SONG 140

Life Without End​—At Last!

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Life Without End​—At Last!

(John 3:16)

  1. 1. Can you see with your mind’s eye,

    Peoples dwelling together?

    Sorrow has passed. Peace at last!

    Life without tears or pain.


    Sing out with joy of heart!

    You too can have a part.

    Live for the day when you’ll say,

    “Life without end, at last!”

  2. 2. In those days all will be young,

    All at peace with Jehovah.

    Troubles are gone, from now on,

    No need to weep or fear.


    Sing out with joy of heart!

    You too can have a part.

    Live for the day when you’ll say,

    “Life without end, at last!”

  3. 3. Paradise all will enjoy

    As we sing of God’s glory.

    Long as we live, we will give

    Honor and praise to God.


    Sing out with joy of heart!

    You too can have a part.

    Live for the day when you’ll say,

    “Life without end, at last!”


 IHUAN 140

Ima I Khian Sẹtin Ghọghọ!

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Ima I Khian Sẹtin Ghọghọ!

(Jọn 3:16)

  1. 1. Arriọba ọgh’Osa mwa

    Ẹr’ima wa yaro yi.

    Ọfunmwegbe vb’isọkẹn

    Ẹr’ọ khian rhie gi’ ’ma.


    Ekhọe ọghomwa hia

    Ma khian ya kpọnmw’Osa

    Vb’agbọn ’gh’ọgbọn gha rre nẹ.

    Mai khian sẹtin ghọghọ!

  2. 2. Avb’ọmaẹn do fiwerriẹ,

    Iran ghi do khiọn vbokhan.

    Ai ghi mi’uwu kevb’akhiẹ.

    Ai ghi mi’usẹ hiehie.


    Ekhọe ọghomwa hia

    Ma khian ya kpọnmw’Osa

    Vb’agbọn ’gh’ọgbọn gha rre nẹ.

    Mai khian sẹtin ghọghọ!

  3. 3. Ọyẹnmwẹ gha rre ’he hia.

    Egbe ghi rọkh’emwa hia.

    Emwi rhọkpa ghi siohan

    Kevb’afianma hiehie.


    Ekhọe ọghomwa hia

    Ma khian ya kpọnmw’Osa

    Vb’agbọn ’gh’ọgbọn gha rre nẹ.

    Mai khian sẹtin ghọghọ!

(Vbe ya ghee Job 33:25; Psm 72:7; Arhie 21:4.)