The Watchtower—Study Edition | October 2017Visions of Zechariah—How They Affect You“Return to me, . . . and I will return to you.”—ZECH. 1:3. 1-3. (a) What was the situation of Jehovah’s people when Zechariah began prophesying? (b) Why did Jehovah ask his people to ‘return to him’? A FLYING scroll, a woman sealed inside a container, and two women soaring in the wind with wings like those of storks—such dramatic images are found in the book of Zechariah. (Zech. 5:1, 7-9) Why did Jehovah give these striking visions to his prophet? What was the situation of the Israelites at that time? How does Zechariah’s record of those visions affect us today? 2 The year 537 B.C.E. was one of rejoicing for Jehovah’s dedicated people. After 70 long years of captivity, they were freed from Babylon. With an initial burst of enthusiasm, they got to work on restoring true worship in Jerusalem. In 536 B.C.E., the foundation of the temple was laid. At that time the people were “shouting so loudly that the sound was heard from a great distance.” (Ezra 3:10-13) However, opposition soon mounted against their construction project. Discouraged by the many challenges and difficulties, the people left off building the temple and began looking after their own homes and cultivating their fields. Sixteen years later, the building of Jehovah’s temple was at a standstill. God’s people needed to be reminded that they should return to Jehovah and stop putting their personal pursuits first. Jehovah wanted them to return to him, to resume their fearless, wholehearted worship of him. 3 To help his people recall why they were freed from Babylon in the first place, God sent his prophet Zechariah in 520 B.C.E. The very name Zechariah, which means “Jehovah Has Remembered,” may have brought to mind a vital truth. Though they had forgotten Jehovah’s saving acts, God still remembered his people. (Read Zechariah 1:3, 4.) He lovingly assured them that he would help them to reestablish pure worship, but he also firmly warned them that he would not tolerate halfhearted worship. Let us see how, by means of Zechariah’s sixth and seventh visions, Jehovah stirred them to action. Also, what lessons can we today learn from this? DIVINE PUNISHMENT FOR STEALING4. What did Zechariah see in his sixth vision, and what is significant about the scroll’s having writing on both sides? (See opening image 1.) 4 Chapter 5 of Zechariah begins with an unusual vision. (Read Zechariah 5:1, 2.) Zechariah sees flying through the air a scroll nearly 30 feet (9 m) long and 15 feet (4.5 m) wide! It is unrolled, ready to be read. It contains a judgment message, which fills both sides of the scroll. (Zech. 5:3) Usually, only one side of a scroll was used, so this scroll clearly contains a weighty and serious message. Stealing of any kind has no place among Christians (See paragraphs 5-7) 5, 6. How does Jehovah view any kind of stealing? 5 Read Zechariah 5:3, 4. While all of mankind are accountable to Jehovah, his name people are even more so. Those who love God realize that any form of stealing would “dishonor the name of [their] God.” (Prov. 30:8, 9) No matter what the motive or how excusable the theft might seem under the circumstances, a thief puts greedy desire above God, placing too much value on material possessions. He minimizes God’s law, disregarding Jehovah and His name as being of no force or importance. 6 Did you notice at Zechariah 5:3, 4 that “the curse . . . [would] enter into the house of the thief . . . and it [would] remain inside that house and consume it”? Jehovah’s adverse judgment cannot be kept out by bars and locks. It can penetrate any hiding place to uncover wrongdoing among Jehovah’s people. Even if a person is able to conceal thievery from authorities, employers, elders, or parents, he cannot hide it from God, who guarantees that every theft will be exposed. (Heb. 4:13) How refreshing it is to associate with people who are ever conscious of being honest “in all things”!—Heb. 13:18. 7. How can we escape the curse of the flying scroll? 7 All forms of stealing are offensive to Jehovah. We view it as an honor to live up to Jehovah’s high moral standard, maintaining conduct that in no way brings reproach on his name. Thus, we may succeed in escaping Jehovah’s judgment against those who deliberately violate his law. LIVING UP TO OUR WORD “DAY AFTER DAY”8-10. (a) What is an oath? (b) What oath did King Zedekiah fail to keep? 8 The message written on the flying scroll next delivers a warning to those ‘who make a false oath in God’s name.’ (Zech. 5:4) An oath is a sworn statement to certify that something is true or a solemn promise that a person will or will not do a certain thing. 9 It is a very serious matter to swear an oath in the name of Jehovah. That is exactly what the last king to occupy the throne of Jerusalem did. Zedekiah swore by Jehovah that he would remain a loyal vassal to the king of Babylon. However, Zedekiah did not keep his sworn oath. As a result, Jehovah passed judgment on him in these words: “As surely as I am alive, . . . [Zedekiah] will die in Babylon, in the place where the king who made him king lives, the one whose oath he despised and whose covenant he broke.”—Ezek. 17:16. 10 King Zedekiah owed it to Jehovah to live up to the oath that he had sworn in God’s name. (2 Chron. 36:13) Instead, Zedekiah turned to Egypt in a fruitless attempt to break free from Babylon’s yoke.—Ezek. 17:11-15, 17, 18. 11, 12. (a) What is the most important vow we will ever make? (b) In what ways should our dedication vow affect our daily lives? 11 Jehovah also listens to the promises that we make. He takes our vows seriously, and we must fulfill them in order to have his approval. (Ps. 76:11) Of all the promises we make, the most important is the one we make when we dedicate ourselves to Jehovah. Dedication is a solemn vow to serve Jehovah unconditionally. 12 How can we prove true to our dedication vow? Our stand during tests both large and small should show that we take seriously our pledge to praise Jehovah “day after day.” (Ps. 61:8) For example, when someone on the job or at school flirts with us, do we see this as an opportunity to “take pleasure in [Jehovah’s] ways” by rejecting such advances? (Prov. 23:26) If we live in a divided household, do we ask Jehovah for his help to maintain the Christian personality even when no one else around us is making such an effort? Do we daily approach our loving heavenly Father in prayer, thanking him for bringing us under his rulership and for loving us? Are we making time to read the Bible daily? Did we not, in effect, promise that we would do such things? It is a matter of obedience. Our full share in worship reveals that we love Jehovah and are truly dedicated to him. Our worship is a way of life, not a mere formality. Fulfilling our promise is for our own good; our faithfulness leads to a secure future.—Deut. 10:12, 13. 13. What can we learn from Zechariah’s sixth vision? 13 Zechariah’s sixth vision has helped us to see that lovers of Jehovah should not engage in any kind of stealing or make false oaths. We also see that despite their failures, Jehovah did not give up on the Israelites. He understood the pressures they faced as they were surrounded by enemies. He sets the example for us by living up to his promises, and he will help us live up to ours. One way he offers help is by giving us the hope that he will soon put an end to all wickedness throughout the whole earth. Zechariah’s next vision guarantees this bright hope. WICKEDNESS IS ‘PUT IN HER PROPER PLACE’14, 15. (a) In his seventh vision, what does Zechariah see? (See opening image 2.) (b) What does the woman inside the ephah container represent, and why is she confined and sealed away? 14 After seeing the flying scroll, Zechariah is told by an angel to “look up.” What will his seventh vision reveal? He now sees a container, called an “ephah,” going out. (Read Zechariah 5:5-8.) This medium-sized container has a “round lid of lead.” When the lid is removed, Zechariah sees “a woman sitting inside.” The angel explains that the woman in the container is “Wickedness.” Imagine Zechariah’s horror as he sees her attempt to crawl out of her confinement! The angel takes swift action, throwing her back into the container and sealing it shut with the heavy lid. What does this mean? 15 This part of the vision highlights that Jehovah will not tolerate wickedness of any kind among his people. He will see to it that it is contained and speedily removed. (1 Cor. 5:13) The angel assures us of this by thrusting the lead lid back over the container. Jehovah made every effort to keep pure worship clean (See paragraphs 16-18) 16. (a) What did Zechariah next see happen to the ephah container? (See opening image 3.) (b) Where do the women with wings take the ephah container? 16 Next on the scene appear two women who have strong wings like those of a stork. (Read Zechariah 5:9-11.) How different these women are from the woman in the container! These women use their powerful wings to swoop in and lift up the container containing “Wickedness.” Where are they taking her? Wickedness is deposited in “the land of Shinar,” or Babylon. Why, though, would they take the container to Babylon? 17, 18. (a) Why is Shinar the “proper place” for “Wickedness” to reside? (b) What should be our resolve regarding wickedness? 17 To the Israelites of Zechariah’s day, Shinar would be a fitting place for Wickedness to be confined. Zechariah and his fellow Jews could confirm that Babylon was a place of wickedness in their day. Having grown up amid the filthy and idolatrous ways of this city, they had to fight every day to resist the spirit of that pagan world. What a relief this vision must have brought them—a guarantee that Jehovah would keep pure worship clean! 18 However, the vision also reminded the Jews of their responsibility to maintain the purity of their worship. Wickedness cannot and will not be allowed to creep into and dwell among Jehovah’s people. After we have been brought into the protective and loving care of God’s clean organization, we have the responsibility to help maintain it. Are we moved to keep our “house” clean? Wickedness in any form does not belong in our spiritual paradise. CLEAN PEOPLE HONOR JEHOVAH19. What do the dramatic visions of Zechariah mean for us today? 19 Zechariah’s sixth and seventh visions are a sober warning to those who persist in dishonest ways, a reminder that Jehovah does not tolerate wrongdoing. On the part of his sincere worshippers, there must be a genuine hatred of wickedness. These accounts are also a loving reassurance from our heavenly Father. If we diligently work to be the sort of people who have God’s approval and protection, we will not have to face a death-dealing curse. Rather, Jehovah will gladly bless us. All our struggles to remain clean in a world full of wickedness will be worthwhile. We can be sure that we can succeed with Jehovah’s help! But how can we be sure that true worship will prevail in this world filled with ungodliness? What guarantee do we have that Jehovah will protect his organization as the great tribulation approaches? These questions will be discussed in the next article. |
Owa Ọkhẹ (Na Ruẹ Vbe Iko) | October 2017Vbene Umian Ọghe Zẹkaraia Ya Kaan Ruẹ Hẹ“Wa werriegbe bu mwẹ gha dee, mẹ gha vbe werriegbe bu uwa rre.”—ZẸK. 1:3. IHUAN: 120, 117 1-3. (a) De vbene emwi ghaa ye hẹ vbe Izrẹl vbe Zẹkaraia suẹn iwinna akhasẹ? (b) Vbọzẹe ne Jehova na wẹẹ ne emwa rẹn ‘werriegbe bu irẹn gha dee’? EBE na kiri nọ tin khian vbe orere iso, okhuo ọkpa na gue ye uwu igarawa nọ yevbe okhuae kevbe ikhuo eva ni mwẹ ifuẹn nọ yevbe ọghe ọlọkọmwọrhu keghi re usun emwi eso ne Zẹkaraia miẹn vbe umian. (Zẹk. 5:1, 7-9) Vbọzẹe ne Jehova na mu umian ọghe ọkpadin vbenian ma akhasẹ ọghẹe? De vbene emwi ghaa ye hẹ vbe Izrẹl vbe ẹghẹ nii? De vbene umian ne Zẹkaraia miẹn ya kaan ima hẹ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ na? 2 Vbe ukpo 537 B.C.E., Ivbi Izrẹl ke wa gha sọyẹnmwẹ rhunmwuda, ukpo na, ẹre a fan iran vbe iwe, vbe iyeke ukpo 70 ne iran gbe vbe Babilọn. Ọna ẹre ọ ghi gua iran kpa ya suẹn emwamwa ọghe na werriegbe mu ugamwẹ ẹmwata gbọọ vbe Jerusalẹm. Ukpo nọ ghi lelẹe nọ re 536 B.C.E., iran keghi gbe ẹyotọ ọghe Ọgua Osa. Rhunmwuda ọyẹnmwẹ nọ ghaa sẹ iran, “vbene iran ya gha go, te a wa gha họn vbe arriavbehe.” (Ẹzra 3:10-13) Sokpan vbe ọ ma he kpẹ wan, eghian na suẹn gha kpokpo iran ne ubọmwẹ ọghe Ọgua Osa ghẹ mwẹ uhunmwu. Orhiọn keghi gbe ye iran iwu sẹrriọ wẹẹ iran na sẹ iwinna nii rae, ọghe enegbe iran na ghi mu iran. Iran na mu aro daa iwinna ugbo kevbe owa na bọlọ. Ubọmwẹ ọghe Ọgua Osa keghi dobọyi vbe ukpo enẹirrọvbugie gbalaka. Ivbi Izrẹl ke wa gha gualọ igiọdu ne iran mieke na werriegbe bu e Jehova gha dee rhunmwuda ọghe enegbe iran ẹre iran ghi gha mu ye okaro. E Jehova kegha hoo ne iran werriegbe do gha ya udinmwẹ kevbe ekhọe hia ga irẹn. 3 Vbe ukpo 520 B.C.E., e Jehova keghi gie Zẹkaraia gie emwa rẹn nọ ya ye iran re rre, evbọzẹe ne irẹn na fan iran vbe imu vbe Babilọn. Evba ye Zẹkaraia kha ọre “Jehova Yerre.” Eni na keghi ye ima re rre emwi kpataki nọ dekaan aro ọmwa ne Osanobua khin. Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Ivbi izrẹl mianmian emwi ne Jehova ru ne iran, e Jehova ma mianmian emwa rẹn. (Tie Zẹkaraia 1:3, 4.) E Jehova keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne emwa rẹn wẹẹ irẹn gha ye iran obọ, ne iran mieke na sẹtin mu ugamwẹ nọhuanrẹn gbọọ, sokpan ọ na vbe ya obọ sekhae ne iran wẹẹ irẹn i khian miẹn ugamwẹ okeke yi. Nia, gima ziro yan umian nogie ehan kevbe nogie ihinrọn ne Zẹkaraia miẹn. Ma gha miẹn vbene Jehova ya gua emwa rẹn kpa hẹ kevbe emwi ne ima gha miẹn ruẹ vbọ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. VBENE JEHOVA YA BUOHIẸN OYI HẸ4. De emwi ne Zẹkaraia miẹn vbe umian nogie ehan? Vbọzẹe ne a na gbẹnnẹ emwi ye obọ eveva ọghe nene ebe na kiri? (Ghee efoto nọ rre omuhẹn 1.) 4 Vbe ebe Zẹkaraia uhunmwu ẹnrẹn 5, e Zẹkaraia keghi gbẹn ọnrẹn yotọ umian nọ mu ohan ne irẹn miẹn. (Tie Zẹkaraia 5:1, 2.) Vbe umian na, e Zẹkaraia keghi miẹn ebe na kiri nọ tin khian vbe orere iso. Utanmwẹ ọnrẹn kegha re ibata 30 vbene uvbẹmwẹ ọnrẹn na gha re ibata 15. A keghi we ebe na kiri na rua. Igiuhunmwu ọghe ibuohiẹn ẹre a gbẹn ye obọ eveva. (Zẹk. 5:3) Obọ ọkpa ẹre a mobọ gbẹn emwi yi vbe ebe na kiri, sokpan rhunmwuda vbene igiuhunmwu na ru ekpataki sẹ hẹ, a keghi gbẹn ọnrẹn ye obọ eveva. Ọ ma zẹdẹ khẹke ne Ivbiotu e kristi gha rhaa (Ghee okhuẹn 5-7) 5, 6. De aro ne Jehova ya ghee oyi? 5 Tie Zẹkaraia 5:3, 4. Te emwa hia khian na iyẹn egbe iran ma e Jehova vbe ẹdẹ ibuohiẹn, sokpan egbe emwa ni ya eni ẹnrẹn waengbe ẹre ọ khian ke suẹn. Emwa ni hoẹmwẹ e Jehova rẹnrẹn wẹẹ ọ ma khẹke ne a gha rhaa rhunmwuda uyinmwẹ vberriọ keghi ‘sa ọrho ye eni Osanobua.’ (Itan 30:8, 9) Ọmwa nọ rhaa sẹtin miẹn emwi muna; ọ sẹtin wẹẹ ẹsọn ọ gbe irẹn ra ohanmwẹ ẹre ọ si ẹre ye irẹn egbe. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, ọmwa arovbẹmwẹ ẹre ọ do oyi. Uhi Osanobua ẹre ọmwa vberriọ rhie owẹ gberra. Te ọ vbe ye aro tila eni e Jehova rua kevbe uhi ẹre. 6 Ebe Zẹkaraia 5:3, 4 khare wẹẹ: “Ihẹn gha la uwu owa ọghe avbe oyi hia, ọ gha rre iran owa, ọ ghi ya iran khian itowa.” Te ibuohiẹn Osanobua sẹtin la uwu owa ne emwa na ru emwi dan ne a ya asigbe kevbe isanrẹn khui. Ọna rhiema wẹẹ emwi rhọkpa i sẹtin mu idobo ye ibuohiẹn ọghe Jehova. Irẹn bẹghe emwi hia ne emwa rẹn ru vbe ẹkhokho. Ọmwa nọ rhaa sẹtin muẹn lẹre ne arriọba, enọ yan isiwnna ne ọ na winna, ediọn vbe iko, evbibiẹ ọre sokpan, ẹi sẹtin muẹn lẹre ne Osanobua, rhunmwuda te irẹn khian vẹ ọre rua emwi hia ni rre ẹkhokho vbe ọ gha sẹ ẹghẹ. (Hib. 4:13) Orhiọn ọmwa keghi sotọ vbe a ghaa gu emwa na gba ẹko ẹre mu obọ.—Hib. 13:18. 7. De emwi ne ima gha ru, ne ihẹn nọ rre ebe na kiri na tie ne emwa ni rhaa ghẹ sẹ ima egbe? 7 Odẹ ke odẹ ne ọmwa ya rhie emwi ne ẹi ọghẹe keghi sọnnọ e Jehova. Ọ keghi re ukpamuyọmọ ne ima na rẹn ilele nọ gbae ọghe Jehova. Ma gha sẹtin gha lelẹe, ma i khian sa ọrho ye eni ẹnrẹn. Odẹ vbenian, e Jehova gha miẹn ima fan vbe ẹghẹ nọ khian ya buohiẹn emwa ni mema rraa uhi ẹre. GHA MUẸN SẸ VBE “ẸDẸGBEGBE” IGHẸ EYAN NE U YAN RẸN VBE ẸDẸ NE U YA EGBUẸ FIOHAN8-10. (a) Vbe a ya ihẹn na vẹn kha? (b) De eyan ne Ọba e Zẹdekaia ma mu sẹ? 8 Igiuhunmwu nogieva na gbẹn ye ebe na kiri nọ tin khian vbe orere iso keghi ya obọ sekhae ne “iran ni vẹn ihẹn ta ohoghe” vbe eni Osanobua. (Zẹk. 5:4) Evba ya ihẹn ne a vẹn kha, ọre ne a si agbada vbe unu taa ẹmwẹ, vbe odẹ nọ rhiema wẹẹ, ẹmwẹ ne a taa i re ohoghe, ra ne a ru eyan ne ai khian su gọ, nọ dekaan emwi eso ne a gha ru kevbe ne ai vbe ru. 9 Te ọ khẹke ne ọmwa nọ ya eni e Jehova vẹn ihẹn rẹn wẹẹ, emwi vberriọ i re emwi ne a ya gbakiyẹyẹ. Ọna ọre emwi ne Zẹdekaia ru zẹẹ. Irẹn ọre ọba nokiekie nọ kha yan Jerusalẹm. E Zẹdekaia keghi yan ma e Jehova wẹẹ irẹn gha gbe uhunmwu kotọ ne ọba e Babilọn. Sokpan e Zẹdekaia ma mu eyan rẹn sẹ, rhunmwuda ọni, e Jehova keghi buohiẹn gbẹe vbe ọ khare wẹẹ: ‘Vbene a na miẹn wẹẹ mẹ ọrọre Osanobua ne ọ rrọọ, e Babilọn ẹre ọba e [Zẹdekia] ra wu yi, rhunmwuda ọ rraa uhi ọghe ọba e Babilọn ne ọ ma ẹre ọba, ọ ma vbe muẹn sẹ ighẹ ile nọ gu ẹre ta.’—Ezik. 17:16. 10 Ne Ọba e Zẹdekaia na ya eni e Jehova ru eyan, ọ te khẹke nọ muẹn sẹ. (2 Krọ. 36:13) Sokpan ọ keghi ya lẹ gbinna ọba Igipt nọ miẹn ọnrẹn fan vbe obọ e Babilọn. Erhọkpa ma gba re.—Ezik. 17:11-15, 17, 18. 11, 12. (a) De eyan nọ ghi ru ekpataki sẹ vbe eyan hia ne ima he ru? (b) De vbene eyan ne ima yan rẹn vbe ima ya egbe fiohan ne Jehovah ya dekaan odẹ ne ima ya loo arrọọ ọghe ima hẹ? 11 E Jehova wa vbe danmwehọ vbe I ma gha ru eyan. Ẹi zẹdẹ tila re rua, nọnaghiyerriọ, ọ khẹke ne ima gha mu eyan ọghe ima sẹ nọ mieke na miẹn ima yi. (Psm. 76:11) Eyan nọ ghi ru ekpataki sẹ vbe eyan hia ne ima he ru, ọre ne ima ru vbe ima ya egbe fiohan ne Jehova. Ma keghi yan rẹn vbe ẹdẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ baa ra ọ khọ, irẹn ma gha ga. 12 Vbe ima khian ya sẹtin mu eyan na sẹ hẹ? Ma gha sẹtin mudia gbain vbe edanmwẹ ke edanmwẹ ne ima werriẹ aro daa vbe arrọọ ọghomwa, te ima rhiẹre ma wẹẹ eyan ne ima yan rẹn i re emwi ne a ya rhẹghẹrẹ. (Psm. 61:8) Vbe igiemwi, deghẹ ọmwa na gha gu ima gbe ọkiẹkiẹ vbe isiwinna ra vbe owebe, vbe ima khian ru? Te ọ khẹke ne ima gbaengbe ne emwi vberriọ nọ mieke na rhiema wẹẹ ima lele iyi ọghe Jehova. (Itan 23:26) Deghẹ ẹgbẹe nọ ghae egbe ye ugamwẹ ughughan ẹre ima na waan, ẹi re emwi nọ khẹke nọ ne ima gha rinmwian e Jehova nọ ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha rhie akpa nọ khẹke Ivbiotu e Kristi ma, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ ọmwa rhọkpa i rre ẹgbẹe ima nọ rhie igiọdu ne ima ra? Ma kpọnmwẹ e Jehova vbe ẹghẹ hia ye ahoẹmwọmwa nọ mwẹ daa ima kevbe ne ọ na gbaroghe ima ra? Ma tie Baibol ẹdẹgbegbe ra? Ma yan rẹn vbe ima ya egbe fiohan ne Jehova wẹẹ ima gha ru ena hia, nọnaghiyerriọ, te ọ khẹke ne ima ru vberriọ. Ma gha rhiegba ye ugamwẹ e Jehova, te ima rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn kevbe wẹẹ, irẹn ẹre ima ya arrọọ ọghe ima fiohan na. Ugamwẹ ne ima rhie ne Jehova i re ọ ta kua na ti sẹ, ọ khẹke nọ gha rhiema vbe uyinmwẹ ima vbe ẹghẹ hia. Ma gha mu eyan ọghe ima sẹ, ma gha yin arrọọ ọghe etẹbitẹ.—Diut. 10:12, 13. 13. De emwi ne ima miẹn ruẹ vbe umian nogie ehan ne Zẹkaraia miẹn? 13 Emwi ne ima miẹn ruẹ vbe umian nogie ehan ne Zẹkaraia miẹn ọre wẹẹ, ọ ma khẹke ne emwa ni ga e Jehova gha rhaa kevbe ne iran gha vẹn ihẹn taa ohoghe. Umian na vbe ya ima rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova ma gi egbe Ivbi Izrẹl wọọ irẹn, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ iran ghaa ru orukhọ. Ọ rẹn vbene emwi ghaa ye iran hẹ, vbe eghian iran zẹ iran kpokpo. E Jehova keghi rhie igiemwi esi ya otọ ne ima, vbe nọ dekaan odẹ nọ ya mu eyan rẹn sẹ vbe egbe Ivbi Izrẹl. Ọ gha vbe ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha mu eyan ọghe ima sẹ. Odẹ ọkpa nọ ya ru iyobọ ne ima, ọre ne ọ na yan ma ima wẹẹ, irẹn gha ho emwa dan kevbe emwi dan bẹkun vbe uhunmwu otagbọn. Umian ọvbehe ne Zẹkaraia ghi miẹn sugiẹ yọ wẹẹ ọ gha gele ru vberriọ. E JEHOVA I KUE NE EMWA DAN GHA RRE UWU ẸBU EMWA RẸN14, 15. (a) De emwi ne Zẹkaraia miẹn vbe umian nogie ihinrọn? (Ghee efoto nọ rre omuhẹn 2.) (b) De emwi ne okhuo nọ rre uwu okhuae demu? Vbọzẹe ne a na khui ẹre gbua? 14 Ebe na kiri nọ tin khian ẹre Zẹkaraia ka bẹghe vbe umian, nia, odibo keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ, “Ghee, emwi ọvbehe vbe dee.” Vbe ọ ghi bẹghe vbe umian nogie ihinrọn na? Ọ kegha re igarawa ne a ya mwaan emwi nọ yevbe okhuae. (Tie Zẹkaraia 5:5-8.) Okhuae na kegha mwẹ “ugue oze.” A ghi we ẹre rua, e Zẹkaraia keghi bẹghe okhuo ọkpa vbe uwu ẹre, “ọ tota!” Odibo nii keghi tama e Zẹkaraia wẹẹ okhuo na mudia ye ihe “uyinmwẹ dan.” U miẹn orhirhi nọ gbe ku e Zẹkaraia vbe okhuo nii khian te ladian vbuwe okhuae ne a gu ẹre yi! Awarọkpani ẹre odibo ya zẹgiẹ gu ẹre. Vbe ọna demu? 15 Umian na rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, e Jehova i kue yọ hiehie ne emwa rẹn gha yin uyinmwẹ ọkhọ. Ọ gha bẹghe uyinmwẹ vberriọ, ọ wa gbe ukhu ẹre rua vbobọvbobọ ni. (1 Kọr. 5:13) Evbọ suigiẹ ye ọna, ọre vbene odibo nii ya ye ugue oze gu okhuae nii. E Jehovah i kue ne ọmwa rhọkpa ya uyinmwẹ dan mu ugamwẹ ọghẹe nọhuanrẹn rhia (Ghee okhuẹn 16-18) 16. (a) De emwi ọvbehe ne Zẹkaraia ghi vbe bẹghe? (Ghee efoto nọ rre omuhẹn 3.) (b) De ehe ne ikhuo eva ni mwẹ ifuẹn ghi mu okhuae nii gha rrie? 16 Emwi ọvbehe ne Zẹkaraia ghi bẹghe kegha re ikhuo eva ni mwẹ ifuẹn ni wegbe vbe na ghee ọghe ọlọkọmwọrhu. (Tie Zẹkaraia 5:9-11.) Te ikhuo na wa lughaẹn ne okhuo nọ rre uwu okhuae. Ifuẹn iran nọ wegbe ẹre iran ya tin gha dee do mu okhuo dan nii nọ rre uwu okhuae. Vbe iran ghi muẹn gha rrie? “E Babilọn” ẹre iran ya muẹn fi. Vbọ ghi zẹ ne iran na mu okhuae nii ya fi e Babilọn? 17, 18. (a) Vbọzẹe ne Babilọn na re ehe nọ khẹke ne a hẹ “Uyinmwẹ Dan” yi? (b) Vbọ ghi re atamuolọyan ọghe ima nia vbe nọ dekaan uyinmwẹ dan ne a yin? 17 Ivbi Izrẹl ni ghaa rrọọ vbe ẹghẹ Zẹkaraia wa rẹn wẹẹ e Babilọn ẹre ọ khẹke ne a hẹ emwi dan yi. Ivbi Izrẹl ni waan vbe Babilọn rẹn vbene ẹvbo nii ye hẹ. Ọ ma zẹdẹ gha khuẹrhẹ ne iran ya gbaengbe ne uyinmwẹ ohọhọ kevbe igẹbọ nọ gbọzinia vbe Babilọn. Umian na keghi rhie ilẹkẹtin ne iran wẹẹ, e Jehova gha werriegbe mu ugamwẹ nọhuanrẹn gbọọ vbe Izrẹl. 18 Sokpan umian na keghi ye Ivbi Izrẹl re rre, iwinna nọ bi ye iran izabọ, ọni ọre, ne iran gha ga Osanobua vbe odẹ ne irẹn kue yi. Osanobua i kue ne emwa rẹn gha yin uyinmwẹ dan. E Jehova ẹre ọ viọ ima la otu ọghẹe, irẹn ẹre ọ gbaroghe ima rhunmwuda ọ hoẹmwẹ ima, nọnaghiyerriọ, te ọ khẹke ne ima gha gae vbe odẹ nọhuanrẹn. Ọ ma khẹke ne emwa ni yin uyinmwẹ dan gha rre uwu ẹbu emwa ọghe Jehova. EMWA NI HUANRẸN ẸRE Ọ RHIE UYI NE JEHOVA19. De vbene umian ọghe ọyunnuan ne Zẹkaraia miẹn ya kaẹn ima hẹ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ? 19 Umian nogie ehan kevbe nogie ihinrọn ne Zẹkaraia miẹn keghi ya obọ sekhae ne emwa ni ma kue ban emwi dan ne a ru kevbe wẹẹ, e Jehova i kue hiehie ne emwa rẹn gha yin uyinmwẹ ọkhọ. Umian na vbe rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, te ọ khẹke ne emwa ni ya ekhọe hia ga Osanobua gha khuiwu emwi dan. Ọ vbe ya ima mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ ima ghaa ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova, ọ gha fiangbe ima, ẹi khian buohiẹn uwu gbe ima. Ẹrhiọn hia ne ima loo ro ya mudia gbain vbe agbọn orukhọ na gha biẹ ọmọ esi. Gha mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ ima gha musọe vbe ẹtin e Jehova! Sokpan vbọ khian ya ima gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ ugamwẹ ẹmwata gha gba ehe hia vbe uhunmwu otagbọn na? Vbe ima ya rẹn hẹ wẹẹ e Jehova gha gbogba ga otu ọghẹe zẹ vbene orueghe nọkhua ya sikẹ otọ? A gha rhie ewanniẹn ye avbe inọta na vbe ako iruẹmwi nọ ghi sọregbe. |