SONG 147

Life Everlasting Is Promised

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Life Everlasting Is Promised

(Psalm 37:29)

  1. 1. Life everlasting is promised.

    Our earthly home will endure.

    ‘Meek ones will thrive,’ said the psalmist.

    This grand future is sure.


    We can live forever.

    It’s worth all endeavor.

    God’s promise is faithful.

    His Word will come true.

  2. 2. Paradise brought to perfection;

    All of God’s children set free.

    Under Jehovah’s direction,

    Peace on earth we will see.


    We can live forever.

    It’s worth all endeavor.

    God’s promise is faithful.

    His Word will come true.

  3. 3. Soon in the grand resurrection,

    Sorrow will all disappear.

    Showering tender affection,

    God will dry ev’ry tear.


    We can live forever.

    It’s worth all endeavor.

    God’s promise is faithful.

    His Word will come true.


 IHUAN 147

Eyan Ọghe Arrọọ Etẹbitẹ

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Eyan Ọghe Arrọọ Etẹbitẹ

(Psalm 37:29)

  1. 1. Agbọn ọgh’ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ


    Ẹr’Osa khian vi’emwa rẹn yi

    Zẹvbe nọ rueyan rẹn.


    Agbọn ’gh’ọfunmwegbe

    Kevb’ọghe ’tẹbitẹ,

    Ẹr’Osa ne ’rha mwa

    Khian ya fiangb’ima.

  2. 2. Jehova n’Osanobua mwa

    Gha y’emwi hia khiọn gh’ọgbọn.

    Te ’gbe khian wa rọkh’emwa hia.

    Ai ghi mi’ọlọghọmwa.


    Agbọn ’gh’ọfunmwegbe

    Kevb’ọghe ’tẹbitẹ,

    Ẹr’Osa ne ’rha mwa

    Khian ya fiangb’ima.

  3. 3. Ma gha y’oghọghọ gbọbokhian

    Ne ’mwa ni khian rhiọkpaegbe.

    Ma mwẹ ’lẹkẹtin w’Osa mwa

    Gha mueyan rẹn hia sẹ.


    Agbọn ’gh’ọfunmwegbe

    Kevb’ọghe ’tẹbitẹ,

    Ẹr’Osa ne ’rha mwa

    Khian ya fiangb’ima.

(Vbe ya ghee Aiz 25:8; Luk 23:43; Jọn 11:25; Arhie 21:4.)