LIVING AS CHRISTIANS Find Delight in Preaching the Good NewsHave you ever found it difficult to preach? Many of us would answer yes to that question. Why? Maybe we regularly face apathy or hostility in our territory or we fear talking to strangers. Certainly, these things can dampen our joy. Yet, we worship the happy God who wants us to serve him with rejoicing. (Ps 100:2; 1Ti 1:11) What are three good reasons to delight in preaching? First, we declare a message of hope. Although hope is diminishing in society today, we can fill people’s hearts with “good news of something better.” (Isa 52:7) But the good news of God’s Kingdom can also fill us with joy. Before going out to preach, meditate on the blessings that God’s Kingdom will bring to the earth. Second, the good news we preach benefits people physically and spiritually. They learn to abandon harmful practices and gain the prospect of everlasting life. (Isa 48:17, 18; Ro 1:16) We can imagine ourselves in a search-and-rescue work. Even though some people do not want to be rescued, we keep on searching for those who do. Third, and most important, our preaching honors Jehovah. He highly values our witnessing work. (Isa 43:10; Heb 6:10) Furthermore, he generously gives us his holy spirit to accomplish this work. Therefore, beg Jehovah for joy, a product of holy spirit. (Ga 5:22) With his help, we can overcome our anxieties and preach with boldness. (Ac 4:31) Then, regardless of the response in our territory, we will find delight in our assignment to preach. Which disposition would you like to have in the ministry? How can you reflect joy? WATCH THE VIDEO REGAIN JOY THROUGH STUDY AND MEDITATION, AND THEN ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:
UYINMWẸ ỌGHE IMA NE IVBIOTU E KRISTI Gi Iwinna Ikporhu Iyẹn Nọ Maan Gha Yẹẹ RuẹUwẹ he ka miẹn isievẹn rhọkpa vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ẹdẹ ra? Ma hia wa werriẹ aro daa isievẹn ughughan. Vbọsiẹ? Egbọre emwa ni rre ẹdogbo ne ima na kporhu i danmwehọ, ra ohan sẹtin vbe gha mu ima vbe ima gha khian gu ọmwa na ma rẹn ẹdẹ guan. Vbene ẹmwata, ọna sẹtin wa gbe orhiọn ye ima iwu. Ọrheyerriọ, ọ khẹke ne ima rẹn wẹẹ Osa ọghe oghọghọ ẹre ima ga kevbe wẹẹ ọ hoo ne ima gha sọyẹnmwẹ vbe ima gha ga irẹn. (Psm 100:2; 1 Tim 1:11) De emwi eha kpataki nọ gha ya iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan gha sẹ ima ọyẹnmwẹ? Nokaro, igiuhunmwu ọghe ayayẹro ẹre ima ya wewe. Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ emwa nagbọn ma ghi rẹn eke na ghi rrie vbe agbọn na, ma gha sẹtin kporhu “iyẹn ne ọ maan” ma iran. (Aiz 52:7) Iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba Osanobua na, wa vbe ya ima sọyẹnmwẹ. U ke kpa vbe owa ya kporhu, muẹn roro afiangbe ne emwa nagbọn khian miẹn vbe ototọ Arriọba Osanobua. Nogieva, iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe ima keghi ru iyobọ ne emwa vbe odẹ ọghe ikpakpa kevbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Ọ keghi ru iyobọ ne iran, ne iran ya zobọ vbe emwi dan, ne iran mieke na gha mwẹ ayayẹro ọghe arrọọ ọghe etẹbitẹ. (Aiz 48:17, 18; Rom 1:16) Iwinna ọghe ima keghi dekaan na gualọ emwa, na miẹn iran fan. Adeghẹ emwa eso ma hoo ne iran miẹnfan, ima ghi sẹ iran rae ya gualọ emwa ni hoo ne iran miẹnfan.—Mat 10:11-14. Nogieha nọ ghi wa ru ekpataki sẹ ọre wẹẹ, iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe ima keghi rhie uyi gie Jehova. Aro nọ ghaan ẹre ọ wa ya ghee iwinna ọghe ima. (Aiz 43:10; Hib 6:10) Yevbesọni, ọ keghi rhie orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghẹe ne ima, ne ima ya sẹtin musọe vbe iwinna na. Nọnaghiyerriọ, ọ khẹke ne ima rinmwia e Jehova nọ ya ima gha mwẹ oghọghọ rhunmwuda, oghọghọ keghi re ọkpa vbe ọmọ ọghe orhiọn nọhuanrẹn. (Gal 5:22) Osanobua gha rre ima iyeke, ohan rhọkpa i khian mu ima vbe ima gha kporhu. (Iwinna 4:31) Ẹghẹ nii, ima ghi gha sọyẹnmwẹ vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe ima agharhemiẹn wẹẹ ima werriẹ aro daa isievẹn vbe ako ne ima na kporhu.—Ezik 3:3. De aro nọ khẹke ne u ya gha ghee iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan? Vbua khian ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ u sọyẹnmwẹ ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan? VBE A GHA GHI GHEE ẸRE FO NẸ IGHE NE VIDIO U GHA SẸTIN SỌYẸNMWẸ IWINNA IKPORHU DEGHẸ U NA GHA RUẸ NE EGBUẸ ẸSE, U GHI ZẸ EWANNIẸ YE AVBE INỌTA NA: