Rahab Believed in Jehovah

Rahab Believed in Jehovah

Let’s pretend that we are in the city of Jericho. This city is in the land of Canaan, where the people do not believe in Jehovah. A woman named Rahab lives here.

When Rahab was a young girl, she heard stories about how Moses parted the Red Sea and led the Israelites out of Egypt. She also heard about how Jehovah helped them to win the wars against their enemies. Now she hears that the Israelites are camped near Jericho!

Rahab protected the spies because she believed in Jehovah

One evening, two Israelites go to Jericho to spy on the city. They come to Rahab’s house. She invites them to come in and stay. During the night, the king of Jericho finds out that spies are in the city and that they have gone to Rahab’s house. So the king sends men to get them. Rahab hides the two spies on the flat roof of her house and tells the king’s men: ‘The spies were here, but they have already left the city. If you go now, you can still catch them!’ Do you know why Rahab is protecting the spies?— Because she believes in Jehovah and knows that he will give the land of Canaan to the Israelites.

Before the spies leave Rahab’s house, they promise that she and her family will be safe when Jericho is destroyed. Do you know what they tell her to do?— They say: ‘Take this red rope, and hang it out of your window. If you do, everyone who is in your house will be safe.’ Rahab does exactly what the spies tell her to do. Do you know what happens next?—

Jehovah saved Rahab and her family

A few days later, the Israelites march around the city in silence. For six days they march around the city, one time each day. But on the seventh day, they march around the city seven times. Then they all shout loudly. Jehovah makes the walls around the city come crashing down. But the house with the red rope hanging out of the window is still standing! Can you see it in the picture?— Rahab and her family are saved!

 What can you learn from Rahab?— Rahab believed in Jehovah because of all the wonderful things she learned about him. You too are learning many wonderful things about Jehovah. Do you believe in him as Rahab did?— We know that you do!


E Rehab Ya E Jehova Yi

E Rehab Ya E Jehova Yi

Gie a ba kha wẹẹ, ma rre ẹvbo ọghe Jẹriko. Okpẹvbo na rre otọ ọghe kena. Emwa ni rre ẹvbo na ma ya e Jehova yi. Okhuo ọkpa na tiẹre Rehab keghi rre ẹvbọ na.

Vbe ẹghẹ ne Rehab na gha re ovbialeke, ọ họn okha ọghe vbene Mozis ya waa okun nọ baa ye ihe eva hẹ, kevbe ọ na su ivbie Izrẹl ladian vbe otọe Igipt. Ọ vbe họn vbene Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne iran ya khọn muobọ yan ikẹga vbe obọ avbe eghian ọghe iran. Nia, irẹn họn wẹẹ, ivbie Izrẹl bu agọ sikẹ Jẹriko!

E Rehab ma gie obọ vba ikpia ni do baba ẹvbo ni ghe, rhunmwuda irẹn ya e Jehova yi

Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa vbe ẹghẹ ota, Ivbie Izrẹl eva na gha rrie Jẹriko, ya ba ne ẹvbo ghe. Iran na gha die owa ọghe Rehab. Ọ na kue ne iran la owa. Vbe ẹghẹ asọn, iyẹn na se obọ ọba ọghe Jẹriko wẹẹ, emwa eso rre do baba ẹvbo ni ghe, kevbe wẹẹ, iran rrie owa ọghe Rehab. Rhunmwuda ọni, ne ọba na ghi gie ikpia eso ne iran ya viọ iran rre. E Rehab na ghi viọ ikpia ni do baba ẹvbo ni ghe lẹre ye uhun owa ọghẹe. Ikpia ne Ọba gie ghi rre, ọ na tama iran wẹẹ, ‘Ikpia ni do baba ẹvbo ghe sẹ emwa, sokpan iran kpa nẹ. Wa gha wa zẹ iran khu nia, wa gha ye mu iran!’ Wẹ rẹn evbọzẹ ne Rehab ma na hoo ne obọ vba ikpia na, ni do baba ẹvbo ghe ra?Rhunmwuda ọ ya e Jehova yi kevbe ọ vbe rẹn wẹẹ, ọ gha mu otọ ghe kena nẹ Ivbie Izrẹl.

A te miẹn wẹẹ, ikpia ni do baba ẹvbo ghe kpa hiẹn owa ọghe Rehab rre, iran keghi yan ma rẹn wẹẹ, irẹn kevbe ẹgbẹ ọre gha miẹfan vbe ẹghẹ na gha ya guọghọ e Jẹriko. U rẹn emwi ne iran tama rẹn nọ ru ra?— Iran na wẹẹ: ‘Mie irri nọ baa na, nu dẹ re ye windo ruẹ. U gha ru vberriọ, emwa hia ni rre uwe owa ruẹ gha miẹfan.’ E Rehab keghi ru vberriọ zẹẹ, vbene iran tama rẹn. U rẹn emwi nọ ghi sunnu vbe iyeke ọni ra?

E Jehova miẹn e Rehab kevbe ẹgbẹe ọre fan

Vbe iyeke ikpẹdẹ eso vba, ivbie Izrẹl na fẹko su igiawẹ lẹga ẹvbo nii. Ikpẹdẹ ehan ẹre iran ya lẹga ẹvbo ni, uhukpa vbe ẹdẹ ọkpọkpa. Sokpan ọ ghi rre ẹdẹ nogie ihinrọn, iran na su igiawẹ lẹga ẹvbo ni igba ihinrọn. Vbe iyeko ọni iran hia na da van. E Jehova na ruẹ ne ogba ọghe ekẹn nọ lẹga ẹvbo ni guọghọ kua. Sokpan owa na dẹ irri nọ baa ye windo ọghẹe, na ye mudia!  U bẹghe ẹre vbe foto na ra?E Rehab kevbe ẹgbẹe ọre na miẹfan!

De emwi nu khian miẹn ruẹ vbe obọ e Rehab?E Rehab keghi ya e Jehova yi rhunmwuda emwi ọyunnua hia ne irẹn họn vbekpa re. Erriọ uwẹ vbe ruẹ emwi ọyunnua nibun vbekpa e Jehova. Wẹ ya e Jehova yi vbene Rehab vbe gha ye ra?— Ma rẹnrẹn ghẹ u ya re yi.


  • Jọsua 2:1-24; 6:1-5, 14, 15, 20-25

  • Hibru 11:31