The Watchtower—Study Edition | November 2017Reject Worldly Thinking“Look out that no one takes you captive by means of the philosophy and empty deception . . . of the world.”—COL. 2:8. 1. What counsel did the apostle Paul write to fellow Christians? (See opening picture.) THE apostle Paul wrote his letter to Christians in Colossae evidently at the end of his first confinement in Rome, or about 60-61 C.E. He mentioned to them the importance of acquiring “spiritual comprehension.” (Col. 1:9) Paul further stated: “I am saying this so that no one may delude you with persuasive arguments. Look out that no one takes you captive by means of the philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ.” (Col. 2:4, 8) Paul went on to explain why some popular ideas were wrong and why worldly thinking may be appealing to imperfect people. For example, it may make a person feel wise and superior to others. The letter was aimed at helping the brothers to reject worldly thinking and wrong practices.—Col. 2:16, 17, 23. 2. Why will we consider examples of worldly thinking? 2 Worldly thinking ignores or belittles Jehovah’s guidelines, and its influence could gradually weaken our faith. Today, we all are exposed to worldly thinking. It is promoted on television, on the Internet, at work, or at school. In this article, we will examine what we can do to prevent such thinking from corrupting our mind. We will consider five examples of worldly thinking and discuss how we can reject these ideas. DO WE NEED TO BELIEVE IN GOD?3. What idea is appealing to many people, and why? 3 “I can be a good person without believing in God.” In many countries, it is not unusual to hear people say that they do not believe in God; they consider themselves to be nonreligious. They may not have examined the question of God’s existence carefully, but they are drawn to the idea of being free to do as they please. (Read Psalm 10:4.) Others may feel worldly-wise when they say, “I can have high principles without believing in God.” 4. How could we reason with someone who claims that there is no Creator? 4 Is the claim of unbelievers that there is no Creator based on logical reasoning? When looking to science to determine whether life was created, a person can easily get lost in a fog of information. But in reality, the answer is simple. If a building needs someone to construct it, how much more so do living things! Actually, the most basic living cells on earth are far more complex than any house because they can do what no house can do—reproduce. So these cells have a way to store and copy the information needed to replicate themselves. Where did the design for living cells come from? The Bible answers: “Every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.”—Heb. 3:4. 5. What can we say about the notion that an individual can determine what is good without believing in God? 5 How can we reason about the notion that a person can determine what is good without believing in God? God’s Word acknowledges that unbelievers may have certain commendable principles. (Rom. 2:14, 15) For example, they may respect and love their parents. But how well-founded are the moral standards of someone who refuses to acknowledge our loving Creator as the One who sets the standards of right and wrong? (Isa. 33:22) Many thinking people today will admit that the deplorable conditions on earth confirm that man needs God’s help. (Read Jeremiah 10:23.) So we should not be tempted to think that someone could fully determine what is good without believing in God and adhering to his standards.—Ps. 146:3. DO WE NEED RELIGION?6. What view of religion do many people have? 6 “You can be happy without religion.” This example of worldly thinking appeals to many people because they view religion as dull and irrelevant. Also, many religions turn people away from God by teaching hellfire, collecting tithes, or preaching politics. No wonder an increasing number of people feel that they can be happy without religion! Such individuals may say, “I am interested in spiritual matters, but I do not get involved in organized religion.” 7. How does true religion promote happiness? 7 Is it really true that one can be happy without religion? Certainly an individual can be happy without false religion, but a person cannot be truly happy unless he has a relationship with Jehovah, who is described as “the happy God.” (1 Tim. 1:11) Everything God does benefits others. His servants are happy because they focus on helping others. (Acts 20:35) For example, consider how true worship promotes family happiness. True worship teaches us to honor and respect our spouse, to treat marriage vows as sacred, to avoid adultery, to raise respectful children, and to practice true love. As a result, such worship unites people in happy congregations and a happy worldwide brotherhood.—Read Isaiah 65:13, 14. 8. How can we use Matthew 5:3 to reason on the question, What makes people happy? 8 How can we analyze the worldly idea that one can be happy without serving God? Consider this question, What makes people happy? Some find satisfaction in a career, a sport, or a hobby. Others find satisfaction in caring for family or friends. All those things can bring pleasure, but our life has a higher purpose that brings lasting happiness. In contrast with animals, we can come to know our Creator and serve him faithfully. We have been created in such a way that we find happiness in doing so. (Read Matthew 5:3.) For example, true worshippers find delight and derive much encouragement from meeting together to worship Jehovah. (Ps. 133:1) They also enjoy a united brotherhood, a wholesome lifestyle, and a happy hope. DO WE NEED MORAL STANDARDS?9. (a) What idea about sex is common in this world? (b) Why does God’s Word forbid sex outside marriage? 9 “Why condemn sex outside marriage?” People may say to us: “Life is to be enjoyed. Why condemn having sex outside marriage?” The suggestion that a Christian should tolerate sexual immorality is wrong. Why? Because God’s Word forbids sexual immorality. * (Read 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8.) Jehovah has the right to make laws for us because he created us. The law of God that permits sexual relations only between a man and a woman who are married to each other is part of what defines the marriage arrangement. God gives us laws because he loves us. They benefit us. Families who obey them enjoy love, respect, and security. God does not tolerate willful disobedience to his law.—Heb. 13:4. 10. How can a Christian keep far away from sexual immorality? 10 God’s Word teaches us how to keep far away from sexual immorality. An important way to do so is by controlling what we look at. Jesus stated: “Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If, now, your right eye is making you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you.” (Matt. 5:28, 29) Therefore, a Christian will avoid looking at pornography or listening to music with immoral lyrics. The apostle Paul wrote to fellow Christians: “Deaden . . . your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality.” (Col. 3:5) Further, we need to control what we think about and talk about.—Eph. 5:3-5. SHOULD WE PURSUE A SECULAR CAREER?11. Why can pursuing a secular career sound appealing? 11 “Pursuing a career is the key to happiness.” Many people urge us to pursue a secular career as our goal in life. Such a career may promise status, authority, and wealth. Because many make pursuing a career their main goal in life, a Christian might adopt the same way of thinking. 12. Is succeeding in a career the key to happiness? 12 Is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers power and prestige leads to lasting happiness? No. Remember that the craving to control others and the longing to be admired are the desires that enticed Satan, but he is angry, not happy. (Matt. 4:8, 9; Rev. 12:12) Compared to the lasting joy that comes from helping people to benefit from God’s wisdom so that they can gain everlasting life, a secular career can provide only limited satisfaction. Moreover, the spirit of this world is intensely competitive. It pushes people to outdo one another, breeds jealousy, and in the end, proves to be “a chasing after the wind.”—Eccl. 4:4. 13. (a) How should we view secular pursuits? (b) According to Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, what gave him deep joy? 13 True, we have to earn a living, and there is nothing wrong with choosing work we enjoy. But our secular employment should not be the main thing in our life. Jesus said: “No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. You cannot slave for God and for Riches.” (Matt. 6:24) When we focus first on serving Jehovah and teaching others his Word, we experience incomparable joy. The apostle Paul, for one, had that experience. Earlier in life, he had pursued a promising career in Judaism, but he found true happiness when he became a disciple-maker and witnessed how people responded to God’s message and how it changed their life. (Read 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 19, 20.) No other career offers satisfaction like that. Lasting joy comes from helping people to benefit from God’s wisdom (See paragraphs 12, 13) CAN WE SOLVE MANKIND’S PROBLEMS?14. Why may the idea that man can solve his own problems sound appealing? 14 “Humans can solve their own problems.” This worldly idea may sound appealing to many people. Why? If it were true, it would mean that man does not need God’s guidance and that man can do as he pleases. Also, the idea that man can solve his own problems may sound convincing because—according to some studies—war, crime, disease, and poverty are all decreasing. One report states: “The reason humanity is getting better is because humans have decided to make the world a better place.” Does a comment like that indicate that man is coming to grips with the problems that have plagued him for so long? To answer, let us consider those problems more closely. 15. What facts underline the gravity of mankind’s problems? 15 Wars: The two world wars took an estimated 60 million or more lives. Since the end of World War II, mankind has certainly not learned to avoid war. By 2015, the number of people displaced from their homes by war or persecution had grown to some 65 million. An estimated 12.4 million people were displaced during 2015 alone. Crime: Although certain types of crime have decreased in some places, other types, such as cybercrime, domestic violence, and terrorism are increasing at an alarming rate. In addition, many people believe that global corruption has worsened. Mankind is not able to eliminate crime. Disease: Some diseases have been controlled. But a report published in 2013 noted that each year a staggering nine million people under the age of 60 die from heart disease, stroke, cancer, respiratory disease, and diabetes. Poverty: According to the World Bank, the number of those suffering extreme poverty in Africa alone has grown from 280 million in 1990 to 330 million in 2012. 16. (a) Why can only God’s Kingdom solve mankind’s problems? (b) What Kingdom blessings are foretold by Isaiah and a psalmist? 16 The present economic and political systems are powered by selfish forces. Clearly, such forces cannot eliminate war, crime, disease, and poverty—only God’s Kingdom can. Consider what Jehovah will do for mankind. War: God’s Kingdom will eliminate such deep-seated causes of war as selfishness, corruption, patriotism, false religion, and Satan himself. (Ps. 46:8, 9) Crime: God’s Kingdom is already teaching millions to love and trust one another as no other government can. (Isa. 11:9) Disease: Jehovah will bless his people with perfect health. (Isa. 35:5, 6) Poverty: Jehovah will eliminate it and will provide his people with spiritual and physical prosperity, a quality of life far more valuable than riches.—Ps. 72:12, 13. “KNOW HOW YOU SHOULD ANSWER”17. How can you reject worldly thinking? 17 If you hear a worldly idea that seems to challenge your faith, research what God’s Word says on the subject and discuss the matter with an experienced fellow believer. Consider why the idea may sound appealing, why such thinking is faulty, and how you can refute it. Indeed, all of us can protect ourselves against worldly thinking by following the admonition that Paul gave to the congregation in Colossae: “Go on walking in wisdom toward those on the outside . . . Know how you should answer each person.”—Col. 4:5, 6. ^ par. 9 Many people do not realize that the passage found in some Bibles at John 7:53–8:11 is an addition that was not part of the original inspired writings. On the basis of this passage, some have claimed that only a person without sin could find someone guilty of adultery. But the law that God gave to the nation of Israel said: “If a man is found lying down with a woman who is the wife of another man, both of them must die together.”—Deut. 22:22. |
Owa Ọkhẹ (Na Ruẹ Vbe Iko) | November 2017He Iziro Nọ Ma Gba Ọghe Emwa Nagbọn Yotọ“Wa ghẹ gi ọmwakọmwa ya ẹwaẹn akuọkan ne agbọn ya rẹrẹ ọmwa mu uwa oghunmwu.”—KỌL. 2:8. 1. De ibude ne ukọ e Pọl rhie ne etẹn vbe Kọlose? (Ghee efoto nọ rre omuhẹn.) VBE odẹ ukpo 60-61 C.E., ukọ e Pọl keghi gbẹn ebe gie Ivbiotu e Kristi vbe Kọlose vbe ọ ye rre eghan vbe Rom. Ọ keghi gi iran rẹn vbene “irẹnmwi Orhiọn” ru ekpataki sẹ hẹ. (Kọl. 1:9) Ọ na vbe rhie tẹ wẹẹ: ‘Wa ghẹ gi ọmwakọmwa do ya ohoghe rhọkpa do uwa ọzuọ, ọ gha khọn rẹn ne ohoghe ni wa gha rhiẹnrhiẹn. Wa ghẹ gi ọmwakọmwa ya ẹwaẹn akuọkan ne agbọn ya rẹrẹ ọmwa mu uwa oghunmwu, iruẹmwi nọ hẹnhẹn egbe yan ilele ọghe emwa nagbọn kevbe avbe orhiọn dan ni kha yan agbọn na ẹre nọ, ẹi re ọghe Kristi.’ (Kọl. 2:4, 8) E Pọl keghi rhan otọ re sayọ evbọzẹe ne iziro eso ọghe emwa nagbọn ma na gba kevbe evbọzẹe ne ọ na yẹẹ emwa nibun. Vbe igiemwi, iziro vberriọ sẹtin ya emwa gha roro wẹẹ, iran maan sẹ emwa ọvbehe. Ọna ẹre ọ zẹe ne Pọl na gbẹn ebe na, ya ru iyobọ ne etẹn vbe Kọlose, ne iran sẹtin he iziro nọ ma gba kevbe uyinmwẹ dan ọghe emwa nagbọn yotọ.—Kọl. 2:16, 17, 23. 2. Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne ima guan kaẹn iziro ọghe emwa nagbọn? 2 Emwa ni mwẹ iziro nọ ma gba keghi tila adia ọghe Jehova rua. Iziro vbenian sẹtin ya ọmwa do khian enọ ghi vburriẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, iziro nọ ma gba ẹre ọ wa gba ehe hia vbe uhunmwu otagbọn. Ma miẹn ọnrẹn vbe ẹkpẹtin ughe, Itanẹt, vbe isiwinna kevbe owebe. Vbe ako iruẹmwi na, ma gha ziro yan emwi ne ima gha ru, ne iziro nọ ma gba ọghe emwa nagbọn ghẹ mu ima ekhọe rhia. Ma gha vbe guan kaẹn iziro isẹn ọghe emwa nagbọn kevbe vbene ima gha ya sẹtin hẹe yotọ. ESA RRỌỌ NE IMA YA OSA YI RA?3. De iziro nọ yẹẹ emwa nibun vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ? Vbọzẹe? 3 “Ọmwa esi ẹre I khin agharhemiẹn wẹẹ ima ya Osa yi.” Ọna ọre ẹmwẹ ne a mobọ họn vbe unu emwa vbe otọ ẹvbo nibun. Emwa vbenian i mwẹ obọ vbe ẹmwẹ ugamwẹ rhọkpa. Iran keghi roro wẹẹ iran mwẹ afanvbimu ne a ya ru emwi nọ rhirhi khọn iran. Ughaghe emwa vbenian ma gualọ otọ re deghẹ Osanobua rrọọ. (Tie Psalm 10:4.) Emwa ọvbehe ni roro ighẹ iran mwẹ ẹwaẹn sẹtin gha mwẹ iziro vbenian, “I mwẹ uyinmwẹ nọ maan ọ gha khọn rẹn wẹẹ, ima ya Osa yi.” 4. De vbene ima gha ya sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ọmwa nọ ma yayi wẹẹ Osanobua rrọọ? 4 Ẹwaẹn gele gba ne emwa ni kha wẹẹ Osa i rrọọ ra? Hiehie! Emwa ni hẹnhẹn egbe yan imamwaemwi ọghe avbe umẹwaẹn nọ dekaan evbayi keghi bibi odẹ. Sokpan te ẹmwata nọ rre ẹmwẹ na wa dewarorua. Deghẹ owa ma tobọre de zọ, ọni rhiema wẹẹ, omwa ẹre ọ bọe, inu ghi nọ ne evbayi! Vbene ẹmwata, ekẹn arrọọ ne giẹre (cells) ẹre ọ ru ọyunnuan sẹ owa rhunmwuda te iran tobọ iran muan. Vbene iran ya muan ni, a i vbe miẹn alughaẹn rhọkpa vbuwe iran. De ọmwa nọ yi ekẹn arrọọ vbenian? E Baibol zẹ ewanniẹn ye inọta na: ‘Owa hia mwẹ ọmwa ne ọ bọe, sokpan Osanobua ọrọre ọmwa ne ọ yi emwi hia.’—Hib. 3:4. 5. De emwi ne ima gha taa ya ru iyobọ ne ọmwa nọ roro ẹre wẹẹ, irẹn rẹn emwi nọ maan ke ne ẹi maan ọ gha khọn rẹn deghẹ irẹn ma ya Osa yi? 5 De emwi ne ima gha taa ya ru iyobọ ne ọmwa nọ roro ẹre wẹẹ, irẹn rẹn emwi nọ maan ke ne ẹi maan, ọ gha khọn rẹn deghẹ irẹn ma ya Osa yi? E Baibol gi ima rẹn wẹẹ ẹmwa eso ni ma rẹn Osa sẹtin gha mwẹ uyinmwẹ esi. (Rom 2:14, 15) Iran sẹtin gha ya ọghọ ne evbibiran. Sokpan ọmwa nọ ma yayi wẹẹ Osanobua rrọọ kevbe wẹẹ irẹn ẹre ọ khẹke nọ gha rhie adia ne ima, gha wa sẹtin gha ru emwi nọ gbae vbe ẹghẹ hia ra? (Aiz. 33:22) Emwa ne ẹwaẹn gba na rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, Osanobua ọkpa ẹre ọ khian sẹtin dọlọ agbọn na yi, emwa nagbọn i sẹtin. (Tie Jerimaia 10:23.) Nọnaghiyerriọ, ọ ma zẹdẹ khẹke ne ọmwa rhọkpa gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, irẹn rẹn emwi nọ maan ke ne ẹi maan ọ gha khọn rẹn wẹẹ irẹn ma ya Osa yi kevbe deghẹ irẹn i lele adia ọghẹe.—Psm. 146:3. ESA RRỌỌ NE IMA DEBA UGAMWẸ RHỌKPA RA?6. De aro ne emwa nibun ya ghee ugamwẹ? 6 “U sẹtin gha sọyẹnmwẹ deghẹ u i rre ugamwẹ rhọkpa.” Iziro vbenian wa yẹẹ emwa nibun rhunmwuda iran roro wẹẹ ugamwẹ i mwẹ esa nọ ye. Emwa eso ni te gha ye sọs keghi dobọyi rhunmwuda emwi eso ne iran bẹghe nọ ma de yọ, vbene a ghee imamwaemwi ọghe ẹrinmwi erhẹn, igho ne iran zẹ kevbe otu azẹ ne avbe ọkaolotu e sọsi rhie obọ yi. Ẹi khabe ne emwa nibun vbe uhunmwu otagbọn ne a kha wẹẹ, te orhiọn iran ghi wa sotọ rhunmwuda, iran i rre ugamwẹ rhọkpa! Emwa vbenian sẹtin gha kha wẹẹ, “I hoẹmwẹ Osanobua agharhemiẹn wẹẹ i rre ugamwẹ rhọkpa. Ekhọe ọre iyayi.” 7. De vbene ugamwẹ ẹmwata ya ye emwa ghọghọ hẹ? 7 Ọmwa gha gele sẹtin gha sọyẹnmwẹ deghẹ ẹi rre ugamwẹ rhọkpa ra? Ọmwa ne ẹi rre ugamwẹ ohoghe sẹtin gha mwẹ oghọghọ nọ sẹ otọ ẹko, sokpan ọmwa ne ẹi re ọse Jehova i sẹtin gele gha sọyẹnmwẹ vbe odẹ ọghe ẹmwata rhunmwuda Jehova ọre “Osa ne ọ sọyẹnmwẹ.” (1 Tim. 1:11, NW.) Ma hia keghi miẹn ere vbe emwi hia ne Jehova ru. Eguọmwadia ọghẹe keghi sọyẹnmwẹ rhunmwuda erriọ iran vbe ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ọvbehe. (Iwinna 20:35) Vbe igiemwi, ugamwẹ ẹmwata keghi ya ẹgbẹe mwẹ oghọghọ vbe iran ghaa lele ilele ni rre Baibol, vbene a ghee ọghọ ne ọdọ vbe amwẹ rhie ne egbe, ne iran i na ya eyan ne iran ru vbe ẹdẹ orọnmwẹ rhẹghẹrẹ, ne iran i na fi owẹ ya oha, ne iran na koko ivbi iran zẹ vbene ọ gua ilele ọghe Baibol ro kevbe ne iran na rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata ma vbuwe ẹgbẹe. Ọna ẹre ọ zẹe ne emwa ni rre ugamwẹ ẹmwata na mwẹ akugbe kevbe oghọghọ vbe dọmwandẹ iko ne iran ye vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia.—Tie Aizaia 65:13, 14. 8. De vbene ebe Matiu 5:3 ya gima rẹn, evbọ ya ọmwa gele sọyẹnmwẹ? 8 Ọmwa gha sẹtin gele gha sọyẹnmwẹ deghẹ ẹi ga Osanobua ra? Gi ima ziro yan inọta na. Vbọ gele ya emwa sọyẹnmwẹ? Emwa eso keghi sọyẹnmwẹ rhunmwuda iwinna ne iran ru, iku isasegbe ne iran rhie egbe yi ra emwi eso ni yẹẹ iran ne a ru, vbene emwa ọvbehe na vbe sọyẹnmwẹ vbe iran ghaa gbaroghe ẹgbẹe iran ra avbe ọse. Ena hia na yunu kaẹn na, sẹtin ya ọmwa gha mwẹ oghọghọ, sokpan ọ ma sẹ nọ gha ya ima gha sọyẹnmwẹ vbe etẹbitẹ rhunmwuda ma lughaẹn ne avbe aranmwẹ. Ma gha sẹtin ga Osanobua vbuwe amuẹntinyan. Ọna ẹre ọ ya arrọọ ọghe ima mwẹ evbọ demu, ọna ẹre ọ vbe ya ima sọyẹnmwẹ vbe odẹ ọghe ẹmwata. (Tie Matiu 5:3.) Vbe igiemwi, etẹn keghi sọyẹnmwẹ rhunmwuda igiọdu ne iran miẹn vbe iko ugamwẹ. (Psm. 133:1) Iran vbe sọyẹnmwẹ akugbe ne iran mwẹ vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia, arrọọ nọ mwẹ evbọ demu kevbe ayayẹro ọghe agbọn ọgbọn nọ dee. MA GELE GUALỌ ADIA NỌ DEKAAN EMWI ỌDỌ VBE AMWẸ RA?9. (a) De aro ne emwa nagbọn ya ghee emwi ọdọ vbe amwẹ? (b) Vbọzẹe ne Baibol na wẹẹ ọ ma khẹke ne emwa ni ma he ru orọnmwẹ gha ru emwi ọdọ vbe amwẹ? 9 “Vbọzẹe ne a gha na kha wẹẹ ọ ma khẹke ne emwa ni ma he ru orọnmwẹ gha ru emwi ọdọ vbe amwẹ?” Emwa eso keghi kha wẹẹ: “Te Osanobua yi ima ne a gha sọyẹnmwẹ arrọọ, vbọ ghi zẹe ne a na gbodan ye emwi ọdọ vbe amwẹ na ru, ọ gha khọn rẹn deghẹ a ma he ru orọnmwẹ?” Ọ ma khẹke ne Ovbiotu e Kristi gha ghẹẹ rhunmwuda Ẹmwẹ Osanobua gbodan yọ. * (Tie 1 Tẹsalonaika 4:3-8.) E Jehova mwẹ asẹ ne a ya yi uhi ne ima, rhunmwuda irẹn ọ yi ima. Zẹ vbene uhi Osanobua kha re, okpia vbe okhuo nọ ru orọnmwẹ nẹ, ẹre ọ mwẹ asẹ ne a ya ru emwi ọdọ vbe amwẹ. Te irẹn họemwẹ ima ẹre ọ zẹe ne ọ na yi uhi ne ima. Avbe uhi na keghi re ọghe umamwẹ ọghe ima. Ahoẹmwọmwa, ọghọ kevbe agbẹkunsotọ keghi rre uwu ẹgbẹe ni lele uhi na. E Jehova gha buohiẹn emwa ni mema rhaa uhi ọghẹe.—Hib. 13:4. 10. De vbene Ovbiotu e Kristi khian ya sẹtin biegbe ne uyinmwẹ alama oghẹ hẹ? 10 E Baibol maa ima re odẹ ne ima gha ya sẹtin biegbe ne uyinmwẹ alama oghẹ. Odẹ ọkpa ne ima gha ya sẹtin ru ọna ọre wẹẹ, ma gha begbe vbekpae ughe ne ima ghee. Jesu khare wẹẹ: “Ọmwaikọmwa gha ghe okhuo sẹrriọ ighẹ te aro ẹre ghi viẹn yọ, ọ gu okhuo ni ru oghẹ nẹ sin vbe ekhọe ẹre. Rhunmwuda ọni, adeghẹ aro ruẹ ne obọ erha ọmwa ọre ọ ya ruẹ ru orukhọ, wọlọe fua.” (Mat. 5:28, 29) Nọnaghiyerriọ, ọ ma zẹdẹ khẹke ne Ivbiotu e Kristi gha ghee ughe ne ikpia vbe ikhuo na bannuan ra ne iran gha danmwehọ ihuan oghẹe. Ukọ e Pọl keghi kha wẹẹ: “Wa ghi gbẹe rua ighẹ orriarria emwi agbọn na nọ rre uwu uwa.” (Kọl. 3:5) Yevbesọni, ọ khẹke ne ima dia iziro ekhọe ima kevbe ẹmwẹ ne ima taa.—Ẹfis. 5:3-5. Ọ KHẸKE NE IMA RHIE ARO TUA IWINNA ỌGHE UWU AGBỌN RA?11. Vbọzẹe ne iwinna ne a na miẹn osugi igho na yẹẹ emwa nibun? 11 “Iwinna nọ maan keghi ya ọmwa sọyẹnmwẹ.” Emwa eso sẹtin gha bu ima ude ne ima ya ẹdagbọn ima rhiegba ye iwinna ne a na miẹn igho nọkpọlọ, rhunmwuda iran yayi wẹẹ, egbe iwinna vberriọ sẹtin ya ima khian ọmwa nọ fe kevbe na họn usi ẹre rre. Rhunmwuda ọna ọre emwa nibun rhie aro tua vbuwe agbọn, Ovbiotu e Kristi nọ ma yegbe, sẹtin do gha mwẹ egbe iziro vbenian. 12. Iwinna ne a na miẹn igho nọkpọlọ gele ya ọmwa mwẹ oghọghọ nọ sẹ otọ ẹko ra? 12 Ẹmwata gele nọ wẹẹ, iwinna ne a na miẹn osugi igho, nọ ghi ya ọmwa khian enọ fe kevbe na họn usi ẹre rre, gha sẹtin ya ọmwa gha sọyẹnmwẹ vbe etẹbitẹ ra? Ẹo. Yerre wẹẹ, evbọ si ẹre ne Esu na sọtẹ ọre ne irẹn mieke na gha mwẹ asẹ ne a ya kha yan emwa nagbọn. Sokpan Esu i re ọmwa nọ ghọghọ, ohu ọhanabe ẹre ọ muẹn. (Mat. 4:8, 9; Arhie. 12:12) Oghọghọ nọkhua ẹre a miẹn vbe a ghaa ru iyobọ ne emwa ne iran do rẹn vbekpae Osanobua, ne iran mieke na gha rrọọ vbe etẹbitẹ. Iwinna rhọkpa i rre agbọn Esu na, nọ gha ya ọmwa gha sọyẹnmwẹ vberriọ. Yevbesọni, osuan ẹre emwa nagbọn ye. Ọ na ẹre ọ ya iran hoo ne iran karo ne iho iran, osuan vbe si igbọvo. E Baibol keghi kha wẹẹ, esa i rre ena rhọkpa, te emwa nagbọn “khu ẹhoho khian.”—Asan. 4:4. 13. (a) De aro nọ khẹke ne ima ya gha ghee iwinna ne ima na miẹn igho? (b) De emwi nọ ya Ukọ e Pọl gha mwẹ oghọghọ nọ sẹ otọ ẹko? 13 Vbene ẹmwata, ẹi re emwi dan deghẹ ima mwẹ iwinna ne ima ru, rhunmwuda te a gha rri evbare. Sokpan, ọ ma khẹke ne ima mu iwinna ima ye okaro vbe arrọọ ọghe ima. Jesu khare wẹẹ: “Orhiọnkpa ne ọ gha sẹtin ga arowa eva, i rrọọ. Ọ gha hoẹmwẹ ọkpa, ọ ghi gha khuiwu enogieva, ọ gha hoẹmwẹ ne ọkpa, ọ ghi gha yan enọkpa zẹ, uwẹ i sẹtin ga Osanobua ga igho.” (Mat. 6:24) Ma gha mu ugamwẹ Osanobua ye okaro, ima na vbe gha maa emwa ọvbehe ẹmwata nọ rre Ẹmwẹ ọnrẹn, ọyẹnmwẹ nọ khian gha sẹ ima i gia gie. Emwi vbenian sunu vbe arrọọ ọghe Pọl. Vbe ọ wan dee, ọ keghi rhie aro tua iwinna nọ gha ya re khian okpọmwa vbe ugamwẹ Ivbi e Ju na tie ẹre Judaism, sokpan, ọ keghi do gha mwẹ oghọghọ nọ sẹ otọ ẹko vbe ọ ghi suẹn gha kporhu iyẹn nọ maan kevbe vbe ọ bẹghe afiwerriẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe emwa ne irẹn kporhu ma. (Tie 1 Tẹssalonaika 2:13, 19, 20.) Iwinna ọvbehe i rrọọ nọ gha se ima ọkẹn vbe na ghee iwinna e Jehova. Ọyẹnmwẹ keghi sẹ ima vbe ima ghaa ru iyobọ ne emwa ọvbehe ne iran do rẹn vbekpae Osanobua (Ghee okhuẹn 12, 13) MA GHA SẸTIN SỌFURRE YE ỌLỌGHỌMWA ỌGHE EMWA NAGBỌN RA?14. Emwa nibun keghi roro ẹre wẹẹ emwa nagbọn gha sẹtin sọfurre ye ọlọghọmwa nọ rre agbọn na, vbọzẹe ne iziro vbenian na yẹẹ emwa nibun? 14 “Emwa nagbọn gha sẹtin sọfurre ye ọlọghọmwa ne iran ye.” Iziro vbenian keghi yẹẹ emwa nibun vbuwe agbọn. Vbọzẹe? Rhunmwuda, te emwa nagbọn gha te wa gha yin vbene iran rhirhi miẹn deghẹ iran i rre ototọ ọdakha ọghe Osanobua. Emwa eso vbe yayi wẹẹ emwa nagbọn gha sẹtin sọfurre ye ọlọghọmwa ne iran werriẹ aro daa, rhunmwuda emwa ni gualọ otọ emwi dinmwi khare wẹẹ, okuo, uyinmwẹ ọkhọ, emianmwẹ kevbe ogue fẹko si yo nẹ. Iyẹn ọkpa nọ sẹ obọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Evbọzẹe ne emwi na ghi zẹ ye ọre wẹẹ, eban ẹre emwa nagbọn mu egbe ne iran ya dọlọ agbọn na yi.” Te ọna ghi rhiema wẹẹ, eban emwa nagbọn ghi rẹn vbene iran khian ya sọfurre ye ọlọghọmwa ne iran ye, ke otọ gha dee ra? Vbene a te rhie ewanniẹn ye inọta na, gia mu ukpa mu uwerhẹn ghee avbe ọlọghọmwa na. 15. Vbọ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ọlọghọmwa nọkhua ẹre emwa nagbọn ye? 15 Okuo: Emwa ni wulo vbe okuo ọgbagbọn nokaro kevbe nogieva sẹ ẹbo 60. Ke ẹghẹ nii gha dee do fi ẹghẹ ne ima ye na, te emwa nagbọn wa ye khọn okuo. Ke ẹghẹ gha dee do fi ukpo 2015, emwa ni sẹ ẹbo 65 ẹre ọ lẹ sẹ owa iran rae rhunmwuda okuo kevbe ukpokpo. Sokpan vbe ukpo 2015 kẹkan ẹmwa ni lẹ sẹ owa iran rae rhunmwuda okuo kevbe ukpokpo rrie odẹ ẹbo 13. Uyinmwẹ Ọkhọ: Ẹmwata nọ wẹẹ uyinmwẹ ọkhọ eso si yo vbe ihe eso, sokpan eso wa ye muan yọ muan yọ vbe na ghee ibeleku ne a ya Itanẹti fi, igbinnoguo nọ sunu vbuwe ẹgbẹe kevbe oguomizan. Yevbesọni, te uyinmwẹ ogberhu ghi wa vẹwae vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia. Vbene ẹmwata, emwa nagbọn i sẹtin gbe ukhu uyinmwẹ ọkhọ rua. Emianmwẹ: Emianmwẹ eso mwẹ ukhunmwu sokpan iyẹn nọ sẹ obọ vbe ukpo 2013 rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ẹbo emwa ihinrin ni ma he sẹ ukpo 60 ẹre ọ wulo rhunmwuda emianmwẹ udu, e strok, e kansa, e daiabitis kevbe emianmwẹ ne ẹi ya ọmwa hiọnrọn sotọ. Ogue: Iyẹn nọ ke igiogbẹ aza igho rre (World Bank) keghi kha wẹẹ, emwa ni te gha re ivbi ogue sẹlẹkẹ vbe otọ Africa vbe ukpo 1990 kegha re ẹbo emwa 280. Sokpan te ọ ghi muan sayọ. Vbe ukpo 2012, ẹbo emwa 330 ẹre ọ ghi re ivbi ogue sẹlẹkẹ vbe otọ Africa. 16. (a) Vbọzẹe ne a na miẹn wẹẹ Arriọba Osanobua ọkpa ẹre ọ khian sẹtin sọfurre ye ọlọghọmwa ne emwa nagbọn ye? (b) De emwi ne Aizaia kevbe ọsian khare wẹẹ Arriọba Osanobua gha ru ne emwa nagbọn? 16 Emwa ni mwẹ akhaẹn ẹre ọ rre ukpo ọdakha vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. Emwa vberriọ i sẹtin sọfurre ye ọlọghọmwa ne emwa nagbọn ye vbe na ghee okuo, uyinmwẹ ọkhọ, emianmwẹ kevbe ogue. Arriọba Osanobua ọkpa ẹre ọ khian sẹtin. Gia guan kaẹn emwi ne Jehova khian ru ne emwa nagbọn. Okuo: Arriọba Osanobua gha wabọrerua emwi hia nọ si okuo vbe na ghee arovbẹmwẹ, ogberhu, oseghe ẹvbo ne a sinmwi, ugamwẹ ohoghe kevbe Esu tobọre. (Psm. 46:8, 9) Uyinmwẹ Ọkhọ: Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, otu e Jehova nọ rre ototọ ọdakha ọghe Arriọba ọghẹe, keghi maa ẹbo emwa nibun re, ne iran gha ya ekhọe hia hoẹmwẹ egbe. Arriọba ọvbehe i rrọọ nọ gha sẹtin ru emwi vbenian. (Aiz. 11:9) Emianmwẹ: A i khian ghi gha miẹn enọ khuọnmwi vbe agbọn ọgbọn. (Aiz. 35:5, 6) Ogue: A i khian ghi vbe gha miẹn ovbi ogue vbe agbọn ọgbọn nọ dee. Te Jehova khian fiangbe emwa rẹn hia vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn kevbe odẹ ọghe ikpakpa. Arrọọ ọghe iran ghi gele do gha mwẹ evbọ demu.—Psm. 72:12, 13. “WA GHI VBE GUA GHA RHIE EWANNIẸN NE EMWA HIA”17. De vbene ima khian ya sẹtin he iziro nọ ma gba ọghe emwa nagbọn yotọ hẹ? 17 Deghẹ emwa nibun mwẹ iziro nọ ma gba vbe ẹdogbo ne ima ye, nọ ma gu ilele ọghe iyayi ima ro, te ọ khẹke ne ima ru ezanzan vbuwe Ẹmwẹ ọghe Osanobua, ma sẹtin vbe muẹn ma etẹn ni kpẹre nẹ vbe otu e Jehova ne iran ru iyobọ ne ima. Hia ne u rẹn evbọzẹe ne iziro vberriọ na yẹẹ emwa nibun, evbọzẹe nọ ma na gba kevbe odẹ ne u gha ya sẹtin hẹe yotọ. Vbene ẹmwata, ma hia gha sẹtin gbogba gae egbe ima, ne iziro nọ ma gba ọghe emwa nagbọn ghẹ mu ima ekhọe rhia, deghẹ ima lele adia ne Pọl rhie ne etẹn vbe Kọlose. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Wa gha ye ẹwaẹn ru emwi vbe uyinmwẹ ne uwa yin ghee iran ni ma yayi . . . wa ghi vbe gua gha rhie ewanniẹn ne emwa hia.”—Kọl. 4:5, 6. ^ okhuẹn 9 Emwa nibun ma rẹn wẹẹ ebe Jọn 7:53–8:11 i rre Ebe Nọhuanrẹn ne a ka wa gha gbẹn. Emwa ni zedu e Baibol ẹre ọ tobọ iran rhie avbe uviẹn na ba re. Rhunmwuda emwi ne iran gbẹnnẹ ya ako na, emwa eso keghi yayi wẹẹ, ọmwa ne ẹi ru orukhọ ọkpa, ẹre ọ mwẹ asẹ ne a ya bu abe gbe ọmwa nọ fi owẹ ye oha. Sokpan uhi ne Osanobua yi ne Ivbi Izrẹl keghi kha wẹẹ: “A gha mu okpia vbe ọ gu okhuo ne ọ rre owa ọdọ ru emwi, a ghi gbele iran eveva rua.”—Diut. 22:22. |