SONG 135

Jehovah’s Warm Appeal: “Be Wise, My Son”

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Jehovah’s Warm Appeal: “Be Wise, My Son”

(Proverbs 27:11)

  1. 1. Young man and young woman,

    do give your heart to me.

    My foe who now taunts me

    will then be made to see.

    Your youth and devotion

    to me you freely give;

    You show all the world

    that for me you really live.


    Beloved son and precious daughter,

    Be wise and make my heart rejoice,

    That out of your own heart you serve me,

    And offer praise by your own choice.

  2. 2. Rejoice and take pleasure

    in giving me your all,

    And though you may stumble,

    I’ll raise you if you fall.

    No matter who fails you

    or proves to be untrue,

    Take comfort in knowing

    I’ll always cherish you.


    Beloved son and precious daughter,

    Be wise and make my heart rejoice,

    That out of your own heart you serve me,

    And offer praise by your own choice.


 IHUAN 135

Irinmwia Ọghe Jehova: “Gha Wan Ovbi Mwẹ”

Zẹ Errẹkọdi Na ya Ehọ Viọ
Irinmwia Ọghe Jehova: “Gha Wan Ovbi Mwẹ”

(Itan 27:11)

  1. 1. Ọmokpia, ọmokhuo,

    yegbe ruẹ fiohan mẹ,

    Ne ’khue mieke na wa mueghian

    mwẹ nọ zan mwẹ.

    ’Vbi mwẹ, I hoo nu wa

    y’ekhọe ruẹ hia ga mwẹ;

    Giemwa hia rẹn ruẹ

    y’ọmwa nọ lel’odẹ mwẹ.


    Ọvbokhunvbi kevb’adesusu,

    Gha waan, n’ẹko gha rhiẹnrhiẹn mwẹ.

    Ugamwẹ vb’urhomwẹ nu rhie mẹ,

    Giẹ gha re nọ ke ’khọe ruẹ rre.

  2. 2. Iwinna nu ru mẹ,

    giẹ gha sẹ ru’ọyẹnmwẹ.

    U gha dobọ rhua ’wẹ,

    I gha si ruẹ kpaegbe.

    Emwa sẹtin ruemwi

    nọ gha yegbe wọọ ruẹ,

    Giahoẹmwẹ n’I mwẹ

    daa ruẹ gha rhi’ ’fuẹko nuẹ.


    Ọvbokhunvbi kevb’adesusu,

    Gha waan, n’ẹko gha rhiẹnrhiẹn mwẹ.

    Ugamwẹ vb’urhomwẹ nu rhie mẹ,

    Giẹ gha re nọ ke ’khọe ruẹ rre.

(Vbe ya ghee Diut 6:5; Asan 11:9; Aiz 41:13.)