Who Really Controls the World?Do you think it is . . .
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS“The Evil One controls the whole world.” “The Son of God came . . . to destroy the devil’s work.” WHAT THAT CAN MEAN FOR YOULogical explanations for the world’s problems. Reason to believe that our world will change for the better. CAN WE REALLY BELIEVE WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS?Yes, for at least three reasons:
TO THINK ABOUTWhat will the world be like after its ruler is removed? The Bible answers that question at PSALM 37:10, 11 and REVELATION 21:3, 4. |
De Ọmwa Nọ Gele Kha Yan Agbọn Na?Wẹ roro ẹre wẹẹ . . .
EMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE“Agbọn na hia fẹrẹ keghi rre ototọ ẹtin ọghe ọmwa dan nii.” “Te Ovbie Osanobua rre . . . nọ do guọghọ iwinna esu rua.” ODẸ NẸ IYAYI NA KHIAN YA RU IYOBỌ NUẸỌ gha ya ruẹ rẹn ototọ emwi nọ sie ọlọghọmwa ọghe agbọn na. Ọni gha vbe zẹẹ ne ima gha na yaeyi wẹẹ, agbọn na gha fiwerriẹ do maan sẹ vbene ọ ye na. MA GHA SẸTIN GELE YAEYI EMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE RA?Ẹẹn, rhunmwuda emwi eha:
EMWI NỌ KHẸKE NU MU RORODe vbene agbọn na khian ghi gha ye hẹ, vbe a gha ghi suare fua nẹ ighẹ ọmwa nọ kha yan rẹn? Ne Baibol rhie ewanniẹ ye inọta nii vbe ebe PSALM 37: |