo ne iran kpaa gha rrie ẹre ivbi iran gha yo ra ọghe urhuẹvbo iran. Ivbi iran ghaa rre iko ọghe urhuẹvbo ne iran họn ẹse, ẹre iran khian na gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Alaghodaro ọghe emọ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ẹre ọ khẹke ne evbibiẹ emọ mu ye okaro.—w17.05, ipapa 9-11. Vbe Jesu nọ e Pita: “Wẹ hoẹmwẹ mwẹ sẹ avbe emwi na ra?” De “avbe emwi” ne Jesu ghaa guan kaẹn? (Jọn 21:15) Ọ khọ wẹẹ, avbe ehẹn ne iran he gbele ra iwinna ọgbehẹn ne Pita ghaa ru ẹre Jesu ghaa guan kaẹn. E Jesu ghi wu nẹ, e Pita na werriegbe ya suẹn iwinna ọgbehẹn ne ọ ka gha ru. Ọ khẹke ne Ivbiotu e Kristi zanzan ẹkokoudu iran ghee, ne iran mieke na rẹn deghẹ iwinna ne a na miẹn igho ẹre ọ ru ekpataki sẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe iran.—w17.05, ipapa 22-23. Vbọzẹe ne Ebraham na tama e Sera nọ kha wẹẹ ọtiọnrẹn nokhuo irẹn khin? (Gẹn. 12:10-13) Vbene ẹmwata, ọtiẹn Ebraham ẹre Sera gele gha khin. Akpawẹ te Sera tama Fero wẹẹ amwẹ Ebraham ẹre irẹn khin, ughaghe te Fero gha te gbe Ebraham rua. Deghẹ te emwi vberriọ sunu, eyan ne Osanobua yan ma Ebraham ọghe ọmọ nọ gha la uniẹn ọnrẹn rre i ghẹ te mwẹ amusẹ.—wp17.3, ipapa 14-15. De obẹlẹ ne Elias Hutter mu gbọọ nọ ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ni hoo ni ruẹ urhuẹvbo e Hibru? Ọ keghi ru iyobọ ne emwa ni ruẹ urhuẹvbo e Hibru ya rẹn alughaẹn nọ rre ẹzi ẹmwẹ e Hibru kevbe ikpẹmwẹ na rhilo ginnaẹn vbe odaro ọre kevbe iyeke ẹre. Ọ keghi gbẹnnẹ ẹzi ẹmwẹ ọghe urhuẹvbo e Hibru gbodoo vbene ọ na gbẹnnẹ ikpẹmwẹ ne a rhilo ginnaẹn giẹrẹ. Erriọ avbe ya gbẹnnẹ evba gbẹnnẹ ye ototọ kuẹi vbe New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References.—wp17.4, ipapa 11-12. De ilele eso nọ khẹke ne Ovbiotu e Kristi ziro yan deghẹ ọ hoo nọ dẹ osisi ya gbogba ga egbe? Eso vbọ keghi re: Arrọọ ọghe emwa nagbọn wa hiunsi vbe aro e Jehova. E Jesu ma wẹẹ ne erhuanegbe ẹre ya umozo sinmwi oseghe ne egbe iran. (Luk 22:36, 38) Te ima gha ya umozo ọghe ima khian ẹguẹ. Arrọọ ọghe ima hiunsi sẹ emwi ewe. Ivbiotu e Kristi i ru emwi nọ gha rhua ọmwa ọvbehe owẹ, iran vbe rhie igiemwi esi yotọ ne emwa ọvbehe. (2 Kọr. 4:2)—w17.07, ipapa 31-32. Vbọzẹe ne okha ọghe Matiu nọ dekaan ẹghẹ ne Jesu ya gha rre ọvbokhan na lughaẹn ne ọghe Luk? E Josẹf ẹre Matiu mobọ guan kaẹn. Matiu keghi guan kaẹn vbene ọ ya kpa e Josẹf odin hẹ vbe ọ ghi rẹn wẹẹ e Meri hanmwa. Matiu yevbe guan kaẹn vbene odibo ya tama e Josẹf vbe imina ne irẹn vbe Meri lẹ gha rrie Igipt kevbe imina ne odibo na vbe tama rẹn nọ werriegbe gha die otọ Izrẹl. E Meri ẹre Luk rhie aro tua. Ọ keghi guan kaẹn otuẹ ne Meri mu gie Ẹlizabẹt ne ọtiọnrẹn kevbe vbene Meri ya fẹko gha rria re vbe ekhọe vbe Jesu ya tota gha gu eniwanrẹn guan vbe Ọgua Osa.—w17.08, ipapa 32. De ọlọghọmwa eso ne emwa ni zedu e Baibol la gberra? Zẹ vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, urhuẹvbo ne a ya gbẹn e Baibol kegha fiwerriẹ. Afiwerriẹ ni rhiegbe ma vbe arriọba emwa nagbọn keghi ya urhuẹvbo ne a mobọ zẹ fiwerriẹ. Emwa ni zedu e Baibol ghe urhuẹvbo ne a mobọ zẹ wa werriẹ aro daa ukpokpo nọ wegbe.—w17.09, ipapa 19-21. Edọmwadẹ ima mwẹ odibo nọ gbogba ga ima ra? Ẹo. Vbe Jesu guan kaẹn avbe erhuanegbe ẹre, ọ keghi kha wẹẹ, ọghọ hia ọre odibosa ọghe iran ya mudia ye odaro Erha mwẹ. (Mat. 18:10) Emwi ne Jesu ya ẹmwẹ na kha ọre wẹẹ, avbe odibo mwẹ ẹnina daa erhuanegbe ọghẹe, ẹi re te avbe odibosa gbogba ga edọmwadẹ iran vbe odẹ ọghe ọyunnuan.—wp17.5, ipapa 5. De ahoẹmwọmwa nọ ghi hiunsi sẹ? Ahoẹmwọmwa nọ hẹnhẹn egbe yan ilele nọ gbae ọre a·gaʹpe. Ọna ọre ahoẹmwọmwa nọ ghi hiunsi sẹ. Agape keghi rhiegbe ma vbe agiẹngiẹn ne a mwẹ daa emwa ọvbehe kevbe oyaya ne a so mu ọmwa. Sokpan evbọ wa demu ọre ekhọe hia ne a ya ru emwi esi ne emwa ọvbehe.—w17.10, ipapa. 7.