The Watchtower—Study Edition | November 2017How Can You Adjust to Your New Congregation?“I WAS nervous about moving here,” says Allen. * “I didn’t know if I would make friends or be accepted.” Allen is adapting to a new congregation nearly 900 miles (over 1,400 km) away from home. If you have moved to a different congregation, you too may be apprehensive. What can help you to adjust? What can you do if the adjustment is harder than you expected? On the other hand, if you are not moving, how might you make the change easier for newcomers? HOW CAN YOU ADJUST AND THRIVE?Think of this example: When trees are relocated, they experience stress. As a tree is removed from the ground, most of its roots are usually cut off to make it easier to transport. Once transplanted, the tree must immediately start growing new roots. Similarly, moving to another congregation may have caused you to experience stress. In your previous congregation, you had grown “roots” as you developed cherished friendships and settled into a familiar spiritual routine. Now you must grow new roots in order to flourish in a new environment. What will help you to do so? Applying Scriptural principles. Let us consider some.
Just as a tree must regularly draw from a water source to remain healthy, a Christian must regularly feed on God’s Word to remain spiritually strong. Therefore, continue to read the Bible daily and to attend congregation meetings regularly. Maintain your good habits of family worship and personal study. Whatever you needed spiritually in your previous location, you will need in your new one too.
You will be invigorated and will adapt quicker when you share fully in the ministry. “What aided my wife and me the most was to auxiliary pioneer soon after we arrived in our new congregation,” says Kevin, a Christian elder. “We quickly got to know the brothers, the pioneers, and the territory.” Roger, who moved to an area over 1,000 miles (over 1,600 km) away from where he lived, says: “The best way to adapt to a new congregation is to go in field service as often as possible. Also, let the elders know that you are available to assist in any way, perhaps by cleaning the Kingdom Hall, substituting for a meeting part, or offering to give someone a ride to the meetings. When the brothers and sisters see someone new with a self-sacrificing spirit, they take you in.”
Widen out in your brotherly affection. After Melissa and her family moved to a new congregation, they concentrated on making new friends. “We mingled at the Kingdom Hall before and after meetings,” she says. “That allowed time to converse beyond just saying a simple greeting.” This also helped the family to learn new names more quickly. In addition, they widened out by extending hospitality, which strengthened the new bonds of friendship. “We exchanged phone numbers,” she adds, “so we could be reached and included in spiritual and other activities.” If you are overwhelmed by the thought of meeting new people, you can start in small ways. For example, smile—even if you do not feel like it at first. A smile will draw others to you. After all, “a cheerful glance makes the heart rejoice.” (Prov. 15:30, ftn.) “I am reserved by nature,” says Rachel, who moved far away from where she grew up. “Sometimes I have to force myself to talk to the brothers and sisters in my new congregation. I look for someone who is sitting down in the Kingdom Hall, not talking to anyone. That person may be just as shy as I am.” Why not set the goal to converse with someone new before or after every meeting? On the other hand, you may be excited to meet new people for the first few weeks. But then the “newness” can wear off as time goes by. At that point, you may need to exert yourself to continue to make new friends. Trees that are relocated experience stress, but when they are transplanted, they grow new roots GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO ADJUSTSome trees take longer than others to become firmly rooted in a new environment. Likewise, not everyone adapts to a new congregation at the same pace. If you moved some time ago but you are still struggling to adjust, applying these Bible principles can help:
Allow more time to adjust than you originally expected. For example, many Gilead-trained missionaries stay in their foreign assignment for several years before going back to their country of origin for a visit. Doing so helps them to bond with the local brothers and to adjust to a different culture. Alejandro, who has moved several times, knows that the adjustment process cannot be rushed. He relates: “After our last move, my wife said, ‘All my friends are in our previous congregation!’” He reminded her that she had said exactly the same thing two years earlier—the last time they moved. But during those two years, she showed interest in others and strangers became close friends.
Avoid comparing your new congregation with your previous one. For example, the brothers in your new congregation may be more reserved or more outspoken than you are used to. Focus on their positive traits, just as you want them to focus on yours. Some newcomers realized to their surprise that their move forced them to ask themselves, ‘Do I truly love “the whole association of brothers”?’—1 Pet. 2:17.
Continue to pray for help. “Don’t just tough it out,” says David, an elder. “Many things we can do only with Jehovah’s help. Pray about it!” Rachel, quoted earlier, agrees. “If my husband and I feel a little disconnected from the congregation,” she says, “we pray specifically to Jehovah, ‘Please let us know if we are doing something that makes it hard for others to be drawn to us.’ Then we try to spend more time with the brothers and sisters.” Parents, if your children are struggling to fit in, take time to pray with them about this matter. Help them to make new friends by arranging opportunities for upbuilding association. HELP NEWCOMERS TO FEEL ACCEPTEDWhat can you do to help newcomers who have moved into your congregation? Strive to be a true friend from the start. To do so, try to imagine what things you would appreciate if you were a new arrival, and then do those things. (Matt. 7:12) Could new ones join you for family worship or for the monthly JW Broadcasting program? Could you invite them to accompany you in the ministry? If you share a simple meal together, they will long remember your hospitality. What further practical help can you give to newcomers? “When we arrived in our new congregation,” says Carlos, “a sister gave us a list of stores that have reasonable prices. That helped a lot.” Those arriving from a location with a different climate may be grateful to learn how to dress in your hot, cold, or rainy weather. You could also help them to be more effective in their ministry by relating to them the history of the community or by explaining the local religious beliefs. MAKING ADJUSTMENTS IS WORTH THE EFFORTAllen, mentioned in the introduction, has been in his new congregation for over a year. He reflects: “I had to push myself at first to get to know the brothers and sisters. But now they feel more like family, and I am happy.” Allen realizes that by moving, he did not lose any friends. Instead, he gained new ones, who will likely remain his friends for life. ^ par. 2 Some names have been changed. |
Owa Ọkhẹ (Na Ruẹ Vbe Iko) | November 2017De Afiwerriẹ Eso Nọ Khẹke Ne U Ru Ne U Mieke Na Gu Obọ Etẹn Vbe Iko Ọgbọn Ne U Ghi Ye?ALLEN * nọ kpa gha rrie iko ọvbehe keghi kha wẹẹ: “Orhiọn mwẹ ma sotọ vbe I khian ghi kpa rhunmwuda I ma rẹn deghẹ I gha sẹtin zẹ ọse ọgbọn ra deghẹ etẹn ni rre evba gha miẹn mwẹ yi.” Nia, Allen fẹko gu obọ etẹn ni rre iko ọgbọn nọ ghi ye. Ke ehe ne Allen ka ye gha rrie ehe nọ ghi ye nia, sẹ odẹ ibiriki 900. Ọ yevbe ne a ke Eko rhie Yola vbe otọ Hausa. Deghẹ te uwẹ da vbe kpa gha rrie iko ọvbehe, a sẹtin miẹn wẹẹ u ma he gu obọ etẹn ni rre evba. Vbọ khian ru iyobọ nuẹn ya rherhe gu obọ iran? Vbua khian ghi ru deghẹ ọ na gha lọghọ ruẹ ne u sẹtin gu obọ etẹn? Etẹn gha da rrie iko ne u ye, de odẹ eso ne u gha ya ru iyobọ ne iran? DE AFIWERRIẸ NE U GHA RU NE U MIEKE NA GU OTỌ?Gia ziro yan igiemwi na: A gha vu emwi okọ ya gbọ ye ihe ọvbehe, ọ keghi ya obọ lọghọ emwi okọ nii, rhunmwuda a giagia inian eso ne ọ mieke na gia mu. A gha ghi gbọ re nẹ, ẹi rhie ẹghẹ, ọ ke suẹn gha zẹ inian ọgbọn. Erriọ osi vbe si ọmwa vbe a gha da sẹ iko ọvbehe. U ka zẹ “inian” nibun nẹ vbe iko ne u ka ye, ọni ọre wẹẹ, u mwẹ ọse nibun kevbe emwamwa ugamwẹ nọ gua ruẹ obọ ro. Vbe iko ọgbọn ne u ghi ye nia, te u gha zẹ inian ọgbọn, ọni ọre ọse ọgbọn ne u mieke na deziẹn. De emwi nọ gha ru iyobọ nuẹn? U gha ya ilele ni rre Baibol ru emwi. Gia guan kaẹn eso vbọ.
Zẹvbe ne inian emwi okọ ya si amẹ vbe otọ, ne emwi okọ nii mieke na digiẹ, te ọ vbe khẹke ne Ovbiotu e Kristi gha tie Ẹmwẹ Osanobua vbe ẹghẹ hia nọ mieke na deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Nọnaghiyerriọ, ghẹ gha gbe ẹdẹ iko re, u vbe gha tie e Baibol ne egbuẹ vbe ẹghẹ hia. Deghẹ u mwẹ ọmọ mwẹ amwẹ, ghẹ ya iruẹmwi ẹgbẹe rhẹghẹrẹ. Emwi hia nọ ru iyobọ nuẹn ya deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn vbe iko ne u ka ye ẹre ọ khian vbe ya ruẹ deziẹn vbe iko ọgbọn ne u ghi ye na.
Ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ne a yo vbe ẹghẹ hia gha ru iyobọ nuẹn ya rherhe gu otọ. E Kevin nọ re ọkpa vbe ediọn vbe iko keghi kha wẹẹ: “Evbọ ru iyobọ ne imẹ vbe ọvbokhan mwẹ ya rherhe gu obọ etẹn kevbe avbe arọndẹ vbe ima da sẹ iko ne ima ghi ye na, ọre ne ima na rhie obọ ye iwinna arọndẹ ọghe ọyobọ. Ọ wa vbe ya ima rherhe rẹn ako ne iran na kporhu.” E Roger nọ si gha rrie ehe nọ rree sẹ ibiriki 1,000 keghi kha wẹẹ: “Odẹ nọ ghi maan sẹ ne a ya rherhe gu obọ etẹn vbe a gha da sẹ iko ọvbehe ọre ikporhu ne a yo vbe ẹghẹ hia. U vbe gha rhiegbe ladian vbe iwinna vbe na ghee iwinna akpehuan ọghe Ọgua Arriọba, deghẹ ọmwa nọ yan ọta ma rre, u ghi gi ediọn rẹn wẹẹ u mu egbe ẹre yotọ, deghẹ u mwẹ imọto, u sẹtin yae gha ru iyobọ ne etẹn. Etẹn gha ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ ọmwa nọ ya ekhọe hia winna kevbe nọ zẹ emwi obọ ẹre u khin, iran ghi rhan obọ miọn yi.”
Rhiẹre ma wẹẹ u mwẹ agiẹngiẹn etẹn lekpae ne u gha gbe egbe iran. E Melissa keghi kha wẹẹ: “Imẹ vbe ẹgbẹe mwẹ ghi da sẹ iko ọvbehe, vbe ehe ne ima si gha rrie, ma keghi suẹn gha zẹ ọse ọgbọn. Ma gha sẹ iko, ma ghi ka tuẹ etẹn, a gha vbe zobọ nẹ, ma vbe tuẹ iran. Ọna ẹre ọ ghi kie ẹkpotọ yọ ne ima ya gha rẹn egbe sayọ, ẹi re ne a na tuẹ egbe kẹkan.” Ọna keghi vbe ya iran rherhe gha rẹn eni etẹn. Yevbesọni, iran na vbe gha mu ọghọ ye etẹn nibun egbe vbe owa iran, ọna keghi ya iran sikẹ egbe sayọ. E Melissa na vbe rhie tẹ wẹẹ: “Ma keghi rhie enọmba efoni ima ne iran, iran na vbe rhie ọghe iran ne ima, ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha gu egbe guan, ne ima mieke na vbe sẹtin gha deba iran vbe iwinna ugamwẹ ra emwi ọvbehe.” Deghẹ ọmwa ne ekhue i gi ẹre gu orhunmwuyẹn guan ẹre u khin, ghẹ gi orhiọn gbe yọ ruẹ iwu. U gha dekun orhunmwuyẹn, muẹmuẹ ogiẹ daa re ọ gha khọn rẹn deghẹ ẹi rrọọ ruẹ orhiọn. U ghaa ọmwa nọ muẹmuẹ ogiẹ, ọ ghi ya emwa gha sikẹ ruẹ. Ẹi khabe ne Baibol na kha wẹẹ: ‘Aro ni muẹmuẹ ogiẹ ghi gha ya ẹko ọmwa rhiẹnrhiẹn.’ (Itan 15:30) E Rachel nọ kpa gha rrie ehe nọ rree keghi kha wẹẹ: “Ọmwa ne ekhue mu ẹre I khin. Ugbẹnso, umaro umaro ẹre I ya gu etẹn guan vbe iko. Ọtẹn nọ fẹko tota ọghẹe ne ẹi gu ọmwa rhọkpa guan, ẹre I ye aro gualọ rhunmwuda ọ sẹtin vbe gha re ọmwa ne ekhue mu.” U sẹtin fian okhuo ne egbuẹ, ne u gha gu ọmwa guan vbene iko te suẹn kevbe a gha vbe zobọ nẹ vbe iko. Iku ọghe emwa ni da rẹn egbe keghi gbe otiti, sokpan zẹ vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, ẹi ghi gbe ọmwa otiti vberriọ. Ghẹ gi egbe wọọ. U ye gha hia ne u zẹ ọse ọgbọn. A gha vu emwi okọ ya gbọ ye ihe ọvbehe, ọ keghi ya obọ lọghọ emwi okọ nii, sokpan a gha ghi gbọ re nẹ, ẹi rhie ẹghẹ ọ ke suẹn gha zẹ inian ọgbọn ẸGHẸ ESO GHA GBERRA U KE GU OTỌỌ keghi rhie ẹghẹ, emwi okọ eso ke gbọzinia, vbe a gha vu iran ya gbọ ye ihe ọvbehe. Erriọ vbe ye vbe ọmwa gha sẹ iko ọvbehe. Ẹi re emwa hia ẹre ọ wa rherhe gu obọ etẹn. Deghẹ ọ vbe kpẹ nẹ, ne u sẹ iko ne u ye na, sokpan, u ma he ye gu obọ etẹn, ilele ni rre Baibol na gbẹn ye ototọ mwa gha ru iyobọ nuẹn:
Deghẹ u ma rherhe gu obọ etẹn, gi ẹghẹ eso ye gberra. Vbe igiemwi, etẹn eso ni ladian vbe owebe Gilead ne a gie gha rrie isi, keghi gbe ukpo nibun vbe otọ ẹvbo ne a gie iran gha rrie, iran ke mu otuẹ gha rrie ẹvbo iran. Ọna keghi ru iyobọ ne iran ya gu obọ etẹn ni rre iko, ọ vbe ya egbe iran gua ẹdogbo nii ro. Alejandro nọ dia ehe ughughan ya nẹ, keghi kha wẹẹ: “Ọ rhie ẹghẹ a ke do gu obọ etẹn vbe a gha da sẹ iko ọvbehe. Vbe ima kpa gha rrie ehe ne ima ye na, ọvbokhan mwẹ keghi kha wẹẹ, ‘Ọse mwẹ hia wa rre iko ne ima ke kpa gha die emwa!’” Alejandro keghi ye ọvbokhan rẹn rre wẹẹ, ọ ka taa ẹmwẹ vbenian, ukpo eva nọ gberra, vbe iran vbe kpa hin ẹvbo ne iran ka ye rre. Vbuwe ukpo eva nii, ọvbokhan rẹn keghi zẹ owẹ nokaro ya gu etẹn nii ru ọse, erriọ iran ya do khian ọse ne khuankhuankhuan.
Ghẹ ya iko ọgbọn ne u ghi ye na gha gie ne u ka ye. Vbe igiemwi, a sẹtin miẹn wẹẹ, etẹn ni rre iko ọgbọn ne u ghi ye na, soyaya sẹ etẹn ni rre iko ne u ka ye. A sẹtin vbe miẹn wẹẹ iran i gbe egbe ọmwa vbe na ghee etẹn ni rre iko ne u ka ye. Ọ ghaa yerriọ, rhie aro tua ako ne iran na hia rhunmwuda, ako ne uwẹ na hia, ẹre u gha hoo ne emwa ọvbehe vbe rhie aro tua. Etẹn eso ni ma rherhe gu obọ etẹn vbe ehe ne iran kpa gha rrie keghi nọ egbe iran ọta vbenian, ‘Mẹ gele mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa daa etẹn vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia ra’?—1 Pit. 2:17.
Gha na erhunmwu. E Devid nọ re ọkpa vbe ediọn keghi kha wẹẹ: “Ghẹ wa gha zinegbe khian vberriọ. Gi e Jehova rẹn emwi ne u la gberra. Ọ gha ru iyobọ nuẹn. Ai miẹn emwi ne ima i sẹtin ru vbe ẹtin e Jehova.” E Rachel ne a ka guan kaẹn ban keghi rhie tẹ wẹẹ, “Ọ gha yevbe ne imẹ vbe arowa mwẹ khian rree ne etẹn vbe iko, ma ghi wa na erhunmwu gie Jehova, nọ gima rẹn deghẹ ọ mwẹ emwi ne ima ru ne etẹn i na hoo ne iran sikẹ ima. Vbe iyeke ọni, ma ghi hia ne ima gha ya egbe rhorho etẹn.” Evbibiemọ, deghẹ ọ vbe lọghọ ivbi uwa ne iran sẹtin gu obọ etẹn vbe iko ọgbọn ne uwa ye na, tie iran ne uwa koko na erhunmwu vbekpa re. Odẹ eso ne uwa gha ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ivbi uwa ya zẹ ọse ọgbọn, ọre ne uwa gha gie na tie etẹn gha die owa uwa, uwa sẹtin vbe ru emwamwa ne uwa mu otuẹ gie etẹn eso. GBE ỌBOKHIAN NE ETẸN NI DA RRIE IKO NE U YEDe iyobọ nọ khẹke ne u ru ne etẹn ni da rrie iko ne u ye? Hia ne u zẹ iran ọse. U gele gha re ọse ọghe ẹmwata. Hia ne u ya ekhọe zẹ omwa rẹn, obọ ne u gha hoo ne a ya muẹn vbe u gha da sẹ ẹvbo, u ghi ya obọ esi vberriọ mu etẹn ni da rrie iko ne u ye. (Mat. 7:12) U sẹtin gie na tie iran, ne iran deba uwa vbe iruẹmwi ẹgbẹe ra ne iran deba uwa ghee JW Broadcasting nọ ladian uki uki. U sẹtin vbe deba iran winna vbe ikporhu. U gha vbe gie na tie iran, ne iran do rri evbare vbe owa ruẹ, iran gha gbọyẹmwẹ yọ, iran i mianmian ọghọ ne u mu ye iran egbe hiehie. De iyobọ ọvbehe ne u gha sẹtin ru ne avbe orhunmwuyẹn? E Carlos keghi kha wẹẹ: “Vbe ima da sẹ iko ne ima ye na, ọtẹn nokhuo ọkpa keghi gbẹnnẹ ọnrẹn ladian ne ima, ihe eso ne a na miẹn emwi nọ ro dẹ. Ọna keghi wa ru iyobọ ne ima.” A sẹtin maa avbe orhunmwuyẹn ni da rrie iko re vbene a ya mu egbe hẹ vbe ẹghẹ uyunmwu, vbe ẹghẹ orhọ ra ẹghẹ ne oni ya fi. A gha gi iran rẹn vbene ẹdogbo nii ye hẹ ke otọ gha dee kevbe iyayi ọghe ivbi ẹvbo nii, ọ gha wa ru iyobọ ne iran vbe ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan. AFIWERRIẸ VBENIAN KEGHI BIẸ ỌMỌ ESIAllen ne a ya unu kaẹn vbe omuhẹn ban, gbe sẹ ukpo ọkpa nẹ vbe iko ọgbọn nọ ghi ye na. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Ọkhọnmwẹ ọkhọnmwẹ ẹre I ya gha tuẹ etẹn vbe I da rre. Nia, ọyẹnmwẹ ẹre ọ ghi sẹ mwẹ rhunmwuda te ima ghi yevbe ẹgbẹe ọkpa.” Allen keghi do rẹn wẹẹ, ne irẹn na kpa hin eke ne irẹn ka ye rre, te irẹn yae mwẹ ọse ba ọse, avbe ọse ọgbọn na, sẹtin do gha re ọsiọre vbe ẹdẹ agbọn rẹn hia. ^ okhuẹn 2 A fi eni eso werriẹ. |