How Can the Bible Help Me?

How Can the Bible Help Me?


The Bible says that “all Scripture is inspired of God.” (2 Timothy 3:16) If this is true, then the Bible can give you the direction you need.


Imagine this scenario: David is driving in an area where nothing looks familiar. The street signs and landmarks show that he is not where he should be by now. David realizes that he is lost. He must have taken a wrong turn at some point in his journey.

If you were David, what would you do?


You have several options:

  1. Ask for directions.

  2. Consult a map, or use a GPS.

  3. Keep driving, hoping that somehow you will find your way.

Obviously, Option C is the least effective.

Option B has an advantage over the first. After all, a map or a GPS will be at hand throughout the journey, helping you to guide your course.

The Bible can help you in a similar way!

This best-selling book can

  • guide you through life’s problems

  • help you to learn about yourself and become a better person

  • show you how to have the best life ever


From the moment we can talk, we ask questions.

  • Why is the sky blue?

  • What are the stars made of?

Later we begin to ask questions about the world around us.

What if the answers to those questions have been in the Bible all along?

Many people say that the Bible is full of myths and legends, that it’s outdated, or that it’s just too hard to understand. But is the Bible really the problem, or is what people have heard about the Bible the real problem? Could they be misinformed?

For example, people think that the Bible says that God controls the world. But how could that be? This world is out of control! It is full of pain and suffering, sickness and death, poverty and disaster. How could a loving God be responsible for all of this?

Would you like to know the answer? What the Bible says about who controls the world may surprise you!

Likely you noticed that the advice found in this brochure is based on the Bible. Jehovah’s Witnesses are convinced that the Bible is a reliable source of guidance. That’s because it is “inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight.” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) You owe it to yourself to examine this ancient—yet modern—book!


De Vbene Baibol Khian Ya Ru Iyobọ Mẹ Hẹ?

De Vbene Baibol Khian Ya Ru Iyobọ Mẹ Hẹ?


E Baibol khare wẹẹ “Rhunmwuda, Osanobua ẹre ọ rhie ẹre ye iran ekhọe ighẹ emwa ni gbẹnnẹ avbe Ebe nii hia.” (2 Timoti 3:16) Adeghẹ ẹmwata ẹre ọna khin, e Baibol gha sẹtin rhie adia nọ khẹke nuẹ kherriọ.


Ghee igiemwi na ghee: E Devid fi imọto khian vbe eke nọ ma rẹn ẹdẹ. Eni idunmwu nọ rre esanbọd nọ bẹghe i re eke nọ te khẹke nọ gha ye. E Devid na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ te irẹn wa wii na. Egbọre ọ mwẹ eke ne ọ na ba odẹ ku.

Adeghẹ uwẹ ọre Devid, de emwi ne uwẹ gha te ru?


Emwi bun ne u gha sẹtin ru:

  1. Tama ọmwa nọ gie odẹ ma ruẹ.

  2. Ghee emapu ra GPS.

  3. Ye gha fi imọto khian, egbọre u gha domian sẹ eke ne u rrie.

Ọ dewuarorua wẹẹ nogieha ma zẹdẹ deyọ.

Nogieva ẹre ọ maan sẹ nokaro. A gha gele wẹẹ ne a ghee ẹre, u gha sẹtin gha ghee emapu ra GPS khian, u ke ya sẹ eke ne u rrie.

Egbe odẹ vberriọ ẹre Baibol khian vbe ya ru iyobọ nuẹ!

E Baibol nọre ebe nọ ghi kpọ sẹ, gha sẹtin

  • dia ruẹ vbuwe ọlọghọmwa nọ rhirhi gha khin ne u werriẹ aro daa

  • ru iyobọ nuẹ ya rẹn aro ọmwa ne u khin kevbe ne u ya khian ọmwa nọ rẹn enegbe

  • giẹre ma ruẹ ighẹ arrọọ nọ ghi maan sẹ


Ma gha wa suẹn gha guan nẹ zẹvbe ọmobọ, ẹghẹ nii ẹre ima ke nọ ọta.

  • Vbọsiẹ ne iso na mwẹ egbe ona vbenia?

  • De ọmwa nọ yi avbe orhọnmwẹ?

Ma gha ghi wan nẹ, ma ghi do gha nọ ọta ni dekaan emwi ni sunu vbe agbọn.

  • Vbọsiẹ ne emwi dan na sunu?

  • Vbọsiẹ ne emwa na wulo?

Adeghẹ ewanniẹ ọnrẹn rre uwu e Baibol ke otọ gha dee ghi vbo?

Emwa nibun keghi kha wẹẹ okha ọghe ohoghe ẹre ọ gba e Baibol, emwa vbe kha wẹẹ ai ghi loo ẹre kevbe wẹẹ, ọ lọghọ na rẹn otọre. Ebe nẹi gia loo ẹre Baibol gele khin ra, ra iziro ọghe emwa ni ya aro vberriọ ghee ẹre, ẹre ọ ma gba? Ra obọ emwa ni rhaan otọre ma iran ẹre ọ ye?

Vbe igiemwi, emwa keghi roro wẹẹ e Baibol khare wẹẹ Osanobua ẹre ọ kha yan agbọn na. Sokpan vbọ ya re Osanobua hẹ? Agbọn na wa lighua! Ọ vuọn ne obalọ kevbe usẹ, emianmwẹ kevbe uwu, ogue kevbe oguomirẹ. Vbe Osanobua nọ mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa khian gha mwẹ obọ vbe ena hia hẹ?

Uwẹ gha hoo ne u rẹn ewanniẹ ọghe avbe inọta na ra? Ọmwa ne Baibol khare wẹẹ ọ kha yan agbọn na sẹtin kpa ruẹ odin!

Egbọre u yẹrẹro nẹ wẹẹ, ẹmwẹ ibude ni rre ebe ẹmu na keghi hẹnhẹn egbe yan e Baibol. Avbe Osẹe Jehova wa yaeyi wẹẹ ibude kevbe adia nọ rre Baibol keghi re nọ gia hẹnhẹn egbe yan. Evbọ ya iran yaeyi ọre wẹẹ, “Osanobua ọre ọ rhie ẹre ye iran ekhọe ighẹ emwa ni gbẹnnẹ avbe Ebe nii hia, ọ keghi vbe re emwi esiesi ne a ya ma emwa emwi ẹmwata ni, ne a ya gbe ọmwa hin ọkhọ rre, ne a ya rhie emwi ne a ma ru ẹse ye vbe ne ọ te kei yi.” (2 Timoti 3:16, 17) Ọ keghi bi yọ ruẹ egbe ne u zanzan e Baibol ghee. Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ ẹghẹ nẹdẹ ere a gbọẹn, te ọ wa yevbe na ghee ebe na gbẹn vbe ẹghẹ ne ima ye na!