A Kingdom That Will Rule the Whole Earth

A Kingdom That Will Rule the Whole Earth

Can you guess what Kingdom we are talking about?— Yes, it is God’s Kingdom, the Kingdom that will make the earth a paradise. Would you like to learn more about this Kingdom?—

Every kingdom has a king. And the king rules over the people of his land. Do you know who the King of God’s Kingdom is?— It is Jesus Christ. He lives in heaven. Soon he will be King over everyone on earth! Do you think we will be happy when Jesus is King over the whole earth?—

What do you look forward to in Paradise?

We will be very happy! In Paradise, people will not fight or go to war anymore. Everyone will love one another. Nobody will get sick or die. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, and those who cannot walk will be able to run and jump. Everyone will have plenty to eat. And animals will be friends with one another and with us. People who have died will come back to life. Many of the men and women you have learned about in this brochure like Rebekah, Rahab, David, and Elijah will come back to life too!  Would you like to meet them when they come back?—

Jehovah loves you and wants you to be happy. If you keep learning about Jehovah and obeying him, you will be able to live forever in a beautiful paradise! Is that what you want?—


Arriọba Nọ Khian Kha Yan Otagbọn Hia

Arriọba Nọ Khian Kha Yan Otagbọn Hia

U gha sẹtin sunnu yi Arriọba ne ima guan kan na ra?— Ẹẹn, ọ keghi re Arriọba ọghe Osanobua. Arriọba na, ẹre ọ khian ye otagbọn na khian e Paradais. U gha hoo nu ruẹ sayọ vbekpae Arriọba na ra?—

Arriọba hia keghi mwẹ Ọba. Ne Ọba ẹre ọ kha yan emwa ni rre otọẹvbo ẹre. Wẹ rẹn ọmwa nọre Ọba ọghe Arriọba Osanobua ra?— Jesu Kristi nọ. Ẹrinmwi ẹre ọ ye. Vbe nẹi khian ghi kpẹ gbe, irẹn gha doo gha re Ọba ọghe emwa hia ni rre otagbọn na! Wẹ roro ẹre wẹẹ, ma gha sọyẹnmwẹ vbe ẹghẹ ne Jesu khian ya gha kha zẹvbe Ọba yan otagbọn hia ra?—

De emwi ne uwẹ ye aro yi vbe paradais nọ dee?

Ma gha sọyẹnmwẹ ẹsẹsẹmwẹse! Vbe Paradais, emwa i khian gha gbinna ra niran werriegbe gha khọn okuo. Emwa hia ghi hoẹmwẹ egbe. Ọmwa rhọkpa i rrọọ nọ khian ghi wu ra nọ khian ghi khuọnmwi. Avbe arhuaro ghi do gha bẹghe, avbe ayenhọ ghi do gha họn ẹmwẹ, avbe uke ghi doo gha san yo san rre. Emwa hia ghi doo miẹn evbare gha re wọrhọwọrhọ. Avbe aranmwẹ ghi doo gha gu emwa nagbọn kevbe egbe iran ru ọse. Emwa ni wulo nẹ, ghi werriegbe doo gha rrọọ. Avbe ikpia kevbe ikhuo nibun nu he ruẹ kaẹn vbe ebe ẹmu na, vbene Rebeka, Rehab, Devid, kevbe Ẹlaija ye, gha werriegbe  doo gha rrọọ! U gha hoo nu miẹn  iran vbe iran gha werriegbe rre ra?—

E Jehova hoẹmwẹ ruẹ kevbe wẹẹ, ọ hoo nu gha mwẹ oghghọ. Adeghẹ u na ye gha ruẹ vbekpaẹ Jehova kevbe u na gha họn ẹmwẹ nẹ, u gha sẹtin doo gha rrọọ vbe etẹbitẹ vbe paradise ne mosemose! Wẹ hoo nu wẹ vbe gha rrọọ vbe etẹbitẹ ra?—


  • Aizaia 2:4; 11:6-9; 25:8; 33:24; 35:5, 6

  • Jọn 5:28, 29; 17:3