The Watchtower—Study Edition  |  October 2017

“Love . . . in Deed and Truth”

“Love . . . in Deed and Truth”

“We should love, not in word or with the tongue, but in deed and truth.”​—1 JOHN 3:18.

SONGS: 106, 100

1. What is the highest form of love, and why is that so? (See opening image.)

LOVE based on right principles (a·gaʹpe) is a gift from Jehovah. He is its Source. (1 John 4:7) This kind of love is the highest form of love. While it can include affection and warmth, it is primarily identified by unselfish actions for the good of others. According to one reference work, a·gaʹpe “can be known only from the actions it prompts.” When we show or are shown unselfish love, our lives are enriched, being filled with joy and meaning.

2, 3. How has Jehovah shown unselfish love for humans?

2 Jehovah showed love for humans even before he created Adam and Eve. He made the earth to be man’s everlasting home, a place where man does not just survive but enjoys life to the full. Jehovah did this solely for our benefit, not for personal gain. He further showed unselfish love by blessing his children on earth with the prospect of living forever in the Paradise that he had prepared for them.

3 After Adam and Eve rebelled, Jehovah made his greatest  expression of unselfish love. He arranged to ransom the future descendants of those two rebels, certain that some of them would respond favorably to His love. (Gen. 3:15; 1 John 4:10) In fact, from the moment that Jehovah promised a future Savior, He viewed this sacrifice as already made. Then, some 4,000 years later, Jehovah at great personal cost sacrificed his only-begotten Son for the world of mankind. (John 3:16) How grateful we are for Jehovah’s unselfish love!

4. What indicates that imperfect humans are able to show unselfish love?

4 We are able to show unselfish love because God created us in his image. Inherited sin has made it challenging for us to manifest love, but it has not removed our ability to do so. Abel showed love for God by unselfishly offering the best of what he had. (Gen. 4:3, 4) Noah displayed unselfish love for his fellow man by preaching God’s message for decades despite not seeing any response from the people. (2 Pet. 2:5) Abraham put his love for God ahead of his own feelings when he was commanded to offer up his son Isaac. (Jas. 2:21) Like those faithful men, we want to show love, despite the challenges we face.


5. In what ways can we show genuine love?

5 The Bible explains that genuine love is shown, “not in word or with the tongue, but in deed and truth.” (1 John 3:18) Does this mean that we cannot express love through our speech? Not at all! (1 Thess. 4:18) Rather, it means that our love must not be limited to words, especially when the circumstances call for action. For example, when a fellow Christian lacks the basic necessities of life, he needs more than our good wishes. (Jas. 2:15, 16) Similarly, love for Jehovah and our neighbor moves us not only to ask God ‘to send out workers into the harvest’ but also to have a full share in the preaching work.​—Matt. 9:38.

6, 7. (a) What is “love free from hypocrisy”? (b) What are some examples of counterfeit love?

6 The apostle John wrote that we must love “in deed and truth.” Thus, our love must be “without hypocrisy,” or “free from hypocrisy.” (Rom. 12:9; 2 Cor. 6:6) This means that we cannot show genuine love while pretending to be something that we are not, as if we were wearing a mask. We might wonder, ‘Is there such a thing as love with hypocrisy?’ Not really. This would not be love at all but a worthless imitation.

7 Consider some examples of counterfeit love. In the garden of Eden, Satan pretended to be looking out for Eve’s best interests, but his actions were actually selfish and hypocritical. (Gen. 3:4, 5) In David’s day, Ahithophel proved that his friendship with the king was a fraud. Ahithophel turned traitor when he felt that he would gain an advantage. (2 Sam. 15:31) Likewise today, apostates and others who create divisions in the congregation use “smooth talk and flattering speech” to make themselves appear to be loving, but their true motive is selfish.​—Rom. 16:17, 18.

8. What question should we ask ourselves?

8 Hypocritical love is especially shameful because it is a counterfeit of the godly quality of self-sacrificing love. Such hypocrisy might fool men, but not  Jehovah. In fact, Jesus said that those who are like hypocrites would be punished “with the greatest severity.” (Matt. 24:51) Of course, Jehovah’s servants would never want to display hypocritical love. However, we do well to ask ourselves, ‘Is my love always genuine, not tainted by selfishness or deception?’ Let us consider nine ways we can strive to show love that is “free from hypocrisy.”


9. What will genuine love move us to do?

9 Be happy to serve in the background. We should be willing to perform acts of love for our brothers “in secret,” or out of the limelight, when this is possible. (Read Matthew 6:1-4.) Ananias and Sapphira failed to do that. Not content to donate anonymously, they blatantly exaggerated their offering and suffered disaster for their hypocrisy. (Acts 5:1-10) In contrast, genuine love moves us to find joy in serving our brothers without fanfare or recognition. For instance, the brothers who support the Governing Body in helping to prepare spiritual food do so anonymously, not drawing attention to themselves or revealing the material they have worked on.

10. How can we take the lead in showing honor to others?

10 Take the lead in showing honor to others. (Read Romans 12:10.) Jesus set the pattern in honoring others by performing the lowliest of tasks. (John 13:3-5, 12-15) We may have to work hard to develop the humility needed to show honor to others in this way. Even the apostles could not fully understand Jesus’ actions until they received holy spirit. (John 13:7) We can show honor to others by not thinking too much of ourselves because of our education, material possessions, or privileges in Jehovah’s service. (Rom. 12:3) And rather than envying those who receive praise, we rejoice with them even if we feel that we deserve equal honor or a share of the credit for what was done.

11. Why must our commendation be sincere?

11 Commend your brothers sincerely. We should seize opportunities to commend one another because such expressions are “good for building up.” (Eph. 4:29) However, we must be sincere. Otherwise, we could actually be flattering the person or avoiding our responsibility to provide needed counsel. (Prov. 29:5) To commend someone but then tear him down behind his back is a form of hypocrisy. The apostle Paul avoided that trap and set a fine example in showing genuine love in the way he commended others. For example, he sincerely commended the Christians in Corinth regarding some aspects of their conduct. (1 Cor. 11:2) But when their actions did not deserve commendation, he explained the reason to them kindly and clearly.​—1 Cor. 11:20-22.

Giving to our brothers in need is one way to show our love and hospitality (See paragraph 12)

12. How can we show genuine love when we offer hospitality?

12 Be hospitable. Jehovah commands us to be generous toward our brothers and sisters. (Read 1 John 3:17.) Yet, we must do so with a pure motive, avoiding any trace of selfishness. We can ask ourselves: ‘Do I offer hospitality primarily to close friends, prominent ones, or those who might be able to return a favor somehow? Or do I instead look for ways to be generous toward brothers and sisters whom I do not know well  or who have nothing with which to repay me?’ (Luke 14:12-14) Or suppose a fellow Christian falls into need because of poor planning or fails to thank us for our hospitality. In such situations, we should apply the counsel: “Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.” (1 Pet. 4:9) If you follow this advice, you will gain the reward of happiness that comes from giving with the right motive.​—Acts 20:35.

13. (a) When can it be especially challenging to help those who are weak? (b) What practical things can we do to support the weak?

13 Support those who are weak. The genuineness of our love can be tested by the Bible’s command to “support the weak, be patient toward all.” (1 Thess. 5:14) Although many who are weak later become strong in the faith, others need our patient, ongoing support. This can include sharing upbuilding Scriptural thoughts, inviting them to join us in the ministry, or just taking time to listen to them. In addition, instead of simply thinking that a brother or a sister is either “strong” or “weak,” we should recognize that we all have strengths and weaknesses. Even the apostle Paul acknowledged his own weaknesses. (2 Cor. 12:9, 10) Thus, we can all benefit from the support of fellow Christians.

14. How far should we be willing to go to maintain peace with our brothers?

14 Make peace. We do everything in our power to maintain peace with our brothers, even when we feel that we have been misunderstood or treated unfairly. (Read Romans 12:17, 18.) An apology can help to repair hurt feelings, but it must be sincere. For instance, rather than saying, “I’m sorry that you feel that way,” you could admit your role in the problem by saying, “I’m sorry that I hurt you by what I said.” Peace is especially vital in a marriage. A husband and a wife should not pretend to love each other in public but then use the silent treatment, cruel words, or physical violence to hurt each other in private.

15. How can we show that our forgiveness is genuine?

15 Forgive freely. We forgive by pardoning someone who has offended us and by letting go of our resentment toward him. By “putting up with one another in love, earnestly endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace,” we can freely forgive those who may not be aware that they offended us. (Eph. 4:2, 3) For our forgiveness to be genuine, we must control our thinking so that we do “not keep account of the injury.” (1 Cor. 13:4, 5) If we were to harbor resentment or hold a grudge, we would risk permanently damaging our relationship not only with our brother or sister but also with Jehovah.  (Matt. 6:14, 15) We can also demonstrate our sincere forgiveness by praying for those who sin against us.​—Luke 6:27, 28.

16. How should we view privileges in Jehovah’s service?

16 Sacrifice personal advantages. If we receive privileges in Jehovah’s service, we should view these as opportunities to show the genuineness of our love by “seeking, not [our] own advantage, but that of the other person.” (1 Cor. 10:24) For example, at our assemblies and conventions, attendants are on duty in the seating area before others are scheduled to enter. Instead of viewing their assignment as an opportunity to get the best seats for themselves and their families, many of these brothers choose to sit in less favorable seats within their assigned section. By sacrificing their personal advantage in this way, they demonstrate love that is free of any trace of selfishness. How might you imitate their good example?

17. What will genuine love move a person to do if he has committed a serious sin?

17 Confess and abandon secret sins. Some Christians who have committed a serious sin try to cover it over in order to avoid embarrassing themselves or disappointing others. (Prov. 28:13) Yet, such a course is unloving, for it harms not only the sinner but also others. It can hinder the flow of God’s spirit and threaten the peace of the entire congregation. (Eph. 4:30) Genuine love moves Christians who have committed serious sins to speak to the elders so that the elders can provide the needed help.​—Jas. 5:14, 15.

18. How important is genuine love?

18 Love is the greatest of all qualities. (1 Cor. 13:13) It identifies us as Jesus’ followers and as imitators of Jehovah, the Source of love. (Eph. 5:1, 2) “If I . . . do not have love,” wrote Paul, “I am nothing.” (1 Cor. 13:2) May we continue to show our love not just “in word” but also “in deed and truth.”

Owa Ọkhẹ (Na Ruẹ Vbe Iko)  |  October 2017

‘Gi Ahoẹmwọmwa Ne U Rhiema Gha Re Ọghe Ẹmwata Kevbe Ne A Lekpae Uyinmwẹ Rẹn’

‘Gi Ahoẹmwọmwa Ne U Rhiema Gha Re Ọghe Ẹmwata Kevbe Ne A Lekpae Uyinmwẹ Rẹn’

‘Ọ kere ne ahoẹmwọmwa ne u rhiema gha re ọghe ẹmwata kevbe ne a lekpae uyinmwẹ rẹn.’—1 JỌN 3:18.

IHUAN: 72, 124

1. Vbọ re ahoẹmwọmwa nọ ghi hiunsi sẹ? Vbọzẹe ne ọ na yerriọ? (Ghee efoto nọ rre omuhẹn.)

AHOẸMWỌMWA nọ hẹnhẹn egbe yan ilele nọ gbae ọre a·gaʹpe. Ọ keghi re ẹsọhẹ nọ ke obọ e Jehova rre rhunmwuda irẹn ọre Ẹzi ẹre. (1 Jọn 4:7) Ọna ọre ahoẹmwọmwa nọ ghi hiunsi sẹ. Ọ sẹtin rhiegbe ma vbe odẹ ọghe agiẹngiẹn ne a mwẹ daa emwa ọvbehe kevbe oyaya ne a so mu ọmwa, sokpan evbọ wa demu ọre ekhọe hia ne a ya ru emwi esi ne emwa ọvbehe. Ebe ọkpa keghi kha wẹẹ, “a·gaʹpe keghi rhiegbe ma vbe odẹ ne ọmwa ya yin daa emwa ọvbehe.” Ma ghaa mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata daa emwa ọvbehe, ọ ya ima gha sọyẹnmwẹ, arrọọ ọghe ima vbe gha mwẹ evbọ demu.

2, 3. De vbene Jehova ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ irẹn mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko daa emwa nagbọn?

2 E Jehova rhiẹre ma wẹẹ irẹn hoẹmwẹ emwa nagbọn uhiẹn vbene ọ te yi Adam kevbe Ivi. Ọ keghi yi agbọn na, nọ gha re ehe ne emwa nagbọn khian na gha sọyẹnmwẹ arrọọ vbe etẹbitẹ. Rhunmwuda ima ẹre ọ na ru ena hia, ẹi re rhunmwuda ere ne ọ gha miẹn vbọ. Yevbesọni, ọ ghi yi Adam kevbe Ivi nẹ, ọ na viọ iran ye uwu e Paradais ne iran gha rrọọ vbe etẹbitẹ.

 3 Adam vbe Ivi ghi sọtẹ nẹ, ahoẹmwọmwa ne ẹi gia gie ẹre e Jehova ghi rhiema. Ọ keghi ru emwamwa nọ ya dẹ ivbi Adam werriegbe rhunmwuda ọ rẹnrẹn wẹẹ eso vbọ gha hoẹmwẹ irẹn. (Gẹn. 3:15; 1 Jọn 4:10) Ke obọ ne Jehova ya ru eyan ọghe adẹwerriegbe, ẹre irẹn ke ghee emwa nagbọn zẹvbe emwa ne a dẹ werriegbe. Odẹ ukpo 4,000 ghi gberra nẹ, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ ọ ma gha khuẹrhẹ, Jehova keghi gie ukpọmọkpa nọ mwẹ gha die agbọn, nọ do ya arrọọ ọghẹe dẹ emwa nagbọn werriegbe. (Jọn 3:16) Ma kpọnmwẹ e Jehova ye ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata nọ mwẹ daa ima!

4. Vbọ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ emwa ni ma gba gha sẹtin rhie ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko ma?

4 Ma vbe rhie ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko ma rhunmwuda te Osanobua yi ima vbene irẹn ye. Orukhọ ne ima re vbe ukhu keghi ya ọna lọghọ, ọrheyerriọ, ma gha ye sẹtin rhie akpa na ma. Abel keghi rhiẹre ma wẹẹ irẹn hoẹmwẹ e Jehova vbe ọ ya emwi irri ẹre nọ ghi maan sẹ ya zọese gie Jehova. (Gẹn. 4:3, 4) E Noa keghi rhiẹre ma wẹẹ irẹn mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko daa emwa ni lẹga re, vbe ọ kporhu ma iran vbe ẹghẹ nọ taẹn, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ iran ma fiwerriẹ. (2 Pit. 2:⁠5) Ebraham wa vbe rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ wegbe ẹre irẹn mwẹ dae Jehova vbe Osanobua wẹẹ ne ọ ya Aizik zọese. (Jems 2:21) Gima gha rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ma uhiẹn vbe ima ghaa rre ọlọghọmwa, zẹ vbene eguọmwadia e Jehova na ruẹ re.


5. De odẹ ne ima gha ya rhie ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko ma?

5 E Baibol gima rẹn wẹẹ ẹi re “ẹmwẹ unu kevbe etalọ” ẹre a ya rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata ma sokpan “ọ gha re ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata, ne a lekpae uyinmwẹ rẹn.” (1 Jọn 3:18) Ọ na ghi rhiema wẹẹ ima i sẹtin ya ẹmwẹ ne unu rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima hoẹmwẹ emwa ọvbehe ra? Hiehie! (1 Tẹs. 4:18) Evbọ rhiema ọre wẹẹ, te ọ khẹke ne ima zẹ emwi ru vbọ gha de ọghe ne a ru iyobọ ne emwa ọvbehe. Ẹi re ne ima gha talọ kẹkan. Vbe igiemwi, deghẹ ọtẹn ne ima gba ga rre ivbabọ, ẹghẹ nii ọ khẹke ne ima ya tama rẹn wẹẹ agbọn gha maan rẹn ra? (Jems 2:​15, 16) Erriọ ahoẹmwọmwa ne ima mwẹ dae Jehova vbe ya gua ima kpa ya rhiegba ye iwinna ikporhu, ẹi re ne ima gha na erhunmwu kẹkan ne Jehova ruẹ vbe odẹ ọghe ọyunnuan ne emwa nibun gha kporhu iyẹn nọ maan.—Mat. 9:38.

6, 7. (a) Vbọ re ahoẹmwọmwa “nọ sẹ otọ ẹko”? (b) De emwa eso ni rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe abawẹ ma?

6 Ukọ e Jọn wẹẹ ne ima gha ‘rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata ma,’ ọ vbe gha rhiegbe ma vbe “uyinmwẹ” ima. Ọni rhiema wẹẹ te ọ khẹke ne ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ima gha re “nọ sẹ otọ ẹko” ra ne ẹi ọghe abawẹ. (Rom 12:9; 2 Kọr. 6:6) Ọ ma zẹdẹ khẹke ne ima ba gha ru wẹẹ ima hoẹmwẹ emwa ọvbehe vbene ima ma na gele hoẹmwẹ iran. Ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe abawẹ i re ahoẹmwọmwa hiehie, uyinmwẹ vberriọ i mwẹ evbọ demu.

7 Gia guan kaẹn emwa eso ni rhie ahoẹmwọmwa nọ ma sẹ otọ ẹko ma. Vbe ogba ọghe Idẹn, Esu na ba gha ru wẹẹ umamwẹ Ivi ẹre irẹn gualọ sokpan vbene emwi ghi de hẹ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ọ ma hoẹmwẹ Ivi hiehie. (Gẹn. 3:4, 5) Vbe ẹghẹ Oba e Devid, ọsiọre ighẹ Ahitofẹl keghi yae dẹ rhunmwuda ere ne ọ yaro yi. Ọse ne hogha ẹre Ahitofẹl ghaa khin. (2 Sam. 15:31) Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, erriọ emwa okeke vbe ya si ighaegbe vbuwe iko. Iran ba gha loo “ẹmwẹ ne ọ rhiẹnrhiẹn kevbe aranmwẹ erẹrẹ” ne emwa mieke na gha roro wẹẹ emwa esi ẹre iran khin.—Rom 16:17, 18.

8. De inọta nọ khẹke ne ima nọ egbe ima re?

8 Ahoẹmwọmwa ne ẹi re ọghe ọkẹnrẹn ẹre ọ khẹke Ivbiotu e Kristi, ẹi re ọghe  abawẹ. Emwa sẹtin ya ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe abawẹ mu emwa rẹrẹ sokpan iran i sẹtin mu e Jehova rẹrẹ. E Jesu khare wẹẹ a gha rri emwa okeke oya, ‘a ghi ru iran emwi ne ọ maan ẹwobi.’ (Mat. 24:51) Vbene ẹmwata, ọ ma khẹke ne eguọmwadia e Jehova rhọkpa gha yin uyinmwẹ vbenian. Inọta nọ ghi khẹke ne ima nọ egbe ima re ọre, ‘Mẹ gele rhie ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko ma ra?’ Gima ziro yan odẹ ihinrin ne ima gha ya sẹtin rhie ahoẹmwọmwa “nọ sẹ otọ ẹko” ma?


9. De emwi ne ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata gua ima kpa ya ru?

9 Gha sọyẹnmwẹ iwinna esi ne u ru uhiẹn deghẹ emwa i bẹghe ẹre. Te ọ khẹke ne ima gha ru iyobọ ne etẹn ima vbe “ẹkhokho” deghẹ ẹkpotọ na kie, ẹi re ọghe ne a ba bẹghe mwẹ. (Tie Matiu 6:1-4.) Ako na ẹre Ananaias kevbe Safira ma na musọe. Iran keghi gi emwa rẹn vbekpae izọhẹ ne iran ru. Ọ ma fo ye evba, iran na vbe fian ba re. Vbọ ghi kẹrikian? Iran na miẹn na ghae khẹ iran. (Iwinna 5:1-10) Sokpan, ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata keghi ya ima sọyẹnmwẹ uhiẹn deghẹ emwa ọvbehe ma rẹn vbekpae iwinna esi ne ima ru. Vbe igiemwi, Ẹbu Nọ Su ẹre ọ kpemehe evbare orhiọn, sokpan etẹn eso ru iyobọ ne iran vbe iwinna na. Etẹn na i taa ma emwa iwinna ne iran ru, iran i vbe gbẹnnẹ eni iran ye ebe ne a gbennẹ ladian.

10. De odẹ ne ima gha ya zẹ owẹ nokaro vbe nọ dekaan ọghọ na rhie ne egbe?

10 Wa gi ọghọ na rhie ne egbe gha bọbọ uwa egbe. (Tie Rom 12:10.) E Jesu wa rhie igiemwi esi yotọ vbe nọ dekaan iwinna ọviẹn ọmwa na rhiegbe yi. (Jọn 13:3-5, 12-15) Te ima gha hia, ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha mu egbe rriotọ vberriọ. Uhiẹn, avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu miẹn iyobọ ọghe orhiọn nọhuanrẹn nẹ, iran ke do gha mu egbe rriotọ vbene a ghee Jesu. (Jọn 13:7) Ma gha sẹtin gha rhie ọghọ ne emwa ọvbehe deghẹ ima i yaro tila iran rua rhunmwuda ima yo owebe nọ yo, ma fe, ra ma mwẹ ukpamuyọmọ nibun vbe otu e Jehova. (Rom 12:3) Emwa keghi tian etẹn ni mwẹ ukpamuyọmọ rhunmwuda iwinna ne iran ru, nọnaghiyerriọ, ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha gbọvo iran, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ te ọ vbe khẹke ne a tian ima rhunmwuda ima vbe gha mwẹ ọghae vbe nene iwinna.

11. Vbọzẹe ne ọ na khẹke ne etian ọghe ima gha re nọ sẹ otọ ẹko?

11 Ya ekhọe hia gha tian etẹn. Te ọ khẹke ne ima gha loo ẹkpotọ nọ rhirhi kie ya gha tian etẹn rhunmwuda ọ “rhie ẹtin ye ọmwa iwu.” (Ẹfis. 4:29) Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, ọ khẹke ne etian vberriọ sẹ otọ ẹko. Deghẹ ẹi erriọ, te ima kpe ẹre ye ewọwọ ra te ima ma hoo ne ima rhie adia nọ khẹke nẹẹn. (Itan 29:⁠5) Uyinmwẹ agabagebe nọ, vbe ima gha tian ọmwa nẹ, ima vbe gha ya unu rhia re rua vbe iyeke. Ukọ e Pọl wa gha mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko daa emwa ọvbehe. Ọ keghi rhie igiemwi esi yotọ vbe nọ dekaan na gha ya ekhọe hia tian emwa ọvbehe. Vbe igiemwi, ọ keghi ya ekhọe hia tian etẹn ni rre Kọrinti ye emwi esi ne iran ru. (1 Kọr. 11:⁠2) Sokpan, vbe iran ghi yin uyinmwẹ eso nọ ma de yọ, ọ keghi rhie adia nọ khẹke ne iran.—1 Kọr. 11:20-22.

Te ima rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima hoẹmwẹ etẹn ima ni susẹ deghẹ ima ru iyobọ nọ khẹke ne iran (Ghee okhuẹn 12)

12. De vbene ọghọ ne ima mu ye emwa egbe ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko?

12 Wa gha mu ọghọ ye emwa egbe. E Jehova keghi yi iyi ne ima gha mu ọghọ ye etẹn ima egbe kevbe ne ima gha zẹ emwi obọ. (Tie 1 Jọn 3:17.) Ọrheyerriọ, ọ khẹke ne ima ya ẹkhọe hia gha ru vberriọ, ẹi re rhunmwuda ere ne ima gha miẹn vbọ. Ma sẹtin nọ egbe ima wẹẹ: ‘De aro emwa ne imẹ mu ọghọ yọ re egbe vbe owa mwẹ? Emwa ni  sikẹ mwẹ nọ ra, ra emwa ni mwẹ ukpamuyọmọ nibun ra emwa ni gha sẹtin ru iyobọ mẹ? Ra etẹn ni ma mobọ sikẹ mwẹ, ra ne obọ ma sẹ ọre ẹre imẹ mu ọghọ yọ re egbe?’ (Luk 14:12-14) Deghẹ ọtẹn ne a gba ga na de fi osa rhunmwuda azẹ nọ ma khẹke nọ ru ra ọtẹn ne u ru ẹse na ma do kpọnmwọn. Emwi vberriọ gha sunu, te ọ khẹke ne ima lele adia na: ‘Wa gha mu ọghọ ye etien uwa egbe vbe ne ai na gui ẹzọ egbe.’ (1 Pit. 4:⁠9) Ma ghaa lele adia na, te ima khian gha sọyẹnmwẹ ẹse ne ima ya ekhọe hia ru ne emwa ọvbehe.—Iwinna 20:35.

13. (a) De ẹghẹ nọ wa ya khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ izinegbe? (b) De emwi eso ne ima gha sẹtin ru ya ru iyobọ ne etẹn ni vburriẹ?

13 Gha ru iyobọ ne emwa ni vburriẹ. E Baibol khare wẹẹ ne ima gha “ru iyobọ ne emwa ni vburriẹ, ne ima vbe gha mwẹ izinegbe vbe egbe emwa hia.” (1 Tẹs. 5:14, NW ) Etẹn eso ni ghi deziẹn nia vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, ka gha vburriẹ. Sokpan, izinegbe ẹre ima khian gha mwẹ khian vbe egbe etẹn eso ni vburriẹ, ne ima sẹtin gha ru iyobọ ne iran. Ma sẹtin ya Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn rhie igiọdu ne iran, ma sẹtin gu iran winna vbe ikporhu, ma ghi vbe rhie ehọ ne iran taa yi vbe iran ghaa mwẹ ẹmwẹ ne iran khian taa. Ọ khẹke ne ima gha yerre wẹẹ ma hia mwẹ ako ne ima na vburriẹ kevbe ako ne ima na hia, nọnaghiyerriọ, ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha roro ẹre wẹẹ etẹn eso digiẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn vbene nikẹre na vburriẹ. Ukọ Pọl tobọre yunu kaẹn ako ne irẹn na vburriẹ. (2 Kọr. 12:9, 10) Ọna rhiema wẹẹ ima gualọ igiọdu vbe obọ etẹn ne a gba ga rhunmwuda ai miẹn ọmwa nọ fo na.

14. Vbe ima khian ru ne ima vbe etẹn ima mieke na gha maan ẹko egbe?

14 Gha re ọmwa nọ gualọ ọfunmwegbe. Te ima gha hia vbe odẹ ke odẹ ne ima vbe etẹn ima gha maan ẹko egbe uhiẹn deghẹ ima gba muan egbe ẹmwẹ ra iran ru emwi nọ sọnnọ ima. (Tie Rom 12:​17, 18.) Ghẹ gui, gha sẹtin mu ọmwa ekhọe sotọ sokpan, ọ khẹke nọ gha re nọ sẹ otọ ẹko. Vbe igiemwi, ne ima gha te ya kha wẹẹ, “Ghẹ gui, mu fua,” ma sẹtin kha wẹẹ, “I ma roro ẹmwẹ nii I ke tae, lahọ ghẹ gui.” Ọfunmwegbe keghi wa ru ekpataki vbe orọnmwẹ. Ọ ma khẹke ne ọdọ vbe amwẹ ba gha ru wẹẹ iran hoẹmwẹ egbe vbe iran ghaa rre orere sokpan iran gha sẹ uwu owa, iran i ghi guan ye egbe ẹmwẹ, iran gha taa ẹmwẹ nọ wegbe ma egbe ra iran gha khọọn.

15. Vbe ima khian ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ ima ya ekhọe hia yabọ?

15 Ya ekhọe hia gha yabọ. Ọmwa gha ru emwi nọ sọnnọ ima, ma ghi yama rẹn, ma vbe gi emwi nọ ru ima re lahin ima ekhọe rre. Ma gha vbe sẹtin yabọ emwa ni ma rẹn wẹẹ iran ru emwi nọ sọnnọ ima, deghẹ ima ‘rhiema ighẹ ima hoẹmwẹ egbe lekpae ne ima na loo ẹtin hia, ne a sẹtin daeyi ighẹ akugbe ne orhiọn nọhuanrẹn rhie ne ọmwa, vbekpa ọfunmwegbe ne ọ dee ima hia kugbe.’ (Efis. 4:2, 3) Ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha ya ekhọe hia yabọ, te ima gha  dia iziro ọghe ima rhunmwuda ahoẹmwọmwa “i vin ọgbọ emwi abakuru.” (1 Kọr. 13:4, 5) Ma ghaa mu ohu etẹn ima, ma sẹtin do khian oghian iran, ọna sẹtin vbe ya ima khian oghian e Jehova. (Mat. 6:​14, 15) Ma ghaa na erhunmwu ne emwa ni ru abakuru daa ima, te ima rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima ya ekhọe hia yabọ iran.—Luk 6:27, 28.

16. De aro nọ khẹke ne ima ya gha ghee ukpamuyọmọ vbe otu e Jehova?

16 Gha mu ọghe emwa ọvbehe ye okaro. Ma ghaa mwẹ ukpamuyọmọ vbe otu e Jehova, ọ khẹke nọ gha rhiegbe ma vbe uyinmwẹ ima wẹẹ, ẹi re ‘ọghe enegbe ima ọkpa ma rẹnrẹn, ọ kere ne ima vbe gha rẹn ọghe emwa ọvbehe.’ Ọna gha rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko. (1 Kọr. 10:24) Vbe igiemwi, avbe ukọ ni su ọmwa ẹre ọ ka sẹ asikoko. Iran i sinmwi ehe nọ maan sẹ khẹ ẹgbẹe iran, nọghayayerriọ, ehe ne etẹn ọvbehe ni die asikoko khian tota yi ọre iwinna nọ mu iran. Ne iran na mu ọghe etẹn ọvbehe ye okaro, te iran rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata ma. Vbua khian ya sẹtin ya egbe taa igiemwi esi na hẹ?

17. De emwi ne ahoẹmwọmwa ọghe ẹmwata ya ọmwa nọ ru orukhọ nọ wegbe ru?

17 Miẹn orukhọ ruẹ kue, ne u vbe zobọ vbọ. Etẹn eso ni ru orukhọ nọ wegbe keghi gbe gue ẹre rhunwmuda ekhue ra ne iran ghẹ ya ekhue mu emwa ni sikẹ iran. (Itan 28:13) Uyinmwẹ vberriọ i maan rhunmwuda ọ ya obọ lọghọ ọmwa nọ ru orukhọ kevbe emwa ọvbehe. Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghe Jehova i ghi loo vbe iko ne ọmwa vberriọ ye. Emwi vbenian sẹtin si olighi ye iko. (Ẹfis. 4:30) ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko, ẹre ọ ya etẹn ni ru orukhọ nọ wegbe, miẹn emwi ne iran ru kue ma ediọn, ne ediọn mieke na ru iyobọ nọ khẹke ne iran.—Jems 5:14, 15.

18. De vbene ahoẹmwọmwa nọ sẹ otọ ẹko ru ekpataki sẹ hẹ?

18 Ahoẹmwọmwa ọre akpa nọ ghi hiunsi sẹ. (1 Kọr. 13:13) Ọ keghi re ama ne a ya rẹn ima zẹvbe erhuanegbe Jesu kevbe emwa ni ya egbe ta e Jehova nọ re Ẹzi ọghe ahoẹmwọmwa. (Ẹfis. 5:1, 2) E Pọl keghi kha wẹẹ: “Adeghẹ imẹ i mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa, emwi kẹkan ọre I khin.” (1 Kọr. 13:2) Nọnaghiyerriọ, ‘gi ahoẹmwọmwa ne u rhiema gha re ọghe ẹmwata kevbe ne a lekpae uyinmwẹ rẹn.’