SONG 136

“A Perfect Wage” From Jehovah

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“A Perfect Wage” From Jehovah

(Ruth 2:12)

  1. 1. Jehovah is faithful and fully aware

    Of all those who serve him whole-souled.

    He knows there are times their devotion and zeal

    Result in their loss as foretold.

    If you have left houses or fam’ly or friends,

    Be sure that our God knows the sum.

    He makes it up now with our dear brotherhood

    And life in the new world to come.


    May Jehovah reward what you have done.

    May he provide a perfect wage for you.

    May you find refuge beneath his wings.

    Jehovah is faithful; Jehovah is true.

  2. 2. At times we may feel that our lot in this life

    Has burdened us more than our share.

    And sometimes it seems that the cares of the day

    Are more than we’re able to bear.

    The God of all comfort takes note of your need;

    You know he’s the Hearer of prayer.

    His Word and his spirit and true, loving friends

    Will bring to you comfort and care.


    May Jehovah reward what you have done.

    May he provide a perfect wage for you.

    May you find refuge beneath his wings.

    Jehovah is faithful; Jehovah is true.


 IHUAN 136

E Jehova “Gha San” Ima Ẹse Vbe Odẹ Nọkhua

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
E Jehova “Gha San” Ima Ẹse Vbe Odẹ Nọkhua

(Rut 2:12)

  1. 1. Jehova gha rhi’afiangbe ne ’mwa rẹn hia

    Ni y’ekhọe hia rhiegbe ladian.

    ’Rẹn keghi wa rẹn emwi n’iran sẹ rae

    Vb’iran ghi yegbe fiohan nẹ.

    Nibun wa sẹ ’gbẹe kevb’owa ’gh’iran rae,

    Rhun’d’iwinna ọgh’Arriọba.

    Sokpan avbe ’tẹn na mwẹ ’fe ọgh’orhiọn

    Nọ y’iran ghọghọ vb’ẹghẹ hia.


    Jehova ne ’rha mwa gha san ruẹ ’se;

    Ẹi khian miami’ ’winna ọghuẹ hiehie.

    Ọ wa khẹke nu muẹtin yan rẹn.

    Jehova gha t’ẹmwẹ, t’ọ wa vbe muẹn sẹ.

  2. 2. Ẹgh’okieki’ẹdẹ na keghi wa wegbe;

    Agbọn na wa vuọn n’orhikhan.

    Isievẹn wa bun n’ima werri’aro daa,

    Nọ wa zẹdia yegbe wuẹ ma.

    Sokpan Osa mwa n’ima rhi’ugamwẹ na,

    Keghi wa rhi’ ’fuẹko n’ima.

    Ọ wa vbe loetẹn kevb’orhiọn nọhuanrẹn

    Ya rhi’ẹtin kevb’ẹrhiọn n’ima.


    Jehova ne ’rha mwa gha san ruẹ ’se;

    Ẹi khian miami’ ’winna ọghuẹ hiehie.

    Ọ wa khẹke nu muẹtin yan rẹn.

    Jehova gha t’ẹmwẹ, t’ọ wa vbe muẹn sẹ.

(Vbe ya ghee Giọg 11:38-40; Aiz 41:10.)