LIVING AS CHRISTIANS Uphold Jehovah’s Moral StandardsJehovah God sets the standard of morality for humans. For instance, he decrees that marriage is a permanent union between a man and a woman. (Mt 19:4-6, 9) He condemns all types of sexual immorality. (1Co 6:9, 10) He even provides principles regarding dress and grooming that set his people apart. In today’s world, many people reject Jehovah’s standards. (Ro 1:18-32) They allow popular opinion to influence their dress and grooming and their conduct. Many flaunt their gross wrongdoing and criticize those who live by a different standard. As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we must courageously uphold God’s moral standards. (Ro 12:9) How? We should tactfully make known what is acceptable to him. But we also need to maintain a high standard in our own life. For instance, when selecting styles of dress and grooming, we might ask ourselves: ‘Do my choices reflect Jehovah’s standards or the world’s? Does my dress and grooming identify me as a God-fearing Christian?’ Or when choosing a program or a movie to watch, we might ask ourselves: ‘Would Jehovah approve of this program? Whose standards of morality does it promote? Might my choice of entertainment weaken my moral defenses? (Ps 101:3) Could it be a stumbling block to family members or others?’ Why is it so important that we uphold Jehovah’s moral standards? Christ Jesus will soon destroy the nations and all wickedness. (Eze 9:4-7) Only those who are doing the will of God will remain. (1Jo 2:15-17) Let us, then, champion Jehovah’s moral standards so that eyewitnesses of our good conduct may glorify God. What do my choices of dress and grooming say about my moral standards? WATCH THE VIDEO BECOME JEHOVAH’S FRIEND
UYINMWẸ ỌGHE IMA NE IVBIOTU E KRISTI Ku Obọ Gbe Ba Ilele Ọghe JehovaE Jehova keghi mwẹ ilele nọ dekaan uyinmwẹ ne irẹn hoo ne emwa nagbọn gha lele. Vbe igiemwi, ọ hoo ne okpia gha rhie okhuo ọkpa kevbe ne iran rọnmwẹ egbe sẹ ota. (Mat 19:4-6, 9) Irẹn keghi gbe ikhan ye uyinmwẹ esakan nọ rhirhi gha khin. (1 Kọr 6:9, 10) Ọ vbe mwẹ ilele nọ dekaan odẹ na ya muegbe kevbe na ya tegbe nọ gha ya eguọmwadia ọghẹe lughaen ne emwa ọvbehe.—Diut 22:5; 1 Tim 2:9, 10. Vbe agbọn ne ima ye na, emwa nibun i ya avbe ilele ọghe Jehova ru emwi. (Rom 1:18-32) Iran keghi hoo ne iran gua usun ro vbe nọ dekaan vbene a ya muegbe, vbene a ya tegbe kevbe odẹ na ya yin. Ekhue enegbe iran i mu iran, iran gha kue miẹn ọmwa nọ ru emwi esi, iran ghi gha ghee ẹre ọzuọ.—1 Pit 4:3, 4. Zẹvbe Osẹe Jehova, te ima gha ya udinmwẹ ku obọ gbe ba avbe ilele ọghe Osanobua. (Rom 12:9) De vbene ima khian ya ru ọna hẹ? Te ima gha fẹko gi emwa rẹn emwi nọ yẹẹ e Jehova. Te ọ khẹke ne ima vbe gha ya ilele nọ gbae ru emwi vbe arrọọ ọghe ima. Vbe igiemwi, adeghẹ ima khian muegbe kpa vbe owa, ma sẹtin nọ egbe ima wẹẹ: ‘Ukpọn ne I yọ na ra odẹ ne I ya tegbe gua ilele ọghe Jehova ro ra, ra ọghe agbọn na nọ? Ọ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ọmwa nọ mwẹ imuohan Osanobua ẹre imẹ khin ra?’ Ra ima ke ghee ughe rhọkpa, ma sẹtin nọ egbe ima wẹẹ: ‘Ọna gha ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova ra? Ilele ọghe Osanobua ẹre ọ dekaan ra, ra ọghe agbọn na nọ? Ughe na gha ru iyobọ mẹ ya sẹtin da egbe mwẹ yi vbe I gha werriẹ aro daa edanmwẹ ra? (Psm 101:3) Ọna gha sẹtin khian okuta irhuawẹ ne ẹgbẹe mwẹ ra emwa ọvbehe ra?’—1 Kọr 10:31-33. Vbọsiẹ ne ọ na khẹke ne ima ku obọ gbe ba avbe ilele ọghe Jehova? Jesu Kristi gha rherhe do guọghọ agbọn na vbene ọ gha na wabọ emwi dan hia rua. (Ezik 9:4-7) Emwa ni ru ahoo ọghe Jehova ọkpa ẹre ọ khian gha rre agbọn na. (1 Jọn 2:15-17) Nọnaghiyerriọ, gima ku obọ gbe ba avbe ilele ọghe Jehova ne emwa mieke na gha lekpae uyinmwẹ esi ọghe ima rhie uyi ne Osanobua.—1 Pit 2:11, 12. De aro ọmwa ne emwa ghee mwẹ ẹre, vbe I gha muegbe ladian? VBE A GHA GHI GHEE ẸRE FO NẸ IGHE NE VIDIO DO GHA RE ỌSE ỌGHE JEHOVA—ỌDỌ ỌKPA VBE OKHUO ỌKPA, U GHI ZẸ EWANNIẸ YE AVBE INỌTA NA: