They Wrote About Jesus

They Wrote About Jesus

Do you see the men in the picture?— They are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, James, Jude, and Paul. These men all lived at the same time as Jesus, and they wrote about Jesus. Let’s learn more about them.

What do you know about these men?

Three of them were apostles who preached with Jesus. Do you know which three?— Matthew, John, and Peter. The apostles Matthew and John knew Jesus very well, and they each wrote a book about Jesus’  life. The apostle John also wrote a book called Revelation and three letters called First John, Second John, and Third John. The apostle Peter wrote two letters that are in the Bible. They are called First Peter and Second Peter. In his second letter, Peter wrote about the time when Jehovah spoke from heaven and said about Jesus: ‘This is my son. I love him, and I am proud of him.’

The other men in the picture also teach us about Jesus in the books that they wrote. One of them is Mark. He was probably there when Jesus was arrested and saw everything that happened. Another one is Luke. He was a medical doctor and probably became a Christian after Jesus died.

Two other Bible writers that you see in the picture were Jesus’ younger brothers. Do you know their names?— Their names are James and Jude. At first, they did not believe in Jesus. They even thought he was a bit crazy. But they later believed in Jesus and became Christians.

The last Bible writer you see in the picture is Paul. Before he became a Christian, his name was Saul. He hated Christians and was very mean to them. Do you know what made Paul want to become a Christian?— One day, Paul was traveling on the road when he suddenly heard someone speak to him from heaven. It was Jesus! He asked Paul: ‘Why are you so mean to those who believe in me?’ After that, Paul changed and became a Christian. Paul wrote 14 books of the Bible, Romans through Hebrews.

We read the Bible every day, don’t we?— By reading the Bible, we learn many things about Jesus. Would you like to learn more about Jesus?—


Iran Gbẹnnẹ Ebe Vbekpae Jesu

Iran Gbẹnnẹ Ebe Vbekpae Jesu

U bẹghe ikpia ni rre efoto na ra?— Iran keghi re Matiu, Mak, Luk, Jọn, Pita, Jems, Jud kevbe Pọl. Ẹghẹ ọkpa ẹre avbe ikpia na kevbe Jesu ya gha rre agbọn. Gia ruẹ sayọ vbekpae iran.

Vbua rẹn vbekpae ikpia na?

Iran eha vbọ kegha re avbe ukọ ni deba Jesu gha kporhu. Wẹ rẹn iran eha nọ khin ra?— Iran eha na ọre Matiu, Jọn kevbe Pita. Ukọ Matiu kevbe Jọn rẹn Jesu ẹsẹsẹmwẹse, kevbe wẹẹ, iran vbe gbẹn ebe vbekpae arrọọ ọghe Jesu. Ukọ  Jọn vbe gbẹn ebe na tiẹre Arhie Maan kevbe ebe eha na tiẹre Jọn nokaro, Jọn nogieva, kevbe Jọn nogieha. Ukọ Pita gbẹn ebe eva ni rre uwe Baibol. A keghi tie ebe eva na Pita nokaro kevbe Pita nogieva. Vbe ebe ọghẹe nogieva, Pita gbẹn vbekpae ẹghẹ ne Jehova na guan ke ẹrinmwi rre, kevbe ọ na vbe kha vbekpae Jesu: ‘ovbimwẹ nokpia ẹre na khin. I hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn, kevbe wẹẹ, ọmọ ne I ya hio ẹre nọ.’

Ikpia nikẹre ni rre efoto na, vbe ma ima emwi vbekpae Jesu vbe ebe niran gbẹnnẹ. Ọkpa vbuwe iran ọre Mak. Ọ gha kẹ, ọ ghaa rre evba vbe ẹghẹ na ya mue Jesu kevbe wẹẹ, ọ bẹghe emwi hia nọ sunnu. Okpia ọvbehe nọ vbe rre evba ọre Luk. Ọbo ebo ẹre ghaa nọ, kevbe wẹẹ, egbọre vbe iyeke Jesu wu nẹ, ẹre ọ na do khian Ovbiotu e Kristi.

Arhunmwu eva ọvbehe ni gbẹn e Baibol nu bẹghe vbe foto na, ke ghaa re etien Jesu ne kherhe. Wẹ rẹn eni na tie iran ra?— Eni ọghe iran ọre Jems kevbe Jud. Vbe okaro, iran ma ye Jesu yi. Iran na kue gha hoo wẹẹ, ọ yevbe nọ mwẹmwẹ. Sokpan iran ye Jesu yi vbe okiekie kevbe iran na do khian Ovbiotu Kristi.

Ọmwa nokiekie nọ rre usun emwa ni gbẹn e Baibol nọ rre efoto na, ọre Pọl. A te miẹn wẹẹ, ọ khian Ovbiotu e Kristi, e Sọl ẹre a ghaa tiẹre. Ọ wa gha khẹko Ivbiotu e Kristi, kevbe ọ na gha ru iran khọ. Wẹ rẹn emwi nọ zẹẹ ne Pọl na gha hoo nọ khian Ovbiotu e Kristi ra?— Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, vbe Pọl ghi khian vbe odẹ, ọ keghi họn vbe udomwurri vbe ọmwa ke ẹrinmwi guẹ guan. Jesu ghaa nọ! Ọ na nọ e Pọl wẹẹ, ‘Vbọzẹ nu na wa ru emwa ni ya mwẹ yi khọ vberriọ?’ Vbe iyeke ọni, e Pọl na fiwerriẹ, kevbe ọ na do khian Ovbiotu e Kristi. E Pọl keghi gbẹn ebe 14 ọghe Baibol, ọni ọre ebe Rom ya sẹ ebe Hibru.

Ẹdẹgbegbe ma ya tie Baibol, ra ẹre erriọ?— Lekpae Baibol na tie, ma keghi ruẹ emwi nibun vbekpae Jesu. U hoo nu ruẹ sayọ vbekpae Jesu ra?—


  • 2 Pita 1:16-18

  • Mak 3:21; 14:51

  • Jud 1

  • Iwinna 9:1-18