LESSON 5 Samuel Kept Doing What Was RightFrom the time Samuel was very young, he lived and worked at the tabernacle, the place where people came to worship Jehovah. Do you know how Samuel got to be at the tabernacle? Let’s first learn about Samuel’s mother, Hannah. For a long time, Hannah could not have a baby even though she really wanted one. So she prayed to Jehovah and begged him to help her. She promised that if she had a son, she would send him to live and work at the tabernacle. Jehovah answered her prayer, and she had a son. She named him Samuel. And just as Hannah had promised, when Samuel was three or four years old, she took him to the tabernacle to serve God there. Eli was the high priest at the tabernacle. His two sons also worked there. Remember, the tabernacle was God’s house of worship, and people are supposed to do good things there. But Eli’s sons were doing very bad things. Samuel saw what they were doing. Did Samuel do bad things as Eli’s sons did?— No, he kept doing what was right, just as his parents had taught him to do. What do you think Eli should have done about his two sons?— He should have punished them. He should not have allowed them to work at God’s house anymore. But Eli did not do that, so Jehovah was angry with him and his two sons. Jehovah decided to punish them. Samuel gave Jehovah’s message to Eli One night when Samuel was sleeping, he heard someone calling him: ‘Samuel!’ He ran to Eli, but Eli said: ‘I did not call you.’ This happened two more times. After the third time, Eli told Samuel that if he heard the voice again, he should say: ‘Please, Jehovah, speak; I am listening.’ So that is what Samuel did. Then Jehovah said to Samuel: ‘Tell Eli that I will punish his family for the bad things they have done.’ Do you think it was easy for Samuel to give Eli this message?— No, it was not. But even though Samuel was afraid, he did what Jehovah told him to do. What Jehovah said came true. Eli’s two sons were killed, and Eli died too. Samuel is a good example for us. He did what was right even though he saw other people doing bad things. What about you? Will you be like Samuel and keep doing what is right? If you do, you will make both Jehovah and your parents happy. READ IN YOUR BIBLE |
IRUẸMWI 5 E Samuẹl Wa Gha Ru Emwi Esi Vbe Ẹghẹ HiaKe ẹghẹ ọvbokhan gha de, ẹre Samuẹl ke wa gha rrọọ vbe ibọkpọ ọghe Osanobua, ọ na vbe gha winna vba. Ibọkpọ na, ẹre emwa na do gha ga e Jehova. Wẹ rẹn vbene Samuẹl do ya gha rre ibọkpọ ni hẹ ra? Gia ka ruẹ nẹ, vbekpae iye Samuẹl ighẹ Hanna. Vbe ẹghẹ nọ kpẹre, Hanna wa gha gualọ ọmọ, sokpan ọ ma miẹn. Ọ na ghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova nọ ru iyobọ nẹ. Irẹn na ghi ru eyan wẹẹ, adeghẹ irẹn na sẹtin bie ọmokpia, irẹn ghi rhiẹre ya ye owa ọghe Osanobua nọ gha winna vba. E Jehova keghi họn erhunmwu ọghẹe, ọ na ghi bie ọmokpia. Eni nọ mu nẹ ọre Samuẹl. Zẹ vbene Hanna yan rẹn, vbe Samuẹl ghi rre odẹ ukpo eha ra enẹ, ọ na rhie ẹre gha rrie ne ibọkpọ nọ gha ga e Jehova vba. Ogiohẹn ẹre Elai ghaa khin vbe ne ibọkpọ. Ivbiẹre nikpia eva na vbe gha ga vba. Yerre wẹẹ, ne ibọkpọ keghi re owa ugamwẹ ọghe Osanobua, kevbe ọ khẹke ne emwa gha ru emwi nọma vbe vba. Sokpan ivbie Elai nikpia na wa gha ru emwi dan ne sẹlẹkẹ. E Samuẹl bẹghe emwi niran ghaa ru. E Samuẹl deba ivbie Elai gha ru emwi dan ra? De emwi ne uwẹ roro wẹẹ, ọ khẹke ne Elai ru vbekpae ivbiẹre?— Ọ te khẹke nọ rrie iran oya. Ọ ma te khẹke nọ ye kue niran gha ga vbe owa ọghe Osanobua. Sokpan Elai ma ru vberriọ, rhunmwuda ọni, ohu ẹre kevbe ọghe ivbiẹre nikpia eva kegha mu e Jehova. E Jehova na ghi tae wẹẹ, te irẹn khian rrie iran oya. E Samuẹl tama Elai uhunmwiu ne Jehova gie Vbe asọn ọkpa vbe Samuẹl ghi vbiẹ, ọ keghi họn vbe ọmwa tiẹre: ‘Samuẹl!’ Ọ na rhulẹ bu Elai, sokpan Elai na kha wẹ, ‘I ma tie ruẹ.’ Emwi na keghi werriegbe sunnu igbava. Vbe iyeke nogieha, Elai na tama Samuẹl wẹẹ, ọ gha werriegbe họn vbe ọmwa tiẹre, ọ ghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Lahọ gu mwẹ guan e Jehova, I danmwehọ.’ Erriọ e Samuẹl rure. Ẹre Jehova na ghi tama e Samuẹl wẹẹ, ‘Tama Elai wẹẹ, te I khian rrie ẹgbẹ ọre oya ye emwi dan niran he ru.’ We roro ẹre wẹẹ, ọ wa khuẹrhẹ ne Samuẹl nọ ta ẹmwẹ na ma Elai ra? Uyinmwẹ ọghe Samuẹl keghi re nọma nima gha ye egbe taa. Ọ ru emwi nọma, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, ọ bẹghe ẹre vbe emwa ọvbehe ru emwi dan. Uwẹ vbe vbo? Wẹ gha ye egbe ta e Samuẹl nu gha ru emwi nọma vbe ẹghẹ hia ra? U gha ru vberriọ, u gha ye ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn erha, iyuẹ, kevbe Jehova. TIẸRE VBE BAIBOL RUẸ