SONG 139

See Yourself When All Is New

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See Yourself When All Is New

(Revelation 21:1-5)

  1. 1. Just see yourself, just see me too;

    Just see us all in a world that is new.

    Think how you’ll feel, how it will be,

    To live in peace, to be truly free.

    No evil one will then prevail;

    Rule by our God cannot ever fail.

    The time will have come for a new earthly start,

    The song of our praises

    will pour out from our heart:


    “We thank you, our God, for all you have done.

    All things are new by the rule of your Son.

    The fullness of our heart overflows in our song;

    All glory and honor and praise to you belong.”

  2.  2. Now see yourself, and see me too;

    And look ahead to a world that is new.

    No sight we see, no sound we hear

    Will cause alarm or give rise to fear.

    All has come true, just as he said;

    Now over mankind, his tent is spread.

    He now will awaken those sleeping in death;

    Their voices will join ours with

    ev’ry grateful breath:


    “We thank you, our God, for all you have done.

    All things are new by the rule of your Son.

    The fullness of our heart overflows in our song;

    All glory and honor and praise to you belong.”


 IHUAN 139

Gha Mu Agbọn Ọghe Ọgbọn Roro

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Gha Mu Agbọn Ọghe Ọgbọn Roro

(Arhie Maan 21:1-5)

  1. 1. Gha muẹn roro vbuwe ’khọe ruẹ,

    Vben’agbọn ọgh’ọgbọn khian gha ye hẹ.

    Ọfunmwegbe kevb’oghọghọ

    Ghi do gha rre ’he hia vb’otagbọn.

    Ai ghi mi’eve kevb’obalọ;

    Egbe ghi wa rọkh’emwa nagbọn.

    Osanobua gha rhi’afiangbe ne ’mwa hia.

    Ma ghi y’ekhọe hia

    gha sihuan ọghe ’kpọnmwẹ:


    “Osa ne ’rha mwa, ma rhie ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ.

    Arriọba ruẹ y’emwi hia khiọn gh’ọgbọn.

    Ma keghi y’ekhọe hia sihuan ọgh’urhomwẹ.

    Wẹ sẹ n’ima gha rhi’ugamwẹ kevb’uyi na.”

  2.  2. Gha muẹn roro vbuwe ’khọe ruẹ,

    Agbọn ’gh’ọgbọn n’Osa mwamwa khẹ ’ma.

    Ai ghi mi’emwi rhọkpa hiehie

    Nọ khian y’ima gha mwọhanmumwẹ.

    Ma hia gha rrọọ vbuw’akugbe.

    Enọyanmwa gha gbarogh’ima.

    Ọ ghi huẹn ’mwa ni wulo kpaegbe vb’idin;

    Iran ghi debaima

    gha rhie ’kpọnmwẹ n’Osa:


    “Osa ne ’rha mwa, ma rhie ’kpọnmwẹ nuẹ.

    Arriọba ruẹ y’emwi hia khiọn gh’ọgbọn.

    Ma keghi y’ekhọe hia sihuan ọgh’urhomwẹ.

    Wẹ sẹ n’ima gha rhi’ugamwẹ kevb’uyi na.”

(Vbe ya ghee Psm 37:10, 11; Aiz 65:17; Jọn 5:28; 2 Pit 3:13.)